Modulo 1º-2º Grado - Ingles

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HVCA - 2024
Dirección Regional de Educación deHuancavelica

Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local deHuancavelica

Prof. Edgar Ramos Chancha

Director del I.E.L. - “Micaela Bastidas Puyucahua”

Teléfono: 999078887
Correo electrónico: [email protected]

Prof. José F. Esteban Huarocc

Coordinador CEBA “Micaela Bastidas Puyucahua”
Teléfono: 947962486
Correo electrónico: [email protected]

Responsable del área:

Prof. Nancy De La Cruz Huamani

Teléfono: 993773977

Correo Electrónico: [email protected]



Centro de Educación Básica Alternativa “Micaela Bastidas


Jr. Castrovirreyna N° 126 Yananaco

Huancavelica – Perú.

Todos los derechos reservados. Prohibida la reproducción

del presente módulo por cualquier medio, total o parcial sin
permiso expreso.

Primera Edición
[email protected]
Marzo 2024

Liderando en el cambio tecnológico

Estimada estudiante, el personal directivo y docente del Centro de Educación Básica

Alternativa “Micaela Bastidas Puyucahua” de la ciudad de Huancavelica, te damos una
cordial bienvenida. Este servicio educativo que brinda nuestra Institución Educativa, tiene
la mejor intención de fortalecer tus competencias y capacidades, por ello durante elpresente
año escolar 2023, desarrollaremos una serie de actividades pedagógicas, previamente
elaboradas por el personal docente con la finalidad de hacerte llegar este Módulo de
aprendizaje, esperando alcanzar una motivación en cada uno de ustedes y luego se
conviertan en tu mejor amigo y compañero durante tus estudios de las diferentes áreas de
la modalidad de Educación Básica Alternativa. Es necesario mencionarte que este módulo ha
sido preparado con mucha dedicación, responsabilidad y afecto por los docentes de las
diferentes áreas curriculares de nuestra institución educativa líder.

El objetivo principal que queremos lograr con el desarrollo de este MÓDULO, es mejorarlas
capacidades, habilidades, conocimientos y actitudes, por lo que debes prestar mucha
atención y dedicación en tiempo que más dispongas, con la intención de comprenderlas y
desarrollar las actividades planteadas en cada actividad del Módulo, paraluego ser retornadas
a tus maestros para su respectiva valoración y luego te asistan brindándote una
retroalimentación reflexiva y/o por descubrimiento.

Por lo tanto, con este MÓDULO afirmarás tu formación eficaz, eficiente y satisfactoria, te
invocamos optar un compromiso y responsabilidad que debe partir desde tu interés,
necesidad y desarrollo personal, toda vez que un adecuado desarrollo de las actividades,
contribuirá en tu formación integral. Ten presente que los docentes siempre estamos
dispuestos a ayudarte y hacer más fácil tu aprendizaje.

Recuerda que, después de haber desarrollado las actividades, debes enviar a los docentes
por vía correo electrónico, mensaje de texto y/o WhatsApp o traer en físico alCEBA “Micaela
Bastidas Puyucahua”, como evidencia de haber trabajado con una actitud positiva y
autoaprendizaje, además serán considerados como fuentes de verificación del proceso de
aprendizaje en esta modalidad.

“Nunca consideres el estudio como una obligación, sino

como una oportunidad para conocer el bello y
maravilloso mundo del saber”.

“Lidera, aprende y emprende”.

Equipo de docentes CEBA MBP



PHOTO Telephone:


12 Let's go! 12
Activity Book
Bloque I

14 Let's go! 14
Lesson 1.1
greetings/expresiones para saludarse

Choose the correct response/Elige la respuesta correcta.

1. Hello.

a) Hi.
b) Good bye.

2. Hi Katy, how are you?

a) See you tomorrow Mike.

b) I’m ne, thank you.

3. Good night!
a) Nice to meet you.
b) Bye. See you tomorrow.

15 Let's go! 15
Complete the conversations with the next words/
Completa la conversación con las siguientes palabras.

Hello. Nice to meet you.

See you Have a good night.
Good bye. How are you?

1. 2.
Hi Jack. a) Good bye, Math.
Hello Sandra. b) __________.
3. 4.
___________. a) __________.
I’m great. Thanks. b) Thanks, you too.
5. 6.
a) I’m Victor. a) _______ tomorrow.
b) _________. b) Bye, bye.

Complete the message/Completa el mensaje.

Hello Steve

are you?
I’m thanks.
Good later.
OK. a nice day.
Thanks you too.

Homework: escribe una pequeña conversación como la

de los ejercicios de esta lección en tu libreta.

16 Let's go! 16
Lesson 1.2
introduce yourself/presentarte

Complete the conversation, then practice with a

classmate/Completa la conversación, después practica con un

A. Hello. Good morning Sir.

B. Hi.
A. How are you?
B. I’m ne thank you.
A. OK. So, what’s your name?
B. My name is José Luis Hernández.
A. How do you spell your _______ ________?
B. It’s H-E-R-N-A-N-D-E-Z.
A. Thanks, and what’s your _______ _______ ?
B. It’s Luis.
A. Well, what’s your __________ __________?
B. It’s 183059448.
A. Thank you. Have a nice day.

17 Let's go! 17
Complete the conversation using am or are, then practice
with a family member/Completa la conversación utilizando am
o are, después practícala con algún miembro de tu familia.

A. Good morning. I am Catalina. My last name is Sánchez.

B. Great. ___ you here for an Art Class?
A. No, I ___ not. I ____ here for the English Class.
B. OK, great! Let me see. ___ you a new student?
A. Yes I ____.
B. OK. Here’s your card.
A. Thank you.
B. See you.

Answer the questions. Use your personal information/

Responde las preguntas. Utiliza tu información personal.

1. Are you a student?

Yes, I am.
2. Are you a teacher?.
3. Are you in an Italian Class?
4. How are you today?
5. Are you in Veracruz State?

Homework: escribe la pronunciación del alfabeto en

inglés en tu libreta, después practica deletreando el nombre de
tus familiares.

18 Let's go! 18
Lesson 1.3
personal information/información

Match the columns. Use different colors/Relaciona las

columnas. Utiliza diferentes colores.

ONE 10











19 Let’s go! 19
Look the ID, then complete the conversation with the
information/Observa la identi cación, después completa la
conversación con la información.

A. Good morning Sir. How can I help you?

B. Oh! My name is ____________.
A. Are you a teacher?
B. Yes, I am.
A. So, what’s your ______ _____?
B. It’s Silva.
A. OK. And your e-mail please.
B. It’s ______________________.
A. Thank you Sir. Your phone number please.
B. Sure! It’s _________________.
A. Thank you, welcome Teacher.
B. Thanks.

Come back to ID card on page 12 and ll in with your

information/Regresa a la tarjeta de identi cación de la página
12 y complétala con tu información.

Homework: elabora en tu libreta tu propia credencial en

inglés, utiliza la información estudiada.

20 Let’s go! 20
Lesson 1.4
expressions to say thank you/expresiones
para agradecer

Complete the conversations with the expressions in the

chart/Completa las conversaciones con las expresiones en el

Hello Yes Pretty good.

Hi Yeah How are you doing?
How about you? Good How are you?

I’m OK. Thanks. _______?
Good! Are you here for the football matches?
____ I am. I’m the goalkeeper.


Hello, are you the teacher?

______ I am. ___________?
___________, thank you.


___ my name is Sandy.

Hi Sandy, I’m Emma.
Nice to meet you.

21 Let’s go! 21
Rewrite the conversation, now use formal expressions for
the underlined words/Reescribe la conversación, ahora utiliza
expresiones formales para las palabras subrayadas.

A. Hi! How are you doing?

B. Pretty good, thanks. How about you?
A. I’m OK, thanks.
B. Are you here for the exam?
A. Yeah, I am.
B. Well, good luck!
A. Thanks. See you.
B. Bye.

A.__ Hello! ______________________________


Complete the conversation/Completa la conversación.

A. ___. ______ are you?

B. I’m ______. Thank you. How _____________?
A. I’m Pretty ___________.
B. So, Good _______.
A. See you later.

Homework: escribe en tu libreta una conversación como

la de este último ejercicio, utiliza lenguaje formal.

22 Let’s go! 22
Lesson 2.1
ask information about someone’s
whereabouts/preguntar dónde se
encuentra alguien

Write the correct place/Escribe el lugar correcto.

___ AT THE GYM ___ ___________________

_________________ ___________________

___________________ ___________________

23 Let’s go! 23
Complete the conversation, using the verb be. Use
contractions where is possible. At the end practice with a
family member/Completa la conversación, utilizando el verbo
be. Utiliza las contracciones en donde sea posible. Al nalizar
practica con algún miembro de tu familia.

A. Hi Daria, how are you?

B. I ‘m good, thanks. How about you?
A. Great! So, where ____ Mario?
B. He ____ at the library.
A. Nice. And where ____ Liz and Jennifer?
B. They ___ in English Class.
A. ____ they with Miss Judith?
B. No, They ____ ___. They ____ with Miss Sandy.

Complete the questions with the names of your

classmates/Completa las preguntas con los nombres de tus

1. Is SAMUEL at the gym?

2. Are ____________ and ___________ at home?
3. Is ______________ at work?
4. Is ______________ at the library.
5. Are_____________ and ___________ on vacation?
6. Is ______________ in class?

Homework: convierte a su forma a rmativa las preguntas

de la última actividad de esta hoja en tu libreta.

24 Let’s go! 24
Lesson 2.2
name personal items and classroom
objects/nombra los objetos personales y
del salón

Complete the names of these things/Completa el

nombre de estos objetos.

Pencil. _ E__e_.

N___eb__k. S_____R.

B__k. ___cul___e.

B__. R___r.
25 Let’s go! 25
Write the plural form of the items that you write before/
Escribe el plural de los objetos que escribiste antes.

Singular Plural

____ PENCIL ________ ______ PENCILS ____

___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________

Complete with This or These/Completa con This o These.

This book .


_ ____________________.

Homework: investiga diez palabras nuevas sobre

vocabulario que utilizas en el salón de clases y dibújalos en tu

26 Let’s go! 26
Lesson 2.3
ask and say where things are in a
classroom/pregunta y responde en donde
se ubican las cosas en el salón de clases

Match the columns/Relaciona las columnas.





27 Let’s go! 27
Look at the picture, then complete the sentences with
the words in the chart/Observa las imágenes, después
completa las oraciones con las palabras del recuadro.


