Modulo 1º-2º Grado - Ingles
Modulo 1º-2º Grado - Ingles
Modulo 1º-2º Grado - Ingles
HVCA - 2024
Dirección Regional de Educación deHuancavelica
Teléfono: 999078887
Correo electrónico: [email protected]
Teléfono: 993773977
Primera Edición
[email protected]
Marzo 2024
El objetivo principal que queremos lograr con el desarrollo de este MÓDULO, es mejorarlas
capacidades, habilidades, conocimientos y actitudes, por lo que debes prestar mucha
atención y dedicación en tiempo que más dispongas, con la intención de comprenderlas y
desarrollar las actividades planteadas en cada actividad del Módulo, paraluego ser retornadas
a tus maestros para su respectiva valoración y luego te asistan brindándote una
retroalimentación reflexiva y/o por descubrimiento.
Por lo tanto, con este MÓDULO afirmarás tu formación eficaz, eficiente y satisfactoria, te
invocamos optar un compromiso y responsabilidad que debe partir desde tu interés,
necesidad y desarrollo personal, toda vez que un adecuado desarrollo de las actividades,
contribuirá en tu formación integral. Ten presente que los docentes siempre estamos
dispuestos a ayudarte y hacer más fácil tu aprendizaje.
Recuerda que, después de haber desarrollado las actividades, debes enviar a los docentes
por vía correo electrónico, mensaje de texto y/o WhatsApp o traer en físico alCEBA “Micaela
Bastidas Puyucahua”, como evidencia de haber trabajado con una actitud positiva y
autoaprendizaje, además serán considerados como fuentes de verificación del proceso de
aprendizaje en esta modalidad.
PHOTO Telephone:
12 Let's go! 12
Activity Book
Bloque I
14 Let's go! 14
Lesson 1.1
greetings/expresiones para saludarse
1. Hello.
a) Hi.
b) Good bye.
3. Good night!
a) Nice to meet you.
b) Bye. See you tomorrow.
15 Let's go! 15
Complete the conversations with the next words/
Completa la conversación con las siguientes palabras.
1. 2.
Hi Jack. a) Good bye, Math.
Hello Sandra. b) __________.
3. 4.
___________. a) __________.
I’m great. Thanks. b) Thanks, you too.
5. 6.
a) I’m Victor. a) _______ tomorrow.
b) _________. b) Bye, bye.
Hello Steve
are you?
I’m thanks.
Good later.
OK. a nice day.
Thanks you too.
16 Let's go! 16
Lesson 1.2
introduce yourself/presentarte
17 Let's go! 17
Complete the conversation using am or are, then practice
with a family member/Completa la conversación utilizando am
o are, después practícala con algún miembro de tu familia.
18 Let's go! 18
Lesson 1.3
personal information/información
ONE 10
19 Let’s go! 19
Look the ID, then complete the conversation with the
information/Observa la identi cación, después completa la
conversación con la información.
20 Let’s go! 20
Lesson 1.4
expressions to say thank you/expresiones
para agradecer
I’m OK. Thanks. _______?
Good! Are you here for the football matches?
____ I am. I’m the goalkeeper.
21 Let’s go! 21
Rewrite the conversation, now use formal expressions for
the underlined words/Reescribe la conversación, ahora utiliza
expresiones formales para las palabras subrayadas.
22 Let’s go! 22
Lesson 2.1
ask information about someone’s
whereabouts/preguntar dónde se
encuentra alguien
_________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
23 Let’s go! 23
Complete the conversation, using the verb be. Use
contractions where is possible. At the end practice with a
family member/Completa la conversación, utilizando el verbo
be. Utiliza las contracciones en donde sea posible. Al nalizar
practica con algún miembro de tu familia.
24 Let’s go! 24
Lesson 2.2
name personal items and classroom
objects/nombra los objetos personales y
del salón
Pencil. _ E__e_.
N___eb__k. S_____R.
B__k. ___cul___e.
B__. R___r.
25 Let’s go! 25
Write the plural form of the items that you write before/
Escribe el plural de los objetos que escribiste antes.
Singular Plural
This book .
_ ____________________.
