Pop culture hit and miss

Pop culture hit and miss -- We rate pop culture for the week of November 16, 2007, including Brian Williams on ''SNL,'' Chuck Norris' new book, and Tyra Banks

* Great names in Saturday Night Live history: Bill Murray, Eddie Murphy, Brian Williams
* Buffy vets Joss Whedon and Eliza Dushku team up to play in TV Dollhouse
* Super Tuesday: Celine, Alicia, Seal, Duran Duran all release albums

Near Misses
* Christmas in November. Thanks, Fred Claus
* Gizzie: one Grey’s Anatomy casualty we’d like to see

* A new book: The Truth About Chuck Norris: 400 Facts About the World’s Greatest Human
* Tyra Banks devotes an entire episode of her talk show to ladyparts
* Dear Heather Mills, Stop whining. Love, Bullseye

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