English A1
English A1
English A1
Here starts the
A (ei) B (bi) C (ci) D (di) E (ii) F (eff)
G (yi) H (eich) I (aii) J (yai) K (kay)
L (el) M (em) N (en) O (ou) P (pi) Q (cue)
R (ar) S (es) T (ti) U (iu) V (vi)
W (double-u) X (ex) Y (wai) Z (zee)
(Claswrum vocabiulawri) Colour (color) (color).
(Vocabulario del salón de clases) Sheet (shi..t) (hoja de cuaderno).
Teacher (ti...cher) (maestro, profesor). Page (peich) (página).
Student (student) (estudiante). Wall (wol) (pared, muro).
Boy (boi) (niño, muchacho). Classroom (claswrum) (salón de clases).
Girl (grl) (niña, muchacha). Floor (flo...r) (piso).
Chair (cher) (silla). Window (windou) (ventana).
Book (buk) (libro). Picture (pictur) (cuadro, pintura, película).
Table (teibl) (mesa). Poster (poster) (poster, cartel).
Notebook (notbuk) (libreta). Sign (saign) (signo, señal, símbolo).
Pen (pen) (lapicero). Paper (peiper) (papel).
Péncil (péncil) (lápiz). T. V. Set (ti. Vi. Set) (aparato de t. V.).
Eraser (iwreiser) (borrador). Tape recorder (teip wricorder) (grabadora).
Chalk (cholk) (gis, tiza). C. D. Player (ci. di. Pleyer) (tocador de discos
Blackboard (blackbord) (pizarrón). compactos).
Chalkboard (cholkbord) (pizarrón para gis). Ceiling fan (ciling fan) (ventilador de techo).
Marker (marker) (marcador). Explanation (explaneishion) (explicación).
Péncil sharpener (pénsil sharpener) (sacapuntas). Doubt (daubt) (duda).
Rule (wrul) (regla).
Air conditioner (eir condishioner) (aire Flag (flag) (bandera).
acondicionado). Clock (clock) (reloj "de pared").
Péncil case (péncil keis) (lapicera). Outlet (autlet) (tomacorriente, enchufe).
Trash can (trash can) (bote de basura) = Game (gueim) (juego).
trash bin (trash bin). Loudspeaker (laudspiker) (altavoz, bocina).
Card (card) (tarjeta). Locker (loker) (armario).
Letter (leder) (carta "de correo"). Telephone (telefon) (teléfono).
In pencil (in péncil) (a lápiz). Bulletin board (buletin bord) (tablero de edictos).
In ink (in ink) (en o con tinta). Computer (compiuter) (computadora).
Exam (exam) (examen). Hall (jol) (pasillo).
Door (do..r) (puerta). Loose leaf paper (lu..s li..f peiper) (hoja suelta de
Box (box) (caja). papel).
Exercise (exersais) (ejercicio). Ring binder (ring bainder) (carpeta).
Homework (jomwork) (tarea). Spiral notebook (spaiwral notbuk) (cuaderno de
Lock (lock) (cerradura). espiral).
Key (ki) (llave). Glue (glu) (pegamento).
Switch (switch) (interruptor). Scissors (sisors) (tijeras).
Plug (plug) (clavija). Brush (brush) (brocha).
Rewinder (wriwainder) (regresadora). Ballpoint pen (bolpoint pen) (bolígrafo).
Welcome class (welcom clas) (bienvenido a Thumbtack (dumbtack) (tachuela).
clases). Text book (text buk) (libro de texto).
Practice (practis) (práctica). Overhead projector (overjed proyector)
Study (studi) (estudio). (retroproyector).
