Nice. You made Jeremy Piven cry.


I trust you saw the news yesterday that Jeremy Piven avoided censure from Actors’ Equity over his abrupt exit from the Broadway show Speed-the-Plow in December, which he blamed on mercury poisoning. Well, after an official statement from his reps, he also gave an emotional interview to the NY Times during which he cried, not once, but twice recounting the utter exhaustion he felt during the play’s run. (Medical tests showed he had toxic levels of mercury, he says, due to his habit of eating fish twice a week for years.) “At times I was incapable of getting enough oxygen to get my lines out on stage, and sometimes I’d forget where I was in the play,” he said. “This misconception that I was out partying was wrong. My problem was that as soon as I woke up, I wanted to figure out a way to get back into bed.”

Now, I know a lot of you scoffed when you first heard that Ari Gold himself was claiming mercury poisoning. (I’m looking at you, David Mamet.) And I’m sure many of you rolled your eyes over sushi-gate. But read this Times interview, then come back and tell me: How bad do you feel now?

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