1. The TV is NEXT TO the clock.

2. The globe is __________ the window.
3. The clock is __________ the wall.
4. The books are ________ the bookcase.

Unscramble the next questions/Ordena las siguientes


1. ____ Where is the bag ________________________?

is Where bag the?
2. ___________________________________________?
chairs the are Where?
3. ___________________________________________?

Homework: elabora un pequeño texto en el que describas

la ubicación de las cosas en tu casa.

28 Let’s go! 28
Lesson 2.4
give classroom instructions. know
expressions to apologize/Brinda algunas
instrucciones dentro del salón. conoce
expresiones para disculparse

Number the lines of these two conversations in the

correct order. Then write the conversations/Enumera las lineas
de estas dos conversaciones en el orden correcto, después
escribe la conversación.

Conversation 1.
___. Are you in the line?
___. Yes.
_1 _. Excuse me.

1._____ Excuse me ________ .

_________________________. Conversation 2.

___. You’re welcome.

___. Hey Arnold.
.___. Sure. Here is it.
___. Can I borrow your pencil.
___. Thanks.
29 Let’s go! 29
Write the next expressions in the correct place/Escribe
las siguientes expresiones en el lugar correcto.

Excuse me Can I borrow Thanks anyway

I’m sorry Please Thanks
How do you spell Sorry What’s the word for…

Apologize/Disculparse. Request/Solicitar.
___ Excuse me _________ ______________________

To say Thank/Agradecer. Ask/Preguntar.

______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________

Homework: inventa una pequeña conversación en la que

utilices el mayor número de expresiones que se encuentran en
el recuadro de esta página.

30 Let’s go! 30
Lesson 3.1
talk about your favorite celebrities/
habla acerca de tus celebridades

Answer the next questions with your personal

information/Responde las siguientes preguntas con tu
información personal.

1. What’s your favorite singer?

My favorite singer is Shakira .
2. What’s your favorite soccer team?
3. What’s your favorite writer?
4. What’s your favorite actor?
5. What’s your favorite band?

Write a short paragraph with the information above/

Escribe un pequeño párrafo con la información de arriba.

31 Let’s go! 31
Complete the sentences, use verb be or possessive
adjectives/Completa las oraciones, usa el verbo be o los
adjetivos posesivos.

1. Salma Hayek is my favorite actress, ________ movies

________ amazing, She ________ Mexican.
2. Javier Hernández______ my favorite soccer player,
________ skills are surprising. ________ nickname ________
3. The Beatles ________ the best band in the world. _______
songs _____ spectacular.
4. ______ favorite TV show ________ “A la Veracruzana”. I think
the presenters ________ nice.

Complete the second column with the possessive

adjectives/Completa la segunda columna con los adjetivos

I ____ IT _____
YOU ____ WE our
HE ____ YOU _____
SHE ____ THEY_____

Homework: escribe una pequeña reseña de la persona

famosa que admiras, describe por qué y sus habilidades.

32 Let’s go! 32
Lesson 3.2
describe people’s personality traits/
describe las características de
personalidad de la gente

Unscramble the adjectives/Descifra los adjetivos.

USYB BUSY . NFU _________________.

AZLY _______________. TIEQU ________________.
MARTS _____________. DERIT _______________.
YLFENRID ___________. SINGERTTEIN _________.
GOINGOUT __________. YSH _________________.
ICEN _______________. TSRTIC ______________.

Rewrite the sentences in negative form/Reescribe las

oraciones en su forma negativa.

1. My best friend is nice. My best friend isn’t nice .

2. My classmates are fun. ________________________.
3. My neighbor is quiet. ________________________.
4. My mother is tired. ________________________.
5. My father is strict. ________________________.
6. My aunt is shy. ________________________.
7. My teacher is friendly ________________________.

33 Let’s go! 33
Complete the questions, then write short answers/
Completa las preguntas, después escribe respuestas cortas.

1. _ Is_ your best friend smart? ______________________.

2. ____ your teacher strict? ______________________.
3. ____ your parents busy? ______________________.
4. ____ you smart? ______________________.
5. ____ your brothers outgoing? ______________________.
6. ____ your friends lazy? ______________________.
7. ____ your grandpa shy? ______________________.
8. ____ you fun? ______________________.

Homework: piensa en tres compañeros de clase y

describe su personalidad en pequeños párrafos, utiliza lo
estudiado el día de hoy.

34 Let’s go! 34
Lesson 3.3
talk about friends and family/habla
sobre amigos y familia

Make your own family tree/Elabora tu propio árbol


Dad Mom Brother Sister

Sister Cousin Grandpa Grandma


35 Let’s go! 35
Read the dialogue, then answer the questions/Lee el
texto, después responde las preguntas.

A. Hey Melinda. How are you?

B. Fine thanks.
A. What is it?
B. It’s a family picture.
A. Oh! That’s wonderful, who is he?
B. He is my grandfather Lorenzo.
A. Where is he from?
B. He is from Zacatecas.
A. Who is she?
B. She is my aunt Cecilia.
A. What is she like?
B. She’s very smart.
A. Who is she?
B. It’s me!
A. How old are you?
B. I’m four years old.
A. Oh, so cute!

1. What’s the Melinda’s grandpa name?

His name is Lorenzo .
2. Who is Cecilia?
3. What’s Cecilia like?
4. How old is Melinda in that picture?

Homework: platica con tus padres sobre los integrantes

de tu familia, sus historias, anécdotas, te aseguramos que
pasarás un excelente momento.

36 Let’s go! 36
Lesson 3.4
use the expression: REALLY? in a
conversation/utiliza la expresión: really?
en una conversación

Write responses to show you are interested or surprised/

Escribe respuestas para mostrar que estas interesado o

1. I love football soccer.

Really?, I love it too.
2. My grandparents are from Italy.
Really?, _____________________________________.
3. My favorite cartoon is Johnny Bravo.

Complete the sentences with a follow up question/

Completa los incisos con una pregunta de seguimiento.

1. My aunt is a tennis player.

Really? Where does she practice?
2. I have an appointment with my dentist.
3. My mother prepared salad.

37 Let’s go! 37
Write expressions to show you are interested or
surprised. Then ask a question/Escribe expresiones para
mostrar que estás interesado o sorprendido. Después realiza
una pregunta.

1. My mother is French.
2. My aunt is a famous singer.
3. My family is from Chiapas.
4. My teacher is really fun.
Really? What is his name? .
5. My grandparents are musicians.

Homework: piensa sobre tres oraciones que puedan

causar sorpresa, utiliza la expresión: really?, y continúa
haciendo una pregunta de seguimiento.
38 Let’s go! 38
Lesson 4.1
describe a typical morning in your house/
describe una mañana típica en casa

Match the verbs with the words and expressions, then

write the sentences about your personal information/
Relaciona los verbos con las palabras y expresiones, después
escribe las oraciones con tu información personal.

a) Do ___ breakfast.
b) Check ___ the computer.
c) Listen ___ a book.
d) Study ___ aerobics.
e) Have _c_ to the radio.
f) Read ___ your Facebook.
g) Use ___ English

I don’t listen to the radio every day ________________ .


39 Let’s go! 39
Complete the message with the correct form of the
verbs/Completa el mensaje con la forma correcta de los

Dear Ivana

Hi Ivanna How are you? I want (want) to talk about

my morning.
I _______ (get up) early, and I ______ (listen) to the
program radio. My brother ______ (not do) exercise and
my Dad ________ (read) the newspaper.
I ______ (not study) French, I ________ (study) English
, I really _____ (like) it.
My family ____ (not have) breakfast together,
We usually just _____ (watch) TV.
How about your morning? Tell me.

Greetings from Mexico.

With love, Amelia.

Homework: escribe seis actividades que regularmente

haces y seis que no realizas, clasifícalas en una tabla.

40 Let’s go! 40
Lesson 4.2
discuss about weekly routines/habla
sobre las rutinas que realizas

Write the days of the week, then think about one activity
you usually do/Escribe los días en inglés, después piensa
sobre una actividad que usualmente haces.


Study English

Homework: reescribe las respuestas de la primera

actividad de la página 42 según corresponda, si es a rmativa
en negativa y viceversa.

41 Let’s go! 41
Complete the questions, then answer them/Completa las
preguntas después respóndelas.

1. Do you do exercise in the afternoon?

2. ____ you _______ breakfast at night?
3. ___ do ________ TV every day?
4. ____ your mother make calls on weekends?
5. ____ you _______ Spanish after class?
6. ____ you _______ soccer with your friends _______ school?

Which activities are fun for you, what are not. Complete
the charts/Cuáles actividades son divertidas para ti, cuáles no.
Completa las tablas.


Play soccer.

42 Let’s go! 42
Lesson 4.3
saying more than yes or no/responder
algo más que si o no

Match the questions with the answers/Relaciona las

preguntas con las respuestas.

a) Do you practice any sports?

b) Do you live around here?
c) Do you take a shower in the morning?
d) Do you use the computer?
e) Do you play video games?

___ Well, I don’t I usually do at night.

___ Well, No, I don’t like it.
___ Well, I live in Xalapa.
a Yeah, Well, I play baseball.
___ Sure!, I take class online.

Complete the sentences with your information/Completa

las oraciones con tu información.

On average:

1. I study _______ hours a day.

2. I listen to music _______ hours a day.
3. I play with my friends _______ hours a day
4. I read a book _______ hours a day.
5. I drink _______ cups a day.

43 Let’s go! 43
Read the text and answer the questions, then read out
loud/Lee el texto y responde las preguntas, después léelas en
voz alta.

Julian works at the hospital. He starts work every day at

8:00 am. He nishes work at 6:00 pm. He lives very close to
the park. He usually walks to work. He likes his job. He is also
very good at his job.

In the afternoon, He plays soccer with his friends. They are

good friends. They are doctors too. Sometimes they go to the

1. Does Julian work?

Yes he does. He works at the hospital .
2. Does he like his work?
3. Does he practice any sport?
4. Does Julian go to the park in the afternoon?

Homework: piensa en las actividades que algún miembro de

tu familia realiza y escribe un pequeño texto, guíate con el
ejemplo de esta página.

44 Let’s go! 44
Lesson 4.4
talk about your lifestyle/habla acerca de
tu estilo de vida

Read the article, what type of information will the text

have?/Lee el artículo, ¿qué tipo de información tiene el texto?

