P20c30ug02pbr TTPL QMSRPT 00002
P20c30ug02pbr TTPL QMSRPT 00002
P20c30ug02pbr TTPL QMSRPT 00002
External Transmittal
Transmittal No: TTPL-NKAB-0UG02-QMS-0846-R(0)
The Engineer's/Team Leader - NKAB Consortium, Date: 11-03-2024
General Consultant for CMRL Phase II,
5th Floor, METROS,
No: 327, Anna Salai, Nandanam,
Chennai - 600035.
No. of
S. No. Document No. Rev. Description Copy /
P20C30UG02PBR-TTPL- Cross Hole Sonic Logging Test Reports - Perambur Barracks
1 0 3 / A4
QMSRPT-00002 Road Station (EP20, EP18, P22, P24, P25, P30, P66)
******** NOTHING FOLLOWS *********
Signature : Signature :
Sl. No. Panel ID Observation Concrete Integrity
FAT Increase >30% Debonding or defect found in
Perambur Energy reduction>12db many locations. Precautionary
1 Barracks EP20 measures should be taken by
Road grouting near the panel before
FAT Increase >30% Debonding or defect found in
Perambur Energy reduction>12db many locations. Precautionary
2 Barracks EP18 measures should be taken by
Road grouting near the panel before
FAT Increase >30% Debonding or defect found in
Perambur Energy reduction>12db many locations. Precautionary
3 Barracks P22 measures should be taken by
Road grouting near the panel before
Debonding/Minor defect
observes at 5.6m-5.8m
and 20.5m to 20.7m in 1
4 Barracks P24 Acceptable
scan profile
FAT Increase <15% and
Energy reduction <9db
Debonding/Minor defect
observes at 9.5m-9.9m
Perambur Acceptable and precautionary
and 20.3m to 22.4m in 1
5 Barracks P25 measure by slow excavation
scan profile
Road near the panel
FAT Increase >30%
Energy reduction>12db
Perambur Debonding observed and
6 Barracks P30 FAT Increase <15% Acceptable
Road Energy reduction<9db
Debonding/Minor defect
observes at 12.2m-12.7m
Perambur Acceptable and precautionary
and 9.3m to 10.4m in 2
7 Barracks P66 measure by slow excavation
scan profile
Road near the panel
FAT Increase >30%
Energy reduction>12db
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Status: Issued for Review
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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M/s. Geo Dynamics was engaged by M/s. Tata Projects Ltd., to conduct the cross-hole sonic logging
test on one r. c. bored pile installed at the above site. The aim of testing was to assess and check the
pile integrity for potential problems like cross-sectional changes, honeycombing, concrete quality,
continuity, etc. The tests were conducted in accordance with ASTM D6760.
This report presents the results of Cross Hole Sonic Logging using the Cross Hole Analyzer, CHA,
based on the data, details and pile identification provided at site and the site conditions at the time of
Cross-Hole Sonic Logging generally applies to drilled shafts and requires that at least three tubes be
installed in a drilled shaft prior to pouring the concrete, and that stress pulses are sent from one tube
to the other at 50mm vertical intervals. The arrival time of the pulse at the receiver tube indicates the
quality and integrity of the concrete between the tubes.
For conducting the sonic logging test mild steel tubes as described earlier were installed throughout
the length of the shaft by tying them to the reinforcement cage. They were filled with water and the top
and bottom of the tubes was sealed before concreting. This was to take into account the differential
temperature during concreting and curing.
The test can be conducted after minimum 3 to 7 days of concreting. For this a transmitter is lowered in
one of those tubes and a receiver - in another. Both transmitter and receiver are connected by cables
to the Cross Hole Analyzer (CHA), which records the arrival time and the energy attenuation as the
probes are simultaneously raised to the top. As long as the arrival time and the energy attenuation are
roughly constant, one may deduce that the concrete quality is also uniform and the pile is therefore
The CHA determines the quality of concrete between pairs of tubes pre-installed in r. c. bored piles. A
transmitter lowered down one tube sends a high frequency signal that is sensed some time later by a
receiver in another tube. As the sensors are being pulled, the CHA records, at regular depth intervals,
the time that the signal takes to travel from the transmitter to the receiver (arrival time), as well as the
signal energy. These two quantities are indicative of concrete quality between the pair of tubes at a
particular depth. The entire shaft length is scanned in this fashion by repeating the test across diagonals
& adjacent perimeters.
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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The CHA is easy to use and data interpretation is straightforward. Defects in the pile are easy to
recognize. They appear as weak signals in the signal plot, as missing signals in the traditional pot, as
delayed arrivals in the arrival time plot, and as signals with low energy.
By sending ultrasonic pulse through concrete from one probe to another (probes located in parallel
tubes), the CSL procedure inspects the drilled shaft structural integrity, and extent and location of
defects, if any. At the receiver probe, pulse arrival time and signal strength are affected by the
concrete. For equidistant tubes, uniform concrete yields consistent first arrival times (FAT) with
reasonable pulse wave speed and signal strengths. Non-uniformities such as contamination, soft
concrete, and honeycombing, voids, or inclusions exhibit delayed arrival times (FAT) with reduced
signal strength.
Typically the following classification explains interpretation of defects in the shaft. The classification
is based on the technical paper “Terminology and Evaluation Criterion of Cross Hole Sonic Logging
(CSL) as applied to Deep Foundations”. The paper was a joint effort of the various task force
committees of DFI, USA and is available in public domain.
FAT Increase
Pile reduction
Pile Acceptance Criterion Comment for relative to good
Classification relative to good
Defect concrete
Class A Acceptable CSL Test Results Minor 0-15% < 9 db
Conditionally Acceptable CSL
Class B Poor/Flaw 15-30% 9 to 12db
test Results
Highly Abnormal CSL test
Class C Poor/Defect >30% >12db
1. If more than 50% of the scans which includes atleast one cross-scan are in category B at the
end of the test, then the shaft is treated as in Category C and further investigation may be
carried out.
2. Similarly if atleast 2 scans which includes one diagonal or cross scan are in Category C at the
end of the test, then the pile shall be considered to be in Category C and further investigation
may be carried out.
The wave speed obtained is a useful tool to evaluate concrete quality. However, because the tubes
might not be perfectly straight or even parallel, a fixed absolute limit of a wave speed value cannot
be used for evaluation for perimeter profiles. Wave speed is best determined from the test results
from the major diagonals. The wave speed is also affected by age of concrete, localized bending of
tubes etc. and hence many times the energy is considered a more important parameter in evaluating
the results.
Generally a pile can be classified as acceptable if the FAT increase is up to 15% and the energy
reduction in <9 db. However the final decision of acceptability is also based on location of defect,
actual load on the pile, design considerations, no. of scans in which defect seen and any other factors
and hence shall be decided by the engineer to the project.
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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The client should also review the load on the pile other site information, design requirements etc. E.g.
Some times for friction piles, soft toe near pile toe maybe less important than for end bearing piles. A
final decision may hence be based on the test report and these factors.
The details regarding tube corridor, tube spacing, average wave speed, energy reduction (db) and
remarks for each pile have been tabulated in Table: 2. The detailed test graphs have been attached
in Appendix A of the report. Generally the following conclusions can be concluded from cross-hole
sonic logging tests conducted on the pile shafts based on data, pile location and pile information
supplied to us during testing.
1. CHSL testing was conducted on Diaphragm Wall No. EP-20. Since eight tubes were installed
inside this Diaphragm Wall, ten scans were obtained.
2. Diaphragm Wall No. EP-20 tube location scanned could not be obtained upto to 4.3m the wall
panel. As per site information, PVC pipes have been installed inside the wall panel and these
several times lead to de-bonding (loss of bond between concrete and pipes). The scans show
possible defect from 5.2m-6.2m, 10.0m-12.5m and 9.3m-14.0m although the same may also
be de-bonding. This maybe verified at the time of excavation. Thus further acceptance can be
based on physical excavation as limited information is available with CSL due to possible
issues with PVC pipes.
3. This report has been prepared with generally accepted engineering practices and the results
of Cross Hole Sonic Logging testing as per ASTM D6760. No other warranty, expressed or
implied, is made. The findings provided in this report are based on the result of the individual
pile tested and information made available to us.
