Prof. Javier Ramos López
Rector of the Rey Juan Carlos University
EULiST Member
The European University of the Future
Rey Juan Carlos University in cooperation with 9 other leading Higher Education Institutions in the European Union, have initiated since 2020 the Alliance EULiST “European Universities Linking Society and Technology” that aims to be the central actor in a knowledge arena where education, research, innovation and society come together in the shared production of knowledge.
University of Universities
EULiST serves as an intermediary and generator of knowledge and innovation, empowering responsible change agents to solve the challenges humanity is facing, including climate change and the twin green and digital transition.
To this end, EULiST strives to generate a unique and creative EULiST Academic Ecosystem of sustainable development, exhibiting innovative techniques and providing access to hands-on experience and experiments, notably by digital and on-site EULiST demonstrators – all open to the public.
Inspired by the reciprocities between society and technology, this academic ecosystem will support inter- and transdisciplinary learning, research and outreach in the following facilities which support student participation and interaction with society.
10 European Universities
EULiST Alliance
EULiST Events & News
EULiST Student Conference 2024: Outcomes and Proceedings Available
February 18, 2025
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