Stage by the numbers: 2007

The key stats from Broadway, including the record box office for ''Young Frankenstein''

Stage by the numbers: 2007

34 Shows opening on Broadway during 2007. A whopping 25 of them were plays; of those, 12 were original works. Only nine were musicals. Guess the play really was the thing.

470 Length in minutes of Tom Stoppard’s three-play Coast of Utopia — which many managed to see all in one day.

$1.85 Young Frankenstein‘s box office take, in millions, for the week ending Nov. 25 — a new Broadway record.


Biggest Tourist Attraction Fantasia. The American Idol brought ’em to Broadway’s Color Purple by the busload.

Best 79-year-old Play R.C. Sherriff’s WWI drama Journey’s End, beautifully (if briefly) revived on Broadway.

Best 79-year-old Playwright Edward Albee, who combined his ’01 Homelife with 1958’s Zoo Story for the terrific Peter and Jerry.

Least Popular Choreography Broadway stage-hands marching on picket lines for 19 days. The closest thing to a revival we want to see is next fall’s Billy Elliot — which features a miners’ strike.

Best Stage Re-creation of a Film Role Chloe, as the bulldog Rufus in Legally Blonde.

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