26 Let’s go! 26
Lesson 2.3
ask and say where things are in a
classroom/pregunta y responde en donde
se ubican las cosas en el salón de clases
27 Let’s go! 27
Look at the picture, then complete the sentences with
the words in the chart/Observa las imágenes, después
completa las oraciones con las palabras del recuadro.
28 Let’s go! 28
Lesson 2.4
give classroom instructions. know
expressions to apologize/Brinda algunas
instrucciones dentro del salón. conoce
expresiones para disculparse
Conversation 1.
___. Are you in the line?
___. Yes.
_1 _. Excuse me.
Apologize/Disculparse. Request/Solicitar.
___ Excuse me _________ ______________________
30 Let’s go! 30
Lesson 3.1
talk about your favorite celebrities/
habla acerca de tus celebridades
31 Let’s go! 31
Complete the sentences, use verb be or possessive
adjectives/Completa las oraciones, usa el verbo be o los
adjetivos posesivos.
I ____ IT _____
YOU ____ WE our
HE ____ YOU _____
SHE ____ THEY_____
32 Let’s go! 32
Lesson 3.2
describe people’s personality traits/
describe las características de
personalidad de la gente
33 Let’s go! 33
Complete the questions, then write short answers/
Completa las preguntas, después escribe respuestas cortas.
34 Let’s go! 34
Lesson 3.3
talk about friends and family/habla
sobre amigos y familia
35 Let’s go! 35
Read the dialogue, then answer the questions/Lee el
texto, después responde las preguntas.
36 Let’s go! 36
Lesson 3.4
use the expression: REALLY? in a
conversation/utiliza la expresión: really?
en una conversación
37 Let’s go! 37
Write expressions to show you are interested or
surprised. Then ask a question/Escribe expresiones para
mostrar que estás interesado o sorprendido. Después realiza
una pregunta.
1. My mother is French.
2. My aunt is a famous singer.
3. My family is from Chiapas.
4. My teacher is really fun.
Really? What is his name? .
5. My grandparents are musicians.
a) Do ___ breakfast.
b) Check ___ the computer.
c) Listen ___ a book.
d) Study ___ aerobics.
e) Have _c_ to the radio.
f) Read ___ your Facebook.
g) Use ___ English
39 Let’s go! 39
Complete the message with the correct form of the
verbs/Completa el mensaje con la forma correcta de los
Dear Ivana
40 Let’s go! 40
Lesson 4.2
discuss about weekly routines/habla
sobre las rutinas que realizas
Write the days of the week, then think about one activity
you usually do/Escribe los días en inglés, después piensa
sobre una actividad que usualmente haces.
Study English
41 Let’s go! 41
Complete the questions, then answer them/Completa las
preguntas después respóndelas.
Which activities are fun for you, what are not. Complete
the charts/Cuáles actividades son divertidas para ti, cuáles no.
Completa las tablas.
42 Let’s go! 42
Lesson 4.3
saying more than yes or no/responder
algo más que si o no
On average:
43 Let’s go! 43
Read the text and answer the questions, then read out
loud/Lee el texto y responde las preguntas, después léelas en
voz alta.
44 Let’s go! 44
Lesson 4.4
talk about your lifestyle/habla acerca de
tu estilo de vida
Obesity in adolescents.
45 Let’s go! 45
Read the sentences and mark the ones that are true/Lee
las oraciones y marca las que sean verdaderas.
46 Let’s go! 46
Lesson 5.1
discuss free-time activities/habla sobre
tus pasatiempos
2. you/do/Who/with/live?
Answer: _____________________________.
3. English/study/do/Where/you?
Answer: _____________________________.
4. When/breakfast/do/you/eat?
Answer: _____________________________.
5. you/How/a/computer/do/use/often?
Answer: _____________________________.
47 Let’s go! 47
Read the text, then answer the questions/Lee el texto,
después contesta las preguntas.
My name is Louis.
48 Let’s go! 48
Lesson 5.2
talk about tv shows preferences/habla
sobre los programas de televisión que
49 Let’s go! 49
Find the next TV shows/Encuentra los siguientes
programas de televisión.
50 Let’s go! 50
Lesson 5.3
asking questions in two ways/realiza
preguntas DE dos maneras
51 Let’s go! 51
Match the rst sentences with one of the second
sentences, try to make it sense/Relaciona las primeras
oraciones con una de las segundas oraciones, intenta que
tengan coherencia.
