Protocolo C19 Familias V0
Protocolo C19 Familias V0
Protocolo C19 Familias V0
Tabla de contenido
Organización para el funcionamiento durante el curso 20-21 ............................................... 3
DEFINICIÓN DE ESCENARIOS................................................................................................ 3
1. MEDIDAS DE PREVENCIÓN PERSONAL: ........................................................................ 4
3. LIMITACIÓN DE CONTACTOS (Medidas organizativas escenarios ECI): .......................... 8
4. GESTIÓN DE LOS CASOS: .............................................................................................19
Organisation for the running of the 20- 21 academic year ..................................................26
1. PERSONAL PREVENTION MEASURES: ..........................................................................26
2. FREQUENT CLEANING AND VENTILATION OF SCHOOL AREAS: .....................................30
3. LIMITATION OF CONTACTS (organisation measures for each scenario) .......................31
4. CASE MANAGEMENT: .................................................................................................41
HISTORIAL DE REVISIONES .................................................................................................47
Así mismo, según instrucciones de la Consejería de Educación, la asistencia al centro es obligatoria. Las
faltas de asistencia no justificadas y, en especial, por C-19 están consideradas como absentismo escolar.
Este protocolo queda publicado como circular que deberá ser autorizada antes de comenzar el curso
como declaración responsable sobre el estado de salud de sus hijos, de lectura, conocimiento y
aceptación de protocolos y planes según los escenarios definidos (Azul, Verde, amarillo, naranja y
rojo) y de su cumplimiento.
A partir de los siguientes principios básicos de prevención frente a COVID-19, se establecen las medidas
para la organización y funcionamiento del centro:
PLAN AZUL Situación de normalidad
PLAN VERDE Situación que permita grupos de convivencia estable.
PLAN AMARILLO EY: Bubbles reducidas // EPO-Bach: Situación con un mínimo de 1,50 metros de distanciamiento.
PLAN NARANJA Situación con un mínimo de 2,00 metros de distanciamiento.
PLAN ROJO Situación de cuarentena
09/09/2020 Toda la etapa. PLAN AMARILLO 1 y 2 EPO PLAN AMARILLO
09/09/2020 Toda la etapa. PLAN NARANJA 09/09/2020 Toda la etapa. PLAN NARANJA
estas edades y el esfuerzo en la reducción del número de alumnos por grupo. El alumno
tendría que comer solo, al no poder entrar en contacto sin mascarilla.
4. EPO a Bachillerato:
a) La mascarilla será obligatoria en todo momento, excepto cuando se esté con el BUBBLE,
en el caso de que lo haya, o cuando estén sentados en sus pupitres con la distancia de
al menos 1,50m según el escenario. En ambos casos no es obligatorio, pero
recomendable con el 1,50m. Podrán decidir familia y alumno.
b) Uso obligatorio de mascarilla en asignaturas donde se mezclen con alumnos de otras
c) Si el alumno sale a la pizarra, deberá usar la mascarilla.
d) En los cambios de clases, mientras que no esté el profesor, todos los alumnos deberán
llevar también la mascarilla.
1. En el aula será obligatorio el uso de mascarillas siempre que no resulte posible garantizar
una distancia de seguridad interpersonal de, al menos, 2 metros con los alumnos.
2. Solo en el caso del tutor, siempre que la clase esté organizada como grupo de convivencia,
les será permitido que no usen la mascarilla cuando esté con ellos.
3. En el caso de Early years, debido a la organización en tres grupos por nivel, solo podrán
considerarse dentro del grupo de convivencia uno de los tres docentes asignados al nivel.
a) El Centro recomienda el LAVADO DE MANOS CON AGUA Y JABÓN. Se recordará constantemente
a los alumnos cómo lavarse las manos correctamente.
b) El lavado de manos con agua y jabón debe hacerse al menos 3 veces durante la jornada.
c) Para favorecerlo, se habilitan más de 100 LAVABOS por diferentes zonas del Centro, adicionales a
los WC que ya disponía en cada planta: Lower courts; CP0 en rellano escalera central; CP0 frente
a las puertas de Main dinning; Piccadilly Terrace; Zona South Entrance.
12. Se minimizará los desplazamientos de los alumnos, siendo los profesores quienes acudan a las aulas.
13. El profesorado mantendrá siempre a 2 metros de distancia de los alumnos en aula. En el caso de que
se acerque, deberá estar menos de 10 minutos en el mismo sitio para evitar contactos estrechos.
a) Se deberá mantener, al menos, la distancia interpersonal de seguridad que recomienden las
instituciones sanitarias.
b) Se deberá circular por la derecha tanto en pasillos como por las escaleras, dejando como mínimo
la mitad del pasillo o escalera para los que vengan en sentido contrario.
c) Debemos evitar saludos con contacto físico, así como tocarnos la nariz, ojos y boca. En caso de
hacerlo, debemos lavarlos a continuación.
d) Si se estornuda o tose, es muy importante que se haga cubriendo su nariz y boca con un pañuelo.
