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UNE en 16730 Aplic F Traviesas Soporte Hormigón Almohadillas 2016

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Norma Española

UNE-EN 16730:2016
Idioma: Inglés

Aplicaciones ferroviarias. Vía. Traviesas y soportes de

hormigón con almohadilla bajo traviesa (Ratificada por
la Asociación Española de Normalización en mayo de

Asociación Española
de Normalización
Génova, 6 - 28004 Madrid
915 294 900
[email protected]
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UNE-EN 16730:2016

Aplicaciones ferroviarias. Vía. Traviesas y soportes de hormigón con almohadilla bajo

traviesa (Ratificada por la Asociación Española de Normalización en mayo de 2017.)

Railway applications - Track - Concrete sleepers and bearers with under sleeper pads (Endorsed by
Asociación Española de Normalización in May of 2017.)

Applications ferroviaires - Voie - Traverses et supports en béton avec semelles sous traverse (Entérinée
par l'Asociación Española de Normalización en mai 2017.)

En cumplimiento del punto de las Reglas Internas de CEN/CENELEC Parte 2, se ha

otorgado el rango de documento normativo español UNE al documento normativo europeo
EN 16730:2016 (Fecha de disponibilidad 2016-06-22)

Este documento está disponible en los idiomas oficiales de CEN/CENELEC/ETSI.

Este anuncio causará efecto a partir del primer día del mes siguiente al de su publicación en
la revista AENOR.

La correspondiente versión oficial de este documento se encuentra disponible en la

Asociación Española de Normalización (Génova 6 28004 MADRID, www.une.org).

Las observaciones a este documento han de dirigirse a:

Asociación Española de Normalización

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28004 MADRID-España
Tel.: 915 294 900
[email protected]
Las observaciones a este documento han de dirigirse a:

” UNE 2017
Asociación Española de Normalización
Publicado por AENOR Internacional, S.A.U. bajo licencia de la Asociación Española de Normalización.
Génova, 6
Reproducción prohibida
28004 MADRID-España
Tel.: 915 294 900
[email protected]

© UNE 2017
Prohibida la reproducción sin el consentimiento de UNE.
Todos los derechos de propiedad intelectual de la presente norma son titularidad de UNE.

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UNE-EN 16730:2016



ICS 93.100

English Version

Railway applications - Track - Concrete sleepers and

bearers with under sleeper pads
Applications ferroviaires - Voie - Traverses et supports Bahnanwendungen - Oberbau - Gleis- und
en béton avec semelles sous traverse Weichenschwellen aus Beton mit Schwellensohlen

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 12 March 2016.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references
concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and
United Kingdom.



CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels

© 2016 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 16730:2016 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

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UNE-EN 16730:2016
EN 16730:2016 (E)

Contents Page

European foreword....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................... 6
1 Scope .................................................................................................................................................................... 7
2 Normative references .................................................................................................................................... 7
3 Terms and definitions ................................................................................................................................... 8
4 Symbols ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
5 Design approval tests and routine tests .............................................................................................. 12
5.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 12
5.2 Summary of design approval tests and routine tests ...................................................................... 12
5.3 Tests of USP alone and of USP on concrete block ............................................................................. 14
5.3.1 Tensile strength of USP material ............................................................................................................ 14
5.3.2 Static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus of USP on concrete block with
GBP .................................................................................................................................................................... 14
5.3.3 Static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus of USP alone with GBP ........................ 15
5.3.4 Higher frequency dynamic bedding modulus of USP on concrete block ................................. 15
5.3.5 Fatigue test of USP on concrete block ................................................................................................... 16
5.3.6 Fatigue test of USP on concrete block with GBP ................................................................................ 16
5.3.7 Capability for stacked stocking of sleepers with USP, testing by USP on a concrete
block.................................................................................................................................................................. 17
5.3.8 Effect of severe environmental conditions on USP on concrete block ...................................... 17
5.3.9 Resistance to other environmental parameters ............................................................................... 18
5.4 Tests of concrete sleepers and bearers without USP ...................................................................... 18
5.5 Tests of USP on concrete sleepers and bearers ................................................................................. 18
5.5.1 Dimensions and masses of sleepers and bearers with USP .......................................................... 18
5.5.2 Bond strength by pull-out of USP on sleeper and bearer .............................................................. 19
5.5.3 Fatigue test of USP on sleeper.................................................................................................................. 19
5.5.4 Environment and end of life ..................................................................................................................... 20
6 Data to be supplied ...................................................................................................................................... 20
6.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 20
6.2 Data supplied by the purchaser .............................................................................................................. 20
6.3 Data supplied by the supplier of sleeper with USP .......................................................................... 21
6.3.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 21
6.3.2 Before the design approval tests ............................................................................................................ 21
6.3.3 After the design approval tests ............................................................................................................... 22
6.3.4 Prior to first start-up of production ...................................................................................................... 22
7 Rules for use of sleepers and bearers with USP ................................................................................ 22
8 Quality control .............................................................................................................................................. 22
9 Marking, labelling and packaging .......................................................................................................... 23
Annex A (normative) Geometric Ballast Plate (GBP) ................................................................................... 24
A.1 Design of the GBP ......................................................................................................................................... 24
A.2 Material of GBP ............................................................................................................................................. 24
Annex B (normative) USP on concrete block................................................................................................... 27

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UNE-EN 16730:2016
EN 16730:2016 (E)

B.1 Design of the USP on concrete block ...................................................................................................... 27

B.2 Tolerances of USP on concrete block ..................................................................................................... 27
Annex C (normative) Static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus of USP on
concrete block or of USP alone with GBP ............................................................................................. 29
C.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 29
C.2 Static test procedure.................................................................................................................................... 29
C.2.1 Principle ........................................................................................................................................................... 29
C.2.2 Apparatus ........................................................................................................................................................ 29
C.2.3 Procedure ........................................................................................................................................................ 30
C.2.4 Test report ...................................................................................................................................................... 32
C.3 Low frequency dynamic test procedure ............................................................................................... 32
C.3.1 Principle ........................................................................................................................................................... 32
C.3.2 Apparatus ........................................................................................................................................................ 33
C.3.3 Procedure ........................................................................................................................................................ 33
C.3.4 Test report ...................................................................................................................................................... 35
Annex D (normative) Fatigue test of USP on concrete block ...................................................................... 36
D.1 Principle ........................................................................................................................................................... 36
D.2 Apparatus ........................................................................................................................................................ 36
D.3 Procedure ........................................................................................................................................................ 37
D.4 Test report ...................................................................................................................................................... 39
Annex E (normative) Bond strength by pull-out of USP on sleeper and bearer.................................. 40
E.1 Principle ........................................................................................................................................................... 40
E.2 Apparatus ........................................................................................................................................................ 40
E.3 Procedure ........................................................................................................................................................ 40
E.4 Test report ...................................................................................................................................................... 41
Annex F (normative) Data sheet ........................................................................................................................... 43
F.1 Data Sheet 1 (for USP Materials) ............................................................................................................. 43
F.2 Data Sheet 2 (for sleepers and bearers with USP) ............................................................................ 44
Annex G (informative) General design approval tests and the routine tests for the USP and
the sleeper with USP .................................................................................................................................... 45
Annex H (informative) Higher frequency dynamic vertical bedding modulus of USP on
concrete block................................................................................................................................................ 46
H.1 Principle ........................................................................................................................................................... 46
H.2 Test arrangement ......................................................................................................................................... 46
H.2.1 Test arrangement for the direct method ............................................................................................. 46
H.2.2 USP on concrete block ................................................................................................................................. 48
H.2.3 Ambient Test temperature ........................................................................................................................ 48
H.2.4 Vibration test velocity ................................................................................................................................. 48
H.3 Test procedure and evaluation................................................................................................................ 48
H.3.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 48
H.3.2 Loss factor η .................................................................................................................................................... 48
H.3.3 Higher frequency dynamic stiffening ratio κH (80 Hz)................................................................... 49
H.4 Test report ...................................................................................................................................................... 49
Annex I (informative) Fatigue test of USP on concrete block with GBP ................................................. 50
I.1 Principle ........................................................................................................................................................... 50
I.2 Apparatus ........................................................................................................................................................ 50
I.3 Procedure ........................................................................................................................................................ 51
I.4 Test report ...................................................................................................................................................... 52
Annex J (informative) Capability of stacked storage of sleepers with USP ........................................... 54

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EN 16730:2016 (E)

J.1 Principle .......................................................................................................................................................... 54

J.2 Apparatus........................................................................................................................................................ 54
J.3 Procedure........................................................................................................................................................ 55
J.4 Test report ...................................................................................................................................................... 56
Annex K (informative) Static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus of USP on
concrete sleeper or bearer with GBP .................................................................................................... 57
K.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 57
K.2 Static test procedure ................................................................................................................................... 57
K.2.1 Principle .......................................................................................................................................................... 57
K.2.2 Apparatus........................................................................................................................................................ 57
K.2.3 Procedure........................................................................................................................................................ 58
K.2.4 Test report ...................................................................................................................................................... 60
K.3 Low frequency dynamic test procedure .............................................................................................. 61
K.3.1 Principle .......................................................................................................................................................... 61
K.3.2 Apparatus........................................................................................................................................................ 61
K.3.3 Procedure........................................................................................................................................................ 61
K.3.4 Test report ...................................................................................................................................................... 63
Annex L (informative) Fatigue test on USP on sleeper ................................................................................ 64
L.1 Principle .......................................................................................................................................................... 64
L.2 Apparatus........................................................................................................................................................ 64
L.3 Procedure........................................................................................................................................................ 65
L.4 Test report ...................................................................................................................................................... 67
Annex M (informative) Alternative fatigue test on USP on sleeper ........................................................ 69
M.1 Principle .......................................................................................................................................................... 69
M.2 Apparatus........................................................................................................................................................ 69
M.3 Procedure........................................................................................................................................................ 70
M.4 Test report ...................................................................................................................................................... 71
Annex N (informative) Effect of severe environmental conditions on USP on concrete block ..... 73
N.1 Principle .......................................................................................................................................................... 73
N.2 Apparatus........................................................................................................................................................ 73
N.3 Procedure........................................................................................................................................................ 73
N.4 Test report ...................................................................................................................................................... 75
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................................. 76

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UNE-EN 16730:2016
EN 16730:2016 (E)

European foreword

This document (EN 16730:2016) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 256 “Railway
applications”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN.

This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by December 2016, and conflicting national standards
shall be withdrawn at the latest by December 2016.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association.

According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and the United Kingdom.

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UNE-EN 16730:2016
EN 16730:2016 (E)


This European Standard relates to the EN 13230 series when the sleepers or bearers are manufactured
with Under Sleeper Pad (USP). The USP is an elastic layer fixed to the bottom surface of the sleepers or
bearers. This standard applies to the system constituted of the concrete sleepers or bearers and the
Under Sleeper Pad.

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UNE-EN 16730:2016
EN 16730:2016 (E)

1 Scope
This European Standard is applicable to concrete sleepers or bearers with Under Sleeper Pads (USP)
physically bonded to concrete used in ballast track and define the test procedures and their evaluation
criteria. This standard provides particular information in the following areas:
— test methods, test arrangements and evaluation criteria of Under Sleeper Pads;

— test methods, test arrangements and evaluation criteria of concrete sleepers and bearers with
Under Sleeper Pads;

— data supplied by the purchaser and by the supplier;

— definition of general process of design approval tests;

— definition of routine tests.

This standard defines the specific test procedures for design approval tests, routine tests and tests
concerning the determination of relevant properties of Under Sleeper Pad with or without concrete
sleepers and bearers:
— fatigue tests;

— tests of capability for stacked stocking of concrete sleepers or bearers fitted with USP;

— pull-out test;

— severe environmental condition test.