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Test Report No.: TR-CSL-L396-17 ULR No.: TC1183124000001176F
Project No.: CSL-L396-17 M/s. Tata Projects Ltd.,
Date of Testing: 19/02/2024 CMRL UG-02, D. No.-497,
Customer Address
200 Feet Ring Road, Madhavaram,
DW Tested By : Mr. Sevugan and Contact
Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600033
Type of Diaphragm Wall: R.C. Wall Mr. Venkatesh (M.) +91 9043372077
Report Issue Date : 20/02/2024
DW Location : SPB
Equipment used : Cross Hole Analyzer – PDI USA
Discipline : Non-Destructive Testing Rev
Group: Building Materials - Reinforced Concrete Structures 00
2. 2 50 15.17 0.17 --
3. 3 50 15.17 0.17 --
4. 4 50 15.17 0.17 --
5. 5 50 15.17 0.17 --
6. 6 50 15.17 0.17 --
7. 7 50 15.17 0.17 --
8. 8 50 15.17 0.17 --
ote: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
Doc. No.: F-7.8-01G/Issue No.03/Issue Date: 28-11-2022/ Amend No.:00 / Amend Date: - Page 7 of 23
Test Report No.: TR-CSL-L396-17 ULR No.: TC1183124000001176F
Diaphragm Average
FAT Location
Sr. Wall No. Tube Tube Wave Energy DW
Increase of FAT & Energy Comments
No. & Corridor Spacing Speed Reduction Integrity
relative Reduction
Depth (m/sec)
Uniform diaphragm wall except
Possible debonding/defect at
1. 1-2 1.42 4413 >30% >12db 10.0m-12.5m
10.0m-12.5m from pile top.
Possible debonding at top 2.4m.
Uniform diaphragm wall except
Possible debonding/defect at
2. 1-3 1.59 2719 >30% >12db 10.0m-12.5m
10.0m-12.7m from pile top.
Possible debonding at top 2.5m.
Uniform diaphragm wall. Possible
3. 2-3 0.71 3920 0-15% <9db 0m-15.00m
debonding at top 2.2m.
Uniform diaphragm wall except Refer to
EP-20 5.2m-5.3m, Possible debonding/defect at 5.2m- summary
4. (15.00m) 2-4 1.46 3275 >30% >12db 9.3m-9.4m & 5.3m, 9.3m-9.4m and 11.1m-11.2m of test
11.1m-11.2m from pile top. Possible debonding at results
top 3.3m.
Uniform diaphragm wall except
Possible debonding/defect at 6.0m-
6.0m-6.2m &
5. 3-4 0.88 3651 >30% >12db 6.2m and 10.0m-10.1m from pile
top. Possible debonding at top
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Status: Issued for Review
Uniform diaphragm wall except
Possible debonding/defect at 7.5m-
6. 4-5 1.50 3003 >30% >12db 7.5m-7.7m
7.7m from pile top. Possible
debonding at top 4.4m.
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
Doc. No.: F-7.8-01G/Issue No.03/Issue Date: 28-11-2022/ Amend No.:00 / Amend Date: - Page 8 of 23
Test Report No.: TR-CSL-L396-17 ULR No.: TC1183124000001176F
Diaphragm Average
FAT Location
Sr. Wall No. Tube Tube Wave Energy DW
Increase of FAT & Energy Comments
No. & Corridor Spacing Speed Reduction Integrity
relative Reduction
Depth (m/sec)
Uniform diaphragm wall except
Possible debonding/defect at 3.7m-
7. 5-6 0.70 3086 >30% >12db 4.0m, 9.3m-9.5m, 10.0m-11.0m
10.0m-11.0m &
and 11.5m-11.8m from pile top.
Possible debonding at top 2.6m.
Uniform diaphragm wall except
Possible debonding/defect at 9.7m- Refer to
8. 5-7 1.40 2425 >30% >12db 9.7m-14.0m
EP-20 14.0m from pile top. Possible summary
(15.00m) debonding at top 1.0m. of test
Uniform diaphragm wall except results
Possible debonding/defect at 2.4m-
2.4m-2.6m &
9. 6-7 1.17 3547 >30% >12db 2.6m and 10.7m-11.8m from pile
top. Possible debonding at top
10. 7-8 0.52 3218 0-15% <9db 0m-15.00m Uniform diaphragm wall.
2024-3-14 23:8:49
Status: Issued for Review
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
Doc. No.: F-7.8-01G/Issue No.03/Issue Date: 28-11-2022/ Amend No.:00 / Amend Date: - Page 9 of 23
Test Report No.: TR-CSL-L396-17 ULR No.: TC1183124000001176F
• If there is any error in any of the details provided by the customer, the same will be carried forward in the report.
• Refer clause no. 4 of Project report for Summary of test results.
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Status: Issued for Review
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
Doc. No.: F-7.8-01G/Issue No.03/Issue Date: 28-11-2022/ Amend No.:00 / Amend Date: - Page 10 of 23
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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M/s. Geo Dynamics was engaged by M/s. Tata Projects Ltd., to conduct the cross-hole sonic logging
test on one r. c. bored pile installed at the above site. The aim of testing was to assess and check the
pile integrity for potential problems like cross-sectional changes, honeycombing, concrete quality,
continuity, etc. The tests were conducted in accordance with ASTM D6760.
This report presents the results of Cross Hole Sonic Logging using the Cross Hole Analyzer, CHA,
based on the data, details and pile identification provided at site and the site conditions at the time of
Cross-Hole Sonic Logging generally applies to drilled shafts and requires that at least three tubes be
installed in a drilled shaft prior to pouring the concrete, and that stress pulses are sent from one tube
to the other at 50mm vertical intervals. The arrival time of the pulse at the receiver tube indicates the
quality and integrity of the concrete between the tubes.
For conducting the sonic logging test mild steel tubes as described earlier were installed throughout
the length of the shaft by tying them to the reinforcement cage. They were filled with water and the top
and bottom of the tubes was sealed before concreting. This was to take into account the differential
temperature during concreting and curing.
The test can be conducted after minimum 3 to 7 days of concreting. For this a transmitter is lowered in
one of those tubes and a receiver - in another. Both transmitter and receiver are connected by cables
to the Cross Hole Analyzer (CHA), which records the arrival time and the energy attenuation as the
probes are simultaneously raised to the top. As long as the arrival time and the energy attenuation are
roughly constant, one may deduce that the concrete quality is also uniform and the pile is therefore
The CHA determines the quality of concrete between pairs of tubes pre-installed in r. c. bored piles. A
transmitter lowered down one tube sends a high frequency signal that is sensed some time later by a
receiver in another tube. As the sensors are being pulled, the CHA records, at regular depth intervals,
the time that the signal takes to travel from the transmitter to the receiver (arrival time), as well as the
signal energy. These two quantities are indicative of concrete quality between the pair of tubes at a
particular depth. The entire shaft length is scanned in this fashion by repeating the test across diagonals
& adjacent perimeters.
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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The CHA is easy to use and data interpretation is straightforward. Defects in the pile are easy to
recognize. They appear as weak signals in the signal plot, as missing signals in the traditional pot, as
delayed arrivals in the arrival time plot, and as signals with low energy.
By sending ultrasonic pulse through concrete from one probe to another (probes located in parallel
tubes), the CSL procedure inspects the drilled shaft structural integrity, and extent and location of
defects, if any. At the receiver probe, pulse arrival time and signal strength are affected by the
concrete. For equidistant tubes, uniform concrete yields consistent first arrival times (FAT) with
reasonable pulse wave speed and signal strengths. Non-uniformities such as contamination, soft
concrete, and honeycombing, voids, or inclusions exhibit delayed arrival times (FAT) with reduced
signal strength.
Typically the following classification explains interpretation of defects in the shaft. The classification
is based on the technical paper “Terminology and Evaluation Criterion of Cross Hole Sonic Logging
(CSL) as applied to Deep Foundations”. The paper was a joint effort of the various task force
committees of DFI, USA and is available in public domain.