Si no se tuviese, se deberá toser o estornudar en el interior del brazo.
e) Todos deberán traer sus propios pañuelos de casa, no debiendo ser de tela. Los pañuelos que
hayan sido usados deberán ser tirados a la papelera inmediatamente, no guardados en un bolsillo
o colocados encima de una mesa.
f) Los alumnos deberán respetar el uso exclusivo de las aulas que le son permitidas y deberán evitar
la interacción con los alumnos de otras clases.
g) No está permitido compartir alimentos, bebidas ni materiales en el aula.
h) No está permitido beber directamente de las fuentes de agua. Solo se podrá
rellenar botellas, debiendo evitar tocar el surtidor con ellas para evitar
contaminaciones externas por contacto. Las fuentes están debidamente
i) Queda prohibido traer de casa cualquier objeto o equipo de uso individual o para
compartir que no sea esencial para las clases.
j) En caso de compartir objetos, se deberá llevar la mascarilla y extremar la higiene
de manos, evitando tocarse nariz, ojos y boca. El objeto se limpiará entre el uso
de un grupo y otro.
k) Se recomienda el lavado diario de la ropa del alumnado.
Debido a la situación actual, los diferentes planes se adecuarán en función de la situación general en la
que nos encontremos. Al principio del documento se podrá ver el escenario definido para los diferentes
grupos o etapas.
Situación de normalidad. Solo se activará cuando las instituciones sanitarias trasladen la inexistencia de peligro por
COVID-19 y la vuelta a la normalidad.
Situación que permita BUBBLES (Grupos de convivencia estable). Los alumnos del BUBBLE se relacionarán entre ellos de
modo estable, pudiendo socializar y jugar entre sí, sin tener que garantizar la distancia de seguridad. Estos grupos en la
medida de lo posible, reducirán las interacciones con otros grupos del centro, limitando al máximo su número de
contactos con otros miembros. Cuando se organice al alumnado de este modo, se organizarán los pupitres y el alumnado
sin restricción alguna y de la manera más adecuada, de acuerdo con nuestro proyecto educativo.
Early Years:
- Bubble de la clase completa según distribución habitual. Cada Bubble tendrá asignado un color para facilitar el control.
- Los patios estarán divididos por Bubbles.
- Las clases estarán organizadas por Bubbles (Grupos de convivencia estable).
- Podremos realizar bien la adscripción habitual de aulas o bien dividir los grupos, haciendo dos BUBBLE de una clase.
- Se ha dotado de equipamiento adicional para el caso de división en 2 Bubbles.
- Inicialmente no se utilizarán las aulas tema, hasta ver que se tiene controlado el protocolo preventivo y siempre que
VERDE no haya casos detectados de C-19.
- En las asambleas colectivas se deberá mantener una distancia mínima de 1,50 metros entre las BUBBLES. En caso de
no poder hacerlo, deberán llevar puesta las mascarillas.
- Los grupos se organizarán por Bubble para las materias comunes.
- Para el resto de asignaturas se utilizarán aulas con pupitres a una distancia de al menos 1,50m, dependiendo del
escenario. Los alumnos solo podrán dejar de usar la mascarilla cuando estén sentados en su pupitre.
- Podemos realizar bien la adscripción habitual de aulas o bien dividir los grupos, haciendo dos grupos de convivencia
estable de una clase.
- Incrementamos el número de Auxiliares para atender a posibles necesidades, principalmente en asignaturas donde se
produzcan mezclas de alumnos.
- Inicialmente no se utilizarán las aulas tema ni laboratorios, hasta ver que se tiene controlado el protocolo preventivo
y siempre que no haya casos detectados de C-19.
- En las asambleas colectivas se deberá mantener una distancia mínima de 2,00 metros entre las BUBBLES. En caso de
no poder hacerlo, deberán llevar puesta las mascarillas.
Early Years:
- El Centro, estableciendo un escenario preventivo que nos permita dar mayor seguridad, empezará el curso en EY al
menos en este escenario, teniendo contemplado los recursos necesarios para todo el curso escolar.
- Continúan en formación de Bubble, si bien en lugar de haber 2 clases por nivel, estas se dividirán en 3.
- Cada Bubble tendrá asignado un color para facilitar el control.
- Cada curso tendrá adscrito de forma regular 2 tutoras y una LSA (Language Support Assistant) para los 3 grupos.
- Esto implica: Contratación de un LSA; Adscripción de aulas; Dotación de equipamiento para las clases adicionales.
- Se mantendrán los BUBBLES en los patios, teniendo una zona asignada para cada uno de ellos.
- Asignaremos una sola profesora a cada BUBBLE. El resto, deberá utilizar la mascarilla cuando imparta clase al grupo.
- Los manipulables serán utilizados solo por el Bubble.
- En las asambleas colectivas se deberá mantener una distancia mínima de 2,00 metros entre las BUBBLES.
- Los patios estarán divididos por Bubbles.
- La distribución del alumnado en el aula se realizará en filas individuales, orientadas en la misma dirección,
manteniendo una distancia de 1,50m entre los pupitres.
- Mantenemos junta a la clase en aquellas aulas en las que podamos meter a todos los alumnos con una distancia de
1,50m. No necesitarán llevar puesta la mascarilla cuando mantengan la distancia.
- En el caso de que no quepan todos los alumnos, saldrán algunos de forma rotativa a una Clase POL junto con el resto
de alumnos de otras clases que se encuentren en dicha circunstancia, siguiendo la clase por Teams.
- Esto implica:
o Cambio en la adscripción de aulas: usaríamos adicionalmente las aulas tema, desdobles y laboratorios para agrupar
a los alumnos POL de todas las clases de cada etapa (Aulas tema, laboratorios y desdobles)
o Equipamiento TIC para clases adicionales, bien sean homogéneas (todos los alumnos del aula OL son de la misma
clase) o heterogéneas (Puede haber alumnos de diferentes clases en el aula POL).
o Contratación de Profesores auxiliares para la vigilancia de los grupos POL. El número va a depender del número de
desdobles y aulas usadas, así como de su ubicación.
