Is-sessjoni plenarja
Thursday, 13 March
Is-sessjoni plenarja
F'riżoluzzjoni adottata l-Erbgħa, il-Parlament jgħid li l-UE issa hija l-alleat strateġiku primarju tal-Ukrajna u trid tgħin lill-pajjiż jirrispetta d-dritt tiegħu għall-awtodifiża.
Is-sessjoni plenarja
L-UE qed tiffaċċja żvolta u "l-istatus quo" m'għadux possibbiltà minħabba t-theddid u l-attakki kontra s-sigurtà Ewropea.
Is-sessjoni plenarja
Parliament urges the EU and members states to support Syria’s transitional forces and calls on Damascus to end historical alliances with Tehran and Moscow.
Is-sessjoni plenarja
On Wednesday, MEPs adopted two resolutions outlining their priorities for the next cycle of economic and social coordination between member states.
Is-sessjoni plenarja
On Wednesday, MEPs adopted a proposal by the Conference of Presidents (EP President Metsola and political group leaders) for Parliament’s 2026 calendar.
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MEPs have endorsed an agreement on transferring passenger name record (PNR) data from the EU to Canada, and on processing this data.
Is-sessjoni plenarja
Wednesday, 12 March
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Marking International Women’s Day, guests from Belarus and Ukraine, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, Palina Sharenda-Panasiuk, Leniie Umerova and Tata Kepler, addressed MEPs
Is-sessjoni plenarja
On Tuesday, the European Parliament gave its green light to a new support facility for Moldova, focusing on better financing and democratic oversight.
Is-sessjoni plenarja
On Tuesday, MEPs, the Polish Council Presidency, and Presidents Costa and von der Leyen debated the future of Europe’s security and strengthening EU defence capabilities.
Is-sessjoni plenarja
Tuesday, 11 March
The European Parliament will open an office in Albania to further strengthen its engagement with the Western Balkans.
The European Parliament will open an office in Moldova to further strengthen Parliament’s engagement with the Eastern Partnership region.
Is-sessjoni plenarja
European Parliament President Roberta Metsola opened the 10-13 March session with announcements on International Women’s Day and Parliament’s support for the people of Belarus and Ukraine.
Tagħrif addizzjonali
Din il-ġimgħa:L-avvenimenti li jmiss
Is-sessjoni plenarjaStrasburgu
Konferenzi stampaStrasbourg, Louise Weiss, N-1/201
Is-sessjoni plenarjaStrasburgu
Is-sessjoni plenarjaStrasburgu
Aġenda tal-President
Servizzi ta' Abbonament għall-Aħbarijiet
Agħżel x'tixtieq tirċievi mingħandna