This standard also sets out procedures for testing fitness for purpose and provides information on
quality monitoring as part of quality assurance procedures. This standard does not, however, contain
requirements pertaining to the properties of Under Sleeper Pads. It is the responsibility of the
purchaser to define these requirements

2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 206, Concrete - Specification, performance, production and conformity

EN 1542, Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures - Test methods -
Measurement of bond strength by pull-off

EN 10027 (all parts), Designation systems for steels

EN 13230-1:2016, Railway applications - Track - Concrete sleepers and bearers - Part 1: General

EN 13230-2:2016, Railway applications - Track - Concrete sleepers and bearers - Part 2: Prestressed
monoblock sleepers

EN 13230-3:2016, Railway applications - Track - Concrete sleepers and bearers - Part 3: Twin-block
reinforced sleepers

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EN 13230-4:2016, Railway applications - Track - Concrete sleepers and bearers - Part 4: Prestressed
bearers for switches and crossings

EN 13230-5, Railway applications - Track - Concrete sleepers and bearers - Part 5: Special elements

EN 13450, Aggregates for railway ballast

EN ISO 527 (all parts), Plastics — Determination of tensile properties (ISO 527, all parts)

EN ISO 7500-1, Metallic materials - Calibration and verification of static uniaxial testing machines - Part
1: Tension/compression testing machines - Calibration and verification of the force-measuring system
(ISO 7500-1)

EN ISO 9513:2012, Metallic materials - Calibration of extensometer systems used in uniaxial testing (ISO

EN ISO 22768 (all parts), Permissible machining variations in dimensions without tolerance indication
(ISO 2768, all parts)

ISO 37, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of tensile stress-strain properties

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
track category TC1
track using concrete sleepers or bearers with under sleeper pads designed for urban light rail and some
industrial track with a typical axle load between 100 kN and 130 kN, a typical maximum speed of
100 km/h, a typical rail section of 49E1 (as defined in EN 13674-1) and a typical sleeper or support
spacing of 650 mm (maximum 750 mm)

track category TC2
track using concrete sleepers or bearers with under sleeper pads designed for urban light rail and some
industrial track with a typical axle load of 160 kN, a typical maximum speed of 140 km/h, a typical rail
section of 54E1 (as defined in EN 13674-1) and a typical sleeper or support spacing of 650 mm

track category TC3
track using concrete sleepers or bearers with under sleeper pads designed for either:

— conventional main line railways with a typical axle load of 225 kN, a typical maximum speed of
200 km/h, a typical rail section of 60E1 (as defined in EN 13674-1) and a typical sleeper or support
spacing of 600 mm; or

— track using concrete sleepers or bearers with under sleeper pads designed for lines with large
radius curves, often used for high speed trains and having a typical axle load of 200 kN, a typical
maximum speed of 320 km/h, a typical rail section of 60E1 (as defined in EN 13674-1), a typical
sleeper or support spacing of 600 mm

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track category TC4
track using concrete sleepers or bearers with under sleeper pads designed for mixed traffic line
carrying heavy freight trains with a typical axle load of 300 kN, a typical maximum speed of 200 km/h, a
typical rail section of 60E1 (as defined in EN 13674-1) and a typical sleeper or support spacing of 600

ballasted track
track in which the sleepers or bearers are embedded in the ballast

transverse components of the track which control the gauge and transmit loads from the rail to the
ballast or other sleeper support

transverse components of switches and crossings which control the relative geometry of two or more
stretches of running rails and different pieces of special track work, and transmit loads from the rails to
the ballast or other sleeper support

Under Sleeper Pad
elastic layer fixed to the bottom surface of the sleepers or bearers including technologies of bonding
between sleepers or bearers and under sleeper pad

force per unit deflection measured under a uniaxial force

bedding modulus
pressure (force per surface) per unit deflection and measured under a uniaxial load

stiffness or bedding modulus
stiffness or bedding modulus in vertical direction measured normal to the base of the sleeper where the
support is a slab, between two specified applied loads

static stiffness or bedding modulus
force or pressure per unit deflection measured under a uniaxial static load

dynamic stiffness or bedding modulus
force or pressure per unit deflection measured under a cyclic uniaxial load

Note 1 to entry: Low frequency dynamic stiffness or bedding modulus: stiffness or bedding modulus measured
within the frequency range (2 to 30) Hz (without preloading between defined pressures, see Figure 1).

Note 2 to entry: Higher frequency dynamic stiffness or bedding modulus: stiffness or bedding modulus
measured within the frequency range (20 to 450) Hz (under preloading conditions see Table H.1, see Figure 1).

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vibration mitigation
reduction in emission of mechanical vibration and/or structure-borne noise into the surroundings

geometric ballast plate
rigid steel plate with a geometrically structured surface simulating ballast contact

Note 1 to entry: See Annex A.

design approval test
homologation procedure with description of the product properties and test results

routine test
quality control test in terms of regular manufacturing

operator or user of the equipment, or the customer of the material on the user’s behalf

body responsible for the use of the EN in response to the purchaser’s requirement and also for
requirements which apply to the producer or manufacturer

Note 1 to entry: Generally the supplier is the manufacturer of the concrete sleepers and has a sub-contractor for
the USPs.

USP on concrete block
USP bonded on concrete block

Note 1 to entry: See Annex B.

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4 Symbols
Table 1 — Symbols
Symbols Characterization Units
A area mm2
a acceleration in measurement of higher frequency bedding modulus m/s2
C bedding modulus N/mm3
d displacement mm
Δ variation -
F force N
f frequency in measurement Hz
k stiffness N/mm
LH vibration level related to reference value of 5 × 10−8 m/s dB
m mass kg
N number of cycles -
η loss factor -
p pressure N/mm2
κ stiffening coefficient between low frequency dynamic bedding modulus -
and static bedding modulus
σ stress (pressure or tensile) N/mm2
ω angular frequency = 2π · f (for higher frequency bedding modulus) s−1

Table 2 — Indice of the symbols

Indices Characterization
0 for frequency, definition of natural frequency
5 Hz, 10 Hz, 20 Hz, 30 Hz value of frequency in measurement
af after
av average
be before
dyn low frequency dynamic
H higher frequency
max maximum
min minimum
number sequential number in order to differentiate types of measurements
pre preload
stat static
tend tendency
test test load

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EN 16730:2016 (E)

5 Design approval tests and routine tests

5.1 General

This clause defines the objectives of tests or of required information about the system (sleeper with
USP), USP and concrete sleepers and bearers.
The data sheets and the general processes of USP and sleeper with USP are described in Annex F and
Annex G.
If a tested USP is used with different concrete sleepers or bearers (different types or different
manufacturing process), the purchaser shall state, as a selection of in Tables 3 to 5 given tests, which
tests shall be performed.
5.2 Summary of design approval tests and routine tests

The design approval tests and the routine tests consist of the following three stages:
— Tests of USP alone and of USP on concrete block (see Table 3);

— Tests of concrete sleepers and bearers without USP (see Table 4);

— Tests of USP on concrete sleepers and bearers (see Table 5).

The frequency of routine tests is defined according to the quality plan of the suppliers (see Clause 8).

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Table 3 — Tests of USP alone and of USP on concrete block

Tests Subclause Design approval tests
Tensile strength of USP material 5.3.1 Optional Optional
Mandatory for static, 5 and
Static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus
5.3.2 10 Hz, optional for 20 and
of USP on concrete block with GBP 1 of 2 is
30 Hz
Static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus
5.3.3 Optional
of USP alone with GBP
Optional (but
Higher frequency dynamic bedding modulus of USP recommended if USP is Not
on concrete block used for vibrations Applicable
Fatigue test of USP on concrete block 5.3.5 Mandatory
Optional (but
recommended if USP is Not
Fatigue test of USP on concrete block with GBP 5.3.6
used for vibrations Applicable
Capability for stacked stocking of sleepers with USP Not
5.3.7 Optional
on concrete block Applicable
Effect of severe environmental conditions on USP Not
5.3.8 Optional
on concrete block Applicable
Resistance to water (Hydrolysis) 5.3.9 Optional
Resistance to chemical agents related to the Not
5.3.9 Optional
manufacture of sleepers or bearers Applicable
Resistance to fire 5.3.9 Optional
Resistance to hydrocarbon 5.3.9 Optional
Resistance to ozone 5.3.9 Optional

Table 4 — Tests of concrete sleepers and bearers without USP

Tests Subclause Design approval tests
Requirements of concrete sleepers and bearers 5.4 Mandatory Mandatory

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Table 5 — Tests of USP on concrete sleepers and bearers

Tests Subclause Design approval tests
Dimensions and masses of sleepers and bearers
5.5.1 Mandatory Mandatory
with USP
Bond strength by pull-out of USP on sleeper and
5.5.2 Mandatory Mandatory
Fatigue test of USP on sleeper 5.5.3 Optional
Environment and end of life 5.5.4 Optional

5.3 Tests of USP alone and of USP on concrete block

5.3.1 Tensile strength of USP material

The tensile strength measured during the design approval tests shall determine the reference value of
these tensile strengths to confirm the quality of the USP during the routine tests. The test should permit
the measurement of the tensile strengths both parallel and perpendicular to the production direction of
USP (if there is a difference in production direction).
a) Test arrangement:

The test is performed on USP in accordance with the EN ISO 527-series or ISO 37 and with the
supplier’s indications which are approved by the purchaser. The test shall be done on the USP without
bonding and protection layer. The supplier shall specify the thickness of the samples.
NOTE For USP materials not considered by these two standards, adaptation on the sample size may be
allowed, in accordance with the purchaser.

b) Design approval tests:

The test method shall be applied on 6 tested samples (3 samples are stamped out parallel to the
production direction of USP and 3 samples perpendicular to the production direction of USP).
The supplier shall provide a reference value of tensile strength within the range of purchaser’s
acceptance values.
5.3.2 Static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus of USP on concrete block with GBP

The static and the low frequency dynamic bedding modulus of the USP on concrete block with GBP
allow the bedding modulus of the USP to be quantified without the influence of manufacturing process
of the sleepers.
a) Test arrangement:

The static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus of the USP on concrete block with GBP shall be
measured in accordance with Annex C.
The low frequency dynamic bedding modulus is measured at (5 ± 1) Hz and (10 ± 1) Hz (and optional
frequency tests at (20 ± 2) Hz and (30 ± 3) Hz).
b) Design approval tests:

The test method shall be applied on 3 concrete blocks with USP.

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The purchaser shall define the evaluation criteria(s) within the list:

1) purchaser minimum value ≤ Cstat ≤ purchaser maximum value (average or/and individual

2) purchaser minimum value ≤ Cdyn, 5 Hz or Cdyn 10 Hz ≤ purchaser maximum value (average or/and
individual value).

The supplier shall provide a reference value of bedding modulus for routine test, in the range of
purchaser acceptance values.
5.3.3 Static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus of USP alone with GBP

The static and the low frequency dynamic bedding modulus of the USP alone with GBP allows the
vertical bedding modulus of the USP to be quantified without the influence of a bonding system in
concrete. This method requires a USP without a bonding system or with a bonding system which has no
influence on the bedding modulus.
The static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus measured during the design approval tests
shall determine the reference value of these bedding moduli to follow the quality of the production of
USP during the routine tests
NOTE 1 The values of bedding modulus with and without concrete block may be different.

a) Test arrangement:

The static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus of USP alone with GBP shall be measured in
accordance with Annex C.
The low frequency dynamic bedding modulus is measured at (5 ± 1) Hz and (10 ± 1) Hz (and optional
frequency tests at (20 ± 2) Hz and (30 ± 3) Hz).
b) Design approval tests:

The test method shall be applied on 3 USP alone.

The supplier shall provide a reference value of bedding modulus for routine test, within the range of the
NOTE 2 The bedding modulus with and without concrete block are not necessarily the same values.

5.3.4 Higher frequency dynamic bedding modulus of USP on concrete block

This test evaluates the capacity of USP to insulate vibrations.

a) Test arrangement:

The higher frequency dynamic bedding modulus of USP on concrete block with GBP shall be measured
in accordance with Annex H. The testing procedure and equipment are different to the determination of
low frequency dynamic bedding modulus.
NOTE 1 In contrast to the test of the low frequency dynamic bedding modulus Cdyn, the test procedure to
measure the higher frequency dynamic bedding modulus CH is carried out with static preloading and with smaller
vibration amplitude. For this reason the values of the two moduli are not the same when measured at the same
frequency, e.g. at 20 Hz, CH (20 Hz) ≠ Cdyn (20 Hz). (see Figure 1).

NOTE 2 The magnitude of the loss factor η of a USP influences the dynamic magnification in the region of the
natural frequency of the elastically supported track as an oscillatory system. It determines the edge steepness of
the amplitude response and thus the insertion loss of the overall system (see H.3).

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a curve for higher frequency dynamic bedding modulus
b curve for static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus
C bedding modulus, in N/mm3
f frequency, in Hz

Figure 1 — Example of a frequency-dependant bedding modulus curve (with and without

preloading force)

b) Design approval tests:

The test method shall be applied on one USP on concrete block.

The purchaser shall define the evaluation criteria.
5.3.5 Fatigue test of USP on concrete block

This test evaluates the durability of USP in contact with ballast. This fatigue test permits the evaluation
of the interaction of the ballast with USP.
a) Test arrangement:

The fatigue test of the USP on concrete block shall be carried out in accordance with Annex D.
b) Design approval tests:

The test method shall be applied on one USP on concrete block.

Visual inspection shall be according to the purchaser's criteria.
5.3.6 Fatigue test of USP on concrete block with GBP

This test evaluates the durability, stability of bedding modulus and vibration characteristics (in case of
use for vibration applications) of USP in contact with GBP. This test permits the evaluation of the long
term variation of bedding modulus of USP.

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a) Test arrangement:

The fatigue test of USP on concrete block shall be measured in accordance with Annex I.

b) Design approval tests:

The test method shall be applied on one USP on concrete block.

The purchaser shall define the evaluation criteria in the list:

1) ΔCstat ≤ purchaser value;

2) ΔCdyn 5 Hz ≤ purchaser value.