Obesity in adolescents.

Obesity is a health condition that is characterized by the

excess accumulation of weight. It is caused by unhealthy
eating habits together with sedentary lifestyle. A few extra
pounds do not suggest obesity.

However, they may indicate a tendency to gain weight easily

and a need for changes in diet and exercise habits. Generally, a
young person is not considered obese until the weight is at
least 10 percent higher that what is recommended for his o her
height and body type. Experts use a BMI (Body Mass Index)
chart to calculate this and determine how overweight or
underweight a person is. There are many causes of obesity.

They are complex and include genetic, behavioral, and cultural

factors. Family habits play a big part as well. If one of the
parents is obese there are 50 percent that the children may be

45 Let’s go! 45
Read the sentences and mark the ones that are true/Lee
las oraciones y marca las que sean verdaderas.

1. The experts use the BMI to calculate how overweight or

underweight are you ______________________.
2. Obesity is a health condition exclusive por adults ________.
3. If one of the parents is obese, there are 45 percent that the
children may be obese. ______________________.
4. A young person is no considered obese until the weight is
10 percent higher that what is recommended by doctors

Answer the following questions/Responde las siguientes


1. What kind of food do you usually eat? Is it healthy?

2. How often do you do exercise?
3. What should you do to help people that are overweight?

Homework: escribe un pequeño texto con la información de

las preguntas de la tercer actividad.

46 Let’s go! 46
Lesson 5.1
discuss free-time activities/habla sobre
tus pasatiempos

Unscramble the words, then answer the questions/

Ordena las palabras, después responde las preguntas.

1. the/ What/you/mornings/ in/do/ do?

What do you do in the mornings?
Answer: _____________________________.

2. you/do/Who/with/live?
Answer: _____________________________.

3. English/study/do/Where/you?
Answer: _____________________________.

4. When/breakfast/do/you/eat?
Answer: _____________________________.

5. you/How/a/computer/do/use/often?
Answer: _____________________________.

47 Let’s go! 47
Read the text, then answer the questions/Lee el texto,
después contesta las preguntas.

My name is Louis.

I’m from Veracruz, I study at Telesecundaria Benito Juárez

in San Pablo Mitecatlán. I like sports, reading books and
drinking coffee.
I help to my mother, I usually clean the house, cook and do
the laundry.
I listen to the radio, my favorite show is Let’s go. I watch TV
with my brothers. Our favorite shows are Cartoons.
Sometimes, I play soccer with my friends in the school. My
teacher is Amanda, She’s nice.

1. Where does she live?

She lives in Veracruz, in San Pablo Mitecatlán .
2. Where does she study?
3. What does she do with her mother?
4. What is her favorite show in the Radio?
5. Who does she play soccer with?

Homework: piensa en cinco preguntas que le realizarías a

un compañero de clase y escríbelas en tu libreta.

48 Let’s go! 48
Lesson 5.2
talk about tv shows preferences/habla
sobre los programas de televisión que

Write in the bars the next words according to the

frequency adverb/Escribe en las barras las siguientes palabras
de acuerdo al adverbio de frecuencia:

Never Always Sometimes Usually Often


Answer the questions with your personal information.

Use frequency adverbs/Responde las preguntas con tu
información personal. Utiliza adverbios de frecuencia.

1. How often do you watch documentaries?

2. What sitcoms do you usually watch?
3. Do you watch the news?

49 Let’s go! 49
Find the next TV shows/Encuentra los siguientes
programas de televisión.

Cartoon Soap Opera Talk Show

- Game Show Documentary Reality Show
- News Sitcom

Homework: escribe cinco oraciones sobre tus programas

favoritos y hábitos televisivos.

50 Let’s go! 50
Lesson 5.3
asking questions in two ways/realiza
preguntas DE dos maneras

Complete the sentences with a frequency adverb, then

use the expression: I mean/Completa las oraciones con un
adverbio de frecuencia, después usa la expresión: I mean.

1. I always watch cartoons. I mean, I like Jimmy Neutron .

2. My father ______ watches the news. I mean,
3. I ______ watch game shows. I mean,
4. My mother _____ watches soap opera. I mean,
5. My brother ______ watches documentaries. I mean,
6. My family _____ watches Tv. I mean,

Homework: pide a algún miembro de tu familia que te

realice las preguntas de la actividad dos, escribe tus propias

51 Let’s go! 51
Match the rst sentences with one of the second
sentences, try to make it sense/Relaciona las primeras
oraciones con una de las segundas oraciones, intenta que
tengan coherencia.

a) How often do you watch TV?, I mean, …

b) Where do you usually watch TV?, I mean, …
c) Who do you watch TV with?, I mean, …
d) When do you watch TV?, I mean, …
e) What’s your favorite TV show?, I mean, …

___ do you watch TV before to school?.

___ do you like cartoons?
_a_ do you watch TV all the day?
___ do you watch TV with your family?
___ do you watch TV in the bed?

Complete the conversation, using the words in the chart/

Completa la conversación utilizando las palabras en el

do you know about a new course?

is he strict?
do you go home?
do you speak French with someone?

A. What do you do after school, I mean do you go home.

B. No, I don’t. I study French in the afternoon.
A. French? What is your teacher like? I mean, _________.
B. Yes, He is. But everything it’s OK.
A Do you practice French? I mean, _________________.
B. Sure, my sister studies French too.
A. Wow. I want to study now, I mean ________________.

52 Let’s go! 52
Lesson 5 . 4
discuss different topics about media/
discute sobre temas relacionados con los
medios de comunicación

Read the article, what type of information will the text

have?/Lee el artículo, ¿de qué tipo de información crees que

Inventions that changed the world

For centuries human beings have been

trying to make or create things to make life
easier. Come inventions, such as the wheel,
have been quite simple. Others, like the
printing press, have been more complex,
and took years and years to be developed.
However here we list what we think the
best inventions are. Read on and decide if you agree with we
came up with.
Online social networking: it has allowed some people to renew
friendships with friends they lost touch with years ago, while
others can run business without having a physical touch.
Text messages: The rst message was sent in 1992, and since
then they have evolved very quickly. It has been created a new
vocabulary and new grammar that is almost incomprehensible
to those people to use it.

53 Let’s go! 53
Choose or read about one invention, and answer this
questions/Elige o lee acerca de un invento y responde estas

1. What is the function of this invention?

2. Do you or does someone you know use it?
3. How is it used?
4. Why do you or other people use it?
5. How do you think life would be if these inventions did not

How much do you know about social media? Write yes or

no, in the following questions/¿Qué tanto sabes sobre medios
de comunicación? Escribe yes o no, en las siguientes

1. Facebook was founded in 2004. yes .

2. Did you remember when instagram stories start? ____.
3. Embarrassed is not a reaction available on Facebook. ____.
4. Twitter does provide users with sel e lters. ____.
5. Facebook is the largest social network in the world. ____.

Homework: escribe cinco oraciones con adverbios de

frecuencia acerca de tu uso de las redes sociales.
54 Let’s go! 54
Lesson 6.1
describe a neighborhood/describe un
Label the places/Etiqueta los lugares.

Cinema Police Station Park Bus station

Store Amusement Park Bank Hospital
Cafés Gas station Mall Library

_____________ _____________ ______________

_____________ Cinema ______________

_____________ _____________ ______________

_____________ _____________ ______________

55 Let’s go! 55
Find the opposites/Encuentra los opuestos.

1. Good. a) Expensive. b) Bad. c) Interesting.

2. Big. a) Small. b) Old. c) Quiet.
3. Cheap. a) Old. b) Small c) Expensive.
4. Boring. a) Small. b) Bad. c) Interesting.
5. New. a) Old. b) Small. c) Expensive.
6. Noisy. a) Expensive. b) Quiet. c) Interesting.

What’s in your neighborhood? Complete the sentence,

then make a small paragraph with the information/¿Qué hay
en tu vecindario? Completa las oraciones, después realiza un
pequeño párrafo con la información.

1. There is a ____________________________.
2. There are lots of ______________________.
3. There are a couple of __________________.
4. There are some_______________________.
5. There are no _________________________.


Homework: escribe una pequeña reseña con el vocabulario

estudiado sobre alguna comunidad o lugar que hayas visitado.

56 Let’s go! 56
Lesson 6.2
ask for and tell the time/pregunta y di la
hora del día

What time is it? Write the correct hour/¿Qué hora es?

Escribe la hora correcta.

It’s eight o’clock. __________________

________________ _________________

Answer the questions/Responde las preguntas.

1. What time do you get up?

2. What time does your family have breakfast?
3. What time do you do your homework?
4. What time do you sleep?

57 Let’s go! 57
Complete the suggestion with the correct verb/Completa
la recomendación con el verbo correcto.

1. Let’s __play___ (go/play) soccer with my friends.

2. Let’s ________ (study/go) to school.
3. Let’s ________ (practice/take)English this afternoon.
4. Let’s ________ (play/run) the piano.

Write the correct question with “What time”/Escribe la

pregunta correcta con “What time”.

1. What time does the movie start ?

The movie starts at 8:00 pm.
2. _________________________________?
My favorite TV show starts at 6:00 pm.
3. _________________________________?
My parents eat breakfast at 7:30 am.
4. _________________________________?
I play soccer at 1:00 pm.
5. _________________________________?
My brother studies at 3:00 pm.

Homework: con las respuestas de la segunda actividad de

esta lección, elabora un pequeño párrafo.

58 Let’s go! 58
Lesson 6.3
use me too and me neither in a
conversation/utiliza me too y me neither
en una conversación

Complete with Me too or Me neither and write more

information/Completa con Me too o Me neither y escribe más

1. I don’t like going to the park.

Me neither, I think it’s small.
2. I sometimes take a bus.
3. I don’t like the new store.
4. I prefer to go to the mall.

Circle the expression that is true in your community/

Marca la expresión que es verdad en tu comunidad.

1. In my community there are a lot of/some stores.

2. In my community there is a/no hospital.
3. In my community there is a new/old church.
4. In my community there are some/a couple of schools.

59 Let’s go! 59
Complete the chart according with the information about
your community/Completa la tabla de acuerdo con la
información de tu comunidad.

There are some There are a There are no There is a

couple of

Homework: escribe cinco aspectos positivos y cinco

negativos de tu comunidad, después imagina que alguien está
de acuerdo con tu opinión en cada una de ellas y utiliza las
preguntas de seguimiento.

