Alexis Denisof starts shooting 'Dollhouse': Please play a suit-wearing badass


Sometimes you say you’d follow an actor anywhere, but then said actor ends up guesting on Private Practice and well… Luckily, Alexis Denisof’s new giga recurring role on Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse, which he started shooting today according to wife Alyson Hannigan’s Twitter feed — is far more appealing. I just read a rumor that Denisof is playing a senator on the show. (UPDATE: Fox tells me the character’s name is Sen. Daniel Perrin, and that he will be a thorn in the side of the Dollhouse — and Rossum Corp — through the season.) I’m torn: The man does know how to wear a suit, which he proved as Wesley on Buffy the Vampire Slayer*; but he also looked good as the casual-attired badass who, late in Angel‘s run, wasn’t afraid to pull double guns on The Beast or have hot sex with Lilah.

So, to recap: I’m okay with him playing a suit, as long as it gets dirty.

How are you hoping to see Denisof used on Dollhouse? How much have you missed him?

* And here.

More: The latest Dollhouse news

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