52 Let’s go! 52
Lesson 5 . 4
discuss different topics about media/
discute sobre temas relacionados con los
medios de comunicación
53 Let’s go! 53
Choose or read about one invention, and answer this
questions/Elige o lee acerca de un invento y responde estas
55 Let’s go! 55
Find the opposites/Encuentra los opuestos.
1. There is a ____________________________.
2. There are lots of ______________________.
3. There are a couple of __________________.
4. There are some_______________________.
5. There are no _________________________.
56 Let’s go! 56
Lesson 6.2
ask for and tell the time/pregunta y di la
hora del día
________________ _________________
57 Let’s go! 57
Complete the suggestion with the correct verb/Completa
la recomendación con el verbo correcto.
58 Let’s go! 58
Lesson 6.3
use me too and me neither in a
conversation/utiliza me too y me neither
en una conversación
59 Let’s go! 59
Complete the chart according with the information about
your community/Completa la tabla de acuerdo con la
información de tu comunidad.
60 Let’s go! 60
Lesson 7.1
describe the weather/describe el clima
61 Let’s go! 61
Complete the conversations using present continuous,
then practice with a family member/Completa la conversación
utilizando el presente continuo, después practica con algún
miembro de tu familia.
Your mother:
Your father:
Your brother/sister:
R _ g _t n _ w. T_i_ m__ni_g
64 Let’s go! 64
Lesson 7.3
ask people about their plans/pregunta a
las personas sobre sus planes
5. My mother is a teacher.
a) That’s interesting. b) Really? Where does she
65 Let’s go! 65
Complete with follow up questions/Completa con
preguntas de seguimiento.
66 Let’s go! 66
Lesson 7. 4
give exercising advice/da consejos para
hacer ejercicio
Physical activities not only make you feel good, but also
reduce the risk of heart desease. diabetes, and some cancers.
It is especially important in teenagers, because it helps to build
healthy bones, muscles, and joints._______________________.
Studies show that exercise can be as effective as
antidepressant medication.
67 Let’s go! 67
Add the missing sentences to the paragraphs above/
Agrega las oraciones que faltan en los párrafos.
68 Let’s go! 68
Lesson 8.1
talk about clothes/habla sobre ropA
69 Let’s go! 69
Complete the chart/Completa la tabla.
I ike:
I want to:
I want to:
I have to:
I have to wear:
I need to:
70 Let’s go! 70
Lesson 8.2
sell and buy/vender y comprar
Singular Plural
Near This
71 Let’s go! 71
Paint each box according to the name/Colorea cada
casilla de acuerdo al nombre.
72 Let’s go! 72
Lesson 8.3
visiting a store/visitando una tienda
73 Let’s go! 73
Answer each question, use the conversations strategies
below/Responde cada pregunta, utiliza las siguientes
estrategias de conversación.
$12.30 $25.25
____________ __________
$100 $2.75
One hundred dollars. __________
74 Let’s go! 74
Lesson 8.4
discuss shoppings habits/discute sobre
los hábitos de compras
75 Let’s go! 75
Now write an e-mail to your best friend and tell him/her
your answers with a little paragraph. Use all the information/
Ahora escribe un correo a tu mejor amigo y cuéntale a él/ella
sobre tus respuestas en un pequeño párrafo. Utiliza toda la
76 Let’s go! 76
Lesson 9.1
give sightseeing información/brinda
información turística
77 Let’s go! 77
Complete the conversation with can or can’t/Completa la
conversación con can o can’t.
Well there are many things that you can do in this beautiful
place. First, you _____ visit Xochimilco and sailing the canal in
a Trajinera, but you _____ swim there.
Are you hungry? Well, you _____ miss out typical Mexican
food, try “quesadillas”, “enchiladas” and “chilaquiles”. You _____
nd many buffets in CDMX, you probably _____ eat everything
in it, Mexican food is delicious.
78 Let’s go! 78
Lesson 9.2
talk about countries you want to travel
to/habla sobre los países a los que te
gustaría viajar
- Brazilian
- French
- German
- Mexican
- Chinese
- Spanish
- American
- Japanese
- Italian
79 Let’s go! 79
Answer the next questions/Responde las preguntas.