60 Let’s go! 60
Lesson 7.1
describe the weather/describe el clima

Write in the correct order the next words/Escribe en el

lugar correcto las siguientes palabras.






Find the next words./Encuentra las siguientes palabras.

61 Let’s go! 61
Complete the conversations using present continuous,
then practice with a family member/Completa la conversación
utilizando el presente continuo, después practica con algún
miembro de tu familia.

A. Hi Darla! How are you doing?

B. I’m great thanks, how about you?
A. Well. I’m watching (watch) a movie on the TV.
B. Sounds, great! I __________ (use) the computer.
A. Are you at work? Where is your sister?
B. Yes, I am. She ___________ (study) English.
A. What about French?
B. Karina ____________ (not study) French anymore.
A. Oh! That’s terrible. Well, call you later!
B. OK, Bye.

What is your family doing right now? Complete the table/

¿Qué está haciendo tu familia justo ahora? Completa la tabla.

Your mother:

Your father:

Your brother/sister:

Your best friend:

You: I´m studying English.

Homework: investiga nuevo vocabulario relacionado con el

clima, escríbelo en tu libreta y elabora oraciones con él.
62 Let’s go! 62
Lesson 7.2
talk about sports and exercise/habla
acerca de deportes y ejercicio

Find the sports, in the puzzle/Encuentra los deportes en

la sopa de letras.


Complete the next time expressions/Completa las

siguientes expresiones de tiempo.

R _ g _t n _ w. T_i_ m__ni_g

Today T_i_ w__k

T_i_ month t_is y__r

T____ _ _ys Th__ _e_e_te_

63 Let’s go! 63
Order the questions, then answer it/Organiza las
preguntas, después respóndelas.

1. studying you Are English?

Are you studying English ?
Answer: ______________________________________.
2. playing soccer Are you?
3. Are radio listening to you the?
4. any practicing you sport Are?
5. you doing days What these are?

Homework: redacta un texto en el que describas todas las

actividades que realizas para hacer ejercicio, cuáles son de tu
agrado, cuáles no, qué deportes has practicado, etc.

64 Let’s go! 64
Lesson 7.3
ask people about their plans/pregunta a
las personas sobre sus planes

Choose the correct answer/Elige la respuesta correcta.

1. I’m studying French on weekends.

a) Really? Oh that’s too bad. b)Oh! That’s great..

2. I get a 10 in my nal exams.

a) That’s wonderful. b)That’s terrible.

3. I get a new work.

a) That’s nice. b)That’s bad.

4. I’m reading a book about math.

a) Really? Oh that’s too bad. b)Really? That’s interesting.

5. My mother is a teacher.
a) That’s interesting. b) Really? Where does she

65 Let’s go! 65
Complete with follow up questions/Completa con
preguntas de seguimiento.

1. I’m planning a trip for vacation.

That’s good, Where do you want to go?______________.
2. My grandparents are living in Las Vegas.
That’s too bad, __________________________________?
3. My brother is playing with the Veracruz team.
That’s wonderful, ________________________________?
4. I’m playing soccer this semester.
That’s nice, _____________________________________?

Complete the dialogue with the correct questions from

the box/Completa la conversación con las preguntas que
estan en el recuadro.

Are you enjoying your work? What are you doing?

Where do you work?

A. I’m working late this week.

B. ____________________?
A. I’m teaching English at the Radio.
B. Really? What are you doing?
A. I’m working at Radio Sev.
B. That’s wonderful, but at least, ___________________?
A. Sure! I’m love this work.

Homework: crea tres situaciones en las que puedas utilizar

cada una de las expresiones analizadas en esta clase.

66 Let’s go! 66
Lesson 7. 4
give exercising advice/da consejos para
hacer ejercicio

Read the article, then complete the exercise/Lee el

artículo, después completa el ejercicio.

BenefIts of physical activity

Research has shown that people who engage in regular

physical activity are not only more likely to maintain a healthy
weight, they are also at lower risk for many illnesses. It is also
true that more physically active people bene t from a general
sense of well-being that relates to physical health, and they
have a higher capacity to deal with _______________________.

Regular physical activity is de ned as a minimum of 30

minutes of aerobic exercise, ve to seven days per week.
_______________________ is one of the leading risk factors for
health and is estimated to contribute to one million deaths per
year in Europe.

Physical activities not only make you feel good, but also
reduce the risk of heart desease. diabetes, and some cancers.
It is especially important in teenagers, because it helps to build
healthy bones, muscles, and joints._______________________.
Studies show that exercise can be as effective as
antidepressant medication.

67 Let’s go! 67
Add the missing sentences to the paragraphs above/
Agrega las oraciones que faltan en los párrafos.

❖ Exercise is also powerful depression ghter.

❖ Physical inactivity.
❖ Who engage in regular physical activity.
❖ Stress that sedentary people.

Order the sentence using the information in the article

(1-6)/Ordena las oraciones utilizando la información del artículo

4 Physical activities not only make you feel good.

_____ Physical activities reduce the rest for many illnesses.
_____ Doing exercise is the best antidepressant medication
_____ Physical inactivate caused one million death per year in
_____ People, who often do exercise, have a higher capacity to
deal with stress
_____ Heart desease, diabetes, and cancers are some illness
caused by physical inactivity.

Homework: responde en tu cuaderno un pequeño párrafo a

la siguiente pregunta: Why is it important that teenagers do
exercise?/¿Por qué es importante que los adolescentes hagan

68 Let’s go! 68
Lesson 8.1
talk about clothes/habla sobre ropA

Complete the crossword puzzle, write the names of the

clothes/Completa el crucigrama, escribe los nombres de la

69 Let’s go! 69
Complete the chart/Completa la tabla.


I ike:

I want to:

Countries and languages/Países e idiomas.

I want to:

I have to:


I have to wear:

I need to:

Complete the conversations with the correct form of the

verb/Completa la conversación con la forma correcta del

1. My co-workers are going to visit me today. I have to clean

(have/clean) my house. I ______________(need/buy) coffee,
because I ______________ (like/offer) it to them.
2. I ______________ (need/buy) a new uniform, I
______________ (have/wear) it when we’ll return to the
3. I (have/study) ________ English, I ______________ (need/
get) a 10 for my scholarship, I ______________ (not want/lose)

70 Let’s go! 70
Lesson 8.2
sell and buy/vender y comprar

Review the vocabulary, complete the chart writing four

clothes beginning with each letter/Revisa el vocabulario,
completa la tabla escribiendo cuatro prendas que inicien con
cada letra.



Complete the diagram with: This, These, That and Those/

Completa el diagrama con: This, These, That y Those.

Singular Plural

Near This


Homework: escribe tres oraciones en las que hables sobre

la ropa y colores que son populares en el lugar donde vives.

71 Let’s go! 71
Paint each box according to the name/Colorea cada
casilla de acuerdo al nombre.

Look at the pictures, then write the question and answer/

Observa las imágenes y después escribe la pregunta con su

How much is this coat?

____________ dollars.

How much are _______ h____ h____?

___________ dollars and _______ cents.
$2 .30

How much is _______ s______?


____ dollars and _________.

72 Let’s go! 72
Lesson 8.3
visiting a store/visitando una tienda

Choose the best option to complete the conversation/

Elige la mejor opción para completar la conversación.

1. Hi! Good to see you. I want to buy a new suit.

a) Really? Sure!
b) Let me see, that’s too bad.
c) Oh!, what do you wear it for?

2. I need a new computer. It doesn’t work.

a) Oh! I don’t know how to x it.
b) Let’s see. How much do you want to spend?
c) Oh! I don’t want to go to the computer center.

3. What’s your favorite writer?

a) Really? Which novel do you read?
b) Let’ see. How much is that book?
c) Let me think, I guess is Carlos Fuentes.

4. It’s $350.32 dollars.

a) Oh! That’s expensive.
b) Let me think. Is it a gift?
c) Really? I don’t have to pay.

73 Let’s go! 73
Answer each question, use the conversations strategies
below/Responde cada pregunta, utiliza las siguientes
estrategias de conversación.

Let’s see Let’ me think Uh- huh.

1. How much do you spend money at the mall?

Let’ me think, .
2. Do you like wearing uniform?
3. What are your favorite clothes?
4. Which color do you prefer to wear?

Write the prices with letters/Escribe los precios con


$12.30 $25.25
____________ __________

$100 $2.75
One hundred dollars. __________

Homework: investiga los precios de cinco prendas de vestir

y escribe sus precios mediante una pequeña conversación,
utiliza la pregunta estudiada el día de hoy.

74 Let’s go! 74
Lesson 8.4
discuss shoppings habits/discute sobre
los hábitos de compras

Answer the questions with your personal information/

Responde las preguntas con tu información personal.

1. Do you like going shopping?

2. When do you usually go shopping?
3. Which articles do you like shopping?
4. Do you think you spend too much money?

Write a little paragraph about your favorite store/Escribe

un pequeño párrafo acerca de tu tienda favorita.

My favorite store is __________________. I like these stores

because __________________, in that place you can nd
__________________, they’re usually __________________,
and __________________. I like to buy there because
____________________________________________________ .

75 Let’s go! 75
Now write an e-mail to your best friend and tell him/her
your answers with a little paragraph. Use all the information/
Ahora escribe un correo a tu mejor amigo y cuéntale a él/ella
sobre tus respuestas en un pequeño párrafo. Utiliza toda la

Homework: realiza las preguntas a tres personas de tu

familia y después traduce sus respuestas al inglés en tu

76 Let’s go! 76
Lesson 9.1
give sightseeing información/brinda
información turística

Complete the sentences, according to your skills. Use

can or can’t/Completa las oraciones de acuerdo a tus
habilidades. Utiliza can o can’t.

1. I ______ study at night.

2. I ______ run 5 kilometers.
3. I ______ speak English.
4. My mother ______ cook Mexican food.
5. My father _______ swim.
6. My sister ______ play the guitar.
7. My brother ______ play video games.

Answer the questions about your community/Responde

las preguntas acerca de tu comunidad.

1. What can you do in your community?

2. Which places can you visit?
3. What interesting things can you see in it?

77 Let’s go! 77
Complete the conversation with can or can’t/Completa la
conversación con can o can’t.

What you can do in CDMX.

Well there are many things that you can do in this beautiful
place. First, you _____ visit Xochimilco and sailing the canal in
a Trajinera, but you _____ swim there.