- Solo en casos excepcionales aprobados por la Dirección y para favorecer la dinámica de la clase o alguna actividad
concreta, se permitirá que, en el caso de que no se pueda garantizar la distancia de 1,50m para todos los alumnos en
el aula y se necesite que estén todos juntos, todos los alumnos llevarán puesta la mascarilla.
- En las asambleas colectivas se deberá utilizar siempre la mascarilla y mantener una distancia mínima de 1,50 metros.
Early Years:
- Se mantienen los grupos divididos en 3. (2 profesoras y un LSA)
- Esto no implica ni cambio de aulas, ni dotación adicional de profesorado, ni de equipamiento.
- Implicaría dotación de mobiliario adicional para mantener la distancia de entre 1,50 y 2,00m.
- Mismo funcionamiento de siestas y cambio de pañal.
- Todo el profesorado deberá utilizar la mascarilla.
- En las asambleas colectivas se deberá mantener una distancia mínima de 2,00 metros.
- La distribución del alumnado en el aula se realizará en filas individuales, orientadas en la misma dirección,
manteniendo una distancia de 2,00m entre los pupitres.
- Dividimos cada grupo en 2, uno presencial (P) y otro online (POL) con medidas de distanciamiento. Rotación POL-P.
- Principalmente los grupos de Bachillerato utilizarán las aulas más grandes (Laboratorios) para poder estar toda la clase
junta a 2,00m de distancia.
- Esto implica:
1. Adscripción de aula usando todas las estancias habilitadas del Centro.
2. Equipamiento TIC para clases POL.
3. Contratación de Profesores Auxiliares para la atención de los grupos OL. El número va a depender del número de
desdobles y aulas usadas, así como de su ubicación.
- En las asambleas colectivas se deberá utilizar siempre la mascarilla y mantener una distancia mínima de 2,00 metros.
Situación de cuarentena en casa, donde se mantendrá la enseñanza de forma online según el Plan ECIONLINE.
Early years:
- SI SE MARCHAN SOLO UNOS ALUMNOS A CASA. Plan de trabajo con estructura específica.
- CUARENTENA UN GRUPO. Se creará un horario según las mismas indicaciones de la cuarentena total, liberando a un
profesor, ya que dejaremos a un tutor y al LSA para los otros dos grupos. Al ser muchos grupos, no hacemos horario,
sino que se hará según necesidad.
o 2 años: 60 minutos de contacto diario.
o 3 años: 60 minutos de contacto diario, observando la posibilidad de ampliar a 90.
ROJO o 4 años: 2 horas y media en 5 sesiones de contacto diario, de 10 a 12:30.
o 5 años: 6 sesiones, 3 horas empezando a 9,30 para no terminar más tarde de las 12.30.
o Todos grupos por la mañana dejando tres grupos y conjugando con LSA.
o Se organizará sesiones con las familias para trabajo en equipo y recomendaciones. Se necesita la colaboración
tutor-familia para el éxito de las clases. (Principalmente en 2 y 3 años)
Plan ECIONLINE, siguiendo el horario regular de clases, pero de modo online a través de Teams.
Se puede dar el caso de que esté en cuarentena un alumno, una clase o todo el colegio. El Centro atenderá a los alumnos
en cada una de las circunstancias que se produzcan.
PLAN AZUL Organización habitual
a) Pueden jugar dentro de los grupos de convivencia estable.
b) En los tiempos de recreo o descanso, se reducirá el contacto con otros grupos de convivencia escolar, y la vigilancia
se llevará a cabo principalmente por el tutor u otro docente que imparta clase en el mismo grupo de convivencia
c) El patio estará dividido por zonas para cada grupo de convivencia estable a fin de evitar contactos entre alumnos de
diferentes grupos.
PLAN AMARILLO a) Deberán mantener el distanciamiento de 2,00 metros y el uso de mascarillas.
b) Si se toman merienda, se quitan la mascarilla, pero deben tener distancias de 2m
PLAN NARANJA a) Los subdirectores, para favorecer la vigilancia y control de contactos, dividirá los patios con espacios diferenciados
para los diferentes grupos. Se ajustarán las zonas y tiempos según los escenarios de riesgo.
PLAN ROJO Situación de cuarentena
2. El objetivo es evitar los cruces entre los distintos cursos y los alumnos, escalonando los tiempos
de recreo, evitando las agrupaciones de alumnos de diferentes grupos de convivencia estable y
reduciendo el tiempo de las pausas en función del alumnado. (VER ORGANIZACIÓN EN LA TABLA
3. Durante el C-19 no se dispondrá de las mesas del Park ni los juegos de patio.
3.5. BAÑOS.
1. El uso de los baños se limitará a lo estrictamente necesario.
2. El personal deberá utilizar exclusivamente los baños asignados al staff.
3. La ocupación máxima será del cincuenta por ciento del número de urinarios que tenga la estancia,
debiendo mantenerse durante su uso una distancia de seguridad. Los
urinarios que no deban usarse estarán señalizados.
4. Se garantizará su limpieza y desinfección permanente, especialmente
superficies, al menos tres veces al día.
5. Se harán controles extraordinarios para garantizar que haya siempre
disponibles en los baños jabón y toallitas.
6. El uso de la mascarilla será obligatorio excepto en EY, ya que sus baños
estarán organizados por Bubble.