80 Let’s go! 80
Lesson 9.3
explaining words/explicando palabras
81 Let’s go! 81
Write (V) if like is used like a verb or write (P) if is used as
a preposition/Escribe (V) si like es utilizado como un verbo ó (P)
si es utilizado como una preposición.
82 Let’s go! 82
Lesson 9.4
listening to a tour guide/escucha a un
guía de turismo
83 Let’s go! 83
84 Let’s go! 84
Lesson 10.1
ask and give information about the recent
past/pregunta y brinda información sobre
el pasado reciente
85 Let’s go! 85
Complete the e-mail with the correct form of the verb. Be
careful, you can use: simple present, present continuous or
simple pass/Completa el e-mail con la forma correcta del
Hi Angela:
86 Let’s go! 86
Lesson 10.2
describe what you did last week/describe
lo que hiciste la semana pasada
Link each verb with its simple past, making sure that the
lines are not touched, use different colors/Une cada verbo con
su pasado simple, asegúrate que las líneas no se toquen, utiliza
diferentes colores.
87 Let’s go! 87
Complete the sentences using the simple past tense of
the verbs in the box/Completa las oraciones utilizando el
tiempo pasado simple de los verbos en el recuadro.
88 Let’s go! 88
Lesson 10.3
talk about how you remember things/
habla acerca de cómo recuerdas las
1. Monday ______________________________________ .
2. Tuesday ______________________________________.
3. Wednesday ___________________________________.
4. Thursday _____________________________________.
5. Friday _______________________________________.
6. Saturday _____________________________________.
7. Sunday ______________________________________.
89 Let’s go! 89
Think about different activities you did and write them in
the right place, then write a small story about one of them/
Piensa acerca de diferentes actividades que hiciste y
escríbelas en el lugar correcto, después escribe una pequeña
historia sobre una de ellas.
My story:
Dear diary:
91 Let’s go! 91
Now, like Paty, think about a day you remember well and
answer the questions, then write a paragraph with the
information/Ahora, como Paty, piensa acerca de un día que
recuerdes bien y responde las preguntas, después escribe un
párrafo con la información.
Dear diary:
92 Let’s go! 92
Lesson 11.1
describe experiences such as your 1st day
of school/describe experiencias como tu
primer día de escuela
___________ ___________
93 Let’s go! 93
Complete the conversation with the verb be in simple
past, then practice de conversation/Completa la conversación
con el verbo be en pasado, después practica la conversación.
94 Let’s go! 94
Lesson 11.2
talk about vacations/habla sobre las
Go Get
95 Let’s go! 95
Read the biography and answer the questions/Lee la
biografía y contesta las preguntas.
Octavio Paz
96 Let’s go! 96
Lesson 11.3
tell a funny story/relata una historia
Conversation 1
A. Hello, are you here for the exam?
B. No, I just have to ll this form, anyway I have to go.
A. OK. See you later!
Conversation 1.
A. Hey! How is it going?
B. I’m OK, so, did you go to the concert?
A. Sure, it was amazing! I had a good time, anyway, what
did you do last week?
Conversation 3.
A. The game was amazing.
B. I know the Red Sox played exceptional, anyway, it’s late
and I have an important meeting tomorrow.
A. Do you? Well, let’s go home.
97 Let’s go! 97
Complete the conversation, asking with another
question/Completa la conversación con otra pregunta.
Conversation 1.
A. How was your weekend?
B. It was awful.
A. _________________________?
Conversation 2.
A. Did you buy the tickets?
B. Yes, but then I lost it!
A. Why, What did you do?
Conversation 3.
A. Let’s check your homework.
B. Mom, I don’t want to talk about school.
A. _________________________?
98 Let’s go! 98
Lesson 12.1
talk about food likes, dislikes and eating
habits/habla sobre tus preferencias y
hábitos alimenticios
99 Let’s go! 99
How many words do you know about food? Complete the
chart/¿Cuántas palabras conoces acerca de los alimentos?
Completa la tabla.
It’s delicious
juice. It’s a good
option for your
sight and skin.
Conversation 1.
