Kanye West is back in the studio and getting inspired by...Maya Angelou?

It’s a shame there isn’t an award for First Celebrity Blog Post Of 2010 To Namecheck Maya Angelou. Because if there were, then the trophy-loving Kanye West would probably have just won it. In a new blog entry, the rapper announces that he is “back in the studio making music” and then proceeds to explain that his new role models are poets. “IT’S FUNNY HOW SO MANY RAPPERS GET WORSE AS THEIR CAREERS STRETCH OUT BUT TRUE POETS GET BETTER,” he writes, “WE WILL FOLLOW IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF MAYA ANGELOU, GIL SCOTT HERRON (sic) AND NINA SIMONE.”

As creative role models go, Mr. West could do worse than those three. And, certainly, I don’t recall Maya Angelou ever interrupting a Taylor Swift acceptance speech (though, of course, there was that unpleasant incident involving her and Ugly Kid Joe at the 1993 Kids’ Choice Awards. Don’t bother trying to YouTube it. I’m joking).

Anyone unfamiliar with the work of Gil Scott Heron, meanwhile, should definitely check out his classic track “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised” below.

Are you glad Kanye is back recording again? And what do you think of his new role models?


(Follow the Music Mix on Twitter: @EWMusicMix.)

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