5.3.7 Capability for stacked stocking of sleepers with USP, testing by USP on a concrete block

This test permits the impact on the USP when stacked in storage to be quantified.
a) Test arrangement:

The capability for stacked stocking of USP shall be measured in accordance with Annex J.
The purchaser defines the test pressure ptest.
Example of calculation of ptest: ptest = (safety coefficient) x 0,8 N/mm2 (15 sleepers of 3 000 N each on
two wood battens with a contact section with USP of 280 mm x 100 mm ≥ 0,8 N/mm2).
NOTE Safety coefficient is between 1 and 1,2 depending on rail seat inclination and size of battens.

The USP manufacturer chooses the test pressure ptest. Results are valid for all the values less or equal to
the test load.
b) Design approval tests:

The test method shall be applied on one USP on concrete block.

Visual inspection shall be according to the purchaser criteria.

The purchaser shall define the evaluation criteria in the list:

1) ΔCstat ≤ purchaser value;

2) ΔCdyn 5 Hz ≤ purchaser value;

3) variation of thickness of the USP ≤ purchaser value.

5.3.8 Effect of severe environmental conditions on USP on concrete block

This test evaluates the durability of sleepers with USP with respect to the cycles of the seasons. This
effect of severe environmental conditions test shall quantify the effects of the seasons on USP.
The variations of static and the low frequency dynamic bedding modulus of USP on concrete block with
GBP are measured in accordance with Annex C in order to quantify the variation of bedding modulus
characteristics after the effect of severe environmental conditions of USP on concrete block.

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a) Test arrangement:

The effect of severe environmental conditions of USP on concrete block shall be measured in
accordance with Annex N.

b) Design approval tests:

The test method shall be applied on one USP on concrete block.

Visual inspection shall be according to the purchaser criteria.

The purchaser shall define the evaluation criteria in the list:

1) (ΔCstat or ΔCdyn 5 Hz) ≤ purchaser value;

2) average value of at least 3 pull-out tests ≥ purchaser average value;

3) minimum value of at least 3 pull-out tests ≥ purchaser minimum value.

5.3.9 Resistance to other environmental parameters

The chemical agents used for the production of the USP should not modify the properties of the sleepers
or bearers. The purchaser shall define test methods.
Water, Hydrocarbons and Ozone (in track) shall not modify significantly the material characteristics of
USP. The test is performed with the supplier’s instructions which are approved by the purchaser.
In case of fire the USP should not propagate the fire or create toxic fumes. The purchaser shall define
test methods. The requirements can be different for tunnel, station or open track.
The purchaser shall define the evaluation criteria and the number of samples for:
1) resistance to chemical agents related to the manufacture of sleepers or bearers;

2) resistance to water (hydrolysis);

3) resistance to hydrocarbon;

4) resistance to ozone;

5) resistance to fire.

5.4 Tests of concrete sleepers and bearers without USP

The sleeper or bearer shall fulfil the requirements given in the EN 13230 series. The purchaser shall
define performances of concrete sleepers or bearers used.
5.5 Tests of USP on concrete sleepers and bearers
5.5.1 Dimensions and masses of sleepers and bearers with USP

Dimension of the USP shall fit to the dimensions of the concrete sleeper/bearer bottom surface.
USP may cover the whole or part of the bottom surface of the sleeper or bearer.
USP geometry and position at sleeper bottom surface shall take into account events during lifetime:
storage before use, track laying works, maintenance works in track.

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The dimensions of USP shall take into account potential damage of the sleeper/bearer with USP in case
of misuse during tamping.
The embedment of the USP shall have no effects to the load capacity of the sleeper or bearer. This
means that embedment leads to no depth reduction of the concrete part of the sleeper.
Embedment of the USP in the concrete sleeper/bearer shall fulfil requirements for the concrete cover
on steel as defined in EN 13230-1:2016.
The dimensions and the masses of sleepers and bearers with USP shall be defined by the purchaser in
order to control the mass of sleepers and the thickness of sleepers and shall not disrupt the
maintenance operation (tamping for example) and the installation of sleepers in track.
a) Test arrangement:

Dimensions and masses are measured with suitable instruments (instruments accepted by the
b) Design approval tests:

The purchaser shall approve the drawing and technical documentations given by the supplier.
All the samples for design approval tests shall be checked according to the drawing and technical
5.5.2 Bond strength by pull-out of USP on sleeper and bearer

The bond strength by pull-out of USP on sleepers and bearers permits the bonding efficiency of the USP
on concrete sleepers to be quantified.
The pull-out bond strength measured during the design approval tests shall determine the reference
value to be used to verify the quality of the production of USP during the routine tests.
a) Test arrangement:

The bond strength by pull-out of USP on sleeper and bearer with USP shall be measured in accordance
with Annex E.
b) Design approval tests:

The test method shall be applied on 3 concrete sleepers or bearers with USP with 4 pull-out tests per
The average of 12 measurements of pull-out σav shall be calculated.
Average value ≥ purchaser average value.
Minimum value ≥ purchaser minimum value.
5.5.3 Fatigue test of USP on sleeper

This requirement is to verify the durability of sleepers with USP in contact with ballast. This ballast
attrition resistance test shall quantify the impact of the ballast on USP on sleeper in function of the
variation of characteristics of USP on sleeper.
The variations of static and the low frequency dynamic bedding modulus of USP on sleepers with GBP
are measured in accordance with Annex K in order to quantify the variation of bedding modulus
characteristics after the fatigue test of USP on sleeper.
NOTE 1 The bedding modulus measured with this methodology cannot be compared to the bedding modulus
on a block

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a) Test arrangement:

The ballast attrition resistance of sleeper and bearer with USP shall be measured in accordance with
Annex L or Annex M.
NOTE 2 At the moment, there is not enough feedback to be able to compare the test results. There is no ranking
or equivalence between the two tests. The test in Annex M (Alternative test procedure for fatigue test behaviour
with of USP applied on sleeper) has been designed to be equivalent to the test in Annex L (Vibrogir): loads,
number of cycle, etc.

b) Design approval tests:

The test method shall be applied on one sleeper with USP.

Visual inspection shall be according to the purchaser criteria.
Δm ≤ purchaser value, in %.
The purchaser should ask to test the concrete sleeper or bearer (of the same batch) without USP in the
same conditions in order to have a reference about visual inspection and variation of mass.
5.5.4 Environment and end of life

If there are national regulations concerning environment and end-of-life, the sleeper with USP should
follow these regulations.
The USP should not be an element of the track which pollutes the environment.
The USP should not adversely affect the recyclability of the concrete sleeper or bearer.

6 Data to be supplied
6.1 General

The purchaser can require data according to 6.3.2 from the supplier before the design approval tests.
The supplier shall supply all data of the USP and of the concrete sleeper with USP.
The general process of the design approval tests is described in informative Annex G.
6.2 Data supplied by the purchaser

The purchaser shall specify the following data:

a) all data for the concrete sleeper and bearer as defined in EN 13230-1:2016, 4.4.2;

b) track category;

c) drawings and specifications necessary to define:

1) critical dimensions of the USP including tolerance (length, width, etc.) (see 5.5.1);

2) geometry and position of USP on the sleeper including tolerance (see 5.5.1);

d) requirement for static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus of USP on concrete block with
GBP (see 5.3.3);

e) requirement for fatigue test with USP on concrete block (see 5.3.6);

f) requirement for bond strength of pull-out of the USP on sleeper (see 5.5.2);

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g) for each optional test selected, the purchaser shall specify the relevant evaluation criteria for:

1) requirement for tensile strength of USP (see 5.3.1);

2) requirement for static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus of USP alone (see 5.3.3);

3) requirement for higher frequency dynamic bedding modulus of the USP (see 5.3.4);

4) requirements for fatigue test with USP on concrete block, with GBP (see 5.3.6);

5) requirement for capability for stacked stocking of sleepers with USP on concrete block
(see 5.3.7);

6) requirements for resistance of USP to water (see 5.3.9);

7) requirements for resistance of USP to fire (see 5.3.9);

8) requirements for resistance of USP to hydrocarbon (see 5.3.9);

9) requirements for resistance of USP to ozone (see 5.3.9);

10) requirements for resistance of USP to chemical agents (see 5.3.9);

11) requirements for fatigue test with USP applied on sleeper (see 5.5.3);

12) requirements for severe environmental conditions of sleeper/bearer with USP (see 5.3.8);

13) requirements for environment and end of life conditions for sleeper/bearer with USP
(see 5.5.4).

6.3 Data supplied by the supplier of sleeper with USP

6.3.1 General

The supplier shall provide the following documentation to the purchaser in confidence.
6.3.2 Before the design approval tests

The sleeper supplier shall provide to the purchaser the following documentation prior to design
approval tests:
a) all data for the manufacturing of the concrete sleeper and bearer as defined in EN 13230-1:2016,

b) technical data sheet (Annex F) of the USP including relevant standards which apply to the

c) detailed drawings of the USP;

d) detailed drawings of the sleeper with USP;

e) description of the manufacturing process for bonding of the USP on the sleeper.

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6.3.3 After the design approval tests

The supplier shall provide to the purchaser the following documentation prior to the design approval
a) design approval tests report for the USP and for USP on concrete block (including data to be used
for routine tests);

b) design approval tests report for the sleepers and bearers without USP;

c) design approval tests report for the sleepers and bearers with USP.

6.3.4 Prior to first start-up of production

The supplier shall provide to the purchaser the following documentation prior to start of production:
a) all data required for the manufacturing of concrete sleepers and bearers as defined in
EN 13230-1:2016, Clause 8;

b) quality manual from the USP manufacturer;

c) in addition, quality manual includes “Inspection and test plan” which details all tests and evaluation
criteria derived from design approval tests on USP;

d) production file for manufacturing data as defined in the following:

1) EN 13230-2:2016, Clause 5;

2) EN 13230-3:2016, 7.1;

3) EN 13230-4:2016, 6.1.

With the addition of manufacturing data for fixing USP on the concrete sleeper:
e) detailed procedure for handling and stacking concrete sleepers with USP.

7 Rules for use of sleepers and bearers with USP

The essential rules to be complied with for the storage, handling and laying in track of sleepers and
bearers shall be stated in a document drawn up by the supplier and validated by the purchaser.
These rules can be the subject of an addition to the sleeper or bearer manufacturing process file.

8 Quality control
The supplier shall operate a quality system which is defined and maintained in a quality manual. This
manual shall address all actions, functions and resources, procedures and practices concerned with
achieving, and providing documentary evidence that, the quality of the delivered USP, concrete sleepers
and bearers with USP and services that the supplier provides conforming to the agreed requirements.
The quality manual of the USP and sleeper supplier shall include a quality plan respectively for the USP
and for the concrete sleepers and bearers with USP which shall define and detail the following:
— the organization, structure and responsibilities;

— all the materials, processes and procedures for manufacturing, storing and transportation of the
concrete sleepers and bearers with USP;

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— all testing requirements;

— all other quality control procedures to ensure and verify that the USP, the concrete sleepers and
bearers with USP and service provided are to the agreed requirements.

The purchaser shall have access to the quality manual at the premises of the supplier.
NOTE Guidance on quality systems is given in EN ISO 9000.

9 Marking, labelling and packaging

Where there is adequate space for legible marking and no effect on performance, each sleeper or bearer
with USP shall be marked.
The marking and labelling shall be coordinated with the purchaser.
When components are packed in containers each container shall be labelled with details of the
components and with the production batch number or date of manufacture.

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Annex A

Geometric Ballast Plate (GBP)

A.1 Design of the GBP

The design of the GBP shall be according to Figure A.1 and A.2.
The general tolerances are fine according to the EN ISO 22768- series.

A.2 Material of GBP

The steel material is 1.4301 according to the EN 10027 series.

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Dimensions in millimetres

Figure A.1 — Drawing of GBP

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Dimensions in millimetres

D detail of the outer small pyramids
E detail of the inner small pyramids between the inner big pyramids
F detail of the inner big pyramids
1 original reference of GBP drawing (SK 899 – sequential number)

Figure A.2 — Drawing of GBP

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Annex B

USP on concrete block

B.1 Design of the USP on concrete block

Dimensions of test object: USP 250 mm × 250 mm × product thickness (see Figure B.1), on top of a
concrete body with USP is cast (dimensions: 250 mm × 250 mm × 100 mm) as a substitute for the
sleeper so the surface is A = 62 500 mm2. The concrete body according to EN 206 shall be cast in
suitable formwork (shuttering) and can be reinforced so that is capable of withstanding a test load of
30 kN. The bonding layer between the concrete body and the USP shall correspond to that between a
concrete sleeper and the USP. The USP sample shall be the same as that the USP on concrete sleeper.

B.2 Tolerances of USP on concrete block

The surface of formwork shall have a planarity less than 0,2 mm over 250 mm. The tolerances of
concrete blocks with USP are ((250 ± 5) mm × (250 ± 5) mm × (100 ± 5) mm). The maximum variation
of height of 4 corners of USP on concrete block shall be not more than 1 mm. The gap between ruler and
USP should be less than 1 mm on whole length.
The cast of the concrete block shall be done with the USP on one side due to the parallelism and
roughness of the bottom and top surface of the block.
No correction on the surface "A" shall be done for samples with dimensions within
(250 mm ± 5 mm) x (250 mm ± 5 mm). The surface A shall remain 62 500 mm2. By design, the GBP
gives the same contact surface within these tolerances of the sample.