7. Los usuarios deberán lavarse las manos antes de salir del baño.
Etapa Horario Ubicación Grupos Días Recorrido Lavado manos Servicio RECREO
12:25- Royal Hall / 2 y 3 A través de
L-V En sus aulas
12:55 Wonderland años Sunflowers
Mismo servicio de Horario habitual y en su
EY Escalera
12:25- Royal Hall / 4 y 5 Escalera central siempre. zona delimitada.
L-V central CP0 vía
12:55 Wonderland años CP1 a CP0.
4 y 5EPO: Esparcimiento en el
13:10- 4-6 Wharf y Piccadilly Frente a Main Park, en su zona
Main L-V Uso del Self service
13:35 EPO ramp 6EPO: South delimitada.
entrance 13:40-14:40.
EPO - 1-2 EPO en Peter
Wharf, Walkway En mesa. 1º servido al
Escalera Pan
13:40- Royal Hall / 1–3 1, CP1 y baja llegar y se sirve 2º.
L-V central CP0 vía - 3EPO en el Park, en
14:05 Wonderland EPO escalera central a Dejan bandeja en la
CP1 su zona delimitada.
CP0. mesa.
13:10-13:35 y 14:10-
L, M y J stairs, Piccadilly Frente a Main Uso del Self service Esparcimiento en el
14:10- ramp Park, en su zona
14:35 delimitada.
1-2 East stairs,
XyV Frente a Main Uso del Self service 14:40 – 15:30
ESO Piccadilly ramp
Esparcimiento en el
East stairs, En mesa. 1º servido al
Escalera Park, en su zona
ESO - 14:40- Royal Hall / 3-4 Walkway 1, CP1 y llegar y se sirve 2º.
L-V central CP0 vía delimitada.
BACH 15:05 Wonderland ESO baja escalera Dejan bandeja en la
CP1 14:10-14:40 y 15:05-
central a CP0. mesa.
Esparcimiento en el
1-2 East stairs, Park, en su zona
L, M y J Frente a Main Uso del Self service
ESO Piccadilly ramp delimitada.
15:05- 14:10 – 15:05.
XyV East/Piccadilly
1-2 Se marchan a casa tras
15:15- stairs, Piccadilly Frente a Main Uso del Self service
BACH el comedor.
15:45 ramp
10 5 AÑOS B
27 28
12 5 AÑOS C
40 4 AÑOS C
7 S5
6 S6
1 34
6. Se realizará limpieza y desinfección de las salas entre los diferentes turnos de comedor.
7. El equipo de cocina y servicio de comedor están al tanto de todos los protocolos de prevención e
higiene necesarios, prestando más precauciones, aún si cabe, en el lavado de manos y superficies.
8. Se prestará especial atención y mayor frecuencia de limpieza de mesas, sillas, bandejas y utensilios
en el comedor.
9. La vajilla y cubertería reutilizable será lavada y desinfectada en lavavajillas usando los programas
de temperaturas altas.
10.Los elementos auxiliares del servicio, como la vajilla, cubertería o mantelería, se almacenarán en
recintos cerrados y, si esto no fuera posible, lejos de zonas de paso del alumnado y trabajadores.
11.Se eliminarán productos de autoservicio de las mesas, pudiendo estar servilletas encima de las
mismas sin dispensador, el resto (jarras de agua, vinagreras, aceiteras, etc.) podrán ser servidos
por personal del comedor.
12.El personal que realice el servicio desinfectarse las manos al principio y al final del servicio y utilizar
la mascarilla.
13. Se procederá a una ventilación previa y desinfección de sillas y mesas usadas, entre los turnos.
14. Una vez finalicen los alumnos, deberán ponerse la mascarilla y dejar la bandeja en el bandejero.
15. COMEDOR DE PADRES. Durante el C-19 se suspenderá el Comedor de padres para evitar los
contactos externos dentro del Centro.
16. COMEDOR DEL PERSONAL. El número de mesas del personal dependerá de la organización del
comedor de alumnos con respecto a si son o no grupos de convivencia estable. El número de
mesas asignadas al personal oscilará entre 7 y 13, con una capacidad de 4 personas separadas con
mamparas protectoras.
e. Respecto de los PROFESORES DEL GRUPO donde se haya confirmado un caso de un alumno, el
Centro gestionará para que se realicen un PCR para ver si debe quedarse en casa o si pueden dar
clase. Mientras que no tengamos los resultados, el tutor, en caso de que no usase la mascarilla en
ese Bubble, deberá quedarse en casa. El resto de los profesores sí que podrá seguir asistiendo al
Centro, extremando las medidas preventivas estipuladas, a no ser que la autoridad sanitaria
establezca algo distinto.
6. EN EL CASO DE QUE ALGUIEN DEL PERSONAL presente síntomas asociados al COVID-19 durante la
jornada escolar (infección respiratoria aguda de aparición súbita de cualquier gravedad acompañado de
fiebre, tos o sensación de falta de aire)
i. Se realizará un PCR, no pudiendo volver hasta tener los resultados y que estos sean negativos.
ii. Deberá permanecer en casa, pudiendo continuar con su labor de forma online si se encontrase
en condiciones para ello hasta tener el resultado de la prueba.
iii. En el caso de que, por diferentes motivos, no pudiese hacerse el PCR y tuviera que esperar en
el Centro, se le acompañará a la sala de aislamiento, donde deberá permanecer con mascarilla
hasta que abandone el Centro.
iv. En el caso de que percibamos que la persona que inicia síntomas está en una situación de
gravedad o tiene dificultad para respirar, le acompañaremos al Hospital.
v. En caso de dar positivo, deberá permanecer en su domicilio sin acudir al centro docente.
