Man tears photo of A.C. Slater off bathroom wall, gets arrested


Image Credit: Everett CollectionIf you’re going to go to a bar called Mullets, maybe you should expect to see a picture or two of Saved By the Bell‘s A.C. Slater. But one patron at the Homer Glen, Ill. sports bar was apparently enraged by the site of a framed image of Mario Lopez’s teen heartthrob — and he tore it from its “place of pride above a urinal and [smashed] it on the floor,” according to the Chicago Tribune. “‘I just don’t like Slater,’ the man reportedly told the owner.” The owner called the police in what I can only assume is the best phone call the police have ever, ever gotten.

I’m not sure anyone’s picture in a bathroom could offend me or enrage me so much so that I felt the need to rip it from the wall, but alcohol is a hell of a drug, so, never say never I guess.

Tap into that inner rage, PopWatchers, and let’s hear it: What character’s photo would you angrily tear from a bar bathroom wall? Plus, how can you not like Slater?!

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