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(dhís) this este, esta, esto - singular, near

(dhíizz) these estos, estas - plural near
ese, esa, eso, aquel, aquella, aquello –
(dhát) that
singular – far
esos, esas, aquellos, aquellas –
(dhóus) Those
plural, far
1. Los adjetivos demostrativos son los únicos que tienen plural: this book (singular),
these books (plural); that book (singular), those books (plural).

2. El adjetivo demostrativo concuerda con la cosa poseída en número: this book,

these pencils.

3. Cuando se desea recalcar la idea para hacer énfasis, se emplea la expresión

that one over there: that house over there is mine, esa casa de allá es mía.

This one over here: éste de aquí. Come over here

4. Para especificar exactamente persona, animal o cosa señalándola.

This one, that one, these ones, those ones ej:

Quiero este pastel de pollo… I want this chicken pie

Quiero esos 3 huevos… I want those three eggs

THIS IS… este es – singular -cerca

THESE ARE.. estos, estas son – plural -cerca

THAT IS.. esa, eso, es –singular - lejos

THOSE ARE.. esos, esas son – plural - lejos

Para preguntar y contestar quien es pero no lo ves…

Who is it? … quien es? – cuando no veo a la otra persona, e.g. when some one calls you on the
phone, or when some one knocks on the door.

It´s me… soy yo - Who is me? - it´s Karen -

is it Mary? It isn´t Mary, it´s Karen

Who is this? … quien es? Cuando veo a la persona o no la veo.

This is me… - This is Karen

Who is me? This is Gloria



Who was it? It wasn´t me, it was Juan

It was me, it was Angela, it was her, it was them



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