A. Good morning, Fanny. How are you?
B. Good. How are you, Josué?
A. I’m ne. Thanks.
Conversation 2
B. Hello. I’m Josué Bonilla
A. Hi, I’m Fanny. Nice to meet you.
B. Nice to meet you too.
Conversation 3
B. Good night.
A. Good night. Have a good evening.
B. Thank you. You too.
Conversation 4
B. Bye. See you tomorrow
A. Bye. See you.
A. Good morning
B. Good morning
A. How are you?
B. I’m ne.
A. What’s your name?
B. Fanny Preza
A. How do you spell your last name?
B. It’s P-R-E-Z-A
A. Thank you. Have a nice day.
B. Thanks. You too.
Conversation 1
A. Is this your watch, Josué?
B. Oh, yes it is. Thanks.
A. And are these your glasses?
B. Yes, they are.
Conversation 2
A. Excuse me, are these your keys?
B. Umm… no they’re not. These are my keys right here.
A. OK, and what about these glasses?
B. Oh thanks, they’re mine.
Well, I’m pretty busy. I get up early. I check my e-mail, and I
listen to radio. Then I study.
Mmm, I don't like mornings. Our house is so noisy. My sister
watches TV, and my brother plays games on the computer.
I love mornings, I drink coffee every day before read the news
paper, then I take a shower and I go to work around 9:00 am.
A. Hi. I see you here all the time. Do you come every day?
B. No, well I have breakfast here before class.
A. Oh, are you a student?
B. Yes, I’m a law student.
A. Really? I’m in business school.
B. Oh! So, do you live around here?
A. Well, I live about 20 miles away, in Xalapa?
B. So, are you from Veracruz?
A. Well, I’m from Puebla originally, but my family lives here now.
Conversation 1
A. Do you usually relax in your free time?
B. Well, yes, on the weekends.
A. What do you do?
B. I sleep late, read and watch TV.
Conversation 2
A. Do you sometimes go to the movies?
B. Yes, I do. I like to go movies a lot.
A. How often do you go?
B. Two or three times a week.
Hi, my name is Zoe, and I’m 12 years old. I live with my mom
and grandparents. They say I spend too much time in front of
the computer, but I don’t think that’s not true.
Description 1
I’m Sandy Kim. I’m 37 years old. I’m a Doctor.
The Parkview is convenient. There’s a big supermarket and
some nice stores, but there’s no mall. We need a mall!
Description 2
I’m John Carson, I’m 33 years old, I’m arquitect.
Um, The Parkview, it’s nice. There are two nice outdoor cafés
and a couple of movie theaters. There’s a new swimming pool
in the park – we have a beautiful little park. Yeah, it’s good.
Message 1
Hey, Sara. This is Josué. I’m in San José with Mónica and David
we have a clear sky. They’re playing tennis and I’m watching.
It’s a sunny day. I hope it’s not raining there. Call me back. Bye.
Message 2
Hi, Sara. This is Fanny. I’m calling from Moscow, Russia. This is
a windy day. Samantha and I are not skiing today. It’s snowing
here, but right now it’s partly cloudy. What’s the weather like in
Los Angeles? Give me a call. Bye.
San Francisco… see the golden gate bridge, and then walk
down to golden gate park. To the Japanese tea garden, and
enjoy the beautiful waterfalls, bonsai trees and plants.
A weekly planner.
On Sunday, Andy saw a movie. She didn’t see a play.
On Monday, Andy read a book. She didn't read a scienti c
Andy did math homework on Tuesday. She didn’t do
homework on the weekend.
On Wednesday, Andy had a doctor’s appointment. She didn’t
have a piano lesson this week.
On Thursday, Andy made a lot of phone calls. She didn’t make
Andy went to a party on Friday. She didn’t go out with Manuel.
“I remember my rst day, at work, I had a part-time job in
restaurant. I was a server. I was young- only 15 years. Things
were really busy that rst day, so I was nervous! I made a lot of
embarrassing mistakes, and my boss wasn’t too pleased. But
most people were nice because I was new”.
“I remember my rst day at school, It was awful! I was so
scared of the teacher. I remember her name was Miss Monena
and that she was very strict. The other kids weren’t too happy,
either. We were all very quiet that day!”
Hi, mom and dad! I need some help fast! I invited some friends
for dinner tonight, and I don’t know what to cook.