False Friends or Cognates
False Friends or Cognates
False Friends or Cognates
Se denominan false friends (falsos amigos) o cognates (cognados) a las palabras que por
escribirse de la misma forma (o parecida) en español son confundidas, pero que en realidad en
inglés significan otra cosa.
Por ejemplo, "conductor " en inglés no significa conductor, sino que se refiere al director de la
orquesta o al cobrador que se encuentra en los autobuses. Aquí se encuentra una lista de los
false friends o cognados más conocidos.
Arena Estadio. (The English equivalent for the Spanish arena is:
Cigar Puro. (The English equivalent for the Spanish cigarro is:
Exit Salida. (The English equivalent for the Spanish éxito is:
Fabrics Tela, textil. (The English equivalent for the Spanish fábrica
is: factory)
Library Biblioteca. (The English equivalent for the Spanish librería is:
Mayor Alcalde. (The English equivalent for the Spanish mayor is: main,
bigger, older)
Note Nota. But if you talk about "qualifications" the word is Marks
or Grades instead of "notes".
Notice Aviso. (The English equivalent for the Spanish noticia is:
Parcel Paquete. (The English equivalent for the Spanish parcela
is: plot of land)
Parent Madre o Padre. (The English equivalent for the Spanish pariente
is: relative)
Particular Especial. (The English equivalent for the Spanish particular is:
Pretend Fingir. (The English equivalent for the Spanish pretender is:
intend, try, seek)
Prove Demostrar. (The English equivalent for the Spanish probar is: try,
try on)
Quiet Callado. (The English equivalent for the Spanish quieto is: still,
Realize Darse cuenta. (The English equivalent for the Spanish realizar is:
carry out, implement)
Remove Quitar. (The English equivalent for the Spanish remover is: stir)
Rope Cuerda, soga. (The English equivalent for the Spanish ropa is:
Clothes, garnment)
Sensible Sensato. (The English equivalent for the Spanish sensible is:
Signature Firma. (The English equivalent for the Spanish asignatura is:
Spade Pala (para cavar). (The English equivalent for the Spanish espada
is: sword)
Spectacles Gafas. (The English equivalent for the Spanish espectáculos is:
Suburb Barrio residencial. (The English equivalent for the Spanish
suburbio is: slum)
Success Éxito. (The English equivalent for the Spanish suceso is: event)
Topic Tema. (The English equivalent for the Spanish tópico is: Cliché)
Translate Traducir. The English equivalent for the Spanish trasladar is: Move
Vicious Malvado, saludable. (The English equivalent for the Spanish
vicioso is: addict, depraved)