Did you know that Ireland will benefit from €1.4 billion in EU Cohesion funding between 2021-2027 to support the sustainable development of our economy?

Red Graphic with hashtag EU in my region EU IN MY REGION Character Guy Yellow EU In My Region Cartoon Lady taking Pic
The national flag of Ireland next to the European flag

European Funding

The EU provides funding for a broad range of projects and programmes covering various areas, from education, research, employment, regional development to the environment, humanitarian aid, agriculture, and the marine, among many others. Significant support is available to small and medium-sized businesses, non-governmental and civil society non-profit organisations, young people, researchers, farmers, and public bodies, to name a few.

European Structural & Investment Funds

The European Structural and Investment Funds support economic development across all of the European Union. These Funds make up over half of the European Union’s budget. The Funds work together to invest in education, research, and job creation to help create a sustainable and healthy economy across the whole of the country. They are also spent on protecting our environment, and on supporting rural and coastal communities.

Ariel view of Athlone, Ireland
0.36 billion
European Structural and Investment Funding between 2014-2020
Projects supported by the European Social Fund in Ireland
Believe that EU Funding has a positive effect on Ireland
Projects supported by the European Regional Development Fund in Ireland

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