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Dimensions in millimetres

Planarity of areas I+II in formwork ≤ 0,2 mm on 250 mm base length
Difference between any of h1, h2, h3, h4 ≤ 1,0 mm
Manufacturing: place USP on one side wall of formwork
2 concrete block with bond USP

Figure B.1 — USP on concrete block

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Annex C

Static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus of USP on concrete

block or of USP alone with GBP

C.1 General
This test measures the bedding modulus of USP on concrete block or of USP alone.

C.2 Static test procedure

C.2.1 Principle

A force is applied normal to the USP on concrete block or the USP alone and the displacement is
C.2.2 Apparatus

C.2.2.1 Controlled temperature test environment: the area of the laboratory where the test is
conducted, maintained at (23 ± 5) °C.

When required by the purchaser, additional temperatures tests should be performed for the USP on
concrete block at one or more of the following temperature: (−20 ± 3) °C, (0 ± 3) °C and (40 ± 3) °C.
C.2.2.2 GBP (geometric ballast plate) (see Annex A) connected to the actuator so that the effect of
weight is included in the force F.

The GBP shall be clean, no corrosion and no oil.

C.2.2.3 USP on concrete block; see Annex B.

C.2.2.4 USP alone: dimensions of test object: USP 250 mm × 250 mm × product thickness so the
area is A = 62 500 mm2.

The tolerances of USP are ((250 ± 5) mm × (250 ± 5) mm). Even so the reference area for calculations
shall be kept constant at A = 62 500 mm2.
C.2.2.5 Abrasive cloth: sheets of abrasive cloth P220 or P240 in unworn condition.

Each sheet being not less than the full area of the pad to be tested.
C.2.2.6 Load plate: a rigid steel plate (minimum dimension 300 mm × 300 mm).

The load plate is connected with non-deformable support (key 1 of Figure C.1).
C.2.2.7 Actuator capable of applying a force of 1,1·Fmax.

NOTE Typically the maximum force is 25 kN.

C.2.2.8 Displacement measuring instruments: instruments complying with EN ISO 9513:2012,

Table 2, class 1; when non-contact instruments are used they shall be calibrated to ensure the accuracy
of measurement complies with the following requirements.

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The instruments shall be capable of measuring the vertical displacement of the surface of the USP as
— for USP with a declared/measured Cstat ≤ 0,2 N/mm3 displacement measurement within ± 0,02 mm;

— for USP with a declared/measured Cstat > 0,2 N/mm3 displacement measurement within ± 0,01 mm.

C.2.2.9 Force measuring instruments complying with EN ISO 7500-1, class 2 over the required
range of force.

C.2.2.10 Recording equipment to make a digital recording and printout of the displacement and
applied force.

1 non-deformable support
2a USP on concrete block
2b USP alone
3 GBP (geometric ballast plate) (see Annex A) in contact with the USP
4 load plate (if necessary)
5 abrasive cloth (abrasive side up)

Figure C.1 — Test arrangement

C.2.3 Procedure

The flatness of the test area (on the two cross width of the block) is measured with a straight ruler of
300 mm (minimum length) and by means of a feeler gauge. The USP shall be free of damage.
All components (USP on concrete block or USP alone, GBP and load plate) shall be at a temperature of
(23 ± 5) °C or another specified temperature (for concrete block) prior to starting the test. Place the test
set-up in the following sequence: flat rigid horizontal base, USP on concrete block or USP alone with
abrasive cloth and GBP (where the centre of the plate coincides with the centre of USP on concrete
block with a tolerance of position ± 3 mm) as shown in Figure C.1. In case of test with USP alone, the
GBP may be installed under USP.
Locate enough independent instruments to measure the displacement between the GBP and the USP on
concrete block or USP alone and check the rotation (minimum three displacement measuring
instruments located at different corners of the plate). If the displacement measured by any of the
instruments differs from the average displacement by ≥ 20 % of the maximum displacement, repeat the
load cycle after at least (60 ± 5) s ensuring that the force is applied centrally to the USP on concrete
block or the USP alone.

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Table C.1 — Pressures for measurements of static and low frequency dynamic stiffness and
bedding modulus

Track category pmin N/mm2 ptest1 N/mm2 ptest2 N/mm2 pmax N/mm2
TC1 0,06 0,12 0,15
TC2 0,08 0,16 0,20
TC3 0,10 0,20 0,25
TC4 0,14 0,28 0,35

Apply a vertical force of (Fmax = pmax · A) with the actuator (where the centre of GBP coincides with the
axis of load), as specified in Table C.1. Then reduce the force to (0,7 × Fmin with Fmin = pmin · A as specified
in Table C.1) and repeat this cycle of loading and unloading three times more with a rate of pressure
application (0,01 ± 0,001) N/(mm2·s). Maintain the applied force (0,7 × Fmin), then record the
displacement while increasing the applied force to Fmax (see Figure C.2).
If a dynamic bedding modulus is measured after the static bedding modulus test, the force is maintained
to 0,7 × Fmin.

1 5th loading: temporal laps to record the displacement while increasing the applied force to Fmax
2 first four load cycles preconditioning
3 time
4 if a dynamic bedding modulus is measured after the static bedding modulus test, the force is maintained to
0,7 × Fmin
5 load

Figure C.2 — Load cycle graph

Calculate the static stiffness and static bedding modulus of the fifth load cycle from the following
Ftest1 − Fmin
k stat = (C.1)
d test1 − d min

Ftest1 − Fmin
C stat = (C.2)
( d test1 − d min ) ⋅ A

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Ftest1 = ptest1 · A as specified in Table C.1
Fmin = pmin · A as specified in Table C.1
dmin is the average displacement of all sensors when the applied force is increased from Fmin
dtest1 is the average displacement of all sensors when the applied force is increased from Ftest1
A is the area of USP on concrete block or USP alone (62 500 mm2)
F −F
k tend = test2 min (C.3)
d test2 − d min

Ftest2 − Fmin
C tend = (C.4)
( d test2 − d min ) ⋅ A
the definitions are the same ones as above, except for Ftest2 and dtest2:

Ftest2 = ptest2 · A as specified in Table C.1

dtest2 the average displacement of all sensors when the applied force is increased from Ftest2

C.2.4 Test report

The test report shall include at least the following information:

a) number, name and date of issue of this standard;

b) name and address of the laboratory performing the test;

c) date of test performed;

d) name, designation and description of the test specimens;

e) origin of the test specimens;

f) temperature of test;

g) load deflection curve (if demanded by purchaser);

h) values of Fmin, Fmax, Ftest1, Ftest2, dmin, dtest1 and dtest2;

i) static stiffness of each USP tested;

j) static stiffness of each USP on concrete block or each USP alone tested;

k) planarity of USP of every block.

C.3 Low frequency dynamic test procedure

C.3.1 Principle

This method is valid for frequencies in the range (2 to 30) Hz.

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A cyclic force is applied, normal to the USP, through an actuator at a single specified frequency or, if a
general value of low frequency dynamic bedding modulus is required, at two (+ two optional) constant
frequencies. The resulting maximum and minimum displacements of the surface of the USP are
measured at the maximum and minimum forces.
C.3.2 Apparatus

The following equipment used for the static test is also used in this test:
a) controlled temperature test environment (see C.2.2.1);

b) GBP (geometric ballast plate) (see C.2.2.2);

c) USP on concrete block (see C.2.2.3);

d) USP alone (see C.2.2.4);

e) abrasive cloth (see C.2.2.5);

f) load plate (see C.2.2.6);

g) displacement measuring instruments (see C.2.2.8).

C.3.2.1 Actuator capable of applying a force of up to 0,44·Fmax at the required test frequencies.

NOTE Typically the maximum force is 10 kN.

C.3.2.2 Force measuring instruments complying with EN ISO 7500-1, class 2 over the required
range of force and capable of measurement at a minimum of 20 times per cycle.

C.3.2.3 Recording equipment to make a digital recording and print out of the displacement and
applied force at the required test frequencies with a sampling frequency of at least 20 times the loading

C.3.3 Procedure

The flatness of test area (on the two cross width of the block) is measured with a straight ruler of
300 mm (minimum length) and by means of a feeler gauge. The USP shall be free of damage.
All components (USP on concrete block or USP alone, GBP and load plate) shall be at a temperature of
(23 ± 5) °C or another specified temperature (for concrete block) prior to starting the test. Place the test
set-up in the following sequence: flat rigid horizontal base, USP on concrete block or USP with abrasive
cloth and GBP (where the centre of the plate coincides with the centre of USP on concrete block with a
tolerance of position ± 3 mm) as shown in Figure C.1.
Locate enough independent instruments to measure the displacement between the GBP and the USP on
concrete block or the USP alone and check the inclination of the plate (minimum three displacement
measuring instruments located at different corners of the plate). If the displacement measured by any
of the instruments differs from the average displacement by ≥ 20 % of the maximum displacement,
repeat the load cycle after at least (60 ± 5) s ensuring that the force is applied centrally to the USP.
If the dynamic bedding modulus test is done after static bedding modulus test, then the dynamic
bedding modulus test shall be done within (60 ± 5) s after the static bedding modulus test with a
constant load of (0,7 · Fmin with Fmin = pmin · A as specified in Table C.1).
If a further dynamic bedding modulus test is to be done it shall be done within (60 ± 5) s after the
previous one, with a constant load of (Fmin = pmin · A as specified in Table C.1).

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Apply a cyclic force of Fmin (= pmin · A) to Ftest (= ptest1 · A) from Table C.1 at the specified frequency ± 1 Hz
for 100 cycles (with 50 cycles maximum in order that the actuator applies the force amplitude
demanded) or 10 s for frequencies > 10 Hz (with 5 s maximum in order that the actuator applies the
force amplitude demanded).

A force
B displacement
C time
1 Fmin
2 dmin
3 Ftest
4 dtest

Figure C.3 — Low frequency dynamic curves

Calculate the low frequency dynamic stiffness and low frequencies bedding modulus for 10 cycles
recorded for each test frequency from the following formula:
10 F
1 test,i − Fmin,i
k dyn
= ⋅ ∑
10 i =1 d test,i − d min,i

k dyn
C dyn = (C.6)

C dyn
κ dyn = (C.7)
C stat
Ftest = ptest1 · A as specified in Table C.1
Fmin = pmin · A as specified in Table C.1
dmin is the average minimum displacement of all sensors
dtest is the average maximum displacement of all sensors
A is the area of USP on concrete block or USP alone (62 500 mm2)

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C.3.4 Test report

The test report shall include also at least the following information:
a) number, name and date of issue of this standard;

b) name and address of the laboratory performing the test;

c) date of test performed;

d) name, designation and description of the test specimens;

e) origin of the test specimens;

f) temperature of test;

g) mean load deflection curves (if demanded by purchaser);

h) values of Fmin, Ftest, dmin, dtest1 and dtest2;

i) static stiffness of each USP on concrete block or each USP alone tested;

j) low frequency dynamic bedding modulus of each USP on concrete block or each USP alone tested;

k) stiffening coefficient of each USP tested;

l) frequency of the test;

m) planarity of USP of every block.

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Annex D

Fatigue test of USP on concrete block

D.1 Principle
Cyclic forces are applied vertically to the test setup USP for 3 million load cycles and the bedding
modulus is measured before and after the fatigue test with USP applied on concrete block.

D.2 Apparatus
D.2.1 Controlled temperature test environment: the area of the laboratory where the test is
conducted, maintained at (23 ± 5) °C.

D.2.2 Actuator capable of applying a force of 1,1·Ftest.

D.2.3 Displacement measuring instruments: instruments complying with EN ISO 9513:2012,

Table 2, class 1; when non-contact instruments are used they shall be calibrated to ensure the accuracy
of measurement complies with the following requirements.

The instruments shall be capable of measuring the vertical displacement of the surface of the test
sleeper within ± 0,05 mm.
D.2.4 Force measuring instruments: instruments complying with EN ISO 7500-1, class 2 over the
required range of force.

D.2.5 Recording equipment to make a digital recording and printout of the displacement and
applied force.

D.2.6 Ballast defined by the customer, according to EN 13450, with a LARB 14 or less and MDE RB 8 or

The ballast shall be new and shall not have been previously used for another test.
D.2.7 Load plate: a rigid steel plate (minimum dimension 300 mm × 300 mm).

The load plate is connected with the actuator and therefore, the effect of weight is included in the force
D.2.8 USP on concrete block; see Annex B.

D.2.9 Vibratory plate compactor: steel plate 350 mm × 350 mm × 40 mm with an external vibrator
with 3 000 rpm (50 Hz) and a typical centrifugal force of 2 kN.