7. Respecto a las aulas donde se haya confirmado un caso, se procederá a realizar una L+D de acuerdo con
lo establecido en el Plan reforzado de L+D, incluyendo filtros de aires acondicionados, así como, una
ventilación adecuada y reforzada en el tiempo de los mismos. Esta operación se realizará así mismo con
los otros espacios cerrados en los que el caso confirmado haya permanecido o realizado actividades,
prestando especial atención a todas aquellas superficies susceptibles de contacto.
8. Tanto en el caso de diagnóstico a un alumno como a alguien del personal, la Dirección del centro lo
pondrá en conocimiento de la Delegación Territorial a través del/la Inspector/a de referencia.
Based on the general protocol designed in School, this Families protocol is designed to describe the ECI
organisation for the 20-21 academic year taking into consideration the condition and requirements to be
observed due to the C-19. Dispositions and legal regulations are taken into account to plan the different
options; hence this document and the rest of C-19 protocols remain as annexes to the School Self-
protection plan.
The School has made a great effort and provided all its resources to ensure a return to class as safe as
possible. We understand C-19 cases may occur, but we have designed a plan to minimise the probabilities
of this happening and to be able to attend the cases in the most efficient manner for the person affected
and the minimum impact for the rest of the School.
We need utmost Family- School collaboration, as we depend on our actions inside the School, but also
on those outside. Should a pupil be infected with C-19, they can in turn infect their peers, leading to the
isolation of the entire group. We can avoid this by being responsible, especially the two weeks prior to
the beginning of the academic year, avoiding any situation of risk. Once school has begun, we kindly
request you continue maximising safety measures and precaution, these are necessary to avoid
In the same line, and as indicated by the Board of Education, school attendance is compulsory. Unjustified
absences, and especially those due to C-19, are considered absenteeism.
This protocol will be published as a bulletin and mut be authorised before the school starts as a
declaration of responsibility regarding your children’s health, the reading and knowledge of the
protocols and compliance with them.
Based on the following basic prevention principles COVID-19, the measures established for the running
of schools are:
morbid obesity), may attend school when their clinical condition is under control and allows for
schooling, and maintaining rigorous protection measures.
5. The teacher or tutor assigned will look during the first period of the day, on a daily basis, for possible
C-19 cases at home or the presence of symptoms.
6. We will contact pupils that do not attend school every day, in order to discard as cause of absence
the existence of any quarantine situation, suspicion or confirmation of COVID-19.
7. Families will keep control of their children’s health and will take their temperature before leaving to
house to go to school. Should a child have a fever or symptoms compatible with COVID-19, these must
not attend school before medical evaluation has taken place, by either calling their health centre or
calling one of the phone numbers provided. The School will also provide digital thermometers for the
infirmary and in each one of the Deputy-Head offices.
a) The use of masks WILL BE COMPULSORY for all staff, pupils, and families:
1. Entering and exiting (Including Early Years, recommending the neck type)
2. In the hallways, playgrounds, dining rooms and other waiting and traffic areas.
3. On the bus, including EY pupils
4. Before entering class, pupils in the same bubble can take them off or once they are sitting
at their desk with the appropriate distance in accordance with the scenario.
b) In general, masks WILL NOT BE RECOMMENDABLE in the following cases:
1. Under 3 years of age (not recommended for children under 2 years of age due to risk of
2. Those with breathing difficulties that may deteriorate by using a mask
3. Those who present behaviour alteration that make the use of masks unfeasible.
4. When taking part in activities that difficult or impede the use of masks.
1. Pupils must bring their own masks (one on and a spare one, plus a case or cover to store
them); they will not be allowed in School or on the bus if they do not comply.
2. In the cases where pupils encounter a problem with their mask, (loss or break) he Dh of EPO
and ESO/Bach will have ECI personalised masks available to lend for the day. The following
day, pupils must return them in a plastic bag and return them to the tutor.
3. Early Years:
1. Mask is not compulsory during school hours, except entries and exits and bus service,
classes are organised into stable groups (BUBBLES)
2. Families who wish their children to wear them during school hours must indicate so in
order for us to take into account. We must understand the importance of the Bubble in
these ages and the effort made to reduce the number of pupils per group. Pupil who
must wear a mask would have to eat by themselves as they would not be able to come
in contact with children without a mask.
4. EPO TO Sixth Form:
1. Masks will be compulsory at all times, except when pupils are in their BUBBLE, where
there are Bubbles, or when they are sitting at their desk with a minimum distance of
1.5m depending on the scenario. In both cases masks are not compulsory but
recommendable with the 1.5m distance. Families and pupils will decide.
2. Compulsory use of mask where pupils mix with pupils from other classes.
3. Pupils must wear a mask when they go up to the board in class time.
4. During class change, whilst the teacher is not there, all pupils must also wear the mask.
1. The use of a mask in class will be compulsory when maintaining an interpersonal distance
of 2 metres with pupils is deemed impossible.
2. Only in the case of the tutor, as long as the class is organised as s bubble, they will be allowed
to not use the mask when they are with them.
