Snugarena: The latest dance craze? Let's hope not.

Confession: I have a Snuggie. My grandmother, known for shelling out money for all kinds of ridiculous infomercial products, sent me two Snuggies (with the accompanying book light) when I was in college. And, of course, I used them with pride. I really thought I had reached full Snuggie potential. But all that changed in 30 seconds when I saw the newest commercial for the blanket with sleeves:

Call me crazy, but all this time I had been reading and watching TV with my Snuggie on. Clearly, I had it all wrong. This commercial opens a whole new world of opportunities. Did you know the Snuggie was perfect for hula-hooping on your bed? And, perhaps more importantly, doing the "Snugarena," a tribute to the '90s cult classic the Macarena? (I particularly enjoy the older woman at the 0:18 mark with her leopard-print Snuggie. Let's be friends!)

And it gets better/worse. According to the official Snuggie YouTube page, this fall will see the launch of a whole series of "Snugarena" commercials with different, lyrics, designs, and scenes. Oh happy day!

Now I know the Snuggie has provided warmth for many people, but there's a line, people. And as far as I'm concerned, the "Snugarena" just crossed it. The only good that will come of this is another Snuggie parody. What do you think, PopWatchers? Does this new commercial make you love or hate the Snuggie more? And are you prepared for the onslaught of future commercials? And if they're really going to do this, what other '90s songs should Snuggie take on? (My ridiculous vote goes to House of Pain's "Jump Around.")

Read more:

Commercial stars: Who are they?

Snuggie warning: One size does NOT fit all.

PopWatch confessional: Have you named your Slanket?

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