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1 load plate
2 concrete block with USP
4 ballast box (non-deformable)
5 ballast with LB ≥ 200 mm, EB ≥ 200 mm

Figure D.1 — Test arrangement

D.3 Procedure
Before the fatigue test of USP on concrete block, the following information is taken:
— the USP shall be visually inspected for damage (perforation, cracking or other damage) as a result
of the installation of the USP on the concrete block, during transportation or handling; the USP shall
be free of damage;

— the static and lower frequency dynamic bedding modulus at 5 Hz are measured according to
Annex C;

— the flatness of USP is measured. The flatness of test area (on the two cross width of the block) is
measured with a straight ruler of 300 mm (minimum length) and by means of a feeler gauge.

Place the test set-up in the following sequence: load plate, USP on concrete block and ballast as shown
in Figure D.1.
Test loads are given in Table D.1.

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Table D.1 — Maximum loads for fatigue test Fmax (kN)

Cstat (N/mm3)
for USP with
Cstat ≤ 0,1 N/mm3 0,1 < Cstat < 0,3 N/mm3 Cstat ≥ 0,3 N/mm3
category Fmax (kN) Fmax (kN) Fmax (kN)

TC1 12 14 14
TC2 13 15 16
TC3 20 23 24
TC4 26 30 32

Apply a sinusoidal force:

— during 2 000 load cycles, the dynamic load is between the dynamic load 1 kN and Fmax/2 of
Table D.1 at the maximum frequency 5 Hz;

— during the following 2 000 load cycles, the dynamic load is between the dynamic load 1 kN and Fmax
of Table D.1 at the maximum frequency 5 Hz;

— during the following three million load cycles, the dynamic load is between the dynamic load 1 kN
and Fmax of Table D.1 at the maximum frequency 15 Hz.

When required by the customer, the displacement of actuator is measured.

Between 1 week (minimum) and 2 weeks (maximum) after the end of the fatigue test with USP on
concrete block, the following information is taken (during this period, the USP is without load, means
the block shall be stored turned with USP on top):
— the USP shall be visually inspected in order to look for evidence of damage (assessment of evidence
of perforation, cracking or other damage);

— the static and lower frequency dynamic bedding modulus at 5 Hz are measured according to
Annex C;

— the flatness of USP is measured; the flatness of test area (on the two cross width of the block) is
measured with a straight ruler of 300 mm (minimum length) and by means of a feeler gauge.

Calculate the variation of static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus between before (be) and
after (af) the fatigue test:
∆C stat,af − ∆C stat,be
∆C stat
= × 100 [%] (D.1)
∆C stat,be

∆C tend,af − ∆C tend,be
∆C tend
= × 100 [%] (D.2)
∆C tend,be

∆C dyn, 5Hz,af − ∆C dyn, 5Hz,be

∆C dyn,5Hz
= × 100 [%] (D.3)
∆C dyn, 5Hz,be

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D.4 Test report

The test report shall include also at least the following information:
a) number, name and date of issue of this standard;

b) name and address of the laboratory performing the test;

c) date of test performed;

d) name, designation and description of the test specimens;

e) origin of the test specimens;

f) value of Fmax;

g) results of visual inspection before and after the test with photos;

h) results of static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus at 5 Hz before and after the test of
each USP;

i) results of flatness before and after the test of each USP;

j) variations of bedding modulus of each USP.

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Annex E

Bond strength by pull-out of USP on sleeper and bearer

E.1 Principle
The bond strength of pull-out of USP on concrete sleepers permits to trace the quality of the production
of system (USP on concrete sleeper).

E.2 Apparatus
E.2.1 Testing device.

The testing device shall be an apparatus according to EN 1542 or equivalent apparatus.

E.2.2 Samples of sleepers or bearers with USP.

The test is performed on samples of sleepers or bearers with USP.

E.3 Procedure
The USP shall be visually inspected for damage (perforation, cracking or other damage) as a result of
the installation of the USP on the concrete block, during transportation or handling. Test area should be
free of damage.
The test is performed on a sleeper or bearer with USP in accordance with EN 1542 and with the
following parameters:
a) location: see Figures E.1 and E.2;

b) the bond strength between the USP and the concrete sleeper or bearer in the normal direction;

c) test temperature:

1) ≥ 5°C (the sample is placed at temperature 24 h before the test) for routine tests;

2) (23 ± 5) °C (the sample is placed at temperature 24 h before the test) for a design approval
tests or for a check test of routine tests;

d) condition: dry;

e) diameter of the tear chip (test area): Ø (50 ± 1) mm;

f) manner of load application: metal stud adhesively bonded to the under sleeper pad with bonding
compound prepared in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions;

g) maximum loading speed: 0,01 N/mm2·s;

h) the total drilling depth shall cut the bonding layer.

The test is carried out vertically to the bonded surface and continues until the test area detaches from
the concrete body. The pull-out bond strength σ of each location (4 locations per concrete sleeper or

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bearer – see Figures E.1 and E.2) shall be determined according to EN 1542. The locations can be
modified depending on the geometry of the sleepers.
Dimensions in millimetres

1 location N° 1 of pull-out test on USP
2 location N° 2 of pull-out test on USP
3 location N° 3 of pull-out test on USP
4 location N° 4 of pull-out test on USP

Figure E.1 — Example of location of pull-out test on USP which totally covers the bottom of the
concrete sleeper or bearer

Dimensions in millimetres

1 location N° 1 of pull-out test on USP
2 location N° 2 of pull-out test on USP
3 location N° 3 of pull-out test on USP
4 location N° 4 of pull-out test on USP

Figure E.2 — Example of location of pull-out test on USP which partially covers the bottom of the
concrete sleeper or bearer

E.4 Test report

The test report shall include at least the following information:
a) number, name and date of issue of this standard;

b) name and address of the laboratory performing the test;

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c) date of test performed;

d) name, designation and description of the test specimens;

e) origin of the test specimens;

f) bond strength of pull-out σ of every location of the concrete sleeper with USP tested;

g) results of visual inspection before the test.

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Annex F

Data sheet

F.1Data Sheet 1 (for USP Materials)

Parameter Symbol Value Unit Test Procedure Remark
Short description (e.g. PUR, CR, NR,
Material RR, TPE, multi-layer, single layer,
Thickness mm
Design Figure
Specific mass
m kg/m2
(mass per area)
Tensile strength of USP in accordance with
σ N/mm2 Optional
material EN 16730
Static and low frequency Additional indication of ptest1, ptest2,
Cstat, in accordance with
dynamic bedding modulus of pmin
Cdyn,5 Hz or N/mm3 EN 16730 for
USP on concrete block with
Cdyn,10 Hz (23 ± 5) °C Additional indication of ptest, pmin
in accordance with
Load-deflection curve Graph Cstat;Ctend EN 16730 for
(23 ± 5) °C
Static and low frequency Cstat,
in accordance with
dynamic bedding modulus of Cdyn,5 Hz or N/mm3 Optional
EN 16730
USP alone with GBP Cdyn,10 Hz
Higher frequency dynamic Optional
in accordance with
bedding modulus of USP on Graph (but recommended if USP is used
EN 16730
concrete block for vibrations attenuation)
Fatigue test of USP on ΔCstat in accordance with
concrete block ΔCdyn,5 Hz EN 16730
Fatigue test of USP on ΔCstat in accordance with
% (but recommended if USP is used
concrete block with GBP ΔCdyn,5 Hz EN 16730
for vibrations attenuation)
Capability for stacked ΔCstat Optional
in accordance with
stocking of sleepers with USP %
ΔCdyn,5 Hz EN 16730 Additional indication of ptest
on concrete block
Effect of severe %
ΔCdyn,5 Hz in accordance with
environmental conditions Optional
σav EN 16730
on USP on concrete block N/mm2
Resistance to water Optional
in accordance with
Resistance to chemical agents EN 16730;
related to the manufacture of Optional
sleepers or bearers Purchaser defines the
test method
Optional (but could be mandatory
Resistance to fire
according to national laws)
Resistance to hydrocarbon Optional
Resistance to ozone Optional

NOTE The optional tests can be deleted from the data sheet if tests are not required.

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F.2Data Sheet 2 (for sleepers and bearers with USP)

Parameter Symbol Value Unit Test Procedure Remark

Name of Sleeper / Figure of
Sleeper type
bottom surface
USP-area; recess from the sleeper
Dimensions mm
edges; amount of USP-parts, etc.
Mass m kg
e.g. bonding; type of interlocking
Fixation method
layer, etc.
Bond strength by pull-out σav in accordance with
of USP on sleeper and N/mm2
σmin EN 16730
Fatigue test of USP on in accordance with
Δm % Optional
sleeper EN 16730
Environment and end of life Optional

NOTE The optional tests can be deleted from the data sheet if tests are not required.

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Annex G

General design approval tests and the routine tests for the USP and the
sleeper with USP

Figure G.1 — General process

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Annex H

Higher frequency dynamic vertical bedding modulus of USP on concrete


H.1 Principle
Measurement of higher frequency vertical bedding modulus is performed for USP mitigation for
vibration in ballasted track, particularly when mitigation of structure-borne noise and secondary
airborne noise is required.
The magnitude of the dynamic bedding modulus CH(f) of a USP influences the natural frequency of the
elastically supported track as an oscillatory system and thus the insertion loss.
The transfer bedding modulus is measured within a frequency range which corresponds to the
frequencies usually used for those applications or in accordance with EN 16730.
The natural frequency of the system depends on the applied load, as well as on the bedding modulus of
The natural frequency is calculated with the following formula: f0 = 1/2π √(k/m).
Measurement of higher frequency bedding modulus is performed using direct method as defined in
EN ISO 10846-2.
In EN ISO 10846-2, measurement is performed up to a frequency of 450 Hz. For USP, the measurement
range is reduced from 10 Hz up to at least 160 Hz frequency.
General principles related to these methods are indicated inside EN ISO 10846-1. They are valid if the
vibration behaviour of the USP on concrete block is linear.
NOTE An alternative method like EN ISO 10846-5 may be proposed subject to evidence of suitability and
approved by the customer with the reference method (EN ISO 10846-2).

H.2 Test arrangement

H.2.1 Test arrangement for the direct method

The centre of the GBP coincides with the centre of USP on concrete block with a tolerance of
position ± 3 mm (see Annex A). The GBP shall be clean, with no corrosion or oil present.
After applying the static preload, the test sample shall be subjected to harmonic excitation at each of the
test frequencies in succession so that the relative motion between the upper loading plate and the
profiled loading plate GBP exhibits constant particle velocity amplitude.
Apply the static pre-loads as indicated in Table H.1 to the test setup as shown in Figure H.1.
Follow the test method as indicated in standard EN ISO 10846-2.
Test requires high foundation impedance as well as a typical static load and small dynamic loads in
order to determine the transfer bedding modulus of USP on concrete block, considering them as linear
elastic system inside the frequency range, used during the test.
Figure H.1 shows an arrangement drawing for the test apparatus.
It contains the following items:

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— a frequency generator providing frequencies in accordance with the usual excitation frequency
values used for these applications;

— a structure device able to balance the load, in order to apply the requested pre-load, as specified in
Table H.1;

— vibrations insulators able to dynamically isolate the USP on concrete block from the structure, in
accordance with the usual excitation frequencies values used for these applications;

— a pressure distribution plate which shall combine static and dynamic loads and balance the load on
the total concrete block surface (up top to and down bottom, see Figure H.1)

— two acceleration measurement systems, one linked to the upper load distribution plate, and the
other one linked to the force measurement platform, in order to measure the acceleration in
accordance with the usual excitation frequencies values used for these applications;

— a force measurement system composed of several load transducers, working inside the range 0 kN
up to maximum applicable force on the concrete block.

1 frequency generator for isolated dynamic loads on the repartition load structure
2 static pre-load through elastic components
3 load distribution plate, acceleration measurement
4 top of the strength measurement platform, acceleration measurement
5 force measurement
6 USP on concrete block (see Annex B)
7 geometric ballast plate GBP (see Annex A)

Figure H.1 — Direct method for transfer bedding modulus measurement

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H.2.2 USP on concrete block

USP on concrete block; see Annex B.

H.2.3 Ambient Test temperature

All components used for the test shall be maintained at an average temperature of (23 ± 5) °C.
H.2.4 Vibration test velocity

The actual vibration velocity occurring on sleepers with USP in track shall be estimated for the USP on
concrete block under test.
NOTE Type of load: Harmonic excitation with a particle velocity amplitude of 5 mm/s RMS (corresponding to
a particle velocity level LH = 100 dB relative to the standard reference particle velocity of 5 × 10−8 m/s).