3. For Early years, due to the organisation in three groups per level, only one of the teachers
assigned to the level can be considered part of the bubble.
a) The School recommends WASHING HANDS WITH SOAP AND WATER. Se recordará constantemente
a los alumnos cómo lavarse las manos correctamente.
b) Washing of hands with soap and water at least 3 times during the school day.
c) To encourage this, over 100 WASH BASINS are available throughout the various areas of the
School, apart from the already existing bathrooms on each floor. Lower courts; CP0 on the landing
of the central staircase; CP0 in front of the Main dinning doors; Piccadilly Terrace; South Entrance
g) Pupils are not allowed to share food, drinks not classroom material.
h) Drinking directly from the water fountains will not be allowed, water bottles must
be refilled, avoiding touching the fountain with the bottle to avoid external
contamination by contact. Fountains a duly signposted.
i) Bringing home objects for individual use or to share, that are non-essential for
class, is totally prohibited.
j) When objects are shared, we must wear a mask and extreme hands hygiene,
avoid touching nose, eyes and mouth. The object will be cleaned after and before
another group uses it.
k) Daily wash of pupil uniform is recommended.
1. Classroom doors and window will be opened at least five minutes before the beginning of the
class to ensure adequate ventilation.
2. Classrooms will keep windows and doors open as long as the weather allows it.
3. The use of AC must be avoided except when we face temperatures of extreme cold or heat. In
this case, during breaks, doors and windows must be left open to air classrooms.
4. The AC is programmed to extend the frequency of external air renovation. This does not use the
re-circulation program, as well as avoiding air currents.
5. External surface of the AC devices will be cleaned every day with the usual surface cleaning and
disinfecting products. Moreover, during times of intensive use of AC, these will have their filters
disinfected every week.
Due to the current situation, the different plans adjust in accordance with the general situation we can
find ourselves in. at the beginning of the document you will see the specific scenarios for the various
groups or stages.
Situation of normality. Will only be activated when the health organisations communicate the inexistence of danger of
COVID-19 and we return to normality.
Situations that allows for BUBBLES (Stable groups). Pupils in the same BUBBLE will interact with each other, they can
socialise and play between themselves, without having to grant safety distancing. These groups, as much as possible, will
reduce interaction with other groups within school, limiting as much as possible contact with other members. When pupils
are organised following this plan, desks and pupils are organised in the most convenient manner in accordance with our
educational project.
Early Years:
- Complete class Bubble as they are normally distributed. Each Bubble will be assigned a colour to aid control.
- Playgrounds will be divided into Bubbles.
- Classes Will be organised by Bubbles (stable groups)
- We can either assign the usual classes or divide the groups, creating two BUBBLES in one class.
GREEN - Further resources have been provided in case there is a 2 Bubble division.
- Initially, theme classrooms will not be used, until we ensure the preventive protocol is under control and as long as
there are no C-19 cases detected.
- 1.5m between BUBBLES must be ensure during general assemblies. If this is not possible, masks will be worn.
- Groups will be organised by Bubbles for the common subjects.
- For the rest of the subjects, classes will be used observing at least a 1.5m distance, depending on the scenario. Pupils
can only take off their masks when they are sitting at their desks.
- We can either assign the usual classes or divide the groups, creating two BUBBLES in one class.
- We increased the number of Auxiliaries to cover possible needs, mainly in those subjects here pupils have to mix.
- Initially, theme classrooms and laboratories will not be used, until we ensure the preventive protocol is under control
and as long as there are no C-19 cases detected.
- 1.5m between BUBBLES must be ensure during general assemblies. If this is not possible, masks will be worn.
Early Years:
- The School, establishing a preventive scenario allowing us to provide better safety, will start the academic year in EY at
least in this scenario, having taken into consideration the resources needed for the entire academic year.
- They continue in Bubble formation, although in 3 groups instead of 2, assigning to this level 2 tutors and one LSA
(Language Support Assistant) for the 3 groups.
- Each Bubble will be assigned a colour to aid control.
- Each group will have 2 tutors and one LSA (Language Support Assistant) assigned for the 3 groups.
- BUBBLES must be observed in the playgrounds, an area will be assigned for each group.
- One teacher will be assigned to each BUBBLE. The rest will have to use a mask when they give class in the group.
- Manipulative resources will only be used by one Bubble.
- A minimum distance of 2 m must be observed in collective assemblies.
- Playgrounds will be divided into Bubbles.
- The distribution of pupils within the classroom will be by individual lines, all looking the same way and maintaining a
distance on 1.5m between desks.
- We will keep the class together in those classrooms where it is possible to do so observing the 1.5m distance. Pupils will
not have to wear the mask when this distance can be maintained.
- In the event all pupils do not fit, pupils will rotate to go to the Online class with pupils from other classes in the same
situation. They will follow class by Teams. All pupils will rotate to go to the Online and the Face to face class.
- This entails:
o Changes in the class assignation: we would additionally use the theme classrooms, Split classrooms, and
laboratories to group the OL pupils of all the classes of each stage (Theme classroom, split classrooms and
o ICT devices for additional classes, it be homogeneous (all pupils in the OL class are from the same class) or
heterogenous (there could be pupils from different classes in the OL class)
o Employment of auxiliary Teachers to supervise the POL groups. The number will depend on the split classes and
the classrooms used, as well as the location.
- Solely in exceptional cases approved by Management and in order to favour class dynamics or a specific activity, it will
be allowed for all pupils in class to remain if the 1.5m distance cannot be granted, but pupils will have to wear their
- 1.5m distance must be ensured during general assemblies, as well as the compulsory use of masks
Early Years:
- Groups divided into 3 are maintained (2 teachers and one LSA)
- This does not entail change of classrooms, nor supplying more teachers, nor equipment.