Los números 19) Nineteen (th) nineteenth
20) Twenty (th) twentieth
cardinales y ordinales 21) Twenty-one (st) twenty-first
22) twenty-two (nd) twenty-second
1) One (st) first 23) twenty-three (rd) twenty-third
2) Two (nd) second 24) twenty-four (th) twenty-fourth
3) Three (rd) third 25) twenty-five (th) twenty-fifth
4) Four (th) fourth 26) twenty-six (th) twenty-sixth
5) Five (th) fifth 27) twenty-seven (th) twenty-seventh)
6) Six (th) sixth 28) twenty-eight (th) twenty-eighth
7) Seven (th) seventh 29) twenty-nine (th) twenty-ninth
8) Eight (th) eighth 30) Thirty (th) thirtieth
9) Nine (th) ninth 40) Forty (th) fortieth
10) Ten (th) tenth 50) Fifty (th) fiftieth
11) Eleven (th) eleventh 60) Sixty (th) sixtieth
12) Twelve (th) twelfth 70) Seventy (th) seventieth
13) Thirteen (th) thirteenth 80) Eighty (th) eightieth
14) Fourteen (th) fourteenth 90) Ninety (th) ninetieth
15) Fifteen (th) fifteenth 100) One hundred (th) one-hundredth
16) Sixteen (th) sixteenth 1,000) One thousand (th) one-thousandth
17) Seventeen (th) seventeenth 1,000,000) One million (th) one-millionth
18) Eighteen (th) eighteenth
Días de la semana y meses del año
1. En números: 07/01/2023
2. Escrito: July 1st, 2023
3. Se dice: July first twenty – twenty three
¡Muy importante! Recuerda que los años en inglés se escriben de la siguiente forma:
– Si te refieres a un año antes del 2000 deberás dividirlo en dos partes, por ejemplo: 1987 se dice
nineteen eighty five, 1900 se dice nineteen hundred.
– Los años entre el 2000 y 2009 no se dividen. 2000 se dice simplemente two thousand, 2001 two
thousand and one y así sucesivamente.
– A partir del 2010 se dividen en 20 y 10. 2018 se dice twenty eighteen, 2011 twenty eleven y así
Los pronombres son palabras que se utilizan principalmente para reemplazar un sustantivo en la
oración. Sin embargo, existen diversos tipos de pronombres en inglés (pronouns in English),
cada uno de los cuales tiene un propósito definido en la oración. La definición más
sencilla establece que un pronombre en inglés es una palabra generalmente pequeña la
cual sustituye a los sustantivos (nouns) para que el texto sea menos repetitivo. Estas
sustituciones se deben entender al leer el texto.
1. Cuando quieres comunicar estados o acciones 1) Ejemplo: The earth is the third planet
permanentes. from the sun.
2. Al manifestar estados o situaciones que son 2) Ejemplo: Every ten years is a
rutinarias o acciones que tienen periodicidad.
3. Para hablar de hábitos, rutinas o hechos que se
3) Ejemplo: I drink coffee every
repiten en lapsos de tiempo determinado.
4. Cuando das indicaciones, instrucciones y morning.
señales. 4) Ejemplo: You go down this street to
5. Para transmitir citas, hechos o compromisos que the cinema, then you turn right .
pasarán en un tiempo determinado. 5) Ejemplo: Tomorrow is my birthday!
A las terceras personas, se les agrega una “s” al final del verbo (he, she, it, they)
She eats a red apple.
Agregar terminación “es” a los verbos cuando los verbos terminen en (O, X, Z, S, SS, SH, CH)
He watches a movie. WATCH / WATCHES
Cuando un verbo tenga terminación con “y” pero antes de esa una consonante se cambia la terminación
para “ies”
Estudy – estudies / try- tries
El verbo se convierte en has
He has a black dog.
Verbos modales
No se aplican las reglas. (Can, Could, May, Might, Will, Would, Must, Shall, Should , Ought to)
She can dance.
Negativa interrogativa reglas
He Does It
You Do They
1. Miguel pesca en el rio
3. Verbos monosilábicos (solo tienen una silaba) y tenga terminación en consonante vocal
consonante, duplicar ultima consonante y se agrega “ing”.
Jog- jogging / chop-chopping
It’s [your name] from [your company]: Start by introducing Thanks for letting me know: This shows you acknowledge
yourself with your name and the company you work for. If what the person has informed you and shows
you want to omit the company’s name at the beginning, appreciation for that.
that’s fine, but be sure that this information will be placed Thank you for your understanding/patience: This kind of
somewhere in the email body. message compliments the customer while you still
I am writing to you about… Here you can insert anything acknowledge the problem they are having, without
related to a previous conversation or meeting you had with apologizing for mistakes unnecessarily.
the recipient. Also, you can use this introduction to talk about Thank you for your email about…: This helps to remind the
future events. person about the matter you are talking about and
I am writing to ask/enquire/let you know/confirm/invite opens up a more friendly conversation, depending on
you to/to update you on/ask for…”: Use this when you the content of previous emails.
want to ask for information, a positioning, make an invitation Thanks for sending/asking about/attending: It shows
without further ado. It’s a way to be direct and keep the people that you acknowledge their actions and
email short. appreciate them.