FAT Increase
Pile reduction
Pile Acceptance Criterion Comment for relative to good
Classification relative to good
Defect concrete
Class A Acceptable CSL Test Results Minor 0-15% < 9 db
Conditionally Acceptable CSL
Class B Poor/Flaw 15-30% 9 to 12db
test Results
Highly Abnormal CSL test
Class C Poor/Defect >30% >12db
1. If more than 50% of the scans which includes atleast one cross-scan are in category B at the
end of the test, then the shaft is treated as in Category C and further investigation may be
carried out.
2. Similarly if atleast 2 scans which includes one diagonal or cross scan are in Category C at the
end of the test, then the pile shall be considered to be in Category C and further investigation
may be carried out.
The wave speed obtained is a useful tool to evaluate concrete quality. However, because the tubes
might not be perfectly straight or even parallel, a fixed absolute limit of a wave speed value cannot
be used for evaluation for perimeter profiles. Wave speed is best determined from the test results
from the major diagonals. The wave speed is also affected by age of concrete, localized bending of
tubes etc. and hence many times the energy is considered a more important parameter in evaluating
the results.
Generally a pile can be classified as acceptable if the FAT increase is up to 15% and the energy
reduction in <9 db. However the final decision of acceptability is also based on location of defect,
actual load on the pile, design considerations, no. of scans in which defect seen and any other factors
and hence shall be decided by the engineer to the project.
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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The client should also review the load on the pile other site information, design requirements etc. E.g.
Some times for friction piles, soft toe near pile toe maybe less important than for end bearing piles. A
final decision may hence be based on the test report and these factors.
The details regarding tube corridor, tube spacing, average wave speed, energy reduction (db) and
remarks for each pile have been tabulated in Table: 2. The detailed test graphs have been attached
in Appendix A of the report. Generally the following conclusions can be concluded from cross-hole
sonic logging tests conducted on the pile shafts based on data, pile location and pile information
supplied to us during testing.
1. CHSL testing was conducted on Diaphragm Wall No. EP-18. Since three tubes were installed
inside this Diaphragm Wall, three scans were obtained.
2. Diaphragm Wall No. EP-18 tube location scanned could not be obtained upto to 4.4 the wall
panel. As per site information, PVC pipes have been installed inside the wall panel and these
several times lead to de-bonding (loss of bond between concrete and pipes). The scans show
possible defect from 11.7m-11.8m and 14.0m-15.5m although the same may also be de-
bonding. This maybe verified at the time of excavation. Thus further acceptance can be based
on physical excavation as limited information is available with CSL due to possible issues with
PVC pipes.
3. This report has been prepared with generally accepted engineering practices and the results
of Cross Hole Sonic Logging testing as per ASTM D6760. No other warranty, expressed or
implied, is made. The findings provided in this report are based on the result of the individual
pile tested and information made available to us.
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Test Report No.: TR-CSL-L396-23 ULR No.: TC1183124000001459F
Project No.: CSL-L396-23 M/s. Tata Projects Ltd.,
Date of Testing: 01/03/2024 CMRL UG-02, D. No.-497,
Customer Address
200 Feet Ring Road, Madhavaram,
DW Tested By : Mr. K.G. Nishanth and Contact
Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600033
Type of Diaphragm Wall: R.C. Wall Mr. Venkatesh (M.) +91 9043372077
Report Issue Date : 04/03/2024
DW Location : Perambur Barracks
Equipment used : Cross Hole Analyzer – PDI USA
Discipline : Non-Destructive Testing Rev
Group: Building Materials - Reinforced Concrete Structures 00
2. 2 50 15.67 0.17 --
3. 3 50 15.67 0.17 --
ote: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
Doc. No.: F-7.8-01G/Issue No.03/Issue Date: 28-11-2022/ Amend No.:00 / Amend Date: - Page 7 of 15
Test Report No.: TR-CSL-L396-23 ULR No.: TC1183124000001459F
Diaphragm Average
FAT Location
Sr. Wall No. Tube Tube Wave Energy DW
Increase of FAT & Energy Comments
No. & Corridor Spacing Speed Reduction Integrity
relative Reduction
Depth (m/sec)
Uniform diaphragm wall except
Possible debonding/defect at
1.3m-1.6m &
1. 1-2 0.60 3523 >30% >12db 1.3m-1.6m and 14.0m-15.0m
from pile top. Possible debonding
at top 0.5m.
A Refer to
Uniform diaphragm wall except.
2. EP-18 2-3 1.77 4217 0-15% <9db 3.7m-15.50m summary
Possible debonding at top 3.7m.
(15.50m) of test
Uniform diaphragm wall except
1.4m-2.2m, Possible debonding/defect at
3.2m-4.4m, 1.4m-2.2m, 3.2m-4.4m, 11.7m-
3. 3-1 2.35 4428 >30% >12db
11.7m-11.8m & 11.8m and 14.0m-15.5m from pile
14.0m-15.5m top. Possible debonding at top
2024-3-14 23:8:49
Status: Issued for Review
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
Doc. No.: F-7.8-01G/Issue No.03/Issue Date: 28-11-2022/ Amend No.:00 / Amend Date: - Page 8 of 15
Test Report No.: TR-CSL-L396-23 ULR No.: TC1183124000001459F
• If there is any error in any of the details provided by the customer, the same will be carried forward in the report.
• Refer clause no. 4 of Project report for Summary of test results.
2024-3-14 23:8:49
Status: Issued for Review
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
Doc. No.: F-7.8-01G/Issue No.03/Issue Date: 28-11-2022/ Amend No.:00 / Amend Date: - Page 9 of 15
Status: Issued for Review
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Status: Issued for Review
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
Page 11 of 15
Status: Issued for Review
2024-3-14 23:8:49
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
Page 12 of 15
Status: Issued for Review
2024-3-14 23:8:49
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Status: Issued for Review
2024-3-14 23:8:49
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
Page 15 of 15
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2024-3-14 23:8:49
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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2024-3-14 23:8:49
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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2024-3-14 23:8:49
M/s. Geo Dynamics was engaged by M/s. Tata Projects Ltd., to conduct the cross-hole sonic logging
test on one r. c. bored pile installed at the above site. The aim of testing was to assess and check the
pile integrity for potential problems like cross-sectional changes, honeycombing, concrete quality,
continuity, etc. The tests were conducted in accordance with ASTM D6760.
This report presents the results of Cross Hole Sonic Logging using the Cross Hole Analyzer, CHA,
based on the data, details and pile identification provided at site and the site conditions at the time of
Cross-Hole Sonic Logging generally applies to drilled shafts and requires that at least three tubes be
installed in a drilled shaft prior to pouring the concrete, and that stress pulses are sent from one tube
to the other at 50mm vertical intervals. The arrival time of the pulse at the receiver tube indicates the
quality and integrity of the concrete between the tubes.
For conducting the sonic logging test mild steel tubes as described earlier were installed throughout
the length of the shaft by tying them to the reinforcement cage. They were filled with water and the top
and bottom of the tubes was sealed before concreting. This was to take into account the differential
temperature during concreting and curing.
The test can be conducted after minimum 3 to 7 days of concreting. For this a transmitter is lowered in
one of those tubes and a receiver - in another. Both transmitter and receiver are connected by cables
to the Cross Hole Analyzer (CHA), which records the arrival time and the energy attenuation as the
probes are simultaneously raised to the top. As long as the arrival time and the energy attenuation are
roughly constant, one may deduce that the concrete quality is also uniform and the pile is therefore
The CHA determines the quality of concrete between pairs of tubes pre-installed in r. c. bored piles. A
transmitter lowered down one tube sends a high frequency signal that is sensed some time later by a
receiver in another tube. As the sensors are being pulled, the CHA records, at regular depth intervals,
the time that the signal takes to travel from the transmitter to the receiver (arrival time), as well as the
signal energy. These two quantities are indicative of concrete quality between the pair of tubes at a
particular depth. The entire shaft length is scanned in this fashion by repeating the test across diagonals
& adjacent perimeters.
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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2024-3-14 23:8:49
The CHA is easy to use and data interpretation is straightforward. Defects in the pile are easy to
recognize. They appear as weak signals in the signal plot, as missing signals in the traditional pot, as
delayed arrivals in the arrival time plot, and as signals with low energy.