After that, why don’t you visit a Museum?, you _____ nd a

lot of them in CDMX. We recommend you “Soumaya Museum”,
it’s amazing, you _____ go through it in a single day.

Are you hungry? Well, you _____ miss out typical Mexican
food, try “quesadillas”, “enchiladas” and “chilaquiles”. You _____
nd many buffets in CDMX, you probably _____ eat everything
in it, Mexican food is delicious.

Finally, you _____ visit the Revolución monument, and you

_____ go up to the top.

Homework: en tu libreta escribe cinco actividades que las

personas pueden hacer en tu comunidad, y cinco que no
puedan realizar.

78 Let’s go! 78
Lesson 9.2
talk about countries you want to travel
to/habla sobre los países a los que te
gustaría viajar

Match the ag with the correct nationality/Une la

bandera con la nacionalidad correcta.

- Brazilian

- French

- German

- Mexican

- Chinese

- Spanish

- American

- Japanese

- Italian

79 Let’s go! 79
Answer the next questions/Responde las preguntas.

1. Which country do you like?

2. Do you know a country which speak Portuguese?
3. In which country is the Statue of Liberty?
4. Where can we nd the Eiffel Tower?

Complete the chart with your preferences/Completa la

tabla con tus preferencias.

Country I’d like Country I Country I know Food I want to

to visit. wouldn’t like to about his try.
visit. culture.

Homework: investiga sobre un país que te gustaría visitar y

escribe la información en inglés en tu libreta.

80 Let’s go! 80
Lesson 9.3
explaining words/explicando palabras

Do you remember the typical dishes in the program? Try

to describe them using: a kind of, kind of like or like/
¿Recuerdas los platillos típicos del programa? Intenta
describirlos utilizando: a kind, kind of like o like.

1. The huatape is a kind of____________________________

2. The chilate is_____________________________________
3. The horchata is___________________________________
4. Pastes are_______________________________________
5. The charango is___________________________________

81 Let’s go! 81
Write (V) if like is used like a verb or write (P) if is used as
a preposition/Escribe (V) si like es utilizado como un verbo ó (P)
si es utilizado como una preposición.

1. I like Mexican food. ( ).

2. What is your mother like. ( ).
3. “Hanfu” is like a dress. ( ).
4. My mother likes soap operas. ( ).
5. Don’t forget your gloves, scarf and things
like that. ( ).
6. Do you like Chinese food? ( ).
7. A subway is like the metro in CDMX. ( ).

Answer the next questions about you/Responde las

siguientes preguntas acerca de tí.

1. What kind of TV shows do you like?

Well, let’s see TV shows like, __________________________.
2. What can you visit in your community?
Places like: _______________________________________.
3. What typical dishes do you like?
Things like _______________________________________.

Homework: pregunta a un familiar sobre comida, trajes y

tradiciones típicas de tu comunidad, después utiliza las
palabras para describir las estudiadas el día de hoy en tu

82 Let’s go! 82
Lesson 9.4
listening to a tour guide/escucha a un
guía de turismo

Look at the pictures and complete the words/Observa las

imágenes y completa las palabras.




83 Let’s go! 83

The world is full of a variety of wonderful destinations and

beautiful places to visit, it can be quite dif cult to compile a list
of the best ones. The list of the world’s best places to visit has
to include great cities, like New York, Paris, London, and so on,
each of which is lled with a multitude of individual sites or
must-see places to visit.
Machu Picchu, Perú: The journey to Machu Picchu typically
stars in the mountain city of Cusco, with was the capital city of
the Inca Empire. Cusco is fascinating place to explore-be sure
to spend a few days there before or after your Machu Picchu
The Grad Canyon, Arizona: This incredible natural wonder is
in the US state of Arizona. With geology formed over the past
two billion years, yes billion. It was formed by the ow of the
Colorado River, which still ows throng it and continues erode
the geology along is course.

Read the article again. Then write T (true) or F (false) for

each sentence. Correct the false sentence/Lee el artículo de
nuevo, después escribe T (verdadero) o F (falso) para cada
oración. Corrige las oraciones falsas.

1. Machu Picchu is the capital of Perú. F

Machu Picchu was the capital city of the Inca Empire
2. Cusco is a boring place to visit. _________________
3. The Grand Canyon is located in USA, in the state of
Arizona __________________________________________
4. The Grand Canyon is near Rin river. __________________

84 Let’s go! 84
Lesson 10.1
ask and give information about the recent
past/pregunta y brinda información sobre
el pasado reciente

Complete each sentence with a simple past verb/

Completa cada oración con un verbo en pasado simple.

1. I _________ TV at home last night.

2. Elizabeth _________ soccer with my friends
3. My sister _________ English on the radio.
4. My parents _________ Mexican food.
5. My teacher _________ online with me.
6. Yesterday, I listened to music in my room.
7. My family _________ to my grandparents to dinner.

Write true sentences about your last weekend, use the

simple past/Escribe oraciones verdaderas acerca de tu n de
semana pasado, utiliza el pasado simple.

1. Study English ___________________________________.

2. Watch TV _______________________________________.
3. Play baseball ____________________________________.
4. Invite my friends at home__________________________.
5. Listen to Rap music_______________________________.
6. Watch a movie ___________________________________.

85 Let’s go! 85
Complete the e-mail with the correct form of the verb. Be
careful, you can use: simple present, present continuous or
simple pass/Completa el e-mail con la forma correcta del

Hi Angela:

I ______ (want) to tell you what I _______ (do)

First I ______ (stay) at home, because of the pandemic,
then I ______ (listen) to my classes on the radio, the teachers
______ (invite) us to ________ (study) hard! The more you
practice, the better you get! ______ (say) teacher Fanny.
What about you? What _____ (do) you do yesterday? What
are you _____ (do) at this moment?. Are you studying (study)
English too?. Do you _______ (listen) to the radio?. What is
your favorite class?.
Well, bye, bye Andrea. I _______ (want) to see you soon.

With love, Zoe.

Homework: elabora una tabla en la que describas las

actividades que hicieron: tu mamá, papá, algún hermano, algún
abuelo el día de ayer.

86 Let’s go! 86
Lesson 10.2
describe what you did last week/describe
lo que hiciste la semana pasada

Link each verb with its simple past, making sure that the
lines are not touched, use different colors/Une cada verbo con
su pasado simple, asegúrate que las líneas no se toquen, utiliza
diferentes colores.

87 Let’s go! 87
Complete the sentences using the simple past tense of
the verbs in the box/Completa las oraciones utilizando el
tiempo pasado simple de los verbos en el recuadro.

Do See Read Buy Go

1. My mother _______ to the mall last week.

2. My father saw the NBA nals last month.
3. I _______ my homework last night.
4. My teacher _______ us an amazing book.
5. My grandparents _______ a new radio.

Now write the sentences above in negative form/Ahora

escribe las oraciones de arriba en su forma negativa.


Homework: investiga diez verbos irregulares nuevos y

escríbelos en tu libreta, organízalos en una tabla.

88 Let’s go! 88
Lesson 10.3
talk about how you remember things/
habla acerca de cómo recuerdas las

Write an activity you did each day last week/Escribe una

actividad que hiciste para cada día de la semana pasada.

1. Monday ______________________________________ .
2. Tuesday ______________________________________.
3. Wednesday ___________________________________.
4. Thursday _____________________________________.
5. Friday _______________________________________.
6. Saturday _____________________________________.
7. Sunday ______________________________________.

Choose the best answer for each situation/Elige la mejor

respuesta para cada situación.

1. I bought a new car!

a) You did? You poor thing. b)You did? Congratulations.
2. I had an accident last month!
a) You did? Happy Birthday. b)You did! You poor thing.
3. I took my nal exam.
a) You did? Good luck. b)You did? Thank goodness.
4. I ‘m 18 today!
a) Good luck. b) Happy birthday.

89 Let’s go! 89
Think about different activities you did and write them in
the right place, then write a small story about one of them/
Piensa acerca de diferentes actividades que hiciste y
escríbelas en el lugar correcto, después escribe una pequeña
historia sobre una de ellas.

Terrible Exciting Relaxing Boring

My story:


Homework: escribe una situación que pueda ser utilizada

para cada expresión estudiada el día de hoy.
90 Let’s go! 90
Lesson 10.4
write a diary/escribe un diario personal

Read Paty’s personal diary, then answer the questions/

Lee el diario de Paty después contesta las preguntas.

Dear diary:

Yesterday my parents were at of ce and I visited my

grandmother. It was her birthday.
First, we ate in a small restaurant near her house. She
usually eat there with Grandpa. Then, we visited a bakery and
brought a chocolate cake. Then we went back home. After
that, we drank coffee and ate cake. Then we watched a
romantic movie. Finally, we looked at old photos about when
she and Grandpa got married. She remembered happy
moments. We had a lot of fun.
After that, my parents arrived to grandma’s home at nine
and we still had dinner. Then, we came back home two hours

1. What did Paty do yesterday?

2. What did Paty and her grandmother do rst?
They ate in a little restaurant near grandmother’s house .
3. Write other activities that Paty and her grandmother did.
4. What time did Paty and her parents come back home?

91 Let’s go! 91
Now, like Paty, think about a day you remember well and
answer the questions, then write a paragraph with the
information/Ahora, como Paty, piensa acerca de un día que
recuerdes bien y responde las preguntas, después escribe un
párrafo con la información.

1. What did you do?

2. When did the events happen?
3. Where were you?
4. Who were you with?
5. How was it?

Dear diary:

Homework: pídele a algún miembro de tu familia que te

cuente lo que hizo ayer y elabora su diario en tu libreta.

92 Let’s go! 92
Lesson 11.1
describe experiences such as your 1st day
of school/describe experiencias como tu
primer día de escuela

Draw the chart’s vocabulary/Dibuja el vocabulario del


Nervous Happy Nice Awful

Strict Pleased Embarrassing Scared

Scared ___________ ___________

___________ ____________ ___________

___________ ___________

93 Let’s go! 93
Complete the conversation with the verb be in simple
past, then practice de conversation/Completa la conversación
con el verbo be en pasado, después practica la conversación.

A. What are you doing Mom?

B. I _____ tired, so I started to read a magazine. There is an
interesting article about the feelings of the students in the
rst day at school.
A. Mom, do you remember your rst day at secondary
B. Of course, I do!
A. ______ you nervous?
B. Yes, I was a little nervous, but I was happy.
A. Did you meet someone the rst day?
B. Yes, I did. The rst day I met Marcia, She ______ nice
with me, She’s still my best friend.
A. _______ she at the same class?
B. Sure. We _____ in the same English class.
A. So, what ____ you studying?
B. We _____ at telesecundaria.