H.3 Test procedure and evaluation

H.3.1 General

With the test arrangement as shown in Figure H.1, apply a static preload Fpre (= ppre · A) as specified in
Table H.1. Follow the test procedure specified in EN ISO 10846-2.
Table H.1 — Pressures (in N/mm2) for high frequency dynamic vertical stiffness and bedding

Track category ppre (N/mm2)

TC1 0,06
TC2 0,08
TC3 0,10
TC4 0,14

It is recommended to make the test for all preloads of Table H.1 to be able to interpolate intermediate
For each test frequency, the arithmetic mean value shall be calculated from the individual values for the
three test objects (applies to the test at room temperature).
Measurements of force and deformation and the determination of dynamic bedding modulus shall take
into account EN ISO 10846-2.
The dynamic bedding modulus CH(f) is the dynamic bedding modulus determined relative to the top
surface of the test object.
To demonstrate the possible existence of a significant dependence of the dynamic bedding modulus on
the size of the displacement amplitude, two values of the dynamic bedding modulus shall be recorded at
the test frequency f = 80 Hz, one of which shall have been determined using a particle velocity level
whose magnitude was 20 dB lower.
H.3.2 Loss factor η

H.3.2.1 General

The magnitude of the loss factor η of a USP influences the dynamic magnification amplification in the
region of the natural frequency of the elastically supported track as an oscillatory system.

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It determines the edge steepness of the amplitude response and thus the insertion loss of the overall
system. In the test procedure described below, it is assumed that the USP behaves essentially linearly
when the vibrational motion is centred on the static preload.
H.3.2.2 Test implementation and evaluation

When excitation is harmonic, the loss angle ζ shall be determined as the angular phase shift between the
fundamental harmonic component of the applied force and the resulting deformation.
The loss factor η can then be determined from η = tan ζ.
Evaluation shall be carried out analogously to the method described in 5.3.4.
NOTE The degree of damping ϑ is approximately 21 tan ζ.

H.3.3 Higher frequency dynamic stiffening ratio κH (80 Hz)

The higher frequency dynamic stiffening ratio κH (80 Hz) at the test frequency f = 80 Hz shall be
calculated as the quotient of the higher frequency dynamic bedding modulus, CH, determined at
LH = 100 dB and 80 Hz, and the static bedding modulus, Cstat, as follows:
κH (80 Hz) = CH (80 Hz) / Cstat

The values of the bedding moduli Cstat and CH shall be determined on test specimen of identical area
(Annex B).

H.4 Test report

The test report shall include also at least the following information:
a) number, name and date of issue of this standard;

b) name and address of the laboratory performing the test;

c) date of test performed;

d) name, designation and description of the test specimens;

e) origin of the test specimens;

f) test temperature;

g) value of ppre used for the test;

h) dimension of sample;

i) a graph showing transfer bedding modulus versus frequency of each USP tested;

j) table of Loss factor from 10 Hz to 160 Hz in octave intervals of each USP tested;

k) higher frequency dynamic stiffening ratio κH (80 Hz) of each USP tested.

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Annex I

Fatigue test of USP on concrete block with GBP

I.1 Principle
A cyclic force is applied normal to the test USP setup for in total 3 million load cycles on GBP and the
bedding modulus is measured before and after fatigue test of USP on concrete block.

I.2 Apparatus
I.2.1 Controlled temperature test environment: the area of the laboratory where the test is
conducted, maintained at (23 ± 5) °C.

Additional tests may be specified in the technical specification and should be performed for USP on
concrete block at one or more of the following temperatures: (−20 ± 3) °C, (0 ± 3) °C and (40 ± 3) °C.
I.2.2 GBP (geometric ballast plate): a rigid metal plate with the ballast profile face (see Annex A).

The GBP is connected with the actuator and therefore, the effect of its weight is included in the force F.
The GBP shall be clean, with no corrosion or oil present.
I.2.3 USP on concrete block (see Annex B).

I.2.4 Load plate: a rigid metal plate (minimum dimension 300 mm × 300 mm).

The load plate is connected with non-deformable support (key 1 of Figure I.1).
I.2.5 Actuator capable of applying a force of 1,1·Fmax.

NOTE Typically the maximum force is 25 kN.

I.2.6 Displacement measuring instruments: instruments complying with EN ISO 9513:2012,

Table 2, class 1; when non-contact instruments are used they shall be calibrated to ensure the accuracy
of measurement complies with the following requirements.

The instruments shall be capable of measuring the vertical displacement of the surface of the test pad as
— for USP with a declared/measured Cstat ≤ 0,2 N/mm3 displacement measurement within ± 0,02 mm;

— for USP with a declared/measured Cstat > 0,2 N/mm3 displacement measurement within ± 0,01 mm.

I.2.7 Force measuring instruments complying with EN ISO 7500-1, class 2 over the required range
of force.

I.2.8 Recording equipment to make a digital recording and printout of the displacement and
applied force.

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1 non-deformable support
2 load plate (if necessary)
3 concrete block with USP
4 GBP (geometric ballast plate) (see Annex A) in contact with USP on block

Figure I.1 — Test arrangement

I.3 Procedure
Before the fatigue test of USP on concrete block, the following information is taken:
— the USP shall be visually inspected for damage (perforation, cracking or other damage) as a result
of the installation of the USP on the concrete block, during transportation or handling. The USP
shall be free of damage;

— procedure for bedding modulus described in Annex C is realized two times measuring the static and
low frequency dynamic bedding modulus at 5 Hz;

— the flatness of USP is measured. The flatness of test area (on the two cross width of the block) is
measured with a straight ruler of 300 mm (minimum length) and by means of a feeler gauge.

Place the test set-up in the following sequence: load plate, USP on concrete block with GBP as shown in
Figure I.1.
Test loads are given in Table I.1 and 3 million cycles are applied.

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Table I.1 — Pressures pmax (in N/mm2) for fatigue test

p(max) (N/mm2)
Category Cdyn,5 Hz ≤ 0,04 N/mm3 0,04 N/mm3 < 0,15 N/mm3 <
Cdyn,5 Hz > 0,25 N/mm3
Cdyn,5 Hz ≤ 0,15 N/mm3 Cdyn,5 Hz ≤ 0,25 N/mm3
TC1 and
0,09 0,09 0,12 0,12
TC3 0,09 0,12 0,15 0,15
TC4 0,12 0,15 0,18 0,21

Apply a sinusoidal force:

— the dynamic load is between the dynamic load Fmin (with Fmin = pmin · A with pmin = 0,01 N/mm2) and
Fmax (Fmax = pmax · A as specified in Table I.1) at the frequency (3 to 10) Hz.

The displacements and the vertical force are measured for the first 100 cycles, another 100 cycles every
500 000 cycles and for the last 100 cycles of the 3 million cycles.
After the 3 million of cycles, the load applied on the block is Fmin.
After the 3 million cycles and after 1 h the end of the test, the static and low frequency dynamic bedding
modulus at 5 Hz are measured according to Annex C.
Between 1 week (minimum) and 2 weeks (maximum) after the end of the fatigue test with USP applied
on concrete block, the following information is taken (during this period, the USP is without load and is
the top of concrete block):
— the USP shall be visually inspected in order to look for evidence of damage (assessment of evidence
of perforation, cracking or other damage);

— the static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus at 5 Hz are measured according to Annex C;

— the flatness of USP is measured. The flatness of test area (on the two cross width of the block) is
measured with a straight ruler of 300 mm (minimum length) and by means of a feeler gauge.

Calculate the variation of static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus (Cstat,be and Cdyn,5 Hz,be are
the values measured after the second bedding modulus test realized before fatigue test):
∆C stat,af − ∆C stat,be
∆C stat
= × 100 [%] (I.1)
∆C stat,be

∆C tend,af − ∆C tend,be
∆C tend
= × 100 [%] (I.2)
∆C tend,be

∆C dyn, 5Hz,af − ∆C dyn, 5Hz,be

∆C dyn,5Hz
= × 100 [%] (I.3)
∆C dyn, 5Hz,be

I.4 Test report

The test report shall include also at least the following information:
a) number, name and date of issue of this standard;

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b) name and address of the laboratory performing the test;

c) date of test performed;

d) name, designation and description of the test specimens;

e) origin of the test specimens;

f) value of Fmax;

g) results of visual inspection before and after the test with photos;

h) results of static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus at 5 Hz before and after the test of
each USP tested;

i) results of flatness before and after the test of each USP tested;

j) variations of bedding modulus of each USP tested.

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Annex J

Capability of stacked storage of sleepers with USP

J.1 Principle
This test is to simulate the long term effect of compression of the USP when sleepers are stacked during

J.2 Apparatus
J.2.1 Controlled temperature test environment: the area of the laboratory where the test is
conducted, maintained at (23 ± 5) °C.

J.2.2 Load plate: a rigid metal plate (minimum dimension 300 mm × 300 mm).

The load plate is connected with the actuator and therefore, the effect of weight is included in the force
J.2.3 Batten: metal plate, fixed to load plate.

Dimensions are defined in Figure J.1.

J.2.4 USP on concrete block(see Annex B).

J.2.5 USP alone: dimensions of test object: USP 250 mm × 250 mm × product thickness so the area is
A = 62 500 mm2.

The tolerances of the USP are (250 ± 5) mm × (250 ± 5) mm.

J.2.6 Loading device capable of applying a pressure of 1,1 Ftest.

NOTE Typically the maximum force is 50 kN.

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J.2.7 Force measuring instruments: instruments with accuracy of ± 10 % of Ftest.

Dimensions in millimetres

1 non-deformable support
2 steel plate
3 concrete block with USP or USP alone with abrasive cloth
5 batten

Figure J.1 — Test arrangement

J.3 Procedure
Before the test of capability for stacked stocking of USP, the following information is taken:
— the pad shall be visually inspected in order to look for damages (perforation, cracking or other
damage) resulting of the installation of the USP on the concrete block, during the transport or of
any handling; the USP shall be free of damage;

— the thickness of USP is measured.

All components (USP on concrete block or USP alone, GBP and load plate) shall be at a temperature of
(23 ± 5) °C prior to starting the test. Place the test set-up in the following sequence: flat rigid horizontal
base, metal plate, USP on concrete block or USP with abrasive cloth (where the centre of the USP
coincides with the actuator with a tolerance of position ± 3 mm), load plate as shown in Figure J.1.
Apply a force of (Ftest = ptest · A as specified in 5.3.7) during 168 h. And reduce the force to 0 kN.
After the test of capability for stacked stocking of USP, the following information is taken:
a) the thickness of USP is measured in batten axis (between the batten and the top of the concrete
block if tested on concrete block):

1) 1 min after removing of the load;

2) (24 ± 2) h after removing of the load;

3) Between 1 week (minimum) and 2 weeks (maximum) after removing of the load;

b) the static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus at 5 Hz are measured according to Annex C
(24 ± 2) h after the end of the test;

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c) just after the bedding modulus test, the USP shall be visually inspected in order to look for evidence
of damage (assessment of evidence of perforation, cracking or other damage).

J.4 Test report

The test report shall include also at least the following information:
a) number, name and date of issue of this standard;

b) name and address of the laboratory performing the test;

c) date of test performed;

d) name, designation and description of the test specimens;

e) origin of the test specimens;

f) value of Ftest;

g) results of visual inspection before and after the test with photos;

h) results of thickness before and after the test of each USP tested;

i) results of static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus at 5 Hz after the test of each USP

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Annex K

Static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus of USP on concrete

sleeper or bearer with GBP

K.1 General
This test measures the bedding modulus of USP on sleepers or bearers. The variations of static and the
low frequency dynamic bedding modulus of sleepers with USP with GBP permit the modification of the
bedding modulus characteristics after a fatigue test to be quantified.

K.2 Static test procedure

K.2.1 Principle

A force is applied normal to the test USP with sleeper or bearer and the displacement is measured.
K.2.2 Apparatus

K.2.2.1 Controlled temperature test environment.

The area of the laboratory where the test is conducted, maintained at (23 ± 5) °C.
K.2.2.2 GBP (Geometric Ballast Plate) (see Annex A) which is connected with the actuator so that
the effect of weight is included in the force F and which shall be clean, no corrosion and no oil.

Only a part of the surface of GBP is used for the stiffness test with sleeper. This surface A is projected
surface between the USP and the GBP for measurement of the bedding modulus of USP. This surface A
shall be measured.
K.2.2.3 Articulated support (see EN 13230-2:2016, Annex A for the details).

K.2.2.4 Tapered packing (see EN 13230-2:2016, Annex A for the details).

K.2.2.5 Actuator capable of applying a pressure of 1,1·Fmax.

NOTE Typically the maximum force is 60 kN.

K.2.2.6 Displacement measuring instruments: instruments complying with EN ISO 9513:2012,

Table 2, class 1; when non-contact instruments are used, shall be calibrated to ensure the accuracy of
measurement complies with the following requirements.

The instruments shall be capable of measuring the vertical displacement of the surface of the test pad as
— for USP with a declared Cstat ≤ 0,2 N/mm3 displacement measurement within ± 0,02 mm;

— for USP with a declared Cstat > 0,2 N/mm3 displacement measurement within ± 0,01 mm.

K.2.2.7 Force measuring instruments complying with EN ISO 7500-1, class 2 over the required
range of force.

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K.2.2.8 Recording equipment: equipment to make a digital recording and printout of the
displacement and applied force.