- It would entail equipping with additional classroom furniture (the EY dining room) to observe the distance between 1.5
and 2.0m.
- Same organisation for naps and nappy changing.
- All staff will wear masks.
- 2.0m must be ensure during general assemblies.
ORANGE - The distribution of pupils within the classroom will be by individual lines, all looking the same way and maintaining a
distance on 2.0m between desks.
- We divide each group into 2, one face to face (P) and the other online (POL) with distancing. Rotation POL-P
- Initially, the Sixth Form groups will use the larger classrooms (Laboratories) in order for the entire class to be together
with a 2.0m distance.
- This entails:
4. Assigning classrooms using all School classes.
5. ICT equipment for OL classes.
6. Employment of auxiliary Teachers to supervise the POL groups. The number will depend on the split classes and the
classrooms used, as well as the location.
- 2.0m distance must be ensured during general assemblies, as well as the compulsory use of masks
Situation of home quarantine.
Early years:
- IF ONLY A FEW PUPILS GO HOME. Specific structure work plan
- ONE GROUP QUARANTINE. A timetable will be created following the indication of full quarantine, freeing one teacher,
as we will leave a tutor and an LSA for the other two groups. As there are many groups, we will not create a timetable,
but rather meet needs.
o 2-year olds: 60 minutes of daily contact.
o 3-year olds: 60 minutes of daily contact, looking at the possibility of extending to 90.
RED o 4-year olds: 2 and a half hours in 5 sessions of daily contact, from 10 to 12:30.
o 5-year olds: 6 sessions, 3 hours starting at 9,30 in order to not finish later than 12.30.
o All groups in the morning as three groups and leaning on LSA.
o Sessions will families are to be organised for teamwork and recommendations. Tutor-family collaboration is
required for class success. (Especially 2- and 3-year olds)
ECIONLINE Plan, following class timetable, but online via Teams.
The case could occur that there is only one pupil in quarantine, one class of the entire School. The School will attend to
pupils in any of the circumstances that may occur.
1 ESO to Usual time. Entry via Main Entrance and Main ramp towards Piccadilly, from there Usual
2Bach they will go to their classes. entries
1 ESO to Usual
EXITS Usual time. Exit via Piccadilly towards Main entrance.
2Bach exits
3.4. BREAKS.
BLUE PLAN Usual Organisation
a) Pupils can play with their stable groups.
b) During playground or break times, contact with other stable groups will be reduced, and
GREEN PLAN supervision will mainly be run by the tutor or another teacher of the same stable group.
c) The playground will be divided into areas for each stable group in order to avoid contact
between pupils from different groups.
YELLOW PLAN a) Must maintain 2.0m distance and wear masks.
b) If they have a snack, they take off their mask, but must keep the 2.0m distance.
ORANGE PLAN c) Deputy Heads, to aid supervision and contact control, will divide playgrounds into sectioned
spaces for the different groups. Areas and times will be adjusted in accordance with risk.
RED PLAN Quarantine situation
2. The aim is to avoid crossing of different year groups and pupils, taking turns for breaks, avoiding
grouping of pupils of different stable groups, and reducing the times depending on pupils (SEE
3. During C-19, there will be no tables in the Park nor games in the playground.
1. The use of the bathrooms is limited to that which is strictly necessary.
2. Staff must only make use of bathrooms assigned to staff.
3. The capacity is limited to 50% of the number of toilets within the facility, maintaining
a safety distance. The toilets that are not to be used will be closed off.
4. Their cleaning and disinfecting are permanently guaranteed, especially surfaces, at least three
times per day.
5. Extraordinary control will take place to ensure there is soap and wipes available at all times.
6. The use of masks will be compulsory except for EY, their bathrooms are organised by Bubble.
7. Uses must wash their hands before leaving the bathrooms.
Stage Time Location Groups Days Path Hands washing Service BREAK
2 and 3
12:25- Royal Hall / Through In their
Year M-F
12:55 Wonderland Sunflowers classrooms
olds Same service as Usual time and in their
4 and 5 M-F always defined area
12:25- Royal Hall / Central stairs Central stairs
12:55 Wonderland CP1 to CP0. CP0 via CP1
4-5EPO: In
Due spaces in Park, in
13:10- 4-6 Wharf and front of Main
Main M-F Self service their defined area
13:35 EPO Piccadilly ramp 6EPO: South
Due spaces:
Wharf, Walkway At table. 1st served - 1-2 EPO in Peter Pan
13:40- Royal Hall / 1–3 1, CP1 and down Central stairs upon entry and 2nd - 3EPO in Park, in their
14:05 Wonderland EPO central stairs to CP0 via CP1 served. They leave defined area
CP0. tray on the table 13:10-13:35 y 14:10-
1-2 M, T and In front of
stairs, Piccadilly Self service
BACH Th Main Due spaces in Park, in
14:10- ramp
Main their defined area
1-2 East stairs, In front of 14:40 – 15:30
W and F Self service
ESO Piccadilly ramp Main
East stairs,
At table. 1st served Due spaces in Park, in
ESO - Walkway 1, CP1
14:40- Royal Hall / 3-4 Central stairs upon entry and 2nd their defined area
BACH M-F and down
15:05 Wonderland ESO CP0 via CP1 served. They leave 14:10-14:40 y 15:05-
central stairs to
tray on the table 15:30.
Due spaces in Park, in
1-2 M, T and East stairs, In front of
Self service their defined area
ESO Th Piccadilly ramp Main
15:05- 14:10 – 15:05.
