Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on 'True Blood,' 'Grey's Anatomy,' 'Dexter,' 'House,' and more!

Image Credit: Prashant Gupta/HBO; Eric McCandless/ABC; Randy Tepper/ShowtimeGot a scoop request? An anonymous tip you’re dying to share? Just want to say hi? You can send any/all of the above to [email protected]

Question: Any chance Shonda Rhimes will do an about-face and give Derek and Meredith a real wedding on Grey’s Anatomy? She backed down on her “no babies” stance, so I’m hoping maybe she changed her mind about the wedding thing too. A girl can dream. —Rebecca

Ausiello: I did some snooping, and it appears the province of Shondaland still legally recognizes Post-It Note weddings. “I deeply appreciate the fans and how much they care about Meredith and Derek, but as a woman and a human being and the mother of a girl, I just feel like this idea that somebody in a big white dress is the be-all and end-all of human existence is a terrible message to send out,” maintains Rhimes. “I felt like Meredith and Derek’s choice to be together becomes a marriage of equals as opposed to some faux fairy tale. And while I love a good wedding, I felt like for Meredith, it was so counter to who she is as a human being. And I love the fact that Derek doesn’t need her to do it. I get why the fans want it; I’d probably want it too if I was just watching. But I literally feel sick every time I think about Meredith in a big white poufy dress.”

Question: At the end of the Grey’s Anatomy finale, Alex was still using a breathing tube. Are we sure he’s okay? —Rachel

Ausiello: We’re better than sure; we’re positive. Rhimes confirms that Alex is on the road to recovery. “He lived,” she assures me. “He [turned a corner].”

Question: You were such a good host at last night’s True Blood Ultimate Fan Experience. I only wish it could’ve gone on longer! —@42_theanswer

Ausiello: That’s what she said. [Beat] The good news? The party continues in Ask Ausiello in the form of this bloody good spoiler: I have it on good authority that episode 3 contains one of the most, ahem, twisted sex scenes in television history. Scratch that. I’m fairly certain it will go down as the most, ahem, twisted sex scene in television history.

Question: The True Blood premiere is almost here — scoop me! —Jason

Ausiello: What if I told you that at least three major characters will be shot in the forehead early in the season? What if I also told you there was a catch? Hit the comments with your answers!

Question: I’ve been loving all the Dexter scoop lately. More, please! —Rose

Ausiello: Remember Trinity’s family? As exec producer Sara Colleton reminds us, “They’re very much alive. And they will surely be telling the FBI about this guy named Kyle Butler who just came into their life and was there at odd times of the day.” In other Dexter news, Julia Stiles is officially on board for season 5. I’m told her deal closed on Tuesday.

Question: Whoa… what? Just heard from your frenemy that ABC is remaking Alias. I would love some details — you got any? —Jessica

Ausiello: Just this one: I can confirm that a reboot is in the very early discussion stage. My guess is nothing will come of it, but this is a crazy-ass business, so who the hell knows?

Question: I know it is still semi far away, but I just got my plane ticket to Comic-Con. Are you going this year? Will there be another Aushole get-together? —Taunja

Ausiello: Yes and hell to the yes. I’ll have more info on the second annual Aushole powwow soon, but sources confirm to me exclusively that it will be both bigger and better than last year’s modest poolside jamboree. In fact, I’m hearing talk of a possible **o**o*.

Question: Any Community scoop? I was so happy to see that Alison Brie made your Dream Emmy Nominations. —Kim

Ausiello: You weren’t the only one. Brie was pretty psyched about the unofficial nod herself. At last week’s L.A. premiere of Get Him to the Greek, the actress told my colleague Carrie Bell that her costar (and fellow Dream Emmy nominee) Danny Pudi broke the good news to her. “He texted me to say I should look at EW, and lo and behold, there was Michael Ausiello recommending me for an Emmy nomination,” she recalled. “That is so freaking cool. I was really so flattered, and it is so nice to feel like you are being recognized in that way. Even if the committee doesn’t listen to him, I feel like I have already won.” Doesn’t listen to me?! As if that’s even an option.

Question: It’s been ages since you scooped Mad Men. Whassup with that?! —Eric

Ausiello: Whassup is that there hasn’t been much Mad news to scoop — until now. Alison Brie confirmed to us at the aforementioned Greek premiere that not only is she returning for the show’s fourth season, but her alter ego, Trudy Campbell, is cooking up one helluva surprise for husband Pete. “To go back to Mad Men this summer after eight months of constant work on Community playing just about the opposite character was really daunting,” she conceded. “I was very nervous I’d forgotten how to be Trudy. But then you put on the clothes and get the hair done and it is like you never left. Welcome back to the ’60s. Without prodding, I’m like, ‘The pot roast is ready!'” Um, pot roast?! There’s going to be a pot roast in season 4?! Reminded of Mad Men creator Matt Weiner’s strict no-spoiler policy, Brie faux backtracked. “Uh-oh…I may get fired now,” she joked. “Great. S—. Thank God we got a second season of Community. But maybe I don’t make a pot roast. You never know. Maybe I’m just saying that to send you down the wrong scoop path. Insert evil laugh.” Insert me saying I love this woman!

