Declaración Universal Del Accidente
Declaración Universal Del Accidente
Declaración Universal Del Accidente
Vigencia Al Vigencia Al
16/01/2024 16/01/2025
Term Al 6 Me incorporaba 6 Term Al
I was entering
Cobertura Cobertura
RC, GM, RT, DM 7 Daba vuelta / izquierda / derecha 7
Coverage Coverage
I was turning / left/ right
NOMBRE/NAME: Gustavo Juarez Fuentes 14 Circulaba sobre vía con mayor amplitud 14 NOMBRE / NAME:
I was driving on road with higher
DIRECCION / ADDRESS: CAMPECHE, 7, , Donaldo 16 Me pasé la señal restrictiva 16 DIRECCION / ADDRESS: DIRECCION / ADDRESS:
Colosio, Perote, Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave, 91273 I passed the restrictive signal
Licencia Licencia
LFD00030703 Licencias federales
License NOTA: La firma de los License
conductores es obligatoria
NOTE: The signature of the
Tipo Tipo
categoría ?B? drivers is mandatory Type
Marca Marca
Brand Brand
Tipo Tipo
Type Type
Modelo Modelo
Model Model
Color Color
Color Color
Placas Placas
Plates Plates
Uso Uso
Público federal de carga
Use Use
Declaro bajo protesta que los hechos asentados en mi declaración son verídicos y me obligo a facilitar todos los informes que me solicite la Aseguradora que me representa, así como ejercer las acciones que sean necesarias respecto a cualquier
derecho de cobro, en caso de responsabilidad de terceros. Me comprometo a no aceptar cualquier arreglo, convenio o transacción, sin contar con el conocimiento previo de la(s) Aseguradora(s) involucrada(s) en el presente siniestro, así como a
enviarle de inmediato cualquier notificación o reclamación que reciba, relacionada con este siniestro.
Manifiesto que fue puesto a mí disposición el Aviso de Privacidad de Quálitas Compania de Seguros, S.A. de C.V., por lo que autorizo el tratamiento de mis Datos Personales para los fines señalados en el mismo, incluyendo el intercambio de
información para el cumplimiento del contrato de seguro.
I state under oath that the facts stated in my declaration are true and I bind myself to facilitate all reports requested by the insurance Company that represents me, and to execute any actions that may be necessary regarding any collection right, in case
of responsibility of third parties. I commit myself to not accept any arrangement, covenant, or transaction, not having the previous knowledge of the Insurance Company(s) involved in this claim, and to immediately deliver any notification or complaint I
may receive, related to this claim.
I state that I received the Privacy Notice from Qualitas Compañía de Seguros, S.A de C.V., from which I authorize the treatment of my Personal Data for the purposes stated therein, including the exchange of information for the compliance with the
insurance agreement.
Breve narración del accidente / Brief narration of accident Breve narración del accidente / Brief narration of accident
Hora de término de atención: Firma del Conductor A Hora de término de atención: Firma del Conductor B
Time of end of service: Signature of Driver A Time of end of service: Signature of Driver B
Indicar el punto de choque del vehículo con Indicar el punto de choque del vehículo con
una flecha Croquis del accidente una flecha
Indicate the crash point of vehicle with an Sketches of the accident Indicate the crash point of vehicle with an
arrow arrow
Complementario de Daños Preexistentes del vehículo Complementario de Daños Preexistentes del vehículo B
Supplementary of pre-existing damages of a vehicle A Supplementary of pre-existing damages of a vehicle B
Procede SIPAC: En espera de dictamen:
Vehículo Responsable: The Payment System Between Waiting for the expert´s opinion:
Responsible Vehicle Insurance Companies proceeds:
Firma del Responsable
Signature of the Responsible
Ocupante 2 Ocupante 2
Passenger 2 Passenger 2
Edad Teléfono Pase Médico SI NO Edad Teléfono Pase Médico SI NO
Age Phone Medical Pass YES NO Age Phone Medical Pass YES NO
Ocupante 3 Ocupante 3
Passenger 3 Passenger 3
Edad Teléfono Pase Médico SI NO Edad Teléfono Pase Médico SI NO
Age Phone Medical Pass YES NO Age Phone Medical Pass YES NO
Ocupante 4 Ocupante 4
Passenger 4 Passenger 4
Edad Teléfono Pase Médico SI NO Edad Teléfono Pase Médico SI NO
Age Phone Medical Pass YES NO Age Phone Medical Pass YES NO
Ocupante 5 Ocupante 5
Passenger 5 Passenger 5
Edad Teléfono Pase Médico SI NO Edad Teléfono Pase Médico SI NO
Age Phone Medical Pass YES NO Age Phone Medical Pass YES NO
Informe qué autoridad tomó conocimiento. (MP, Juez Cívico, patrulla, etc.)
Report which authority took notice. (Public Prosecutor´s Office, Civil Court Judge, Patrol, etc.)
