Aerosmith to record new album this summer? Tyler says he and Perry 'just smoked the peace pipe'

It wasn’t long ago that newbie reality TV judge Steven Tyler introduced the idiom “—- a duck and see what hatches” to unsuspecting American Idol audiences, and it looks like he’s taking his own advice to heart.

According to his Twitter feed, Tyler has buried the hatchet with long-time songwriting partner/bitter rival Joe Perry and Aerosmith are on their way to “rock’in your worlds this summer by locking our selves away somewhere w/ guitars and drums.” Guitars and drums? Who could ask for more!

Tyler says the return of Aerosmith is reason to “rejoice,” and if the classic rockers are following in the footsteps of their 2004 album, he’s not lying. Honkin’ on Bobo was a late-career highlight, showcasing the band returning to their blues-rock roots and eschewing the watered-down arena rock that ended up making them a perfect soundtrack for Mrs. Euphegenia Doubtfire air-guitaring on a broom.

(Speaking of men dressed up as sizable sassy matrons, did you know if you put their last names together you get Tyler Perry? Coincidence or evidence of an intelligent design to our universe? You decide.)

But how did the bickering Bert and Ernie of boogie-rock finally get back on the same page? In Steven Tyler’s own inimitable Twitter prose, they “sent smoke signals…shot the s— and chewed the fat for the last year,” but it wasn’t until the ceremonial smoking of the “peace pipe” that they finally decided to record a new album.

Might this have something to do with the fact that sales of Aerosmith’s greatest hits collections have increased 250 percent since the self-proclaimed “demon of screamin'” began his Idol judging stint? Don’t be so cynical! Aerosmith’s reason for reuniting probably has more to do with an earlier tweet from Tyler: “Shawn[sic] White’s strumming up a storm and would throw down on some new Aero,” he said on February 28. Obviously, that’s why Perry and Tyler are so eager to put their differences aside: who doesn’t want to get saucy in the studio with the Flying Tomato on guitar?

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