See You Reel Soon?

A list of the sequels we really want to see

Nice to see that Freddy’s back in theaters, but when is Hollywood going to make sequels we really want to see? A status report:

*With Speed careening toward home video (Nov. 15) after $121 million in ticket sales, Twentieth Century Fox is fast developing Speed II. ”We’ve already got [Speed director] Jan De Bont under contract, and negotiations are under way with Keanu Reeves,” says Fox senior executive vice president Tom Sherak. Actress Sandra Bullock is also being wooed back for a story line the studio won’t discuss, though it appears more romance is on the horizon. Says Sherak: ”Just think if the story started out with Keanu and Sandra’s characters being married, and then ”

*When last seen in Warner Bros.’ The Fugitive, U.S. marshal Tommy Lee Jones and his prey, Harrison Ford, were driving off together. So how will The Fugitive II get a man on the lam? ”We’re working on it,” promises producer Arnold Kopelson, who says co-screenwriter Jeb Stuart is writing a follow-up (it’s rumored to center on Jones’ law-enforcement team). The hitch? Neither Ford nor Jones — who won an Oscar for his performance — is contractually committed to another run. But Kopelson sounds confident. ”The first thing to do,” he says, ”is get a viable script.”

* With or without Sylvester Stallone, Cliffhanger will reportedly have a sequel. Called The Dam, it is said to involve — you guessed it — the Colorado River’s very own Hoover, which is plenty high and suitable for climbing. But before filming can begin, Carolco, which has an interest in the movie with TriStar, needs to climb out of its financial straits. In other words, don’t hold your breath.

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