Num. de acta
Record number
Informe Adicional
Additional Report
Ajustador / Adjuster:
Clave / Code:
•Acorde con la regla general, el consentimiento por parte del titular para el tratamiento de -Escrito libre dirigido al Departamento de Datos Personales, con domicilio en Avenida
sus datos personales será “tácito”, por lo cual el titular manifiesta que el presente Aviso San Jerónimo número 478, Colonia Jardines del Pedregal, Alcaldía Álvaro Obregón,
de Privacidad le ha sido dado a conocer por Quálitas, teniéndose por aceptado el C.P. 01900, en la Ciudad de México.
presente con la puesta a disposición de este a través de cualquier medio autorizado por
la ley y la entrega de los datos por parte del Titular. -Horario de atención: 09:00 a 14:00 horas
En caso de solicitarle datos financieros y/o sensibles, Quálitas ya sea a través de formato 9. MEDIOS A TRAVÉS DE LOS CUALES SE ENCUENTRA A SU DISPOSICIÓN EL
impreso, o valiéndose de medios electrónicos obtendrá el “Consentimiento expreso” del AVISO DE PRIVACIDAD Y SUS ACTUALIZACIONES:
Titular para el tratamiento de dichos datos. Quálitas se reserva el derecho a modificar en cualquier tiempo este Aviso de Privacidad
1. IDENTIDAD Y DOMICILIO DEL RESPONSABLE: con motivo de sus cambios en prácticas de operación y mejoras de servicio; es
Quálitas Compañía de Seguros, S.A. de C.V., con domicilio en Avenida San Jerónimo responsabilidad del titular revisar el contenido del Aviso en el sitio de Internet
número 478, Colonia Jardines del Pedregal, Alcaldía Álvaro Obregón, C.P. 01900,, por lo que le recomendamos lo visite periódicamente, o bien
Ciudad de México. solicitándolo al correo electrónico [email protected].
•Evaluar la calidad del servicio y realizar estudios estadísticos, así como contactar a sus
familiares y/o terceros, nombrados para contacto en caso de emergencia, con la misma
En caso de que no desee que sus datos personales se utilicen para alguno (o todos) estos
fines secundarios, indíquelo marcando con una X la casilla que aparece a la izquierda de
cada inciso. Si la(s) casilla(s) no se marcan, usted manifiesta su consentimiento para que
tratemos sus datos para dichas finalidades secundarias.
La negativa para el uso de sus datos personales para estas finalidades no podrá ser un
motivo para que le neguemos los servicios y productos que solicita o contrata con nosotros.
Quálitas podrá realizar transferencias de datos personales sin requerir el consentimiento
del Titular, ya sean nacionales o internacionales, en los casos previstos en el Artículo 37
de la LFPDP o en cualquier otro caso de excepción previsto por la misma u otra
legislación aplicable, así como a:
•Sociedades relacionadas o subsidiarias, con la finalidad de ofrecerle otros productos y
•Empresas afiliadas, subsidiarias y/o terceras empresas que formen parte del “Grupo”,
y/o con las que mantengamos una relación jurídica y/o sean nuestros socios comerciales,
que operan bajo las mismas políticas internas en materia de protección de datos
personales; para los fines previstos en el presente Aviso de Privacidad.
•Contratantes del seguro, producto o servicio, para dar cumplimiento a las obligaciones
derivadas del contrato.
•Cualquier entidad con la que hayamos celebrado un acuerdo jurídico vinculante con la
finalidad de dar cumplimiento a obligaciones contractuales.
5.1. Por petición de:
i. Clientes corporativos (personas morales), que requieran datos de clientes y/o terceros
afectados con el fin de preparar reportes o llevar a cabo estadísticas, los datos a que se
refiere este aviso podrán ser transferidos a:
Además del ejercicio de sus derechos de Revocación o ARCO, usted podrá limitar el
uso o divulgación de sus datos personales, mediante su inscripción en el Registro
Público de Usuarios Personas Físicas (REUS).
Quálitas Compañía de Seguros, S.A. de C.V. (hereinafter, Quálitas), in fulfillment of the Ley 7. COOKIES:
Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares (LFPDP) “Cookies” are data files stored in the hard drive of the computer equipment or electronic
(Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals), its Regulations and the communication device of a user in a specific web site; which enable exchanging status
GUIDELINES of the Privacy Notice, hereby informs you that, this Privacy Notice is applicable information between said site and the user’s browser. The status information may
to Personal Data provided by You by means insurance application, questionnaires, forms, disclose session identification, authentication means or user preferences, as well as any
telephone contact or directly or through third parties authorized by Quálitas, by hard copy, data stored by the browser related to the web site.
electronic, optical, sound or visual means, or any other means or technology, by virtue of the
legal relationship we have entered into or, in its case, will enter into. For purposes of this Due to the above, Quálitas hereby informs you that, at any time, you may disable the use
Notice: of these mechanisms, in accordance with the instructions that each company owner of the
browsers (browser of internet viewer) has implemented to activate and disable the
•“Customers” will be: proposers, applicants, contracting parties, insured parties,
aforementioned “Cookies”.