By sending ultrasonic pulse through concrete from one probe to another (probes located in parallel
tubes), the CSL procedure inspects the drilled shaft structural integrity, and extent and location of
defects, if any. At the receiver probe, pulse arrival time and signal strength are affected by the
concrete. For equidistant tubes, uniform concrete yields consistent first arrival times (FAT) with
reasonable pulse wave speed and signal strengths. Non-uniformities such as contamination, soft
concrete, and honeycombing, voids, or inclusions exhibit delayed arrival times (FAT) with reduced
signal strength.
Typically the following classification explains interpretation of defects in the shaft. The classification
is based on the technical paper “Terminology and Evaluation Criterion of Cross Hole Sonic Logging
(CSL) as applied to Deep Foundations”. The paper was a joint effort of the various task force
committees of DFI, USA and is available in public domain.
FAT Increase
Pile reduction
Pile Acceptance Criterion Comment for relative to good
Classification relative to good
Defect concrete
Class A Acceptable CSL Test Results Minor 0-15% < 9 db
Conditionally Acceptable CSL
Class B Poor/Flaw 15-30% 9 to 12db
test Results
Highly Abnormal CSL test
Class C Poor/Defect >30% >12db
1. If more than 50% of the scans which includes atleast one cross-scan are in category B at the
end of the test, then the shaft is treated as in Category C and further investigation may be
carried out.
2. Similarly if atleast 2 scans which includes one diagonal or cross scan are in Category C at the
end of the test, then the pile shall be considered to be in Category C and further investigation
may be carried out.
The wave speed obtained is a useful tool to evaluate concrete quality. However, because the tubes
might not be perfectly straight or even parallel, a fixed absolute limit of a wave speed value cannot
be used for evaluation for perimeter profiles. Wave speed is best determined from the test results
from the major diagonals. The wave speed is also affected by age of concrete, localized bending of
tubes etc. and hence many times the energy is considered a more important parameter in evaluating
the results.
Generally a pile can be classified as acceptable if the FAT increase is up to 15% and the energy
reduction in <9 db. However the final decision of acceptability is also based on location of defect,
actual load on the pile, design considerations, no. of scans in which defect seen and any other factors
and hence shall be decided by the engineer to the project.
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Status: Issued for Review
2024-3-14 23:8:49
The client should also review the load on the pile other site information, design requirements etc. E.g.
Some times for friction piles, soft toe near pile toe maybe less important than for end bearing piles. A
final decision may hence be based on the test report and these factors.
The details regarding tube corridor, tube spacing, average wave speed, energy reduction (db) and
remarks for each pile have been tabulated in Table: 2. The detailed test graphs have been attached
in Appendix A of the report. Generally the following conclusions can be concluded from cross-hole
sonic logging tests conducted on the pile shafts based on data, pile location and pile information
supplied to us during testing.
1. CHSL testing was conducted on Diaphragm Wall No. P-22. Since three tubes were installed
inside this Diaphragm Wall, three scans were obtained.
2. Diaphragm Wall No. P-24 tube location scanned could not be obtained for top 4.0m for most
of tube corridors of the wall panel. As per site information, PVC pipes have been installed
inside the wall panel and these several times lead to de-bonding (loss of bond between
concrete and pipes). The scans show possible defect from 9.0m-9.3m, 12.0m-15.6m and
20.0m-22.5m although the same may also be de-bonding. This maybe verified at the time of
excavation. Thus further acceptance can be based on physical excavation as limited
information is available with CSL due to possible issues with PVC pipes.
3. This report has been prepared with generally accepted engineering practices and the results
of Cross Hole Sonic Logging testing as per ASTM D6760. No other warranty, expressed or
implied, is made. The findings provided in this report are based on the result of the individual
pile tested and information made available to us.
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Test Report No.: TR-CSL-L396-24 ULR No.: TC1183124000001460F
Project No.: CSL-L396-24 M/s. Tata Projects Ltd.,
Date of Testing: 01/03/2024 CMRL UG-02, D. No.-497,
Customer Address
200 Feet Ring Road, Madhavaram,
DW Tested By : Mr. K.G. Nishanth and Contact
Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600033
Type of Diaphragm Wall: R.C. Wall Mr. Venkatesh (M.) +91 9043372077
Report Issue Date : 04/03/2024
DW Location : Perambur Barracks
Equipment used : Cross Hole Analyzer – PDI USA
Discipline : Non-Destructive Testing Rev
Group: Building Materials - Reinforced Concrete Structures 00
ote: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
Doc. No.: F-7.8-01G/Issue No.03/Issue Date: 28-11-2022/ Amend No.:00 / Amend Date: - Page 7 of 15
Test Report No.: TR-CSL-L396-24 ULR No.: TC1183124000001460F
Diaphragm Average
FAT Location
Sr. Wall No. Tube Tube Wave Energy DW
Increase of FAT & Energy Comments
No. & Corridor Spacing Speed Reduction Integrity
relative Reduction
Depth (m/sec)
Uniform diaphragm wall upto
1. 1-2 1.25 4518 0-15% <9db 0m-25.00m 25.00m. Possible debonding at
top 0.5m.
Uniform diaphragm wall except
9.0m-9.3m, Possible debonding/defect at
14.5m-15.6m, 9.0m-9.3m, 14.5m-15.6m, 20.0m-
2. 2-3 1.13 3923 >30% >12db Refer to
20.0m-20.3m & 20.3m and 22.0m-22.3m from pile
P-22 summary
22.0m-22.3m top. Possible debonding at top
(25.66m) of test
Uniform diaphragm wall except
9.5m-9.6m, Possible debonding/defect at
12.0m-12.2m, 9.5m-9.6m, 12.0m-12.2m, 14.9m-
3. 3-1 2.25 4519 >30% >12db
14.9m-15.6m & 15.6m and 22.0m-22.5m from pile
22.0m-22.5m top. Possible debonding at top
Note: Refer tube blockage details in table 1 of test report.
2024-3-14 23:8:49
Status: Issued for Review
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
Doc. No.: F-7.8-01G/Issue No.03/Issue Date: 28-11-2022/ Amend No.:00 / Amend Date: - Page 8 of 15
Test Report No.: TR-CSL-L396-24 ULR No.: TC1183124000001460F
• If there is any error in any of the details provided by the customer, the same will be carried forward in the report.
• Refer clause no. 4 of Project report for Summary of test results.
2024-3-14 23:8:49
Status: Issued for Review
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
Doc. No.: F-7.8-01G/Issue No.03/Issue Date: 28-11-2022/ Amend No.:00 / Amend Date: - Page 9 of 15
Status: Issued for Review
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Status: Issued for Review
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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2024-3-14 23:8:49
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Status: Issued for Review
2024-3-14 23:8:49
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Status: Issued for Review
2024-3-14 23:8:49
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Status: Issued for Review
2024-3-14 23:8:49
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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2024-3-14 23:8:49
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Status: Issued for Review
2024-3-14 23:8:49
M/s. Geo Dynamics was engaged by M/s. Tata Projects Ltd., to conduct the cross-hole sonic logging
test on one r. c. bored pile installed at the above site. The aim of testing was to assess and check the
pile integrity for potential problems like cross-sectional changes, honeycombing, concrete quality,
continuity, etc. The tests were conducted in accordance with ASTM D6760.
This report presents the results of Cross Hole Sonic Logging using the Cross Hole Analyzer, CHA,
based on the data, details and pile identification provided at site and the site conditions at the time of
Cross-Hole Sonic Logging generally applies to drilled shafts and requires that at least three tubes be
installed in a drilled shaft prior to pouring the concrete, and that stress pulses are sent from one tube
to the other at 50mm vertical intervals. The arrival time of the pulse at the receiver tube indicates the
quality and integrity of the concrete between the tubes.
For conducting the sonic logging test mild steel tubes as described earlier were installed throughout
the length of the shaft by tying them to the reinforcement cage. They were filled with water and the top
and bottom of the tubes was sealed before concreting. This was to take into account the differential
temperature during concreting and curing.
