Present Continuous

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Present Continuous

El Present Continuous (también conocido como Present Progressive) se utiliza para describir acciones
que están ocurriendo en este momento o situaciones temporales. A continuación, exploraremos su uso,
formación, estructuras gramaticales, y reglas para los gerundios (-ing forms).

Usos del Present Continuous

Acciones que ocurren ahora mismo (en el momento de hablar):


1. I am writing an explanation.
2. She is watching TV right now.
3. They are playing soccer in the park.

Acciones temporales:

1. I am staying at my friend's house this week. (solo por unos días).

2. She is working on a big project at the moment.

Planes o decisiones futuras cercanas (ya organizadas):


1. We are meeting our friends for dinner tonight.

2. I am traveling to Japan next month.

Acciones repetitivas con sentido emocional (a menudo negativas):


1. He is always complaining about everything!

2. They are always arriving late.

Formación del Present Continuous

La estructura básica del Present Continuous es:

Sujeto + Verbo to be (am/is/are) + Verbo principal en gerundio (-ing).


1. I am studying English.
2. She is eating lunch.
3. They are playing video games.


1. I am not studying English.

2. She is not (isn’t) eating lunch.
3. They are not (aren’t) playing video games.

1. Am I studying English?
2. Is she eating lunch?
3. Are they playing video games?

Reglas para formar el gerundio (-ing form)

Regla básica:
Para formar el gerundio, añade -ing al verbo base.

1. Play → Playing
2. Watch → Watching
3. Eat → Eating

Reglas ortográficas especiales:

Verbos que terminan en -e muda:

Quita la -e y añade -ing.

1. Make → Making
2. Write → Writing
3. Come → Coming

Verbos de una sílaba que terminan en consonante + vocal + consonante:

Duplica la consonante final antes de añadir -ing.

4. Run → Running esto ocurre solo con las silabas fuertes

5. Sit → Sitting
forGET - forgetting
6. Swim → Swimming VIsit - visiting
Verbos terminados en -ie: en inglés (en 90% de los casos)
Cambia -ie por -y y añade -ing. si tenemos una i en medio de una palabra y
Ejemplo: Time una e al final, la i se pronuncia como /ai/
7. Lie → Lying Dine
8. Die → Dying
Tie - Tying
Verbos terminados en -y o -w:
No cambian, simplemente se añade -ing.

9. Play → Playing
10. Snow → Snowing
Palabras y expresiones clave del Present Continuous

El Present Continuous se usa comúnmente con:

 Now (ahora):

o I am reading now.

 At the moment (en este momento):

o She is cooking at the moment.

 Today (hoy):

o We are cleaning the house today.

 This week/month/year (este/a semana/mes/año):

o He is working from home this week.

 Look!/Listen! (¡Mira!/¡Escucha!):

o Look! The dog is running.

o Listen! Someone is singing.

Diferencia entre el Present Continuous y otros tiempos

El Present Continuous NO se usa para:

Acciones permanentes o hábitos. Para eso se usa el Present Simple:

o Incorrecto: She is living in Paris forever.

o Correcto: She lives in Paris.

Verbos que indican estado (state verbs). Algunos verbos como know, like, love, hate, believe
suelen usarse en Present Simple, no en Present Continuous.

o Incorrecto: I am knowing the answer.

o Correcto: I know the answer.

Ejemplos detallados por contexto

Acción en curso:

o I am eating dinner right now.

o The children are playing outside.
Acción temporal:

o She is staying with her cousin for a few days.

o He is studying a new language this year.

Futuro planificado:

o We are visiting the museum tomorrow.

o I am meeting my teacher after class.

Acciones repetitivas (quejas):

o He is always leaving his dirty dishes in the sink!

o You are always forgetting your keys!

Errores comunes al usar el Present Continuous

Omitir el verbo to be:

o ❌ She cooking.
o ✅ She is cooking.

Usar verbos de estado incorrectamente:

o ❌ I am loving chocolate.
o ✅ I love chocolate.

Confundir usos con Present Simple:

o ❌ She is going to school every day. (hábitos)

o ✅ She goes to school every day.

Práctica y ejercicios

Completa las oraciones:

o Right now, I ___ (read) a book.

o They ___ (not play) soccer today.
o ___ (she/work) at the moment?

Cambia a negativa:

o He is studying Japanese. → ___

o We are watching TV. → ___

Escribe ejemplos en:

o Una acción que sucede ahora mismo.

o Un plan futuro.
o Una acción temporal.

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