'The Crying Game''s reveal

''The Crying Game'''s reveal -- Did Miramax give away the film's twist?

Is this fair? For weeks, critics reviewing The Crying Game have respected the wishes of its distributor, Miramax, and not given away one of the movie’s big plot twists. Now, two weeks after Game reached 150 screens, it looks as if Miramax has divulged the secret itself by suggesting in trade-magazine ads that Jaye Davidson be nominated for a Best Supporting Actor Oscar. That’s right, actor.

Miramax claims its secret is still intact. Gerry Rich, senior VP of marketing, says ”Jaye” is a gender-neutral name and ”the ads are merely reference points (for) Academy members. It’s not as if there were an ad with her picture next to it.” But The New York Times‘ Janet Maslin, whose 1,348-word profile of Davidson used no personal pronouns, believes Miramax has blown it: ”I think that’s really a shame. People have been protective of the secret because they like the film, and although Jaye Davidson should be recognized for her wonderful performance, I think it will hurt the film for some viewers.”

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