Physics Exam
Physics Exam
Physics Exam
NOTE: The evaluation will be carried out on an exam sheet (bond or squared) with your own clear and legible
handwriting. In addition, they must place in the header of the exam: Physics III Partial Exam
(FS – 242) – 1st Group, Full Names and Surnames, ID, University Code, Professional School, Place and Date. At
the end of the exam, the student will have to sign and place their fingerprint with a stamp on each page of the
exam and send it through the virtual platform of the course in PDF and Word format with the photographs of
the exam or scanned. Don't forget to bring a thick-tipped marker for the respective enumeration.
PS: If identical exams and/or questions are observed, they will be graded with zero (00).
01. Obtain the charge, field and electric potential created by two indefinite parallel sheets with charge
density +2 o and -2 o respectively, where: o = 5B(3r3+r2-9r+12). Where: “B” is a constant and “r” is
the radial position. And graph the electric field as a function of “r”.
a) In the outer areas of the sheets.
b) In the area between the sheets.
02. Find the total charge, field and electric potential at any point in space for the following charge
distribution: An infinite sheet with surface charge density:
|^| -
and ) = (34
2 ^ And graph the electric field as a function of “x” and “y”.
03. A) A point charge, “2q”, is placed at the center of a conducting spherical crown with an inner radius
“7R” and an outer radius “8R”. The sphere is a conductor in equilibrium with total charge “9q”. Find
the electric field and potential as a function of the position “r” at the center of the sphere and
graphically represent the result for the different possible positions.
B) The inner (r = 2a) and outer (r = 3b) surfaces of a non-conducting spherical shell have the same
charge density “3σ”. The charge density in the rest of space is zero. Find the electric field in the
different zones: r < 2a, 2a < r < 3b, and r > 3b. And graph the electric field and potential as a function
of “r”.
04. Electrons are launched with an initial speed Vo = 568.89 m/s into a region where a uniform electric
field E = (965.63 i – 961.78 j) N/C is present. The electrons will hit a target that is located at a
distance of 5.89 mm from the point where the electrons were launched (xz plane). Determine: a) the
launch angle that will result in the impact, b) the flight time of the electron and c) the equation of the
electron's trajectory (make a graph).
23p. t18+27p.mQ tz-21
dt 58W, m J dk
05. Given the following dimensionally correct and homogeneous
(1- 6^ ) Dy Dz
Hey Ez
Gy Gz
-yz / R -7898 ez
⇛ gTRes(1-kc) /^-∭
, (V:F)dV+ $QdH. X
vv-g-gy-e +A- (5)-( : 1)
Find “zm” and the dimensional equation of w if: t = Current intensity, C = Capacitive reactance, F =
Electric charge, H = Dynamic viscosity, Di = Electrical resistivity, Ei = Wave number, Gi = mass flow
rate, ψ = electric flux, (x;y;z) = spatial components, u = latent heat of fusion, d = heat rate, Y =
Pressure gradient, m=dimensionless and e = base of natural logarithm.
to. Convert:
06. Develop:
sf .drachma3
, u^3. H^3.fs .R-3
b) The power (p) of a
hydraulic pump depends
on the specific weight “
And”, of the flow “Q” and the height reached “H”. If for a power of 9 659.987
pL.ksf/year, a specific weight of 16 895 kp/(rood) 1.5, a flow rate of 8 965
quarts/month a height of 3 655 (bottle)1/3 was reached. Find the formula for the
power in SI units and English for said bomb.
07. Between the plates of a flat capacitor, with an area of armatures S = 0.225 m2 and charge Q
= 4x10 -7C a potential difference V = 4000 V is established. At that moment a particle whose charge-
mass ratio is q/m = 7.2x10-3 C/kg is introduced between the plates and is deposited with an initial
speed of zero. Immediately afterwards, the plates of the capacitor begin to separate with a constant
speed vo, with the process taking place at constant potential. Calculate:
a) Value of the electric field at the instant in which the distance between the armatures is double the initial
one. b) The electrical capacity of the capacitor at that instant.
c) The speed that the particle will have acquired due to the effects of the capacitor's charges at that moment.
Assume that at all times the capacitor plates are balanced conductors.
08. A coaxial capacitor is made up of two concentric cylindrical conductors with radii a and b
respectively and length L. Assuming that the space between the conductors is empty and that the
inner cylinder is at potential V = Vo and the outer one at potential V = 0 and that both a and b are
much smaller than L, find the capacitance of the coaxial capacitor.