Remember your rst day at school and answer the

questions/Recuerda tu primer día en la escuela y contesta las

1. Were you nervous? _______________________________.

2. Was the teacher strict? ___________________________.
3. Were your friends nice? ___________________________.

Homework: recuerda tu primer día en la escuela primaria,

escribe un pequeño diálogo, guíate en el último ejercicio de
esta página.

94 Let’s go! 94
Lesson 11.2
talk about vacations/habla sobre las

Answer the questions about your last vacations/

Responde las preguntas sobre tus últimas vacaciones.

1. When was your last vacation?

2. Where did you go?
3. Who did you go with?
4. What did you do?
5. How long did you stay there?

Now think about the expression that we usually use with

the next verbs and write them/Ahora piensa sobre las
expresiones que generalmente utilizamos con los siguientes
verbos y escríbelas.

Go Get


95 Let’s go! 95
Read the biography and answer the questions/Lee la
biografía y contesta las preguntas.

Octavio Paz

He was born in Mixcoac in Mexico City. He had the

opportunity to study for a year in the United States. He wrote
The labyrinth of Solitude in 1950. His best known poem is
Sunstone that he wrote in 1958. Paz wrote poetry, texts
analyzing civilizations, art and literature. He was Mexico’s
ambassador in India from 1962 to 1968. He died on April 19th,

1. Where was he born?

2. Where did he study for one year?
3. What did he write in 1950?
4. When did he die?

Homework: entrevista a una persona sobre sus últimas

vacaciones, utiliza las preguntas de la primera actividad de
esta lección, después realiza un texto breve en donde utilices
esta información.

96 Let’s go! 96
Lesson 11.3
tell a funny story/relata una historia

Choose the best answer, how did the speakers use

anyway?/Elige la mejor respuesta, ¿cómo utilizan los
hablantes anyway?

Conversation 1
A. Hello, are you here for the exam?
B. No, I just have to ll this form, anyway I have to go.
A. OK. See you later!

a) To change the topic. b) To end the conversation.

Conversation 1.
A. Hey! How is it going?
B. I’m OK, so, did you go to the concert?
A. Sure, it was amazing! I had a good time, anyway, what
did you do last week?

a) To change the topic. b) To end the conversation.

Conversation 3.
A. The game was amazing.
B. I know the Red Sox played exceptional, anyway, it’s late
and I have an important meeting tomorrow.
A. Do you? Well, let’s go home.

a) To change the topic. b) To end the conversation.

97 Let’s go! 97
Complete the conversation, asking with another
question/Completa la conversación con otra pregunta.

Conversation 1.
A. How was your weekend?
B. It was awful.
A. _________________________?

Conversation 2.
A. Did you buy the tickets?
B. Yes, but then I lost it!
A. Why, What did you do?

Conversation 3.
A. Let’s check your homework.
B. Mom, I don’t want to talk about school.
A. _________________________?

Make a time line with your past experiences, use

vocabulary studied to describe them/Realiza una línea del
tiempo con tus experiencias pasadas, utiliza el vocabulario
estudiado para describirlas.

1. Last day, I _______________________________________.

2. Last week, I _____________________________________.
3. Last moth, I______________________________________.
4. Last year, I ______________________________________.

Homework: relata una historia divertida que hayas tenido

en el pasado, puedes utilizar la información de la tercera
actividad de esta lección para realizarla.

98 Let’s go! 98
Lesson 12.1
talk about food likes, dislikes and eating
habits/habla sobre tus preferencias y
hábitos alimenticios

What foods do you like, which don’t? Complete the

chart/¿Qué alimentos te gustan, cuáles no? Completa la tabla.

I love I like I don’t like I hate

Complete each sentence with how many or how much

appropriately/Completa cada oración con: how may o how
much apropiadamente.

1. ______________ oranges do you use in a juice?

2. ______________ milk do you use?
3. How many bananas do you eat on a day?
4. ______________ potatoes do we need to prepare the
5. ______________ cheese is in the fridge?

99 Let’s go! 99
How many words do you know about food? Complete the
chart/¿Cuántas palabras conoces acerca de los alimentos?
Completa la tabla.

Vegetables Fruit Meat Snacks

Complete the next crossword puzzle/Completa el

siguiente crucigrama.

Homework: relata una historia divertida que hayas tenido

en el pasado, puedes utilizar la información de la tercer
actividad de esta lección.

100 Let’s go! 100

Lesson 12.2
food vocabulary/vocabulario de comida

Find the words in the puzzle about food/Encuentra las

palabras acerca de comida en la sopa de letras.


101 Let’s go! 101

Complete the conversations with the correct verb/
Completa la conversación con el verbo correcto.

1. Would you like to ________ a coffee this afternoon?

2. Would you like to________ soda or water?
3. Would you like to________ sh or chicken?
4. Would you like to________ to the mall with us?

Complete the sentences using any or some/Completa

las oraciones utilizando any o some.

1. Do you have ____ peanuts?

2. Would you like _____ tea?
3. I have _____ ice cream on the fridge, Would you like it?
4. I don’t eat ______ potato chips. I’m on diet.
5. Do we have _____ butter?
6. I eat ______ vegetables at lunch.
7. Would you like _______ bread?

Homework: imagina que trabajas en un restaurante, realiza

una pequeña conversación, ofreciendo los platillos típicos del

102 Let’s go! 102

Lesson 12.3
invite someone to a meal/invita a alguien a
una comida

Complete the conversations with the words: or

something or or anything/Completa la conversación con las
palabras: or something o or anything.

1. Do you usually have breakfast at school?

Well, I usually buy salad __________________.

2. How many cans of soda do you drink?

I don't drink soda, I prefer water ___________.

3. Would you like sugar for your coffee?

No, thanks I don’t put sugar __________ in it.

4. Do you like the new video-game?

I don’t play video games _________________.

Answer the questions with your information/Responde

las preguntas con tu información personal.

1. Do you usually drink coffee in the morning?

2. What kind of vegetables don’t you like?
3. Do you like snacks?

103 Let’s go! 103

Read the article and write T if the sentence is true or F if
the sentence is false/Lee el artículo y escribe T si la oración es
verdadera ó F si es falsa.

Healthy and Nutritive Juices.

If you want to relax, help your memory, have extra energy

and don’t get a cold, drink a juice.

Choose one of these delicious juices.

If you want a lot It’s an excellent

of energy for the resource of
whole day, drink Vitamin C. If you
a glass of tomato drink it
juice at frequently you
breakfast. will avoid colds.

It’s delicious
juice. It’s a good
option for your
sight and skin.

1. Orange juice it’s good option for your skin. F

2. Tomato juice it’s good option avoid colds. ______
3. Carrot juice it’s delicious juice. ______
4. Orange juice it’s recommended at dinner. ______

Homework: imagina que invitas a tu profesor a comer el día

de hoy, realiza una conversación, en donde pongas en práctica
todo lo estudiado durante esta sesión.

104 Let’s go! 104

Let’s go! Página 105
Bloque I

Let’s go! Página 106

Let’s go! 107
Lesson 1.1
greetings/expresiones para saludarse

Conversation 1.
A. Good morning, Fanny. How are you?
B. Good. How are you, Josué?
A. I’m ne. Thanks.

Conversation 2
B. Hello. I’m Josué Bonilla
A. Hi, I’m Fanny. Nice to meet you.
B. Nice to meet you too.

Conversation 3
B. Good night.
A. Good night. Have a good evening.
B. Thank you. You too.

Conversation 4
B. Bye. See you tomorrow
A. Bye. See you.

108 Let’s go! 108

Lesson 1.2
introduce yourself/presentarte

A. Good morning
B. Good morning
A. How are you?
B. I’m ne.
A. What’s your name?
B. Fanny Preza
A. How do you spell your last name?
B. It’s P-R-E-Z-A
A. Thank you. Have a nice day.
B. Thanks. You too.

109 Let’s go! 109

Lesson 1.3
personal information/información

A. Hi! Are you a member?

B. No, I’m just here for the day.
A. OK, so What’s your name, please?
B. Josué Bonilla.
A. And what’s your phone number?
B. It’s 2093849557.
A. What’s your e-mail address?
B. It’s [email protected].

110 Let’s go! 110

Lesson 1.4
expressions to say thank you/expresiones
para agradecer

A. It’s a beautiful day.

B. Yeah, it is.
A. Are you here for the concert?
B. Yeah, I am. How about you?
A. Yeah, me too. So, are you a student here?
B. Yeah. How about you?
A. No, I’m here on vacation.
B. Nice, by the way, I’m Josué.
A. Hi Josué, I’m Fanny.

111 Let’s go! 111

Lesson 2.1
ask information about someone’s
whereabouts/preguntar dónde se
encuentra alguien

A. Hey! How is it going?

B. Hi! I’m great! You’re early.
A. Where’s Joan? Is he here today?
B. No, he’s not. Maybe he’s at work.
A. OK, how about Liza?
B. I don’t know. I think she is sick.
A. Oh, OK. Are Alex and Fernando here?
B. No, they are in the cafeteria.
A. They’re late again. OK and what about Silvia?
B. She’s over there. I think she’s asleep.

112 Let’s go! 112

Lesson 2.2
name personal items and classroom
objects/nombra los objetos personales y
del salón

Conversation 1
A. Is this your watch, Josué?
B. Oh, yes it is. Thanks.
A. And are these your glasses?
B. Yes, they are.

Conversation 2
A. Excuse me, are these your keys?
B. Umm… no they’re not. These are my keys right here.
A. OK, and what about these glasses?
B. Oh thanks, they’re mine.

113 Let’s go! 113

Lesson 2.3
ask and say where things are in a
classroom/pregunta y responde en donde
se ubican las cosas en el salón de clases

A. Hey! Welcome to your new school Fanny! Are you excited?

B. To be honest, I’m a little nervous. So, where is the
A. Oh, let me see. You’re in group B. So, it’s my classroom too.
B. Great!
A. Look, the dictionaries are in the closet, behind the teacher’s
B. I see. Do you have a TV?
A. Of course, it’s over there, next to the window, and in front of
that table you can nd some supplies such as markers,
glue, pencils and things like that.
B. Fabulous, it is a nice classroom. I like it!