1 non-deformable support
2 articulated support (see Annex A for the details of EN 13230-2:2016 for sleepers or EN 13230-4:2016 for
3 tapered packing (see Annex A for the details of EN 13230-2:2016 for sleepers or EN 13230-4:2016 for
bearers) if necessary
4 rail pads
5 concrete sleeper or bearer with USP
7 GBP (geometric ballast plate) (see Annex A) fixed to actuator in contact with the sleeper or bearer
8 location of measurements of displacement between GBP and Sleeper
9 resilient pad (see Annex A for the details of EN 13230-2:2016 for sleepers or EN 13230-4:2016 for bearers)
10 bar fixing maintained by two threaded rods M24 with nuts tightened between 10 Nm and 15 Nm

Figure K.1 — Test arrangement

K.2.3 Procedure

The flatness of test area (cross width) is measured with a straight ruler of 300 mm (minimum length)
and by means of a feeler gauge. The maximum deviation shall be less than 2 mm in order to accept the
sleeper head for bedding modulus test.
All components (sleeper with USP, GBP, rail pad, slope taking-up wedge and articulated support) shall
be at a temperature of (23 ± 5) °C prior to starting the test. Place the test set-up in the following
sequence: flat rigid horizontal base, articulated support, slope taking-up wedge, standard under rail pad
defined by the customer, Sleeper with USP, GBP fixed to actuator (where the centre of the plate

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coincides with the theoretical crossing point between the sleeper centre line and the rail centre line
with a tolerance of position ± 3 mm) as shown in Figure K.1.
Locate four independent instruments to measure the displacement between the GBP and the sleeper as
shown in Figure K.1. The other extremity of the sleeper is maintained as shown in Figure K.1. If the
displacement measured by any of the instruments differs from the average displacement by ≥ 20 % of
the maximum displacement, repeat the load cycle after at least (60 ± 5) s ensuring that the force is
applied centrally to the pad.
Table K.1 — Pressures for measurements of static and low frequency dynamic stiffness and
bedding modulus

Track category pmin N/mm2 ptest1 N/mm2 ptest2 N/mm2 pmax N/mm2
TC1 0,06 0,12 0,15
TC2 0,08 0,16 0,20
TC3 0,10 0,20 0,25
TC4 0,14 0,28 0,35

Apply a vertical force of (Fmax = pmax · A) through a spherical seating in the actuator (where the centre of
GBP coincides with axe of load), as specified in Table K.1. Then reduce the force to 0,7 × Fmin
(Fmin = pmin · A as specified in Table K.1) and repeat this cycle of loading and unloading three times more
with a rate of pressure application (0,01 ± 0,001) N/mm2·s. Maintain the applied force (0,7 Fmin), then
record the displacement while increasing the applied force to Fmax (see Figure K.2).
If a dynamic bedding modulus is measured after the static bedding modulus test, the force is maintained
to 0,7 × Fmin.

1 5th loading: temporal laps to record the displacement while increasing the applied force to Fmax
2 first four load cycles preconditioning
3 time
4 if a dynamic bedding modulus is measured after the static bedding modulus test, the force is maintained to
0,7 × Fmin
5 load

Figure K.2 — Load cycle graph

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Calculate the static stiffness and static bedding modulus of the fifth load cycle from the following
Ftest1 − Fmin
k stat = (K.1)
d test1 − d min

Ftest1 − Fmin
C stat = (K.2)
( d test1 − d min ) ⋅ A
Ftest1 = ptest1 · A, as specified in Table K.1
Fmin = pmin · A, as specified in Table K.1
dmin is the average displacement of all sensors when the applied force is increased from Fmin
dtest1 is the average displacement of all sensors when the applied force is increased from Ftest1
A is the projected area between USP with GBP

Ftest2 − Fmin
k tend = (K.3)
d test2 − d min

Ftest2 − Fmin
C tend = (K.4)
( d test2 − d min ) ⋅ A
the definitions are the same ones as above, except for Ftest2 and dtest2:

Ftest2 = ptest2 · A, as specified in Table K.1

dtest2 is the average displacement of all sensors when the applied force is increased from Ftest2

K.2.4 Test report

The test report shall include also at least the following information:
a) number, name and date of issue of this standard;

b) name and address of the laboratory performing the test;

c) date of test performed;

d) name, designation and description of the test specimens;

e) origin of the test specimens;

f) load deflection curve (if demanded by purchaser);

g) value of A;

h) values of Fmin, Fmax, Ftest1, Ftest2, dmin, dtest1 and dtest2;

i) static stiffness of each USP tested;

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j) static bedding modulus of each USP tested;

k) planarity of USP in contact with GBP.

K.3 Low frequency dynamic test procedure

K.3.1 Principle

This method is valid for one frequency in the range (2 to 30) Hz.
A cyclic force is applied, normal to the test pad of the sleeper, through an actuator at a single specified
frequency or, if a general value of low frequency dynamic stiffness is required, at three constant
frequencies. The resulting maximum and minimum displacements of the surface of the pad are
measured at the maximum and minimum forces.
K.3.2 Apparatus

The following equipment used for the static test is also used in this test:
a) controlled temperature test environment (see K.2.2.1);

b) GBP (geometric ballast plate) (see K.2.2.2);

c) articulated support (see K.2.2.3) and tapered packing (see K.2.2.4).

K.3.2.1 Actuator capable of applying a force of up to 0,44 × Fmax at the required test frequencies.

NOTE Typically the maximum force is 25 kN.

K.3.2.2 Displacement measuring instruments.

In accordance with K.2.2.6.

K.3.2.3 Force measuring instruments complying with EN ISO 7500-1, class 2 over the required
range of force and capable of measurement at a minimum of 20 times per cycle.

K.3.2.4 Recording equipment: equipment to make a digital recording and print out of the
displacement and applied force at the required test frequencies with a sampling frequency of at least
20 times the loading frequency.

K.3.3 Procedure

The flatness of test area (cross width) is measured with a straight ruler of 300 mm (minimum length)
and by means of a feeler gauge. The maximum deviation shall be less than 2 mm in order to accept the
sleeper head for bedding modulus test.
All components (sleeper with USP, GBP, rail pad, slope taking-up wedge and articulated support) shall
be at a temperature of (23 ± 5) °C prior to starting the test. Place the test set-up in the following
sequence: flat rigid horizontal base, articulated support, slope taking-up wedge, standard under rail pad
defined by the customer, Sleeper with USP, GBP fixed to actuator (where the centre of the plate
coincides with the theoretical crossing point between the sleeper centre line and the rail centre line
with a tolerance of position ± 3 mm) as shown in Figure K.1.
Locate four independent instruments to measure the displacement between the GBP and the sleeper as
shown in Figure K.1. The other extremity of the sleeper is maintained as shown in Figure K.1. If the
displacement measured by any of the instruments differs from the average displacement by ≥ 20 % of

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the maximum displacement, repeat the load cycle after at least (60 ± 5) s ensuring that the force is
applied centrally to the pad.
If the dynamic bedding modulus test is done after static bedding modulus test, then the dynamic
bedding modulus test shall be done within (60 ± 5) s after the static bedding modulus test with a
constant load of (0,7 × Fmin with Fmin = pmin · A as specified in Table K.1).
If another dynamic bedding modulus test is done after a previous one dynamic bedding modulus test,
then the following dynamic bedding modulus test shall be done within (60 ± 5) s after the previous one
dynamic bedding modulus test with a constant load of (Fmin = pmin · A as specified in Table K.1).
Apply a cyclic force of Fmin (= pmin · A) to Ftest (= ptest1 · A) from Table K.1 at the specified frequency ± 1 Hz
for 100 cycles (with 50 cycles maximum in order that the actuator applies the force amplitude
demanded) or 10 s for frequencies > 10 Hz (with 5 s maximum in order that the actuator applies the
force amplitude demanded). Then record Fmin, Ftest, dmin, dtest for each of these cycles (see Figure K.3).

A force
B displacement
C time
1 Fmin
2 dmin
3 Ftest
4 dtest

Figure K.3 — Low frequency dynamic curves

Calculate the low frequency dynamic stiffness and low frequencies bedding modulus for 10 cycles
recorded for each test frequency from the following formula:
10 F
1 test,i − Fmin,i
k dyn
= ⋅ ∑
10 i =1 d test,i − d min,i

k dyn
C dyn = (K.6)

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C dyn
k dyn = (K.7)
C stat

Ftest = ptest1 · A, as specified in Table K.1
Fmin = pmin · A, as specified in Table K.1
dmin is the average minimum displacement of all sensors
dtest is the average maximum displacement of all sensors
A projected area between USP with GBP

K.3.4 Test report

The test report shall include also at least the following information:
a) number, name and date of issue of this standard;

b) name and address of the laboratory performing the test;

c) date of test performed;

d) name, designation and description of the test specimens;

e) origin of the test specimens;

f) mean load deflection curves;

g) value of A;

h) values of Fmin, Ftest, dmin and dtest;

i) low frequency dynamic stiffness of each USP tested;

j) low frequency dynamic bedding modulus of each USP tested;

k) rigidification coefficient of each USP tested;

l) frequency of the test;

m) planarity of USP in contact with GBP.

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Annex L

Fatigue test on USP on sleeper

A cyclic force is applied normal to the test USP with ballast and the bedding modulus is measured
before and after fatigue test with USP on sleeper.

L.2.1 Machine type Vibrogir: machine which applies:

a) a static preload Fpre between 48 kN and 116 kN:

1) by the mass of 2 rails (between 11 m and 12 m) (see key (4) in Figure L.1);

2) by the mass of dynamic load system (see key (6) in Figure L.1);

3) by the mass of the tested sleeper with USP (see key (2) in Figure L.1);

4) by the sag of 2 rails (see key (8) in Figure L.1).

A calibration of static preload shall be performed for the first use of the rails, and every 5 years.

NOTE The static preload is the sum of four points above.

48 ⋅ E ⋅ I ⋅ Sag
Fsag =

Fsag is the static preload applied by the sag of 2 rails (kN)

E is Young's Modulus of the rail (kN/m2)
I is the vertical inertia of the 2 rails (m4),
Sag is the difference in height of the rails between the heavy mass (at the ends) and the sleeper (in
the centre of the rails) (m) (see key (8) in Figure L.1)
L is the support length of sag of 2 rails (m)


Example of calculation of static preload Fpre = Fsag + Fmass = 56,14 kN + 23,8 kN = 79,94 kN.

Example of calculation of static preload applied by the sag of 2 rails (Fsag): for E = 210·106 kN/m2,
I = 6,0766·10−5 m4 (Inertia of 2 rails 60E1), Sag = 0,122 m, L = 11 m, so Fsag = 56,14 kN.

Example of calculation of static preload applied by the mass of 2 rails, by the mass of dynamic load system
and by the mass of the tested sleeper with USP (Fmass): for the mass of 2 rails = 1 325 kg (2 rails 60E1 of
11 m), the mass of dynamic load system = 820 kg, the mass of the tested sleeper with USP = 280 kg and
g = 0,009 81 kN/kg, so Fmass = 2 425 kg × 0,009 81 N/kg = 23,8 kN.

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b) a dynamic load Ftest:

By the dynamic load system (see key (6) in Figure L.1) who applies a cyclic force (between ± 8 kN
and ± 27 kN) and for a frequency between 30 Hz and 52 Hz.

The calibration of the load of every eccentrically loaded motor shall be performed for the first use
and every 5 years.

During the test, the eccentric mass shall be adjusted according to this calibration.

L.2.2 Ballast according to EN 13450, with a LARB 14 or less and MDE RB 8 or less.

The ballast shall be new and shall not have been previously used for another test.
L.2.3 Rail for the test system, according to the EN 13674 series and not less R260 minimum.

1 Fix points are fixed at the ends of rails (4) in order to exert the preload on the sleeper (2) and should be
adjustable the height in order to adjust the sag (8) (example: fix points is a heavy mass of 4,5 t and the
adjustment of the height of heavy mass is made with shims)
2 Tested sleeper with USP
3 Ballast with LB ≥ 200 mm and EB ≥ 200 mm
4 Two rails (length between 11 m and 12 m). The rail profile corresponds to the fastening system of the sleeper
5 Ballast box minimum dimensions [(length of sleeper + 0,6 m) x (width of sleeper + 0,6 m) x (thickness of
sleeper + 0,3 m)]
6 Girder: dynamic load system connected by rigid clamping the tested sleeper with USP (2) and the two rails (4)
7 Measurement of vertical and horizontal acceleration of dynamic load system in the centre of the girder (6)
8 Sag: difference in height of the rails between the fix points (1) and the sleeper (2)

Figure L.1 — Test arrangement

Before the fatigue test with USP applied on sleeper, the following information is taken:
— the USP shall be visually inspected for damage (perforation, cracking or other damage) as a result
of the installation of the USP on the concrete sleeper, during transportation or handling;

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— the static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus at 5 Hz of one side of the sleeper with USP
are measured according to Annex K;

— the flatness of USP is measured. The flatness of test area (cross width) is measured with a straight
ruler of 300 mm (minimum length) and by means of a feeler gauge;

— the mass of sleeper with USP and fasteners is measured.