The test can be conducted after minimum 3 to 7 days of concreting. For this a transmitter is lowered in
one of those tubes and a receiver - in another. Both transmitter and receiver are connected by cables
to the Cross Hole Analyzer (CHA), which records the arrival time and the energy attenuation as the
probes are simultaneously raised to the top. As long as the arrival time and the energy attenuation are
roughly constant, one may deduce that the concrete quality is also uniform and the pile is therefore
The CHA determines the quality of concrete between pairs of tubes pre-installed in r. c. bored piles. A
transmitter lowered down one tube sends a high frequency signal that is sensed some time later by a
receiver in another tube. As the sensors are being pulled, the CHA records, at regular depth intervals,
the time that the signal takes to travel from the transmitter to the receiver (arrival time), as well as the
signal energy. These two quantities are indicative of concrete quality between the pair of tubes at a
particular depth. The entire shaft length is scanned in this fashion by repeating the test across diagonals
& adjacent perimeters.
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Status: Issued for Review
2024-3-14 23:8:49
The CHA is easy to use and data interpretation is straightforward. Defects in the pile are easy to
recognize. They appear as weak signals in the signal plot, as missing signals in the traditional pot, as
delayed arrivals in the arrival time plot, and as signals with low energy.
By sending ultrasonic pulse through concrete from one probe to another (probes located in parallel
tubes), the CSL procedure inspects the drilled shaft structural integrity, and extent and location of
defects, if any. At the receiver probe, pulse arrival time and signal strength are affected by the
concrete. For equidistant tubes, uniform concrete yields consistent first arrival times (FAT) with
reasonable pulse wave speed and signal strengths. Non-uniformities such as contamination, soft
concrete, and honeycombing, voids, or inclusions exhibit delayed arrival times (FAT) with reduced
signal strength.
Typically the following classification explains interpretation of defects in the shaft. The classification
is based on the technical paper “Terminology and Evaluation Criterion of Cross Hole Sonic Logging
(CSL) as applied to Deep Foundations”. The paper was a joint effort of the various task force
committees of DFI, USA and is available in public domain.
FAT Increase
Pile reduction
Pile Acceptance Criterion Comment for relative to good
Classification relative to good
Defect concrete
Class A Acceptable CSL Test Results Minor 0-15% < 9 db
Conditionally Acceptable CSL
Class B Poor/Flaw 15-30% 9 to 12db
test Results
Highly Abnormal CSL test
Class C Poor/Defect >30% >12db
1. If more than 50% of the scans which includes atleast one cross-scan are in category B at the
end of the test, then the shaft is treated as in Category C and further investigation may be
carried out.
2. Similarly if atleast 2 scans which includes one diagonal or cross scan are in Category C at the
end of the test, then the pile shall be considered to be in Category C and further investigation
may be carried out.
The wave speed obtained is a useful tool to evaluate concrete quality. However, because the tubes
might not be perfectly straight or even parallel, a fixed absolute limit of a wave speed value cannot
be used for evaluation for perimeter profiles. Wave speed is best determined from the test results
from the major diagonals. The wave speed is also affected by age of concrete, localized bending of
tubes etc. and hence many times the energy is considered a more important parameter in evaluating
the results.
Generally a pile can be classified as acceptable if the FAT increase is up to 15% and the energy
reduction in <9 db. However the final decision of acceptability is also based on location of defect,
actual load on the pile, design considerations, no. of scans in which defect seen and any other factors
and hence shall be decided by the engineer to the project.
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Status: Issued for Review
2024-3-14 23:8:49
The client should also review the load on the pile other site information, design requirements etc. E.g.
Some times for friction piles, soft toe near pile toe maybe less important than for end bearing piles. A
final decision may hence be based on the test report and these factors.
The details regarding tube corridor, tube spacing, average wave speed, energy reduction (db) and
remarks for each pile have been tabulated in Table: 2. The detailed test graphs have been attached
in Appendix A of the report. Generally the following conclusions can be concluded from cross-hole
sonic logging tests conducted on the pile shafts based on data, pile location and pile information
supplied to us during testing.
1. CHSL testing was conducted on Diaphragm Wall No. P-24. Since three tubes were installed
inside this Diaphragm Wall, three scans were obtained.
2. Diaphragm Wall No. P-24 tube location scanned could not be obtained for top 0.5m for most
of tube corridors of the wall panel. As per site information, PVC pipes have been installed
inside the wall panel and these several times lead to de-bonding (loss of bond between
concrete and pipes). The scans show possible defect from 5.6m-5.8m and 20.5m-20.7m
although the same may also be de-bonding. This maybe verified at the time of excavation.
Thus further acceptance can be based on physical excavation as limited information is
available with CSL due to possible issues with PVC pipes.
3. This report has been prepared with generally accepted engineering practices and the results
of Cross Hole Sonic Logging testing as per ASTM D6760. No other warranty, expressed or
implied, is made. The findings provided in this report are based on the result of the individual
pile tested and information made available to us.
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Status: Issued for Review
2024-3-14 23:8:49
Test Report No.: TR-CSL-L396-25 ULR No.: TC1183124000001461F
Project No.: CSL-L396-25 M/s. Tata Projects Ltd.,
Date of Testing: 01/03/2024 CMRL UG-02, D. No.-497,
Customer Address
200 Feet Ring Road, Madhavaram,
DW Tested By : Mr. K.G. Nishanth and Contact
Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600033
Type of Diaphragm Wall: R.C. Wall Mr. Venkatesh (M.) +91 9043372077
Report Issue Date : 04/03/2024
DW Location : Perambur Barracks
Equipment used : Cross Hole Analyzer – PDI USA
Discipline : Non-Destructive Testing Rev
Group: Building Materials - Reinforced Concrete Structures 00
3. 3 50 26.03 0.17 --
ote: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
Doc. No.: F-7.8-01G/Issue No.03/Issue Date: 28-11-2022/ Amend No.:00 / Amend Date: - Page 7 of 15
Test Report No.: TR-CSL-L396-25 ULR No.: TC1183124000001461F
Diaphragm Average
FAT Location
Sr. Wall No. Tube Tube Wave Energy DW
Increase of FAT & Energy Comments
No. & Corridor Spacing Speed Reduction Integrity
relative Reduction
Depth (m/sec)
Uniform diaphragm wall upto
1. 1-2 0.74 3757 0-15% <9db 0m-25.26m 25.26m. Possible debonding at
top 0.5m.
Uniform diaphragm wall upto
Refer to
2. 2-3 1.45 4602 0-15% <9db 0m-25.26m 25.26m. Possible debonding at
P-24 summary
top 0.5m.
(25.86m) of test
Uniform diaphragm wall except results
Possible debonding/defect at
5.6m-5.8m &
3. 3-1 1.88 4336 >30% >12db 5.6m-5.8m and 20.5m-20.7m
from pile top. Possible debonding
at top 0.5m.
Note: Refer tube blockage details in table 1 of test report.
• If there is any error in any of the details provided by the customer, the same will be carried forward in the report.
• Refer clause no. 4 of Project report for Summary of test results.
2024-3-14 23:8:49
Status: Issued for Review
Authorized Signatory Authorized Signatory
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
Doc. No.: F-7.8-01G/Issue No.03/Issue Date: 28-11-2022/ Amend No.:00 / Amend Date: - Page 8 of 15
For NABL Certificate & Scope
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Status: Issued for Review
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
Doc. No.: F-7.8-01G/Issue No.03/Issue Date: 28-11-2022/ Amend No.:00 / Amend Date: - Page 9 of 15
Status: Issued for Review
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Status: Issued for Review
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Status: Issued for Review
2024-3-14 23:8:49
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Status: Issued for Review
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Status: Issued for Review
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Status: Issued for Review
2024-3-14 23:8:49
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Status: Issued for Review
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Status: Issued for Review
2024-3-14 23:8:49
M/s. Geo Dynamics was engaged by M/s. Tata Projects Ltd., to conduct the cross-hole sonic logging
test on one r. c. bored pile installed at the above site. The aim of testing was to assess and check the
pile integrity for potential problems like cross-sectional changes, honeycombing, concrete quality,
continuity, etc. The tests were conducted in accordance with ASTM D6760.
This report presents the results of Cross Hole Sonic Logging using the Cross Hole Analyzer, CHA,
based on the data, details and pile identification provided at site and the site conditions at the time of
Cross-Hole Sonic Logging generally applies to drilled shafts and requires that at least three tubes be
installed in a drilled shaft prior to pouring the concrete, and that stress pulses are sent from one tube
to the other at 50mm vertical intervals. The arrival time of the pulse at the receiver tube indicates the
quality and integrity of the concrete between the tubes.
