A sneak peek at Anakin Skywalker

EW has an exclusive shot of Hayden Christensen in ''Episode 2''

Hayden Christensen, Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Photo: Hayden Christensen: Sue Adler © 2000 LucasFilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorization

”When you put the belt on, there’s a little place where your lightsaber clicks in,” says Hayden Christensen, referring, of course, to the Anakin Skywalker costume he dons for ”Episode II” of ”Star Wars.” ”It’s just like, ‘Holy s—!”’

While you’ll have to wait until summer 2002 to see the 19 year old in action, Lucasfilm has released this exclusive shot of the man destined to become Darth Vader — and a rival to Justin Timberlake among the ”TRL” demographic. (Who knew young Jedis favor rattails?) Christensen, a virtual unknown before Lucas tapped him, took to wielding a lightsaber with full Force. ”It’s the most fun I’ve ever had in my life,” he swears. ”And to be honest, it was heavier than I expected.”

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