Question: I am totally hooked on Community (especially after the season finale). Any scoops there? —Anne

Ausiello: As much as Alison Brie loved the cliff-hangery Annie-Jeff smooch, she’s worried about the havoc it could wreak in season 2. “It is a bit of a controversial thing,” she acknowledged. “I do think that she and Jeff have a special connection, but it may behoove them to just stay friends. I don’t like that it puts Annie and Britta’s relationship in jeopardy and could threaten the group dynamic. I hope that Annie and Britta are not enemies at any point next year. I have faith that it won’t get too soap opera-y. I don’t think I will be killing Britta’s dad, who turns out to be my dad also, but then I get amnesia and you realize it is my evil twin that did the whole thing.” Am I alone in thinking that, if done right, this could be an awesome story?

Question: How frakking perfect would Mary McDonnell be for the role of Chuck’s mom on Chuck? I’m having trouble imagining anyone else! —Maura

Ausiello: I like the way your mind works, Maura. My first choice remains Wonder Woman Lynda Carter, though. This gig has “golden lasso” and “invisible jet” written all over it.

Question: Any word on Damages? —Sheryl

Ausiello: Not a peep. I think it’s safe to say things are still not looking good. I think it’s also safe to say Rose Byrne is going to be fine either way. The actress was just cast opposite Kristen Wiig and Maya Rudolph in the Judd Apatow comedy Bridesmaids. “Maya is the one getting married, Kristen is the maid of honor, and I play one of the other bridesmaids,” Byrne explains. “Knock on wood that people like me in comedies because I would like to do many more. It is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while now. I’m geeked out about working with Kristen because she’s a brilliant comic and an amazing writer.”

Question: What do you do over the summer in between TV seasons? —Madison

Ausiello: Depends on what movie roles I’m offered, Madison. If nothing catches my eye, I usually just draw the blinds and continue cataloging my Smurf collection.

Question: Any House scoop?! —Dez

Ausiello: You bet, and straight from Doc Crankypants himself, no less. In the wake of this season’s (no pun intended) crushing finale, we may be about to meet a — gasp! — humbler House. As Hugh Laurie points out, when the M.D.’s patient died post-amputation, he was “suddenly rendered powerless. He suddenly [became], as we all are, that tiny little speck of dust floating in the cosmos, and he [realized] his smallness, insignificance, his inability to heal and save a life. He [was] undone at that moment, because he is someone who clings so fiercely to his own abilities that when those abilities just aren’t enough, he becomes nothing — or at least has to confront the possibility that he is nothing, as we all are in the grand scheme of things.”

Question: If Hugh Laurie doesn’t win an Emmy this year, I will start a riot! —Kameron

Ausiello: I can’t imagine it will come to that, Kam. The scene in which House — in front of Cuddy — told his patient that he wished his own leg had been amputated… that one alone oughta do the trick, don’t you think? And while Laurie himself would be the last person to speculate on his Emmy chances, even he recognized the power of the scene when he played it. “It sounds fanciful,” he tells me, “but I was very shaken by that sudden vulnerability, the truth he reveals because there is no alternative. He has to be open with this woman in order to save her. There is no more game-playing, no more trickery. He just has to tell her the truth. So you see sort of a naked House there in a way that is very startling.” He wasn’t the only one taken aback by the intensity of the material, either. “It was, for all of us, a very harrowing few days when we shot those scenes, including the one in the ambulance,” he recalls. “Very powerful stuff.”

Question: Are you ever going to tell us the answer to the blind item “Hot couple make love AND war“? —Cheryl

Ausiello: No.

Question: In your last Ask Ausiello, you mentioned that there would be an increased focus on Cary and his work with Glenn Childs next season on The Good Wife. Please tell me this means a lot more screen time for silver fox Titus Welliver. I’m tired of only seeing his talent and pretty eyes for a few minutes at a time! —Annie

Ausiello: I thought for sure that Cary’s job switch would lead to a series-regular upgrade for Welliver in season 2. But alas, a CBS insider tells me he’ll remain a recurring guest star.

Question: In light of the fact that Sweets and Daisy broke up in the finale, is it safe to say Carla Gallo is finished with Bones? —Amy

Ausiello: It is not safe to say that, and here’s why: “I will be back on Bones because the pilot I shot [Fox’s The Station] did not get picked up,” Gallo reports. “[The producers] told me they would find a place for me.” Whether Daisy has a fiancé to come back to remains to be seen. “My hope is that Dr. Sweets, my Lancelot, doesn’t totally punish me for having left for a year and that he hasn’t moved on. I am so worried that we will not be a couple anymore, [but] I think it would be totally justified for him to be mad or consider it over. Basically his fiancée said, ‘Peace out. See you in a year. My career is more important than our relationship.’ So I could understand the resentment. In real life, I would certainly be upset if someone did that to me. So I am so nervous. I don’t want him to move on. I love them together. They are great for each other. I think what will happen is that I will come back and be like, ‘We can be together now.’ And he’ll be like, ‘Uh, no. You crushed my heart, and this is who I met over the summer. Actually who I did over the summer.'” I actually think that’s a pretty good guess.

That’s a wrap! Please send questions, comments, and anonymous tips to [email protected]. Also, you can follow me on Twitter via @michaelausiello. Thanks for playing! (Additional reporting by Andy Patrick and Carrie Bell)

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