For conducting the sonic logging test mild steel tubes as described earlier were installed throughout
the length of the shaft by tying them to the reinforcement cage. They were filled with water and the top
and bottom of the tubes was sealed before concreting. This was to take into account the differential
temperature during concreting and curing.
The test can be conducted after minimum 3 to 7 days of concreting. For this a transmitter is lowered in
one of those tubes and a receiver - in another. Both transmitter and receiver are connected by cables
to the Cross Hole Analyzer (CHA), which records the arrival time and the energy attenuation as the
probes are simultaneously raised to the top. As long as the arrival time and the energy attenuation are
roughly constant, one may deduce that the concrete quality is also uniform and the pile is therefore
The CHA determines the quality of concrete between pairs of tubes pre-installed in r. c. bored piles. A
transmitter lowered down one tube sends a high frequency signal that is sensed some time later by a
receiver in another tube. As the sensors are being pulled, the CHA records, at regular depth intervals,
the time that the signal takes to travel from the transmitter to the receiver (arrival time), as well as the
signal energy. These two quantities are indicative of concrete quality between the pair of tubes at a
particular depth. The entire shaft length is scanned in this fashion by repeating the test across diagonals
& adjacent perimeters.
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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2024-3-14 23:8:49
The CHA is easy to use and data interpretation is straightforward. Defects in the pile are easy to
recognize. They appear as weak signals in the signal plot, as missing signals in the traditional pot, as
delayed arrivals in the arrival time plot, and as signals with low energy.
By sending ultrasonic pulse through concrete from one probe to another (probes located in parallel
tubes), the CSL procedure inspects the drilled shaft structural integrity, and extent and location of
defects, if any. At the receiver probe, pulse arrival time and signal strength are affected by the
concrete. For equidistant tubes, uniform concrete yields consistent first arrival times (FAT) with
reasonable pulse wave speed and signal strengths. Non-uniformities such as contamination, soft
concrete, and honeycombing, voids, or inclusions exhibit delayed arrival times (FAT) with reduced
signal strength.
Typically the following classification explains interpretation of defects in the shaft. The classification
is based on the technical paper “Terminology and Evaluation Criterion of Cross Hole Sonic Logging
(CSL) as applied to Deep Foundations”. The paper was a joint effort of the various task force
committees of DFI, USA and is available in public domain.
FAT Increase
Pile reduction
Pile Acceptance Criterion Comment for relative to good
Classification relative to good
Defect concrete
Class A Acceptable CSL Test Results Minor 0-15% < 9 db
Conditionally Acceptable CSL
Class B Poor/Flaw 15-30% 9 to 12db
test Results
Highly Abnormal CSL test
Class C Poor/Defect >30% >12db
1. If more than 50% of the scans which includes atleast one cross-scan are in category B at the
end of the test, then the shaft is treated as in Category C and further investigation may be
carried out.
2. Similarly if atleast 2 scans which includes one diagonal or cross scan are in Category C at the
end of the test, then the pile shall be considered to be in Category C and further investigation
may be carried out.
The wave speed obtained is a useful tool to evaluate concrete quality. However, because the tubes
might not be perfectly straight or even parallel, a fixed absolute limit of a wave speed value cannot
be used for evaluation for perimeter profiles. Wave speed is best determined from the test results
from the major diagonals. The wave speed is also affected by age of concrete, localized bending of
tubes etc. and hence many times the energy is considered a more important parameter in evaluating
the results.
Generally a pile can be classified as acceptable if the FAT increase is up to 15% and the energy
reduction in <9 db. However the final decision of acceptability is also based on location of defect,
actual load on the pile, design considerations, no. of scans in which defect seen and any other factors
and hence shall be decided by the engineer to the project.
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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The client should also review the load on the pile other site information, design requirements etc. E.g.
Some times for friction piles, soft toe near pile toe maybe less important than for end bearing piles. A
final decision may hence be based on the test report and these factors.
The details regarding tube corridor, tube spacing, average wave speed, energy reduction (db) and
remarks for each pile have been tabulated in Table: 2. The detailed test graphs have been attached
in Appendix A of the report. Generally the following conclusions can be concluded from cross-hole
sonic logging tests conducted on the pile shafts based on data, pile location and pile information
supplied to us during testing.
1. CHSL testing was conducted on Diaphragm Wall No. P-25. Since three tubes were installed
inside this Diaphragm Wall, three scans were obtained.
2. Diaphragm Wall No. P-25 tube location scanned could not be obtained at 9.5m-9.9m and
20.3m-22.4m the wall panel. As per site information, PVC pipes have been installed inside
the wall panel and these several times lead to de-bonding (loss of bond between concrete
and pipes). The scans show possible defect from 9.5m-9.9m and 20.3m-22.4m although the
same may also be de-bonding. This maybe verified at the time of excavation. Thus further
acceptance can be based on physical excavation as limited information is available with CSL
due to possible issues with PVC pipes.
3. This report has been prepared with generally accepted engineering practices and the results
of Cross Hole Sonic Logging testing as per ASTM D6760. No other warranty, expressed or
implied, is made. The findings provided in this report are based on the result of the individual
pile tested and information made available to us.
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Test Report No.: TR-CSL-L396-26 ULR No.: TC1183124000001462F
Project No.: CSL-L396-26 M/s. Tata Projects Ltd.,
Date of Testing: 01/03/2024 CMRL UG-02, D. No.-497,
Customer Address
200 Feet Ring Road, Madhavaram,
DW Tested By : Mr. K.G. Nishanth and Contact
Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600033
Type of Diaphragm Wall: R.C. Wall Mr. Venkatesh (M.) +91 9043372077
Report Issue Date : 04/03/2024
DW Location : Perambur Barracks
Equipment used : Cross Hole Analyzer – PDI USA
Discipline : Non-Destructive Testing Rev
Group: Building Materials - Reinforced Concrete Structures 00
3. 3 50 25.77 0.17 --
ote: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
Doc. No.: F-7.8-01G/Issue No.03/Issue Date: 28-11-2022/ Amend No.:00 / Amend Date: - Page 7 of 15
Test Report No.: TR-CSL-L396-26 ULR No.: TC1183124000001462F
Diaphragm Average
FAT Location
Sr. Wall No. Tube Tube Wave Energy DW
Increase of FAT & Energy Comments
No. & Corridor Spacing Speed Reduction Integrity
relative Reduction
Depth (m/sec)
Uniform diaphragm wall except
Possible debonding/defect at
9.6m-9.9m &
1. 1-2 1.45 4257 >30% >12db 9.6m-9.9m and 20.6m-21.4m
from pile top. Possible debonding
at top 0.5m.
Uniform diaphragm wall except
Possible debonding/defect at Refer to
2. 2-3 0.64 3200 >30% >12db 20.5m-21.2m
P-25 20.5m-21.2m from pile top. summary
(25.60m) Possible debonding at top 0.5m. of test
Uniform diaphragm wall except results
Possible debonding/defect at
9.5m-9.7m and 20.3m-22.4m
9.5m-9.7m &
3. 3-1 1.95 3298 >30% >12db from pile top. Possible debonding
at top 0.5m. The some scan is
hazy and this is more likely due to
Note: Refer tube blockage details in table 1 of test report.
2024-3-14 23:8:49
Status: Issued for Review
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
Doc. No.: F-7.8-01G/Issue No.03/Issue Date: 28-11-2022/ Amend No.:00 / Amend Date: - Page 8 of 15
Test Report No.: TR-CSL-L396-26 ULR No.: TC1183124000001462F
• If there is any error in any of the details provided by the customer, the same will be carried forward in the report.
• Refer clause no. 4 of Project report for Summary of test results.
2024-3-14 23:8:49
Status: Issued for Review
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
Doc. No.: F-7.8-01G/Issue No.03/Issue Date: 28-11-2022/ Amend No.:00 / Amend Date: - Page 9 of 15
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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2024-3-14 23:8:49
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Status: Issued for Review
2024-3-14 23:8:49
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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2024-3-14 23:8:49
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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2024-3-14 23:8:49
M/s. Geo Dynamics was engaged by M/s. Tata Projects Ltd., to conduct the cross-hole sonic logging
test on one r. c. bored pile installed at the above site. The aim of testing was to assess and check the
pile integrity for potential problems like cross-sectional changes, honeycombing, concrete quality,
continuity, etc. The tests were conducted in accordance with ASTM D6760.
