The latest movie reviews

See what we thought of ''Driving Miss Daisy,'' Born on the Fourth of July,'' ''Flashback,'' and more

The latest movie reviews

Born on the Fourth of July (R)
Filmmaker Oliver Stone (”Platoon”) delivers a Dolby-driven sermon on the gun mount that’s so inflated with purpose it doesn’t breathe. Video-smooth Tom Cruise can’t quite fathom Vietnam vet Ron Kovic, who is molded into a wailing paraplegic Christ figure shouldering the turmoil of a nation. C+

Driving Miss Daisy (PG)
Director Bruce Beresford’s tightly focused adaptation retains all the impact of its Pulitzer Prize-winning stage original. Jessica Tandy and Morgan Freeman give exceptional performances as the aging widow and the sage black chauffeur who enlightens her in the segregated South. A

Enemies, A Love Story (R)
With Isaac Bashevis Singer’s 1973 novel as his source, director Paul Mazursky (”Down and Out in Beverly Hills”) conducts a shimmering, adulterous roundelay akin to ”The Unbearable Lightness of Being.” Ron Silver, Lena Olin, and Anjelica Huston are marvelous as Holocaust survivors in 1949 New York. A

Flashback (R)
An execrable comedy that turns the ’60s into a series of marketing concepts — it does for protest marches and Day-Glo what ”Happy Days” did for the ’50s. Dennis Hopper plays an Abbie Hoffman-like rebel-showman who returns from the underground and ends up radicalizing a yuppie FBI agent (Kiefer Sutherland). Much prefab nostalgia, most of it aimed at those too young to have been there. F

Heart Condition (R)
Bigoted cop Bob Hoskins receives black lawyer Denzel Washington’s transplanted heart in the first antidrug, antiracist, anticholesterol comedy ever made. Good intentions aside, the film’s heavyweight cast sinks its flyweight script. D+

Internal Affairs (R)
Andy Garcia’s wonderfully implosive, ice-hot investigator burns villainous police rogue Richard Gere in an LAPD-style ”Heart of Darkness” thriller. It’s a sleek piece of high trash with the wrong name at the top of the credits. B-

Loose Cannons (R)
Just when you thought Hollywood had exhausted its buddy-cop format for the season, director Bob (”Porky’s”) Clark pairs hard-boiled veteran Gene Hackman with offbeat partner Dan Aykroyd, who under stress takes on multiple personalities. (Not made available for review.)

Madhouse (PG-13)
First-time director Tom Ropelewski’s comic tale of yuppie real estate angst finds John Larroquette and Kirstie Alley in their trendy Los Angeles dream house besieged by a horde of unwanted guests. (Not made available for review.)

Nightbreed (R)
One-man horror factory Clive Barker adapts ”Cabal,” his nightmarish fantasy novel about a wrongly accused man (Craig Sheffer) seeking refuge in a crumbling underground city of the dead and damned that’s crawling with monsters. David Cronenberg (director of ”The Fly” and ”Dead Ringers”) takes a turn in front of the camera as the evil psychiatrist. (Not made available for review.)

Revenge (R)
Amorous American Kevin Costner falls for the wife of his buddy — a ruthless Mexican power broker (Anthony Quinn) — and pays the price in an unbridled passion play from director Tony (”Top Gun”) Scott. (Not made available for review.)

Roger & Me (R)
Michael Moore’s controversial documentary on the General Motors plant closings in Flint, Mich., is a haunting yet surprisingly comic study of Reaganomics gone awry. GM Chairman Roger Smith takes the leftist hook squarely on the chin. A

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