The Cutting Edge

Here it is: The Cutting Edge is the ultimate video date movie. D.B. Sweeney stars as an Olympic hockey star whose brilliant career is cut short by injury. Moira Kelly plays a figure-skating prima donna desperately seeking an Olympic partner. When Kelly’s Russian coach tracks Sweeney down in his blue-collar town and sets him loose in Kelly’s poor-little-rich-girl world, let the winter games begin. They fight bitterly, skate beautifully, and, eventually, flirt ferociously. Think Dirty Dancing meets Flashdance meets Ice Castles and you get the idea. But the sinewy stars have just enough spice to keep the shamelessly formulaic plot moving. And if the fast-paced, if repetitive, skating scenes don’t hold your interest, the Big Question — will they or won’t they? — surely will. B+

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