This report presents the results of Cross Hole Sonic Logging using the Cross Hole Analyzer, CHA,
based on the data, details and pile identification provided at site and the site conditions at the time of
Cross-Hole Sonic Logging generally applies to drilled shafts and requires that at least three tubes be
installed in a drilled shaft prior to pouring the concrete, and that stress pulses are sent from one tube
to the other at 50mm vertical intervals. The arrival time of the pulse at the receiver tube indicates the
quality and integrity of the concrete between the tubes.
For conducting the sonic logging test mild steel tubes as described earlier were installed throughout
the length of the shaft by tying them to the reinforcement cage. They were filled with water and the top
and bottom of the tubes was sealed before concreting. This was to take into account the differential
temperature during concreting and curing.
The test can be conducted after minimum 3 to 7 days of concreting. For this a transmitter is lowered in
one of those tubes and a receiver - in another. Both transmitter and receiver are connected by cables
to the Cross Hole Analyzer (CHA), which records the arrival time and the energy attenuation as the
probes are simultaneously raised to the top. As long as the arrival time and the energy attenuation are
roughly constant, one may deduce that the concrete quality is also uniform and the pile is therefore
The CHA determines the quality of concrete between pairs of tubes pre-installed in r. c. bored piles. A
transmitter lowered down one tube sends a high frequency signal that is sensed some time later by a
receiver in another tube. As the sensors are being pulled, the CHA records, at regular depth intervals,
the time that the signal takes to travel from the transmitter to the receiver (arrival time), as well as the
signal energy. These two quantities are indicative of concrete quality between the pair of tubes at a
particular depth. The entire shaft length is scanned in this fashion by repeating the test across diagonals
& adjacent perimeters.
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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The CHA is easy to use and data interpretation is straightforward. Defects in the pile are easy to
recognize. They appear as weak signals in the signal plot, as missing signals in the traditional pot, as
delayed arrivals in the arrival time plot, and as signals with low energy.
By sending ultrasonic pulse through concrete from one probe to another (probes located in parallel
tubes), the CSL procedure inspects the drilled shaft structural integrity, and extent and location of
defects, if any. At the receiver probe, pulse arrival time and signal strength are affected by the
concrete. For equidistant tubes, uniform concrete yields consistent first arrival times (FAT) with
reasonable pulse wave speed and signal strengths. Non-uniformities such as contamination, soft
concrete, and honeycombing, voids, or inclusions exhibit delayed arrival times (FAT) with reduced
signal strength.
Typically the following classification explains interpretation of defects in the shaft. The classification
is based on the technical paper “Terminology and Evaluation Criterion of Cross Hole Sonic Logging
(CSL) as applied to Deep Foundations”. The paper was a joint effort of the various task force
committees of DFI, USA and is available in public domain.
FAT Increase
Pile reduction
Pile Acceptance Criterion Comment for relative to good
Classification relative to good
Defect concrete
Class A Acceptable CSL Test Results Minor 0-15% < 9 db
Conditionally Acceptable CSL
Class B Poor/Flaw 15-30% 9 to 12db
test Results
Highly Abnormal CSL test
Class C Poor/Defect >30% >12db
1. If more than 50% of the scans which includes atleast one cross-scan are in category B at the
end of the test, then the shaft is treated as in Category C and further investigation may be
carried out.
2. Similarly if atleast 2 scans which includes one diagonal or cross scan are in Category C at the
end of the test, then the pile shall be considered to be in Category C and further investigation
may be carried out.
The wave speed obtained is a useful tool to evaluate concrete quality. However, because the tubes
might not be perfectly straight or even parallel, a fixed absolute limit of a wave speed value cannot
be used for evaluation for perimeter profiles. Wave speed is best determined from the test results
from the major diagonals. The wave speed is also affected by age of concrete, localized bending of
tubes etc. and hence many times the energy is considered a more important parameter in evaluating
the results.
Generally a pile can be classified as acceptable if the FAT increase is up to 15% and the energy
reduction in <9 db. However the final decision of acceptability is also based on location of defect,
actual load on the pile, design considerations, no. of scans in which defect seen and any other factors
and hence shall be decided by the engineer to the project.
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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The client should also review the load on the pile other site information, design requirements etc. E.g.
Some times for friction piles, soft toe near pile toe maybe less important than for end bearing piles. A
final decision may hence be based on the test report and these factors.
The details regarding tube corridor, tube spacing, average wave speed, energy reduction (db) and
remarks for each pile have been tabulated in Table: 2. The detailed test graphs have been attached
in Appendix A of the report. Generally the following conclusions can be concluded from cross-hole
sonic logging tests conducted on the pile shafts based on data, pile location and pile information
supplied to us during testing.
1. CHSL testing was conducted on Diaphragm Wall No. P-30. Since four tubes were installed
inside this Diaphragm Wall, six scans were obtained.
2. Diaphragm Wall No. P-30 tube location scanned could not be obtained for top 2.3m for most
of tube corridors of the wall panel. As confirmed on site PVC pipes have been installed inside
the wall panel and these may lead to debonding (loss of bond between concrete and pipes).
Thus further acceptance can be based on physical excavation as limited information is
available with CSL due to possible issues with PVC pipes.
3. This report has been prepared with generally accepted engineering practices and the results
of Cross Hole Sonic Logging testing as per ASTM D6760. No other warranty, expressed or
implied, is made. The findings provided in this report are based on the result of the individual
pile tested and information made available to us.
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Status: Issued for Review
2024-3-14 23:8:49
Test Report No.: TR-CSL-L396-27 ULR No.: TC1183124000001463F
Project No.: CSL-L396-27 M/s. Tata Projects Ltd.,
Date of Testing: 01/03/2024 CMRL UG-02, D. No.-497,
Customer Address
200 Feet Ring Road, Madhavaram,
DW Tested By : Mr. K.G. Nishanth and Contact
Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600033
Type of Diaphragm Wall: R.C. Wall Mr. Venkatesh (M.) +91 9043372077
Report Issue Date : 04/03/2024
DW Location : Perambur Barracks
Equipment used : Cross Hole Analyzer – PDI USA
Discipline : Non-Destructive Testing Rev
Group: Building Materials - Reinforced Concrete Structures 00
2. 2 50 25.67 0.17 --
3. 3 50 25.67 0.17 --
4. 4 50 25.67 0.17 --
ote: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
Doc. No.: F-7.8-01G/Issue No.03/Issue Date: 28-11-2022/ Amend No.:00 / Amend Date: - Page 7 of 18
Test Report No.: TR-CSL-L396-27 ULR No.: TC1183124000001463F
Diaphragm Average
FAT Location
Sr. Wall No. Tube Tube Wave Energy DW
Increase of FAT & Energy Comments
No. & Corridor Spacing Speed Reduction Integrity
relative Reduction
Depth (m/sec)
2024-3-14 23:8:49
Status: Issued for Review
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
Doc. No.: F-7.8-01G/Issue No.03/Issue Date: 28-11-2022/ Amend No.:00 / Amend Date: - Page 8 of 18
Test Report No.: TR-CSL-L396-27 ULR No.: TC1183124000001463F
• If there is any error in any of the details provided by the customer, the same will be carried forward in the report.
• Refer clause no. 4 of Project report for Summary of test results.
2024-3-14 23:8:49
Status: Issued for Review
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
Doc. No.: F-7.8-01G/Issue No.03/Issue Date: 28-11-2022/ Amend No.:00 / Amend Date: - Page 9 of 18
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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2024-3-14 23:8:49
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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M/s. Geo Dynamics was engaged by M/s. Tata Projects Ltd., to conduct the cross-hole sonic logging
test on one r. c. bored pile installed at the above site. The aim of testing was to assess and check the
pile integrity for potential problems like cross-sectional changes, honeycombing, concrete quality,
continuity, etc. The tests were conducted in accordance with ASTM D6760.
This report presents the results of Cross Hole Sonic Logging using the Cross Hole Analyzer, CHA,
based on the data, details and pile identification provided at site and the site conditions at the time of
Cross-Hole Sonic Logging generally applies to drilled shafts and requires that at least three tubes be
installed in a drilled shaft prior to pouring the concrete, and that stress pulses are sent from one tube
to the other at 50mm vertical intervals. The arrival time of the pulse at the receiver tube indicates the
quality and integrity of the concrete between the tubes.
