Bro-band feud! Eldest Hanson brother criticizes Kings of Leon for bad attitude

Photo: Lego

Two sibling bands, both alike in dignity, may have sparked a new family feud on the music scene: Kings of Leon (composed of the three brothers Followill and their cousin) vs. Hanson (three brothers, no cousin).

Isaac Hanson, 30, has called out the Kings for canceling their U.S. tour, saying the band has let their fans down. "The Kings of Leon guys are running some risks. They're irritating people; you can't do that too much," Hanson told "Eventually the bad boy image affects fans' willingness to show up."

In case you wondered how he felt about it, Hanson added, "I have a hard time with musicians who act like pricks."

"Everybody has their demons, everyone has their challenges," he continued. "But you've gotta temper it because your fans are there. … I don't wash my dirty laundry in public. I do my dirty laundry backstage."

Kings of Leon famously cancelled their tour after frontman Caleb Followill suffered an onstage breakdown on July 29 in Dallas. Followill left the stage citing heat exhaustion, abandoning the show midway through performing; his brother Jared, however, later wrote on Twitter that there were "internal sicknesses & problems that have needed to be addressed." Caleb has since been put on vocal rest.

Family band squabbles—internal ones, at least—are nothing new in pop music (see: Oasis, The Jackson 5, the Kinks). Still, though, a developing feud between musical clans? Better still, between two bands whose members, by curious coincidence, almost all go by their middle names? …You've gotta admit, it's tantalizingly rife with tribal smackdown potential certainly an intriguing prospect.

Where do you stand, Music Mix readers? Team Hanson or Team Followill?


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