4 Farmacodinamica
4 Farmacodinamica
4 Farmacodinamica
Serpentine receptors provide signal specificity, and their interaction with G proteins provides signal amplification. Heterotrimeric G
proteins activate effector enzymes: adenylyl cyclase (AC), phospholipase C (PLC), and phosphodiesterases (PDE) that degrade
cAMP or cGMP. Changes in concentration of the second messengers (cAMP, cGMP, IP3) result in alterations of enzymatic activities
by phosphorylation or alterations in the permeability (P) of surface membranes to Ca2, Na, and K. The resulting depolarization or
hyperpolarization of the sensory cell (the signal) is passed through relay neurons to sensory centers in the brain. In the beststudied
cases, desensitization includes phosphorylation of the receptor and binding of a protein (arrestin) that interrupts receptor–G
protein interactions. VR is the vasopressin receptor; other receptor and G protein abbreviations are as used in earlier illustrations.
Toxins produced by bacteria that cause cholera and
whooping cough (pertussis)
These toxins are enzymes that catalyze transfer of the ADP-ribose moiety of NAD to an Arg
residue (cholera toxin) or a Cys residue (pertussis toxin) of G proteins: Gs in the case of cholera (as
shown here) and GI in whooping cough. The G proteins thus modified fail to respond to normal
hormonal stimuli. The pathology of both diseases results from defective regulation of adenylyl
cyclase and overproduction of cAMP.
Receptores de Ach
Dos categorías: muscarínicos y nicotínicos.
Excitación de fibras preganglionares simpáticas y
parasimpáticas, y placa motriz: imitadas por la nicotina y
bloqueadas por la tubocurarina.
Excitación de fibras posganglionares parasimpáticas:
imitadas por la muscarina y bloqueadas selectivamente por
la atropina.
A los receptores responsables del primer tipo de respuestas
se los denominó nicotínicos y a los del segundo tipo,
The Acetylcholine Receptor
Receptores nicotínicos
N Engl J Med
Diversity in the expression and function of the glucocorticoid receptor results from
alternative sites for the initiation of transcription (exon 1A, 1B, or 1C), as well as
alternative splicing of pre–messenger RNA (mRNA) at exon 9a or 9b. Additional
variation in the structure and function of the protein results from alternative sites for
the initiation of translation within exon 2 and post-translational modifications in the
form of phosphorylation (P), ubiquination (Ub), and sumoylation (Sumo). DBD
denotes DNA-binding domain, LBD ligand-binding domain, and hGR human GR.
Regulation of the Relaxation of Vascular Smooth Muscle by Nitric Oxide
Nitric oxide activates
soluble guanylyl
cyclase, leading to
the activation of
cyclic guanosine 3´,
protein kinase
(cGKI). In turn, cGKI
decreases the
sensitivity of myosin
to calcium-induced
contraction and
lowers the
intracellular calcium
concentration by
activating calcium-
sensitive potassium
channels and
inhibiting the
release of calcium
from the
reticulum. cGMP is
degraded by
type 5, which is
inhibited by
sildenafil and
zaprinast. GTP
denotes guanosine
(a) In the inactive form of the Tyr kinase domain (PDB ID 1IRK), the activation loop
(blue) sits in the active site, and none of the critical Tyr residues (black and red ball-
and-stick structures) are phosphorylated. This conformation is stabilized by hydrogen
bonding between Tyr1162 and Asp1132. (b) When insulin binds to the chains of
insulin receptors, the Tyr kinase of each subunit of the dimer phosphorylates three
Tyr residues (Tyr1158, Tyr1162, and Tyr1163) on the other subunit (shown here;
PDB ID 1IR3). (Phosphoryl groups are depicted here as an orange space-filling
phosphorus atom and red ball-and-stick oxygen atoms.) The effect of introducing
three highly charged P –Tyr residues is to force a 30 Å change in the position of the
activation loop, away from the substrate-binding site, which becomes available to bind
to and phosphorylate a target protein, shown here as a red arrow.
Schematic diagram of
the insulin receptor
heterodimer in the
activated state. IRS,
insulin receptor
substrate; tyr, tyrosine;
P, phosphate.
Pathways of insulin signaling
N Eng J Med
Volume 341
Number 4 248
Mechanisms Involved in the Translocation of GLUT-4 Glucose
Transporters in Muscle Cells and Adipocytes