'Valentine's Day': Big box office predicted for bad movie. Who's going? Are you?

I don’t exactly shower Valentine’s Day with roses today in my review. That’s because it’s Crap, Actually! But I’m not alone: Check out Rotten Tomatoes before you accuse me of overdosing on cranky pills. Meanwhile, my EW colleague Nicole Sperling declares right here on this site that she predicts opening-weekend ticket receipts to reach into the trillions!–or at $50 million! So I’d like to spend this romantic weekend discussing the following with all of you, my dearest Valentines: Are you planning to go see Valentine’s Day? And if so, why? Is it Taylor Lautner, Taylor Swift, Ashton Kutcher, Jamie Foxx, Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, or Hector Elizondo who draws you like a bee to honey? Is it the urging of your own dearest Valentine?

Other topics for conversation between pauses to eat more chocolate: Do critics’ reviews influence you about this particular movie? Have you decided to go or not to go because of something you’ve read? In spite of something you read? Because of the trailer? In spite of the trailer? Are you choosing between Valentine’s Day and another title at the movie theater, and if so, which? Are you waiting to hear what your friends say? Do you think that if I, Lisa, hate it, it’s a good bet that you’ll like it, because I gave Twilight: New Moon a B+, so I must be crazy? Be specific — and as you always are (hah!) be nice. I’ll be checking in over the weekend, and will write more about critic-proof crowd-pleasers on Monday.



Image credit: Ron Batzdorff

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