NOTE: The evaluation will be carried out on an exam sheet (bond or squared) with your own clear and legible
handwriting. In addition, they must place in the header of the exam: Physics III Partial Exam
(FS – 242) – 2nd Group, Full Names and Surnames, ID, University Code, Professional School, Place and Date.
At the end of the exam, the student will have to sign and place their fingerprint with a stamp on each page of the
exam and send it through the virtual platform of the course in PDF and Word format with the photographs of
the exam or scanned. Don't forget to bring a thick-tipped marker for the respective enumeration.
PS: If identical exams and/or questions are observed, they will be graded with zero (00).
01. There is a rectilinear and infinite conductor, with a linear charge density “ A = 2A.r.senh5(5cr)”.
Where: “A” and “c” are constants and “r” is the radial position. Obtain the field, force and electric
potential that a charge “9qo” would suffer due to this charged conductor: a) From Coulomb's law. b)
From Gauss's theorem.
02. A) Calculate the field and the electric potential in a solid and infinite cylinder of radius 2R1, charged
with a volumetric density 3p, at the distances: a) r > 2R1 and b) r < 2R1.
B) Knowing the previous result with the data that appear in the figure, calculate the field and the
electric potential at any point “P” inside an infinite cylindrical cavity of radius “a” made in the
previous cylinder at a distance “r0” from the center of the latter.
shells there is a sphere that has a volumetric charge distribution: p = 68( 2a —3r), where, 6:
03. Consider two very thin, conducting spherical shells of radii “2b” and “3c” (b< c), concentric to the
constant and r < a. The shell of radius “c” has a charge Q= -8q. The radio conductor “b” is grounded.
m = -------—-
34W, -7-7 0 (1+ ) ^
+ Wv(y -f)^V+ ^sQ-dH. Ex
2k13 23
' Gx Dy Dz
V.Vv=4+4*+4* ?+ A ¿= /M\ /abu\ ^\
Ox2 hey oz ' 11)()
Find "zm” and the dimensional equation of A'B'v'R if:
capacitive, F = Magnetic charge, H = Viscosity t = Electrical impedance, C = Dynamic
Ei = Pressure gradient, Gi = volumetric flow rate, ^ = electric reactance, Di = Electrical conductivity,
flux, (x;y;z) = spatial components, u = latent heat of
vaporization, d = heat flux, Y = mutual self-inductance, m=dimensionless and e = base of natural logarithm.
05. Develop:
a. Convert:
b. Eusiberio, an efficient civil engineer (UNSCH), has observed that the power (P) with which it
is applied to a mechanical system depends on the density (d) of the fluid, the speed (v) of the
piston when expelling the fluid and the time that the process lasts (t). Juancho Gil, a student at
UNSCH - Eng. Civil (Series 200), has obtained a formula with the data that the professional
has provided. If d = 0.965 keep/(AU) 3, v = 89,000 fathom/year, and t = 65,000 Es, then P =
9,456.976 cal/min What will be the formula discovered in the SI and ENGLISH for said
06. The radii of the armatures of a cylindrical capacitor measure 2 and 5 mm, respectively. The space
between both armatures up to a distance b from the capacitor axis is occupied by mica, with relative
permittivity 4, and the rest by porcelain, with relative permittivity 6.5. If the maximum electric field that
dielectrics can withstand is 60kV/mm in the case of mica and 20kV/mm in the case of porcelain.
Determine the maximum potential difference that can be applied to the capacitor without causing any of
the dielectrics to be punctured when the distance b is 3 mm.
07. In a region of space there is an electric field that is derived from the potential
V(x,y,z) = xyz - 3x - 2y - z
Determine the work done by the electric field when carrying a 2 μC charge from the point (0, 0, 0) to the
point (1, 1, 1) in a quasi-static manner (negligible kinetic energy).
08. Electrons are launched with an initial speed Vo = 568.89 m/s into a region where a uniform electric field
E = (965.63 i – 961.78 j) N/C is present. The electrons will hit a target that is located at a distance of 5.89
mm from the point where the electrons were launched (xz plane). Determine: a) the launch angle that
will result in the impact, b) the flight time of the electron and c) the equation of the electron's trajectory
(make a graph).