15:30 W and F East/Piccadilly
1-2 In front of They leave after the
15:15- stairs, Piccadilly Self service
BACH Main dining room.
15:45 ramp
3 4 AÑOS B
27 28 2 AÑOS
12 5 AÑOS C
7 S5
1 34
1. The use of the library will be decided depending on the scenario. It is suspended during the Orange
2. When the library comes into use, access will solely be allowed to borrow or return books, with a
maximum capacity of 15 people.
3. All pupils must wash their hands and wear masks to enter the Library.
4. Books returned to the Library will undergo a two-week quarantine before they are returned to the
5. Once we understand the health situation is more under control (green or blue plan), pupils will be
allowed to use the reading stations which will determine the Library capacity. These stations
observe a safety distance of 1.5m between users.
1. Children or staff with symptoms compatible with COVID-19 or diagnosed with COVID-19 cannot go to
School, nor those in quarantine period having been in contact with a person with symptoms of diagnosed
with COVID-19. Following the protocol, the family must inform the School, School will follow up and the
family will inform before they pupil returns to School.
ii. In the cases where symptoms are visible but are not in a critical state, we will take the pupil
to Clinica Costa Oeste for the doctor on call to observe, both wearing a surgical mask. Family
will be previously contacted in order for them to collect form there.
iii. Should the pupil have light symptoms associated with COVID-19 during the school day,
including fever, we will take the pupil to the isolation classroom in place for these cases where
they will wait with a surgical mask on and under supervision of a member of staff, who will
also wear a surgical mask. Infirmary will call the family to inform and request they collect as
soon as possible.
iv. If the pupil does not have a fever, but feels unwell, Infirmary will contact the family following
the School protocol. Depending on the state of the pupil, they will be sent back to class or the
family will be asked to collect to take home.
d. Those cases which have been diagnosed C-19 symptoms in the Hospital or in Clínica Costa Oeste:
i. Whether or not they have been confirmed as C-19 symptoms at that moment, the family must
contact their Health Centre or through the telephone number provided by the Junta de
Andalucía (900 400 061), who will then evaluate and determine if the pupils has C-19 via the
corresponding test.
ii. The family must immediately contact us immediately with the results of the PCR or a clear
indication from their Health Centre that they do not have C-19.
e. In the cases of pupils without C-19 diagnosis but who had symptoms, the Infirmary will contact the
family to follow up on the pupil’s health and learn if the pupil’s evolution presents C-19 symptoms.
In that case, the family will be asked to go to their Health Centre and communicate the results to
the School.
f. Pupils going home ill but without C-19 symptoms may return to class once they have recuperated.
next to another pupil who has been diagnosed as positive. The School will analyse the
situation and decide unless the health authority determines something different. Depending
was has been determined, the families of that class will be informed.
e. The School will organise PCR test for TEACHERS of a GROUP where a pupil case has been confirmed
to see if they should also remain home or if they can continue delivering class. Until we receive the
results, in the teacher has not had a mask con when they were in that Bubble, they must stay at
home. The rest of the teaches can attend School, thoroughly observing established preventive
measures, unless the health authority considers otherwise.
6. IN THE EVENT A MEMBER OF STAFF presents symptoms associated with COVID-19 during the school day
(sudden acute respiratory infection with high temperature, cough or feeling of lack of air):
i. They will take a PDR test, and cannot return to School before receiving the results or when these
are negative.
ii. Must remain at home and can continue with their teaching online is they feel able to dos so
until they receive the results of the test.
iii. In the event that, for different reasons, they cannot take the PCR test and they had to wait in
School, they will be accompanied to the isolation classroom where they must remain wearing
a mask until they leave School.
iv. In the event we perceive the person starting with symptoms is critical situation or has
difficulties to breathe, we would accompany them to the Hospital.
v. In the event the result is positive, they must remain home and not attend school.
1. In the event the diagnosed member of staff has a family member in School, this member
must also go home and start a quarantine, following the indications and preventive
measures established by their health centre.
i. If this is another member of staff, they must take the PCR test organised by the School.
ii. If it’s one of their children, the same protocol will be applied as for siblings of C-19
diagnosed pupils, therefore remaining in quarantine and informing the class families.
2. To be analysed with teachers, tutor, Board of Directors and other responsible of activities
the member of staff has taken part in order to determine other possible close contacts they
may have had with pupils. These will be addressed in the same manner as CLOSE CONTACT
cases. Identified members of staff and pupils must go home and start a quarantine.
vii. The School Management will contact the Regional health Authority (Sección de Epidemiología
de las Delegación Provincial de Salud de Cádiz) and proceed to follow their indications. The
School will inform the health authority of the School C-19 protocol, explain how we have dealt
with the pupil’s group and provide a list of names (with contact numbers) and that of
teachers who have had contact with the pupils in that BUBBBLE if needed, as well as the
means of contact (teaching, breakfast club, dining room, outdoor activities etc.)
viii. Affected staff and families will be informed for observation due to case detected.
7. Regarding classrooms where a case has been confirmed, L+D will proceed in accordance with the
reinforced L+D Plan, including AC filters as well as adequate ventilation and time of ventilation. This
operation will also take place in any closed spaces where confirmed cases have carried out activities o
stayed at any point, paying special attention to all surfaces susceptible to contact.
8. The Board of Directors will inform the Regional Delegation through the inspector assigned of the
diagnosis of a pupil or that of a member of staff.