Place the test set-up in the following sequence: dynamic load system, two rails (rigid connection
between the dynamic load system, the two rails and the sleeper), sleeper with USP, standard rail pad
defined by the customer, ballast as shown in Figure L.1.
Table L.1 — Static and dynamic loads (Fpre ± Ftest) for fatigue test of USP on sleeper

(Fpre ± Ftest) kN
category Cdyn,5Hz ≤ 0,04 N/mm3 0,04 N/mm3 < 0,15 N/mm3 <
C > 0,25 N/mm3
Cdyn,5Hz ≤ 0,15 N/mm Cdyn,5Hz ≤ 0,25 N/mm3 dyn,5Hz

TC1 and
48 kN ± 12 kN 48 kN ± 12 kN 64 kN ± 16 kN 64 kN ± 16 kN
TC3 48 kN ± 12 kN 64 kN ± 16 kN 80 kN ± 20 kN 80 kN ± 20 kN
TC4 64 kN ± 16 kN 85 kN ± 21 kN 96 kN ± 24 kN 116 kN ± 24 kN

For the starting of test or after a corrected operation of sag (see key (8) of Figure L.1 and the note
“Correction method of the sag of one rail”), the static preload (Fpre ± 10 %) (see L.2.1 a) for calculation)
is applied on the tested sleeper in function of Table L.1 and the difference between the sag of the two
rails is ≤ 10 mm.
The acceleration and the frequency are measured during the test (minimum every 6 million cycles).
Correction method of the sag of one rail (side A of the sleeper) against the other rail (side B of the
— Step 1 To jack the rail (in order to lift the side A of the sleeper) up of a few centimetres above of
the desired sag.

— Step 2 To pack with a crowbar the ballast near the side A of the sleeper.

— Step 3 To withdraw the jacks.

— Step 4 To control the sag of the side A of the sleeper. If the difference between the sag of side A
and of side B is > 10 mm, to go back to Step 1.

— Step 5 To prop up with adjusting the fix point (example: shim under the 2 heavy mass) in order to
obtain the desired sag for the two rails.

— Step 6 To control the sag of the two sides. If the measured sags give a static preload of Fpre ± 10 %,
to go back to Step 5.

Apply a cyclic force for 36 million cycles:

— during the first 24 h, the dynamic load is half of the dynamic load (±1/2·Ftest) of Table L.1 around

— after the dynamic load is value Ftest of Table L.1 around Fpre,

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at the maximum frequency between 30 Hz and 52 Hz in order that the absolute vertical acceleration of
girder is ≤ 3g.
In order to limit the temperature of sample (sleeper and USP), during 30 min, the cyclic force is
functioned 20 min and stopped 10 min.
Between 1 week (minimum) and 2 weeks (maximum) after the end of the fatigue test with USP applied
on sleeper, the following information is taken (during this period, the USP is without load and the top of
concrete sleeper is placed USP bottom up):
— the pad shall be visually inspected in order to look for evidence of damage (assessment of evidence
of perforation, cracking or other damage);

— the static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus at 5 Hz are measured according to Annex K;

— the flatness of USP is measured. The flatness of test area (cross width) is measured with a straight
ruler of 300 mm (minimum length) and by means of a feeler gauge;

— the mass of sleeper with USP and fasteners is measured.

Calculate the variation of bedding modulus and of mass of sleeper before and after the fatigue test of
USP on sleeper:
∆C stat,af − ∆C stat,be
∆C stat
= × 100 [%] (L.1)
∆C stat,be

∆C tend,af − ∆C tend,be
∆C tend
= × 100 [%] (L.2)
∆C tend,be

∆C dyn, 5Hz,af − ∆C dyn, 5Hz,be

∆C dyn,5Hz
= × 100 [%] (L.3)
∆C dyn, 5Hz,be

maf − mbe
= × 100 [%] (L.4)

L.4Test report
The test report shall include also at least the following information:
a) number, name and date of issue of this standard;

b) name and address of the laboratory performing the test;

c) date of test performed;

d) name, designation and description of the test specimens;

e) origin of the test specimens;

f) value of Fpre and Ftest;

g) results of static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus at 5 Hz before and after the test;

h) results of flatness before and after the test of each USP tested;

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i) variations of bedding modulus of each USP tested;

j) results of visual inspection before and after the test with photos;

k) variation of mass before and after the test of each USP tested;

l) measured accelerations and frequencies during the test.

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Annex M

Alternative fatigue test on USP on sleeper

M.1 Principle
A cyclic force is applied normal to the test USP in ballast and the bedding modulus is measured before
and after fatigue test with USP on sleeper.

M.2 Apparatus
M.2.1 Controlled temperature test environment: the area of the laboratory where the test is
conducted, maintained at (23 ± 5) °C.

M.2.2 Actuator capable of applying a force of 1,1 Fmax.

M.2.3 Force measuring instruments complying with EN ISO 7500-1, class 2 over the required range
of force.

M.2.4 Recording equipment to make a digital recording and printout of applied force.

M.2.5 Ballast according to EN 13450, with a LARB 14 or less and MDERB 8 or less.

The ballast shall be new and shall not be used for another test before.
M.2.6 Rail for the test system, according to the EN 13674 series and minimum length of 500 mm.

M.2.7 Girder: rigid element with a length ≥ (sleeper gauge + 200 mm) and a width ≥ 200 mm, in order
to transmit the force of actuator in order to distribute the force of actuator towards the two rails.

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1 girder connected by rigid clamping with the force actuator and with the two rails
2 two rails (length minimum 0,5 m) and the rail profile corresponds of the fastening system of the sleeper
3 tested sleeper with USP
4 ballast with LB ≥ 200 mm and EB ≥ (250 ± 50) mm
5 ballast box (non-deformable)

Figure M.1 — Test arrangement

M.3 Procedure
Before the fatigue test with USP applied on sleeper, the following information is taken:
— the USP shall be visually inspected for damage (perforation, cracking or other damage) as a result
of the installation of the USP on the concrete sleeper, during transportation or handling;

— the static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus at 5 Hz of one side of the sleeper with USP
are measured according to Annex K;

— the flatness of USP is measured; the flatness of test area (cross width) is measured with a straight
ruler of 300 mm (minimum length) and by means of a feeler gauge;

— the mass of sleeper with USP and fasteners is measured.

Place the test set-up in the following sequence: rigid girder, two rails (rigid connection between the
dynamic load system, the two rails and the sleeper), sleeper with USP, standard rail pad defined by the
customer, ballast as shown in Figure M.1. The minimum test load Fmin is 5 kN.
Table M.1 —Maximum load for the alternative test procedure for the fatigue test with of USP on
sleeper (Fmax)
Fmax (kN)
category Cdyn,5Hz ≤ 0,04 N/mm3 0,04 N/mm3 < 0,15 N/mm3 <
C > 0,25 N/mm3
Cdyn,5Hz ≤ 0,15 N/mm Cdyn,5Hz ≤ 0,25 N/mm3 dyn,5Hz

TC1 and
60 kN 60 kN 80 kN 80 kN
TC3 60 kN 80 kN 100 kN 100 kN
TC4 80 kN 106 kN 120 kN 140 kN

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Apply a sinusoidal force for 8 million cycles:

— during the first 2 000 cycles, the dynamic load is between the dynamic load (Fmin) and (1/2 Fmax) of
Table M.1 at the maximum frequency 5 Hz;

— during the 2nd 2 000 cycles, the dynamic load is between the dynamic load (Fmin) and (Fmax) of
Table M.1 at the maximum frequency 5 Hz;

— after 4 000 cycles, the dynamic load is between the dynamic load (Fmin) and (Fmax) of Table M.1 at
the maximum frequency 10 Hz (reduced the frequency or stopped when the temperature of the
sample exceeds 40 °C).

Between 1 week (minimum) and 2 weeks (maximum) after the end of the fatigue test with USP on
sleeper, the following information is taken (during this period, the USP is without load and is the top of
concrete sleeper):
— the USP shall be visually inspected in order to look for evidence of damage (assessment of evidence
of perforation, cracking or other damage);

— the static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus at 5 Hz are measured according to Annex K;

— the flatness of USP is measured; the flatness of test area is measured with a straight ruler of
300 mm and by means of a feeler gauge;

— the mass of sleeper with USP and fasteners is measured.

Calculate the variation of bedding modulus and of mass of sleeper before and after the alternative
fatigue test of USP on sleeper:
∆C stat,af − ∆C stat,be
∆C stat
= × 100 [%] (M.1)
∆C stat,be

∆C tend,af − ∆C tend,be
∆C tend
= × 100 [%] (M.2)
∆C tend,be

∆C dyn, 5Hz,af − ∆C dyn, 5Hz,be

∆C dyn,5Hz
= × 100 [%] (M.3)
∆C dyn, 5Hz,be

maf − mbe
= × 100 [%] (M.4)

M.4 Test report

The test report shall include also at least the following information:
a) number, name and date of issue of this standard;

b) name and address of the laboratory performing the test;

c) date of test performed;

d) name, designation and description of the test specimens;

e) origin of the test specimens;

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f) static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus of the USP tested before and after the fatigue
test of each USP tested;

g) variations of static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus of each USP tested;

h) mass of the sleeper tested before and after the fatigue test of each USP tested;

i) variation of mass of the sleeper tested before and after the fatigue test of each USP tested;

j) results of visual inspection before and after the test with photos.

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Annex N

Effect of severe environmental conditions on USP on concrete block

N.1 Principle
The bedding modulus is measured before and after a climatic sequence.

N.2 Apparatus
N.2.1 Climatic chamber that shall be large enough to accept a concrete block according to Annex B
with a temperature range between −15 °C and 40 °C.

The climatic chamber shall be calibrated for an accuracy of ± 3 °C for the temperatures −15 °C and
40 °C.
N.2.2 USP on concrete block; see Annex B.

N.3 Procedure
Before the effect of severe environmental conditions of USP on concrete block, the following
information is taken:
— the USP shall be visually inspected for damage (perforation, cracking or other damage) as a result
of the installation of the USP on the concrete block, during transportation or handling. The USP
shall be free of damage;

— the static and lower frequency dynamic bedding modulus at 5 Hz are measured according to
Annex C.

The concrete block with USP is immersed in water during 24 h with temperature (23 ± 5) °C.
Then it is removed from the water and placed in a climatic chamber for 7 cycles of 24 h of the following
graph (see Figure N.1).

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1 temperatures of the climatic chamber in °C (Axis Y)
2 time in hours (Axis X)
3 1 cycle of 24 h
4 7 times the cycle defined by the key 3
5 80 % HR (relative humidity) during the 8 h period of 40 °C

Figure N.1 — Climatic cycle

After the 7 cycles, the sample tested shall be kept in a temperature of (23 ± 5) °C.
Between 1 week (minimum) and 2 weeks (maximum) after the end of the effect of severe
environmental conditions of USP on concrete block, the following information is taken (during this
period, the USP is without load and is on the top of concrete sleeper):
— the USP shall be visually inspected in order to look for evidence of damage (assessment of evidence
of perforation, cracking or other damage);

— the static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus at 5 Hz are measured according to Annex C;

— pull-out test after bedding modulus test (minimum 3 pull-out tests, see Figure N.2) analogous to
Annex E.

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Dimensions in millimetres

Figure N.2 — Location of 3 pull-out tests on USP

Calculate the variation of static and low frequency dynamic bedding modulus:
∆C stat,af − ∆C stat,be
∆C stat
= × 100 [%] (N.1)
∆C stat,be

∆C tend,af − ∆C tend,be
∆C tend
= × 100 [%] (N.2)
∆C tend,be

∆C dyn, 5Hz,af − ∆C dyn, 5Hz,be

∆C dyn,5Hz
= × 100 [%] (N.3)
∆C dyn, 5Hz,be

N.4 Test report

The test report shall include also at least the following information:
a) number, name and date of issue of this standard;

b) name and address of the laboratory performing the test;

c) date of test performed;

d) name, designation and description of the test specimens;

e) origin of the test specimens;

f) results of static and low frequency dynamic vertical bedding modulus at 5 Hz before and after the
test of each USP tested;

g) results of visual inspection before and after the test with photos;

h) results of the pull-out test.

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[1] EN 13674 (all parts), Railway applications — Track — Rail

[2] EN ISO 9000, Quality management systems - Fundamentals and vocabulary (ISO 9000)

[3] EN ISO 10846-1, Acoustics and vibration - Laboratory measurement of vibro-acoustic transfer
properties of resilient elements - Part 1: Principles and guidelines (ISO 10846-1)

[4] EN ISO 10846-2, Acoustics and vibration - Laboratory measurement of vibro-acoustic transfer
properties of resilient elements - Part 2: Direct method for determination of the dynamic stiffness of
resilient supports for translatory motion (ISO 10846-2)

[5] EN ISO 10846-5, Acoustics and vibration - Laboratory measurement of vibro-acoustic transfer
properties of resilient elements - Part 5: Driving point method for determination of the low-
frequency transfer stiffness of resilient supports for translatory motion (ISO 10846-5)

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