A1 Edutim
A1 Edutim
A1 Edutim
Unidad 1
To be conjugado
Instrucciones o indicaciones
Se usa para rutinas y hechos
Acciones o estados permanentes
Acciones o estados que se repiten en el tiempo
Citas, compromisos y hechos que tienen fecha y hora
Sujeto + doesnt/dont/does/do + verbo + complemento
Pregunta y negativo
Verbo normal para todos los sujetos
S posesiva
s al final del poseedor
Si se refiere a varias personas poseedoras solamente se pone la apostrófe, ya no se pone otra s, también
si el poseedor tiene nombre que termina con s
Sujeto + like/likes + verbo gerundio o to y verbo /complemento
Tema likes y dislikes, se usan para decir lo que nos gusta y lo que no nos gusta, ya sea actividades o otras
Does my mom like being out the whole day? No, she doesn´t like being outside the whole day, she rather
prefers being at our house for a while and being outside for the rest of the day.
Hello everyone, it´s nice to meet you, my name is Eréndira, I am from Queretaro and live at Queretaro
too, I have two siblings, one brother and one sister, I have a nephew too, he´s called Leonardo.
I study a degree in mechatronics engineering at ITQ, I am 22, almost 23 years old.
I like to study English, my favorite food is pizza, I don´t like coffee, I love milkshakes, I´m a sweet person
but I´m a little bit angry, I like spending my time with my 4 pets at my house, they´re so lovely, I´m a
small person, I like going out for food, I like eating at the streets, I like hanging out with my friends but
what I enjoy the most is hanging out with my lovely boyfriend Emiliano, he´s such a good person, he´s so
handsome, I love him, anyway; I don´t like exercising, it´s not my favorite activity in the world, but is one
of my long term goals, I like pets, I like to learn new things, it´s so good for my mind, it makes my mind
fly and grow.
See you later, alligator.
Unidad 2 😊
Describing my hometown
Existencia o no existencia
Contables o no contables cuando no hay y cuando preguntamos si hay, o sea solo para negar y para
How many
How much
How many
07- 01- 24
In: Algo en el interior de un lugar, hablar de sitios grandes, como países, océanos y así.
Above: encima
Behind: Atrás
Beside: A un lado
Below: Abajo
Beneath: Abajo
Between: entre
Near: Cerca
Opposite: En frente
Outside: Fuera
Under: Debajo de
In front: Frente
Inside: Dentro
I live in Mexico
You are on the bus
She´s at the school
He´s in the beach
It´s on the garden
We are at mama Adela´s house signing a documents
They are in a trip.
I am studying at home.
You are in London
The desk is in front of me
The floor is below my chair
My feet is below the desk
Your head is above your neck
Your heart is inside your rib cage.
Your heart is between your lungs.
There are cells outside your heart.
The car is outside of my house.
I´m between the walls.
I´m below/under/ beneath the ceiling
Sujeto+to be+ gerundio + complemento
Al tener verbo con terminación vocal + consonante se pone otra vez la misma consonante y luego ing
Going to
Going to – gonna
Are we going to Colombia this year?, no, we aren´t visiting Colombia this year
Am I going to eat my doriesquites on Wednesday?, Yes, I´m eating my doriesquites on Wednesday
Resumen: Going to
Se usa para cosas del futuro que están planeadas, o sea ya se decidió que se harán
Se usa para conclusiones a futuro en base a hechos actuales que hemos hecho, por ejemplo, I´m going to
have my driver´s licence tomorrow at this hour.
Se usa para referirse a countable nouns and incountable nouns para preguntar o negar que hay, ya sea
plural are there, there arent, o singular is there, there isn´t.
Countable nouns
Is there any pizza at the pizzeria left?, no there isn´t any pizza left for us ☹
Incountable nouns
Is there any gold inside of the strong box? Yes, there´s a little of gold left.
No dice you.
Kiss me.
Don´t pretend I don´t know that you want me to have a huge ass.
Hug me.
Formula: Infinitive + Complemento, siempre termina con ., es a plural o singular de 2da persona, sin
embargo no se dice you, signo de exclamación para expresar emoción, se usa para dar órdenes,
invitaciones, instrucciones y consejos
Repaso general: (:
Present continuous
We use present continuos to describe actions that are happening at the moment, to describe situations
that has been occurring lately and continue occurring at the moment, to express future plans.
Going to
We use going to when we are describing future plans, also, when we are giving predictions about
something based on present facts.
We use some for both of them when we are asking for something, when we are almost sure that the
answer of a question is yes, when we are offering something.
We use any for both of them when we have a question or when we want to deny something.
We can count it.
We use verb to be in plural or singular.
We use how many.
We use the indefinite articles with them.
It sounds good when you add an s at the end of the word, that´s an Erendiras tip. (:
I´d like to buy two buns, one for me and one for my sister.
I have a tooth brush.
There´s a person inside of the mall. There are people inside of the mall.
We use too much
We attach uncountable nouns with other words like some, a bit of, a slice of, a piece of…
We use it for offering advices, giving instructions, giving orders, invitations.
When we write it we put a full stop at the end of the sentence.
We use an exclamation mark to express emotions.
Itinerario de salida
Simple past
Regulares e irregulars
Linking words
Las linking words nos ayudan a responder a las preguntas, es decir why
Linking words
Because = cause
Due to
Owing to
Since and as
Although/ even though, despite/ in spite of, wherever, whenever, whatever, whereas, so that, in case,
even if.
As como
Since desde
As and since se usan cuando hacemos hincapié en el resultado, no en la razón, son más formales
Why are you sad? Because my dad killed a snake, despite the fact that she was good.
Why are you feeling bad? Due to my mind.
Why are you still on vacay? Because of my university.
Why are you studying English? Owing to my curriculum.
Even if it was necessary I feel bad for that snake.
Para hacer de una palabra un comparativo o superlativo debemos contar las sílabas (syllables) de una
Oraciones comparativas
Hay excepciones
Comparar cantidades
The wheater is, se usa to be pero dependiendo de cuando nos referimos a calificar el clima se conjuga el
to be
Para usar verbos debemos tener en cuenta del tiempo en el que hablamos del clima porque pues hay
que conjugar los verbos.
Se usan cuando ya se mencionó el objeto directo o cuando la persona con la que hablamos tiene
conocimiento de estos
Adverbs of frequency
Se usan antes del verbo principal, excepto si es to be, ahí se usa después.
Pasado continuo
Se usa para hablar de algo que estaba en proceso al mismo tiempo que otra acción. While
Para hablar de algo que estaba pasando pero algo lo interrumpió o lo reforzó. When
Pasado continuo
Describir acciones que pasaban mientras algo más pasaba, describir acciones que estábamos haciendo
cuando algo nos interrumpió o lo reforzó, algo que continuó pasando, con verbos que implican cambios,
para dar contexto y narrar eventos
Yo estaba haciendo
Mi opinión personal
I consideer
In my opinión
Dar mi opinión
Acuerdo o desacuerdo