114 Let’s go! 114

Lesson 2.4
give classroom instructions. know
expressions to apologize/BRINDA algunas
instrucciones dentro del salón. conoce
expresiones para disculparse

A. OK, so, where is the DVD?

B. It’s in the closet.
A. Oh I’m sorry, You right! And the CDs, where are they?
B. They are on the desk, under your coat.
A. OK, um… and where are the students’ homework papers.
B. They are on the oor.
A. Uh- oh. I’m really sorry. What’s this under my foot?
B. It’s Mario’s homework.
A. Oops… sorry about that, well, where are my glasses?
They’re not on my desk.
B. Uh... They’re on your head Teacher!

115 Let’s go! 115

Lesson 3.1
talk about your favorite celebrities/
habla acerca de tus celebridades

A. This is the best music store around here.

B. I see. It’s marvelous!
A. Look! It’s Enrique Iglesias’ new CD. He is my favorite singer.
B. Yeah. I am a big fan of his too. His voice is amazing. Oh, here
is my favorite band.
A. Really? What’s your favorite band?
B. Of course, Queen. They are great!
A. Yes, They are, Freddy Mercury is really good-looking. He is
my favorite singer too.

116 Let’s go! 116

Lesson 3.2
describe people’s personalitY TRAITS/

A. So, how’s your new job? Are you busy?

B. Yes. It’s hard work, you know. I’m tired.
A. Really? What are your co-workers like? Are they nice?
B. Yes, they are. They’re really friendly.
A. Great and how is your boss like?
B. She is nice and not very strict.
A. Good, because you are late for work.

117 Let’s go! 117

Lesson 3.3
talk about friends and family/habla
sobre amigos y familia

A. Look Fanny, I found this old pictures.

B. Are you kidding me? Who’s this?
A. My grandma, and this is my grandpa. He’s a nice man. He’s
seventy-eight now.
B. Really? Look this is our English Class. Do you remember?
A. Of course I do. She’s Laura, our best friend.
B. She’s very pretty. And look, this is Mark
A. He’s really fun, hey! Look our last family trip. Here is my
aunt So a.
B. I see, that’s a nice name. So, where is your cousin Pablo?
A. He’s behind the camera.

118 Let’s go! 118

Lesson 3.4
use the expression: really? in a
conversation/utiliza la expresión: really?
en una conversación

A. That is a great photo. Who is it?

B. It’s friend of mine, Mariana.
A. Really? I can’t believe you. Where’s she now?
B. She is in Paris, but she’s from Xalapa originally.
A. Oh, really? Wow! Is she a student there?
B. No, she’s an artist, a painter. She’s an amazing woman.
A. A painter? Really? What are her paintings like?
B. They’re wonderful. Look!
A. Oh! Awesome.

119 Let’s go! 119

Lesson 4.1
describe a typical morning in your house/
describe un mañana típica en casa

What is a typical morning like in your home?

Well, I’m pretty busy. I get up early. I check my e-mail, and I
listen to radio. Then I study.

Mmm, I don't like mornings. Our house is so noisy. My sister
watches TV, and my brother plays games on the computer.

I love mornings, I drink coffee every day before read the news
paper, then I take a shower and I go to work around 9:00 am.

120 Let’s go! 120

Lesson 4.2
discuss about weekly routines/habla
sobre las rutinas que realizas

A. What’s your week like, Josué? Do you go to work every

B. Well, no I don’t. I work from home on Fridays.
A. Really? What about the weekends? Do you work then, too?
B. Yes, I do. But I don’t like it. What about you? Do you and
your husband go to work every day?
A. Yes, we do. But just Monday to Friday. We clean the house
on the weekends. Oh, and we go to soccer games.
B. Oh. Does your son play soccer?
A. Yes, he does. He’s on the school team. Does your daughter
play any sports?
B. No, she doesn’t. She plays games on the computer.

121 Let’s go! 121

Lesson 4.3
saying more than yes or no/responde algo
más que si o no

A. Hi. I see you here all the time. Do you come every day?
B. No, well I have breakfast here before class.
A. Oh, are you a student?
B. Yes, I’m a law student.
A. Really? I’m in business school.
B. Oh! So, do you live around here?
A. Well, I live about 20 miles away, in Xalapa?
B. So, are you from Veracruz?
A. Well, I’m from Puebla originally, but my family lives here now.

122 Let’s go! 122

Lesson 4.4
talk about your lifestyle/habla acerca de
tu estilo de vida

How many hours do you spend in bed? Six or seven hours a

night maybe? And how many hours do you spend in front of
the TV every week? Nine or ten? That’s not a lot, isn’t? Well,
think again. Add together all the hours you spend on these
activities in a lifetime and the total numbers are surprising.

In an average lifetime, an American works over 90,000 hours,

walks an amazing 22,000 kilometers, and spends three and a
half years eating.

Do you call your friends a lot? An average American talk on the

telephone for two and a half years. On average, Americans
sleep for 24 years and watch TV for 12 years. That’s 36 years
-about half a lifetime- in a bed or on the couch.

123 Let’s go! 123

Lesson 5.1
discuss free-time activities/habla sobre
tus pasatiempos

Conversation 1
A. Do you usually relax in your free time?
B. Well, yes, on the weekends.
A. What do you do?
B. I sleep late, read and watch TV.

Conversation 2
A. Do you sometimes go to the movies?
B. Yes, I do. I like to go movies a lot.
A. How often do you go?
B. Two or three times a week.

124 Let’s go! 124

Lesson 5.2
talk about tv shows preferences/habla

A. Look, this TV show is amazing.

B. What is it about?
A. It’s about Second World War.
B. Oh, you mean a documentary.
A. Sure! Do you watch documentaries?
B. Well, sometimes I watch some of them, but I prefer
something more fun, like series or sitcoms.
A. Really? I love sitcoms, my favorite one is Malcom in the
middle, what about you?
B. You’re kidding me? It’s my favorite sitcom too.

125 Let’s go! 125

Lesson 5.3
asking questions in two ways/realiza
preguntas DE dos maneras

A. So, what do you do after class? Do you go straight home?

B. Well, I sometimes meet a friend for dinner.
A. Oh, where do you go? I mean, do you go somewhere nice?
B. Do you know Rulo’s? It’s OK. I mean, the food is good, and
it's cheap, but the service is terrible. Do you know it?
A. Well, actually, I work there. I’m a server
B. Not problem. Where do you go now?
A. I’m planning to visit the cafeteria. Would you come?
B. Sure!

126 Let’s go! 126

Lesson 5.4
discuss different topics about media/
discute sobre temas relacionados con los
medios de comunicación

Hi, my name is Zoe, and I’m 12 years old. I live with my mom
and grandparents. They say I spend too much time in front of
the computer, but I don’t think that’s not true.

I mean, I only go online ve or six times a day. I always get up

early in the morning and check my e-mail before school. I read
the news online and listen to the radio on my computer.

Sometimes, I watch movies on the computer, and I go

shopping online. In the evening, I usually write e-mail
messages to my friends. So, I spend about four or ve hours a
day on my computer at home and tree hours in class. So, do I
have a problem? Tell me.

127 Let’s go! 127

Lesson 6.1
describe a neighborhood/describe un

Description 1
I’m Sandy Kim. I’m 37 years old. I’m a Doctor.
The Parkview is convenient. There’s a big supermarket and
some nice stores, but there’s no mall. We need a mall!

Description 2
I’m John Carson, I’m 33 years old, I’m arquitect.
Um, The Parkview, it’s nice. There are two nice outdoor cafés
and a couple of movie theaters. There’s a new swimming pool
in the park – we have a beautiful little park. Yeah, it’s good.

128 Let’s go! 128

Lesson 6.2
ask for and tell the time/pregunta y di la
hora del día

A. Hey, there’s a free classic concert tomorrow night.

B. Oh, that sounds like fun. Where?
A. At Central Park.
B. What time does it start?
A. Um, it starts at 8:00.
B. OK, well, let's go at quarter to eight.
A. But they don’t usually have a lot of seats, so…
B. Oh, well in that case, let’s get there early, I say around 7:30.

129 Let’s go! 129

Lesson 6.3
use me too and me neither in a
conversation/utiliza me too y me neither
en una conversación

A. I just love this neighborhood.

B. Me too. I bet it’s a great place to live.
A. Yeah. It has some great restaurants.
B. Right. But they’re expensive.
A. Yeah, I know. There are a lot of rich people around here.
B. Well, I’m not rich.
A. Me neither.
B. By the way, are you hungry? I’m starving.
A. Me too. But let’s eat somewhere else. It’s kind of expensive
around here.

130 Let’s go! 130

Lesson 7.1
describe the weather/Describe el clima

Los Angeles, Saturday, 3 pm. Sara is working today. Right now,

she’s listening to her messages.

Message 1
Hey, Sara. This is Josué. I’m in San José with Mónica and David
we have a clear sky. They’re playing tennis and I’m watching.
It’s a sunny day. I hope it’s not raining there. Call me back. Bye.

Message 2
Hi, Sara. This is Fanny. I’m calling from Moscow, Russia. This is
a windy day. Samantha and I are not skiing today. It’s snowing
here, but right now it’s partly cloudy. What’s the weather like in
Los Angeles? Give me a call. Bye.

131 Let’s go! 131

Lesson 7.2
talk about sports and exercise/habla
acerca de deportes y ejercicio

A. Hi, Fanny. It’s me. How’s it going?

B. Oh, Hi, Josué. Everything’s great.
A. So, are you training for the marathon?
B. Oh, yeah. I’m working very hard this semester.
A. Good. So, what are you doing these days? Are you
practicing any sport?
B. Josué, right now I’m trying with baseball.
A. Baseball? … Uh, where are you playing?
B. I’m playing in the old stadium, near my house.
A. Really? Uh, Fanny…. When are you playing?
B. My rst game it’s going to be tomorrow.
A. Oh! Really? Well, good luck!

132 Let’s go! 132

Lesson 7.3
ask people about their plans/pregunta a
las personas sobre sus planes

A. Hey, Fanny, this is my friend Emiliano. He’s visiting me from

New York.
B. Oh, hi, nice to meet you. So, uh, are you here on vacation?
C. Yeah. I’m here for a week.
B. That’s great! Are you enjoying Veracruz?
C. Yeah! I’m taking a scuba-diving course.
B. That’s cool. What are you doing these days?
C. Well, We’re playing basketball in the mornings, at night I’m
running ve kilometers, just for fun.
B. Really? That’s very good. I’m running too, but not to much
like you.
C. If you want. We can go running together.
B. That’s a great idea!

