Wetin bi ether (ETH)?
Na kurensy for awa digita fushure
Ether coin (ETH) na dijita, global monie.
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ETH na cryptocurrency. Na scarce digita moni wey yu fit yus for di intanet - similar to Bitcoin. If yu dey new to crypto, here na hau ETH dey diferen from tradishonal moni.
Na yor own for real
ETH dey make yu bi yor own bank. Yu fit kontrol yor own monie wit yor as pruf sey na yor own – nor third parties dey necessary.
Dey sikure by cryptography
Intanet monei fit dey new but e dey sikure by sure . Dis dey protet yor wallet, ETH and yor transakshons.
Peer-to-peer payments
Yu fit send yor ETH witout any middol savis like one bank. E bi like yu dey give kash to pesin, but yu nor fit do am sikurely wit anyone, anywia, anytaim.
Sentralized kontrol nor dey
ETH na desentralize and dey global. Nor kompany abi bank dey wey fit deside to print more ETH, abi shange di tams of yus.
Open to anyone
Na only intanet koneshon and wallet wey yu nid to asept ETH. Nor nid dey to get asess to bank akant to asept payments.
Im dey afailabol for flexibol amount
Yu fit divide ETH up to 18 desimal plase so yu nor nid buy 1 whole ETH. Yu fit buy frakshon for one taim - as litol as 0.000000000000000001 ETH if yu wont.
Wetin dey unik about ETH?
Many cryptocurrencies and plenti of oda tokens dey on top of Ethereum, but many tins dey wey bi sey na only ETH fit do am.
ETH na fuels and im dey sikure Ethereum
ETH na di lifeblood of Ethereum. Wen yu send ETH abi yus Ethereum aplikashon, yu go pay one fee in ETH to yus di Ethereum network. Dis fee na insentive for one block produsa to prosess and verify wetin yu dey try do.
Validators bi like pipol wey dey kip rekod for Ethereum-dem dey shek and pruf dat nor one dey cheat. Dem dey select randomly to propose block of transakshons. Validators wey dey dis kain work dey risiv riwod wit litol amounts of new ETH wi just bring out.
Di wok wey validators dey do and di kapital dem dey , dey kip Ethereum sikure and dey fri of sentralized kontrol. ETH dey make Ethereum run.
Wen yu stake yor ETH, yu dey helep sikure Ethereum and dey earn riwods. In dis system, di fear of luzin ETH deters attakas. More on stakin

Wetin bi Ethereum?
If yu like to learn more about Ethereum, di teknology behind ETH, shek out awa introdukshon.
ETH dey underpins di Ethereum finanshial system
Yu nor dey satisfy wit payments, di Ethereum ckomunity dey build a whole finanshia system wey bi and efribodi dey yus am.
Yu fit yus ETH as kolateral to generate entaya difren cryptocurrency tokens on Ethereum. Plus yu fit borow, lend and earn interest on ETH and oda tokens wey ETH dey bak.

More on DeFi
DeFi na d decentralized finanshial system wey dey build on Ethereum. Dis overview dey eksplains wetin yu fit do.
Yus for ETH dey grow evry day
Bikos pesin fit program Ethereum, divelopas fit shape ETH in many ways.
Bak in 2015, tins yu fit do na to send ETH from one Ethereum akant to anoda. Here na some of tins yu fit do today.
- Stream ETH – pay somone abi risiv money in real taim.
- Swap tokens – u fit trade ETH wit oda tokens in Bitcoin.
- Earn interest – on top ETH and oda Ethereum-based tokens.
- Get stabolcoins – make yu enta di world of cryptocurrencies wit steady value wey dey less-volatile.
Why ETH get value?
ETH's get value for many ways to difren pipol.
For users of Ethereum, ETH dey valuabol bikos im dey mak yu pay transakshon fees.
Odas si am as a digital store of value bikos di kreashon of new ETH dey slows ova taim.
For risent taim, ETH don bikom valuabol to users of finanshial apps on Ethereum. E dey hapun bikos yu fit yus ETH as kolateral for crypto loans, abi as one payment system.
Of kourse plenti pipol also si am as an investment, wey dey side by side to Bitcoin abi oda cryptocurrencies.
ETH nor bi di only crypto wey dey on top Ethereum
Anyone fit kreate new kain assets and trade dem on Ethereum. Wi sabi dis as 'tokens'. Pipol don do token for tradishonal kurrensis, dia real estate, dia art, and even demsefs!
Ethereum na home to plenti tokens – some dey yusful and get value pass odas. Divelopas dey build new tokens konstant wey don unlok new posibilitis and dey open new markets.
More for tokens and dia yus
Type of token wey popula
Tokens wey dey mirror di value of tradishonal kurensy like dollars. Dis dey solves di volatility palava wit plenti cryptocurrencies.
Gofanans tokens
Tokens wey dey reprisent votin pawa for desentralize organizashons.
Sh*t koins
Bikos to dey make new tokens dey izy, anyone fit do am - even pipol wey get bad abi get misguide intenshons. Dey always do yor risearsh bifor yu go yus dem!
Kolectibol tokens
Tokens wey reprisent one colectibol game item, piece of digital art, abi oda unik assests. Comonly sabi as non fungibol tokens (NFTs).