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Mapa de Kantō
De Wikiviajes, la guía libre de viajes

La región Kantō (関東) de Japón está ubicada en el lado occidental de la isla Honshu, y es una extensa llanura dominada por megalópolis de Tokio y sus suburbios.


contiene no sólo la ciudad más grande en el mundo, sino también montañas e islas semitropicales
la expansión suburbana al sur en la que se ubican Yokohama (la segunda ciudad más grande de Japón) y Kawasaki
una expansión suburbana hacia el este
una extensión suburbana al norte en la que no hay mucho
lugar conocido por el sitio histórico Nikko y muchos manantiales de agua caliente
montañas y aguas termales al norte de Tokio
prefectura costera que contiene la ciudad natal de natto, Mito


  • Chiba - another Tokyo offshoot to the east
  • Kawasaki - suburb sandwiched between Tokyo and Yokohama
  • Tokio - capital de Japón, ciudad más grande del país.
  • Yokohama - officially Japan's 2nd largest city, in practice a giant Tokyo suburb
  • Kamakura - temple town within easy striking distance of Tokyo
  • Nikko - the grandiose mausoleum of the Tokugawa shoguns
  • Atami - coastal hot spring resort a short Shinkansen hop from Tokyo
  • Kinugawa - former hot spring boomtown fallen on hard times
  • Mashiko - town of clay pots and steam locos

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La mayoría de los visitantes llegan a la región de Kanto a través de Tokio, y la mayoría de los que llegan es a través del aeropuerto de Narita, el principal aeropuerto internacional de Japón.



In feudal times, Kanto was the home of the Tokugawa shogunate and Edo (modern Tokyo) the military seat of power, while the western region of Kansai represented commerce (Osaka) and culture (Kyoto). For much of Japanese history, nobody called Tokyo the capital of Japan, but the pendulum shifted decisively in Tokyo's favor after the 1868 Meiji Restoration when the Emperor moved to Tokyo, and today Kanto sets the pace that the rest of Japan tries to follow.



The Kanto dialect is the base of the standard Japanese taught in schools and spoken on TV, but elderly people in some rural areas such as Ibaraki and Tochigi speak particular dialects which differ from standard Japanese.

Unlike the Japan of 30 years ago, it is very possible to get by in Kanto even if you only speak English, as most signs and and the trains are very accommodating to travelers. Also, some natives in city areas have a little experience with English - just speak slowly.



The Michelin Guide gave more stars to Kanto (Tokyo) dining establishments than any other city in Japan.

Compared with their western cousins in Kansai, the people of Kanto prefer dark soy to light soy, thin buckwheat soba noodles to fat wheat udon and appreciate the taste of the odoriferous fermented soy bean product natto.



Permanezca seguro


If safety is the ratio of population density to frequency of crime, then Kanto has to be the safest place in the world. It is mind-boggling how such a densely populated urban area can have such a low crime rate, especially in violent street crime. Nonetheless, there are omnipresent "police boxes" to keep things in order. What's more, disease is much less of an issue in Japan than in much of Asian travel, you can trust the food to be well prepared, and though Tokyo may be a little more polluted than, say, Kyoto, even in downtown Tokyo the air is crystal clear compared to Beijing, and good luck finding garbage or food on the sidewalks and streets. All in all, Tokyo is definitely among the safest, cleanest, most pleasant urban traveling experiences to find on Earth - and Tokyo is likely the dirtiest and most dangerous part of Kanto.

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