133 Let’s go! 133

Lesson 7. 4
give exercising advice/da consejos para
hacer ejercicio

A. Do you have a question about exercise? Please write me,

the sport professional trainer.
B. Please trainer, I’m really busy this year. I’m going to school,
and I’m working part- time at night. I like exercise, but I
don’t have a lot of time. Help!
A. Hi, Fanny! Yes, I know the problem, but try and make some
time. Experts say we need 30 minutes of exercise 5 times
a week. Let’s do it.
B. I never exercise. I drive to work and sit all day. I hate sports,
and I don’t like the gym. I know it’s a good idea to exercise,
but how do I start?
A. Slowly add exercise to your weekly routine. Walk or ride a
bike to work, don’t drive. Please, try it!

134 Let’s go! 134

Lesson 8.1
talk about clothes/habla sobre ropa

A. Let’s go shopping. I need to buy some new clothes.

B. Ok. Where do you want to go?
A. To the mall. I need to get some new jeans. And I have to get
a couple of new shoes for work.
B. Perfect, I want to buy new purse.
A. A new purse? But, you have lots of them!
B. It’s true. Well, I have to buy a bracelet and a beautiful ring
for Tina’s party.
A. Seriously? I think, you have to save money, and need to
stop things like that.
B. You’re probably right.

135 Let’s go! 135

Lesson 8.2
sell and buy/vender y comprar

A. Hello. Can I help you?

B. Hi. Excuse me, how much are those gloves?
A. These? They’re really popular. They’re $120 dollars.
B. Hmm. And what about that blue scarf? How much is that?
A. It’s for a gift?
B. Yes, I’m looking for something special.
A. OK, this scarf is on sale. It’s only $350 dollars.
B. $350? Well, I have to think about it. Thanks anyway.
A. My pleasure.

136 Let’s go! 136

Lesson 8.3
visiting a store/visitando una tienda

A. Can I help you?

B. Uh, yes, I’m looking for a bracelet.
A. All right. Is it a gift?
B. Um- hum, it’s a birthday present for a friend.
A. OK. And how much do you want to spend?
B. Well, Let’s see… about $50 dollars, I guess.
A. Uh, Huh. Well, we have these silver bracelets here.
B. Oh, this looks nice. Um… How much is it?
A. Um, let’s see… it’s $65.35.
B. Oh. That’s a lot. Let me think… OK. I guess I’ll take it.

137 Let’s go! 137

Lesson 8.4
discuss shoppings habits/discute sobre
los hábitos de compras

How do you like to shop? In a super market or in a traditional

market? If you want to know more about the great places to
shop around the world, please pay attention.

San Lorenzo market in Florence is famous for leather purses,

wallets and gloves. There are lots of cafés, so after a morning
of shopping, enjoy a coffee in the historic city center.

This is a great place to nd gifts to bring back to your friends

and family without burning a hole in your wallet, because the
prices are around two euros.

138 Let’s go! 138

Lesson 9.1
give sightseeing información/brinda
información turística

A. Oh, no It’s raining! What can you do in Veracruz on a day

like this?
B. Oh, come on. You can do a million things. We can take a
ferry to the “Cancuncito" Island.
A. A ferry – in this weather?
B. Well, we can go to the top of San Juan de Ulúa building.
A. But you can’t see anything in the rain.
B. Yeah, you’re right. I know. Let’s go to the Aquarium. There
are shows with dolphins on Wednesday afternoons.
A. OK. It’s a deal. But rst can we get an umbrella?

139 Let’s go! 139

Lesson 9.2
talk about countries you want to travel
to/habla sobre los países a los que te
gustaría viajar

I am Mexican. I can speak Spanish and I can speak English too.

I grew up in Poza Rica, Veracruz, Mexico. Also, I really love to
travel. I would like to visit Spain, France, England and Japan,
because they are very beautiful countries. If I can visit all
these countries I could try their popular food. I love Japanese
food, I can prepare Ramen. Furthermore, I would like to visit
Asia and go to China but I can’t speak Chinese.

140 Let’s go! 140

Lesson 9.3
explaining words/explicando palabras

A. Are you ready to order?

B. Yes. Can I have a large diet soda?
A. Yes, anything else?
B. Umm, Can I have coffee ice cream with chocolate
sprinkles? What are sprinkles?
A. Sure. OK. They’re a kind of candy. You can put them on
things like ice cream and cake. They’re kind of like sugar.
B. Oh, I know. You can get them in Mexico City, too.

141 Let’s go! 141

Lesson 9.4
listening to a tour guide/escucha a un
guía tuRÍSTICO

The travel guide.

Are you planning a trip to one of the most popular
destinations? Check out our guide to these great cities.

London is famous for the historic buildings like Buckingham

palace. But you can also take a walking tour of the tower of

San Francisco… see the golden gate bridge, and then walk
down to golden gate park. To the Japanese tea garden, and
enjoy the beautiful waterfalls, bonsai trees and plants.

142 Let’s go! 142

Lesson 10.1
ask and give information about the recent
past/pregunta y brinda información sobre
el pasado reciente

A. Hi Fanny, how is it going?

B. Whats up! I’m great.
A. What did you do last night?
B. It was a busy night, I cooked some cookies to my cousin,
then I did the dishes and we watched a horror movie. It was
scary. What about you?
A. Well, I stayed at home, I just played some video games with
my brother, and I studied math.
B. When is our exam?
A. It’s today.

143 Let’s go! 143

Lesson 10.2
describe what you did last week/describe
lo que hiciste la semana pasada

A weekly planner.
On Sunday, Andy saw a movie. She didn’t see a play.
On Monday, Andy read a book. She didn't read a scienti c
Andy did math homework on Tuesday. She didn’t do
homework on the weekend.
On Wednesday, Andy had a doctor’s appointment. She didn’t
have a piano lesson this week.
On Thursday, Andy made a lot of phone calls. She didn’t make
Andy went to a party on Friday. She didn’t go out with Manuel.

144 Let’s go! 144

Lesson 10.3
talk about how you remember things/
habla acerca de cómo recuerdas las

A. Finally, It’s Friday. I’m exhausted! I had exams all week.

B. You did? You poor thing.
A. On Thursday, I took my driver’s test.
B. Finally! How did you do?
A. I passed.
B. You did? Congratulations!
A. Thanks. It’s a nice birthday present.
B. It’s your birthday? Happy birthday! Do you have any plans?
A. Well, I have an interview tonight at the hospital, I want to
volunteer there.
B. Good for you. Well, good luck with the interview.

145 Let’s go! 145

Lesson 10.4
write a diary/escribe un diario personal

Entry: September, 18th

I had a crazy day today, I had an English exam, and It’s my

I had the exam at 8:30 this morning. I needed to study, so I
woke up early- at 6:30 am. I took a shower, made some coffee,
and studied for about an hour.
I ran outside, got on my bike, and went to English class. I got
there right at 8:30, but guess what! The teacher never came!
My classmates and I waited about half an hour. Then we left.
It’s great. Now I can really study for the exam.

146 Let’s go! 146

Lesson 11.1
describe experiences such as your 1st day
of school/describe experiencias como tu
primer día de escuela

“I remember my rst day, at work, I had a part-time job in
restaurant. I was a server. I was young- only 15 years. Things
were really busy that rst day, so I was nervous! I made a lot of
embarrassing mistakes, and my boss wasn’t too pleased. But
most people were nice because I was new”.

“I remember my rst day at school, It was awful! I was so
scared of the teacher. I remember her name was Miss Monena
and that she was very strict. The other kids weren’t too happy,
either. We were all very quiet that day!”

147 Let’s go! 147

Lesson 11.2
talk about vacations/habla sobre las

A. Great picture! When did you get back?

B. Last night.
A. So, how was your vacation? Where did you go exactly?
B. We went to Cancún.
A. Wow! What was the weather like?
B. It was hot, but not too hot.
A. Nice, so, what did you do there?
B. We went to the beach every day, and I went to parasailing. I
didn’t want to come home.
A. Well, I’m glad you did, I have tons of work for you.

148 Let’s go! 148

Lesson 11.3
tell a funny story/relata una historia

A. So, how was your weekend, Josué?

B. Great! Zoe and I went biking out in the country.
A. Oh, really?
B. Yeah, it was fun, but there were lots of hills. I was
exhausted by the end of the day.
A. Yeah, I bet.
B. So, anyway, what did you do?
A. Oh, I had a party on Saturday, it was good.
B. Really? I’m sure it was.
A. Well, anyway… I have to go, I have a meeting now. See you

149 Let’s go! 149

Lesson 12.1
talk about food likes, dislikes and eating
habits/habla sobre tus preferencias y
hábitos alimenticios

Hi, mom and dad! I need some help fast! I invited some friends
for dinner tonight, and I don’t know what to cook.

Samantha’s a vegetarian, so she doesn’t eat meat, sh,

cheese, or eggs. I guess she just eats a lot of fruit and
vegetables and maybe rice.

Leo’s on diet. He can’t eat much rice, bread, or pasta. But he

eats a lot of meat, cheese, eggs, and vegetables, like carrots
and cucumbers.

And Samuel is picky, I mean, he doesn’t eat many vegetables.

And he’s allergic to milk and shell sh. But he likes potatoes, oh,
and bananas. Please call me! Bye.

150 Let’s go! 150

Lesson 12.2
food vocabulary/vocabulario de comida

A. What do you want for dinner tonight?

B. I don’t know. Would you like yo go out?
A. No, we eat out all the time. I’d like to stay home tonight.
B. OK, um… I think I’d like some chicken. Do we have any in the
A. Uh… no, we need to get some. And we don’t have any
vegetables, either.
B. So, I guess we have to go to the grocery store.
A. Hmm. I have another idea. Let’s just go out for dinner!

151 Let’s go! 151

Lesson 12.3
invite someone to a meal/invita a alguien a
una comida

A. Let’s take a break for lunch.

B. Sure. Would you like to go out or…?
A. Well, I just want a sandwich or something?
B. OK, I don’t want a big meal or anything, either. But I’d like
something hot.
A. Well, there is a new Spanish restaurant near here, and they
have a good soup.
B. That sounds good.
A. OK. And I can have a sandwich or something like that.
B. Great. So let’s go there.

152 Let’s go! 152


166 Let’s go! 166

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