Newman's Bio Peek

A fair bit of bluster makes up the typical actor biography in Broadway’s venerable theater guide, Playbill. Paul Newman, whose resume is listed 18th among a cast of 23 comparative and total unknowns in the current smash revival of Our Town, took a decidedly more humble approach in penning his CV:

”PAUL NEWMAN (Stage Manager) is probably best known for his spectacularly successful food conglomerate. In addition to giving the profits to charity, he also ran Frank Sinatra out of the spaghetti sauce business. On the downside, the spaghetti sauce is outgrossing his films. He did graduate from Kenyon College magna cum lager…. Yale University later awarded him an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters for unknown reasons…. He is married to the best actress on the planet, was number 19 on Nixon’s enemy list, and purely by accident has done 51 films and four Broadway plays. He is generally considered by professionals to be the worst fisherman on the East Coast.”

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