For conducting the sonic logging test mild steel tubes as described earlier were installed throughout
the length of the shaft by tying them to the reinforcement cage. They were filled with water and the top
and bottom of the tubes was sealed before concreting. This was to take into account the differential
temperature during concreting and curing.
The test can be conducted after minimum 3 to 7 days of concreting. For this a transmitter is lowered in
one of those tubes and a receiver - in another. Both transmitter and receiver are connected by cables
to the Cross Hole Analyzer (CHA), which records the arrival time and the energy attenuation as the
probes are simultaneously raised to the top. As long as the arrival time and the energy attenuation are
roughly constant, one may deduce that the concrete quality is also uniform and the pile is therefore
The CHA determines the quality of concrete between pairs of tubes pre-installed in r. c. bored piles. A
transmitter lowered down one tube sends a high frequency signal that is sensed some time later by a
receiver in another tube. As the sensors are being pulled, the CHA records, at regular depth intervals,
the time that the signal takes to travel from the transmitter to the receiver (arrival time), as well as the
signal energy. These two quantities are indicative of concrete quality between the pair of tubes at a
particular depth. The entire shaft length is scanned in this fashion by repeating the test across diagonals
& adjacent perimeters.
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Status: Issued for Review
2024-3-14 23:8:49
The CHA is easy to use and data interpretation is straightforward. Defects in the pile are easy to
recognize. They appear as weak signals in the signal plot, as missing signals in the traditional pot, as
delayed arrivals in the arrival time plot, and as signals with low energy.
By sending ultrasonic pulse through concrete from one probe to another (probes located in parallel
tubes), the CSL procedure inspects the drilled shaft structural integrity, and extent and location of
defects, if any. At the receiver probe, pulse arrival time and signal strength are affected by the
concrete. For equidistant tubes, uniform concrete yields consistent first arrival times (FAT) with
reasonable pulse wave speed and signal strengths. Non-uniformities such as contamination, soft
concrete, and honeycombing, voids, or inclusions exhibit delayed arrival times (FAT) with reduced
signal strength.
Typically the following classification explains interpretation of defects in the shaft. The classification
is based on the technical paper “Terminology and Evaluation Criterion of Cross Hole Sonic Logging
(CSL) as applied to Deep Foundations”. The paper was a joint effort of the various task force
committees of DFI, USA and is available in public domain.
FAT Increase
Pile reduction
Pile Acceptance Criterion Comment for relative to good
Classification relative to good
Defect concrete
Class A Acceptable CSL Test Results Minor 0-15% < 9 db
Conditionally Acceptable CSL
Class B Poor/Flaw 15-30% 9 to 12db
test Results
Highly Abnormal CSL test
Class C Poor/Defect >30% >12db
1. If more than 50% of the scans which includes atleast one cross-scan are in category B at the
end of the test, then the shaft is treated as in Category C and further investigation may be
carried out.
2. Similarly if atleast 2 scans which includes one diagonal or cross scan are in Category C at the
end of the test, then the pile shall be considered to be in Category C and further investigation
may be carried out.
The wave speed obtained is a useful tool to evaluate concrete quality. However, because the tubes
might not be perfectly straight or even parallel, a fixed absolute limit of a wave speed value cannot
be used for evaluation for perimeter profiles. Wave speed is best determined from the test results
from the major diagonals. The wave speed is also affected by age of concrete, localized bending of
tubes etc. and hence many times the energy is considered a more important parameter in evaluating
the results.
Generally a pile can be classified as acceptable if the FAT increase is up to 15% and the energy
reduction in <9 db. However the final decision of acceptability is also based on location of defect,
actual load on the pile, design considerations, no. of scans in which defect seen and any other factors
and hence shall be decided by the engineer to the project.
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Status: Issued for Review
2024-3-14 23:8:49
The client should also review the load on the pile other site information, design requirements etc. E.g.
Some times for friction piles, soft toe near pile toe maybe less important than for end bearing piles. A
final decision may hence be based on the test report and these factors.
The details regarding tube corridor, tube spacing, average wave speed, energy reduction (db) and
remarks for each pile have been tabulated in Table: 2. The detailed test graphs have been attached
in Appendix A of the report. Generally the following conclusions can be concluded from cross-hole
sonic logging tests conducted on the pile shafts based on data, pile location and pile information
supplied to us during testing.
1. CHSL testing was conducted on Diaphragm Wall No. P-66. Since three tubes were installed
inside this Diaphragm Wall, three scans were obtained.
2. Diaphragm Wall No. P-66 tube location scanned could not be obtained for top 10.1m for tube
corridors 2-3 and 3-1 of the wall panel as per site information, PVC pipes have been installed
inside the wall panel and these several times lead to de-bonding (loss of bond between
concrete and pipes). The scans show possible defect from 9.3m-10.4m and 12.2m-12.8m
although the same may also be de-bonding. This maybe verified at the time of excavation.
Thus further acceptance can be based on physical excavation as limited information is
available with CSL due to possible issues with PVC pipes.
3. This report has been prepared with generally accepted engineering practices and the results
of Cross Hole Sonic Logging testing as per ASTM D6760. No other warranty, expressed or
implied, is made. The findings provided in this report are based on the result of the individual
pile tested and information made available to us.
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Status: Issued for Review
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Status: Issued for Review
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Test Report No.: TR-CSL-L396-28 ULR No.: TC1183124000001464F
Project No.: CSL-L396-28 M/s. Tata Projects Ltd.,
Date of Testing: 01/03/2024 CMRL UG-02, D. No.-497,
Customer Address
200 Feet Ring Road, Madhavaram,
DW Tested By : Mr. K.G. Nishanth and Contact
Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600033
Type of Diaphragm Wall: R.C. Wall Mr. Venkatesh (M.) +91 9043372077
Report Issue Date : 04/03/2024
DW Location : Perambur Barracks
Equipment used : Cross Hole Analyzer – PDI USA
Discipline : Non-Destructive Testing Rev
Group: Building Materials - Reinforced Concrete Structures 00
2. 2 50 25.57 0.17 --
ote: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
Doc. No.: F-7.8-01G/Issue No.03/Issue Date: 28-11-2022/ Amend No.:00 / Amend Date: - Page 7 of 14
Test Report No.: TR-CSL-L396-28 ULR No.: TC1183124000001464F
Diaphragm Average
FAT Location
Sr. Wall No. Tube Tube Wave Energy DW
Increase of FAT & Energy Comments
No. & Corridor Spacing Speed Reduction Integrity
relative Reduction
Depth (m/sec)
Uniform diaphragm wall except
Possible debonding/defect at
1. 1-2 1.55 4481 >30% >12db 12.2m-12.7m
12.2m-12.7m from pile top.
Possible debonding at top 4.0m.
Refer to
Uniform diaphragm wall. Possible
2. P-66 2-3 0.60 2964 0-15% <9db 10.2m-24.30m summary
debonding at top 10.2m.
(25.40m) of test
Uniform diaphragm wall except results
Possible debonding/defect at
9.3m-10.4m &
3. 3-1 2.10 3559 >30% >12db 9.3m-10.4m and 12.2m-12.8m
from pile top. Possible debonding
at top 6.0m.
Note: Refer tube blockage details in table 1 of test report.
• If there is any error in any of the details provided by the customer, the same will be carried forward in the report.
• Refer clause no. 4 of Project report for Summary of test results.
2024-3-14 23:8:49
Status: Issued for Review
Authorized Signatory Authorized Signatory
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
Doc. No.: F-7.8-01G/Issue No.03/Issue Date: 28-11-2022/ Amend No.:00 / Amend Date: - Page 8 of 14
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Status: Issued for Review
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Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Status: Issued for Review
2024-3-14 23:8:49
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Status: Issued for Review
2024-3-14 23:8:49
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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Status: Issued for Review
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Status: Issued for Review
2024-3-14 23:8:49
Note: 1) This test report or part of the same shall not be reproduced without written permission from the GEO DYNAMICS CONTROLLED copy
2) The results are related only to the item tested at customer location.
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