Shallow Hal

Jack Black, Gwyneth Paltrow, ...
Photo: Shallow Hal: Glenn Watson

The Farrellys aren’t known for creating deep characters. But even in their dysfunctional universe, where heroes range from dumb to dumber, Jack Black’s Hal is a pretty superficial dude. Actually, says Black, ”Hal’s the shallowest person alive.”

Not much of a looker himself, Hal vows to date only model-caliber beauties. But it’s not really his fault, says Black. ”When Hal was a little kid, his dad’s on his deathbed and gives his son some real weird advice. He says: ‘Just go out with really young perfect 10s, because that’s what life is all about.”’

But when he meets Paltrow’s Rosemary, an obese woman whose inner Gwyneth is obscured by a fat suit, he falls hard. Through his smitten eyes he sees the slim Gwyneth. That’s when best friend Mauricio (whom Alexander calls ”the second shallowest man on the planet”) steps in. ”Hal falls for Gwyneth,” says Alexander. ”But Mauricio sees her as Ton-neth.” If all this heavy humor sounds like it might tick some moviegoers off, Black doesn’t see it. He insists, ”It’s pro?fat people!”

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