Meet the cast of ''Survivor: Pearl Islands''

Meet the cast of ''Survivor: Pearl Islands.'' CBS introduces the 16 competitors who'll vie for the $1 million jackpot while stranded in Panama

Survivor, Survivor: Pearl Islands
Photo: Survivor Pearl Island: Monty Brinton

Start placing your office pool bets: Will the jackpot go to the undertaker? The scout troop leader? The electrician? The massage therapist? Or one of the other 16 competitors CBS introduced on Thursday the or the seventh season of ”Survivor,” which debuts on Sept. 18? The contest takes place on Panama’s Pearl Islands, a locale whose pirate history CBS is playing up. The castaways, introduced on ”The Early Show,” will have to endure tropical weather conditions, frequent evocations of musty pirate lore, and Jeff Probst, in order to compete for the $1 million prize. They are:

Rupert Boneham, 39, a mentor for troubled teens, from Indianapolis
Tijuana Bradley, 27, pharmaceutical sales, from St. Louis
Shawn Cohen, 28, advertising sales, from New York City
Jon Dalton, 29, an art consultant from Danville, Va.
Nicole Delma, 25, a massage therapist from Hermosa Beach, Calif.
Sandra Diaz-Twine, 29, an office assistant from Fort Lewis, Wash.
Trish Dunn, 42, a sales executive from Annapolis, Md.
Christa Hastie, 24, a computer programmer from Los Angeles
Darrah Johnson, 22, a mortician from Liberty, Miss.
Lillian Morris, 51, a scout troop leader from in Cincinnati
Ryan Opray, 31, an electrician from Los Gatos, Calif.
Burton Roberts, 31, a marketing executive from San Francisco
Andrew Savage, 40, an attorney from Chicago
Ryan Shoulders, 23, a produce clerk from Clarksville, Tenn.
Osten Taylor, 27, an equity trade manager from Boston
Michelle Tesauro, 22, a student from Pittstown, N.J.

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