What should Tony and crew eat on Sundae night?


What do you want to see Tony and the remaining Sopranos clan (all 1.5 of them) chow on, Last Supper-style during Sunday’s finale? It’s tough. They’ve made some outstanding achievements in the consumption of cured meat, but there were also baked pastas, bialies, johnnycakes, a hilarious sushi phase, and that scaly fish that was also Big Pussy. I say they just pile all the MVPs into a sundae dish in the style of a Pizza Hut’s New Pizza Lovers Pizza Topped With Smaller Pizzas, then garnish it with a freshly seared sausage off Tony’s grill (pictured, plus ghost). Whatever they end up eating, the final scene will supposedly take place in the Glutton’s favorite ice cream parlor, Holsten’s. YUM.

In other Food & Drink Friday news, I’m leading a boycott against Mrs. Beasley’s cupcakes for catering to Princess Paris.Won’t you join me? It’s really easy. You just buy cupcakes from anyother bakery. I’m doing really well so far! It helps that I’ve neverheard of it and don’t live in L.A.

Finally, a new study— presumably conceived and carried out by total stoners — proves thatLetterman watchers eat 44 percent more potato chips than people whodon’t watch TV, while Leno watchers eat only 42 percent more. (Why soslack, Jay fans? Crunch all you want, he’ll make more.) Are theseresearchers serious? I hope so, because I’d like to be included in thenext study. Being “given chips and put in a room” is pretty much all Iever want. That and cupcakes.

Chow Ciao!

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