beneficiaries, third parties affected (any individual outside or inside a vehicle insured by
Quálitas when an incident is realized), driver and passengers of a vehicle not insured by
Quálitas trustors, trustees, suppliers of resources and visitors to the public page of 8. INFORMATION REGARDING THE DEPARTMENT OF PERSONAL DATA:
Quálitas and any other application provided by it for the rendering of its services
(hereinafter, indistinctively “the Holder(s)”). You may contact the Department of Personal Data, in order to answer questions or
comments regarding your proceeding(s), through the following means:
“Authorized third parties” or “affected third parties” must not be understood as the “third
party” concept indicated in the applicable law. - E-MAIL: [email protected]
•According to the general rule, the consent of the holder for the processing of his/her - Document addressed to the Departamento de Datos Personales, with address in
personal data shall be "tacit", therefore, the holder declares that this Privacy Notice has Avenida San Jerónimo número 478, Colonia Jardines del Pedregal, Delegación Álvaro
been disclosed to him/her by Quálitas, being considered as accepted with the availability Obregón, C.P. 01900, in Mexico City.
of this Privacy Notice through any means authorized by law and the delivery of the data
by the Holder. - Service hours: 09:00 to 14:00 hours
In case of requesting financial and/or sensitive data, Quálitas shall obtain the "Express AVAILABLE TO YOU:
Consent" of the Holder for the processing of such data, either through printed format or by
Quálitas reserves the right to modify, at any time, this Privacy Notice due to changes in its
electronic means
operational practices and service improvements; it is the responsibility of the holder to
1. IDENTITY AND ADDRESS OF THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY: review the contents of the Notice in its web page, we therefore
Quálitas Compañía de Seguros, S.A. de C.V., with address in Avenida San Jerónimo recommend that you visit the web page periodically, or you may request it to E-mail:
número 478, Colonia Jardines del Pedregal, Alcaldía Álvaro Obregón, C.P. 01900, [email protected].
México City.
Quálitas informs you that it will process your Personal Data (identification data, contact
data, labor data, education data, traffic data and immigration data, geolocation, as well as
data regarding administrative proceedings followed in the way of trial, judicial and/or
jurisdictional), Property Data and Financial Data, collected in its case; as well as images
taken by video surveillance video cameras for the purposes indicated in this Privacy Gustavo Juarez Fuentes
Quálitas will also process sensitive data (health data, personal, physical and gender
features and biometric data), required in its case.
• When our insured parties, directly or through our insurance brokers, request us
information on third parties affected by an incident, aimed at analyzing the incident and, in
its case, conducting plans, discussions and risk prevention programs.
• For fleets, when our insured parties or our insurance brokers request information for the
determination of accident rate percentages, aimed at determining if the cost of the policy
will be increased in the renewal or if a discount may be granted.
• For marketing, advertising or commercial research purposes and, in its case, to provide
You with benefits additional to your policy, by physical or electronic means, whether
personally or through insurance brokers.
• Evaluate the quality of the service and perform statistical studies, as well as contact your
relatives and/or third parties, appointed for emergency contact, with the same purpose.
If you do not want your personal data to be used for any (or all) of the above purposes,
indicate this by checking, with an “X” the box to the left of each paragraph. If the box(es)
is(are) not checked, you express your consent for the processing of your personal data for
secondary purposes.
Your refusal for the use of your personal data for the above purposes may not be a reason
for the denial of services and products that you request from or take out with us.
Quálitas may conduct transfers of personal data without requiring the consent of the
Holder, whether national or international, in cases provided for in Article 37 of the LFPDP
or in any other exception case provided for in the same or other applicable legislation, as
well as to:
• Related companies or subsidiaries, in order to offer you other products and services;
• Affiliated companies, subsidiaries and/or third party companies that are part of the
"Group", and/or with which we maintain a legal relationship and/or are our business
partners, which operate under the same internal policies regarding personal data
protection; for the purposes set forth in this Privacy Notice.
• Mexican and foreign authorities, in order to fulfill our obligations under laws, treaties or
international agreements as an insurance institution, tax obligations, as well as to comply
with notifications or official or judicial requirements.
• Your Insurance Agent and/or Risk Manager, to comply with the legal relationship with
• Insurance, product or service contracting parties, in order to comply with the obligations
derived from the agreement.
• Any entity with which we have entered into a binding legal agreement for the purpose of
fulfilling contractual obligations.
i. Corporate customers (legal entities), requiring data of affected third parties with the
purpose of preparing reports or statistical analyses, the data referred to in this notice may
be transferred to:
If we conduct any additional transfer requiring your express consent, the same will be
obtained previously.
You may request to the Department of Personal Data at Quálitas, the Access,
Rectification, Cancelation and Objection to the processing of your Personal Data as well
as limiting its use and withdrawal of consent, at the address indicated in numeral I of this
Notice or to E-mail: [email protected], in accordance with the
stipulations in the Procedures available in the web page: in the
“Privacy Notice” section. In the Procedures at the end of said notice, you will find the
answering means for different requests, depending on the contents of the same.
Besides the exercise of your Withdrawal or ARCO rights, you may limit the use or release
of your personal data, by registering the same in the Registro Público de Usuarios
Personas Físicas (REUS) (Public Registries of Individual Users).