Might I take a moment of your time to…: If you want Thank you for reaching out (to me): This is a more informal
and/or need to be very formal, this is the best choice. way to appreciate someone’s contact.
I am reaching out because…: It’s an informal way to Thanks for your feedback on/your suggestion: It
introduce the reason for your contact. welcomes feedback and suggestions, making the
person feel secure to continue giving them to you.
Sending files or extra data
You can use this kind of • I’m sending you [file’s name] as a pdf file.
“Please accept • I’ve attached [file’s name] for your review.
apolo gi es fo r an y email phrases to provide
en ie nc e ca used.” information or address • Could you please sign the attached document
reminders to your and send it back by [date]?
recipients. • Please see the information below for more details
Please note…: If you want to call the recipient’s • Here’s the document you asked for/we discussed
attention to a specific matter, use this. • More information is available at [website]
Quick reminder…: This an informal way to introduce
something that you want to highlight, such as near Please feel welcomed
expiration dates or incoming meetings.
I wanted to update you: Use this phrase to tell your Could you please…?
customers about troubleshooting that hasn’t been solved I’d appreciate it if you could…
yet. Instead of openly addressing it as “an issue that It would be very helpful if you could send us/me
hasn’t been fixed,” use “update” as a form of saying that
Please keep me informed/posted/updated
you’re working to solve it.
I’d like to inform you that…: A formal way to introduce
If possible, I’d like to know (more) about…
a special announcement or give back a critical answer.
Just a quick heads up: An informal email phrase is
often used to notify somebody of something, like a
warning or a piece of helpful advice.
I hope you find this helpful: When you give them any
information, advice, or even a solution for an issue they
were having.
If you want to offer to do something
for someone in the email, then Unfortunately, we cannot/we are unable to …: This
demonstrate that you are happy to is the formal and polite way of giving negative
do it. responses.
I’m afraid it will not be possible to…: Use this
I’d be happy to… informal phrase on a negative response, followed by a
If we can be of any further assistance, please let us know brief explanation of why it wasn’t possible to
Let me know if you need any help accomplish the person’s request.
please do not hesitate to contact me We regret to inform you that…: It’s a polite and
please feel free to contact me/to get in touch formal way to give bad news. Right after saying this,
explain the reasons why it won’t happen.
After careful consideration, we have decided (not)
to…: It shows that you have considered what the
person has sent you previously. It’s also a way to
Giving bad news by email is soften the gloomy reply.
never easy, but there are ways It’s against company policy to…: It’s a way of
to do it properly. explaining why you can’t do something the person has
requested when it goes against the company policy.
Despite my best efforts…: You show the person you
made efforts to solve something or give them a
positive response
Closing an email
● Best regards: It’s a friendly way of saying
● Please let me know if this works/if you goodbye and one of the most common in the
are available/if that sounds good/if you business context. It may be best for people
can/if you can help/if you need to you have had conversations with before.
reschedule…: It’s a phrase to finish the ● All the best: It’s colloquial but a friendly and
email showing that you need a response social way to say goodbye.
about what you have sent to the recipient. ● Sincerely: It’s a formal business close, and
● I look forward to seeing/meeting one you are certainly not offending anyone
you: Use it when you are scheduling a by using.
personal appointment. ● Cheers: You can use this sign-off with your
● Any feedback you can give me on this friends and close business colleagues.
would be highly/much appreciated: For Depending on the voice tone you have for
when you need to finish the email asking your brand, it also can be useful.
for thoughts/feedback from the person. ● Have a great week/weekend/day/night!: It
● I would appreciate your help in this depends on which time you are sending the
matter: Usually, you finish an email with email. Be aware of time zones if you are
this phrase when you have described exchanging emails with people from another
some situation or issue and need to ask country.
for help with it ● Stay safe: You can use it during conflicts or
difficult times, such as the COVID-19