PPI IV Project
PPI IV Project
PPI IV Project
The following educational proposal arises from the need to achieve the development of an
inclusive culture in educational policies focused on school inclusion regarding ASD (Autism
Spectrum Disorder) within the ordinary classroom. So, it is aimed at facilitating the installation of
these students in the classroom, through the advances that neuroscience has contributed to
education and the study of practices, strategies and methods in training and pedagogical
development, in such a way. so that all students can benefit from these interventions in the
classroom, this depending on the teaching of mathematics, due to its complexity with respect to
the topics worked on in the fifth grade (5th) of early childhood education, specifically at school
The school Saint Jerome Emiliani. Keywords: TEA, strategies, methods, inclusive culture.
The following educational proposal arises from the need to achieve the development of an
inclusive culture in educational policies focused on school inclusion with respect to ASD (Autism
Spectrum Disorder) within the ordinary classroom. Thus, it is aimed at facilitating the installation
of these speakers in the classroom, through the advances that neurosciences have contributed in
education and the study of practices, strategies and methods in the formative and pedagogical
development, in such a way so that all students can benefit from interventions in the classroom,
this depending on the teaching of mathematics, due to its complexity with respect to the topics
covered in the fifth (5th) grade of early childhood education, specifically at the school the
College San Jerónimo Emiliani. Keywords: ASD, strategies, methods, including culture.
Theoretical Support…………………………………………………………………………9
Diversity of autism……………………………………………………………………...10
Methodological Design……………………………………………………………………13
Results to expect……………………………………………………………………...19
Bibliographic References…………………………………………………………….21
Given the need to develop and significantly contribute practices within the framework of
inclusive culture and, in that sense in education, in turn, implement the policies and the guide
designed by the Ministry of National Education (MEN) developed in the decree 1421 of 2017 “
Educational care for people with disabilities within the framework of inclusive education” brings
with it changes in the training of the teaching group, where the needs, difficulties and qualities of
Focusing on the deepening of different chronic capacities, such as; ASD (Autism Spectrum
Disorder) which has increased its prevalence in recent years, this phenomenon, together with the
changes in the country's educational policies, has chosen to carry out the integration of children,
adolescents, young people and adults with TEA in the regular classroom, where they share the
space with their peers and resources that benefit their learning. Policies aimed at education for all
based on programs and methods that satisfy the needs of the classroom, students and the process
of meaningful learning. Therefore, the teacher must address diversity from an early age through
In this order of ideas, an educational proposal will be proposed to be implemented in the fifth
grade of early childhood education, at the San Jerónimo de Emiliani school, so that it adjusts to
the emotional, cognitive and technical characteristics of early-age students with ASD. , where the
specific objectives, methodological design with the study of different methods in the inclusion
Problem Statement.
In context, in the world, 1 out of 160 children have ASD, this gives us to understand that the
probability is great that in a school, the possibility is great that someone will suffer from this
disorder, which is not a disease as the Ministry of Health denotes, but rather rather, a permanent
condition resulting from a neurological disorder that affects the functioning of the brain. With
this, making us evaluate very well everything that entails when educating these children. We also
have to know that there are approximately 115,000 children who suffer from autism in Colombia
and in this specific case to which we are going to give importance we are going to see it reflected
in a student from the San Jerónimo Emiliani school in the city of Tunja, department of Boyacá,
Colombia in 2021.
It was evident that there had already been a case in which this ASD had an important value when
a student could be educated in primary and high school, having various problems during his
training because it should be emphasized that this disorder is reflected differently in each person,
so it is good to evaluate where the student who suffers from this may have weaknesses and
There is much that is unknown about this ASD due to the different components that are seen
when talking about it, since knowing that it will look different in the person who suffers from it is
not possible to give a 100% effective result, but it is People, whether they are teachers or not, will
be given tools to know what to do. We are going to address the study of practices, strategies and
methods in pedagogical training development which can serve to better guide students who suffer
from this and thereby achieve equity in the intellectual development of these students.
Unfortunately, due to the situation, this is going to be purely theoretical, we will not be able to
give it a real application and therefore it will not be possible to give it a practical application
which would be very valuable to be able to give a better conclusion of what you want to work on.
But this does not mean that what was done is of no use, only that it will not be possible to provide
statistics on what was done so that future generations can give a better conclusion. We will leave
By deepening and investigating the knowledge of ASD and methods, as a theoretical basis to
develop more inclusive pedagogical practices, within the framework of this proposal approach, it
Does the implementation of new learning methods in teaching practices significantly facilitate
the teaching process for students with ASD, in turn, the manifestation of a more inclusive
Design an educational proposal that facilitates the inclusion of students with Autism Spectrum
Disorder (ASD) in the classroom for students in the fifth grade of primary school at the San
• Identify and analyze the problems that give rise to educational and social exclusion
in the regular classroom of children with ASD.
• Deepen the knowledge, aspects, and educational needs of the autism spectrum.
• Choose and study proven strategies or methods for educational practice in the
classroom where inclusion and didactics are structured for enriching teaching.
• At the same time, analyze the degree of inclusion that the pedagogical practices of
theoretical support
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurological condition that begins in childhood and lasts
throughout life. It affects the way a person interacts with others. The disorder also includes
restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior. They may have trouble talking to you and may not
be able to hold your gaze while talking, and may spend a lot of time sorting things out or
This disorder perceives conditions that were previously considered independent, such as
autism, asperger syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder. There are no known causes of
autism spectrum disorder, however, research suggests that genes play an important role.
Children usually present symptoms of autism in the first year. During the first year they
usually develop normally, then they go through a period of regression between 18 and 24 months
of age. Some children present symptoms such as less eye contact, lack of response when you call
their name. Autism spectrum disorders may have a unique pattern and level of severity for each
Some children with autism spectrum disorder have learning difficulties, other children with
this disorder present signs of lower than normal intelligence, however, other children present the
opposite signs of normal and high intelligence, they learn quickly, but have problems
communicating. Due to the variety and combination of symptoms it is difficult to determine the
There is no cure for autism spectrum disorder, intensive treatment at an early age can generate
big changes in the lives of children who suffer from this disorder.
A child or adult with autism spectrum disorder may have problems with social interaction and
Autism Diversity
The diversity of autism tells us that with the simple fact of having autism we already know
that we will see difficulties in communication, sociability and imagination or cognitive flexibility,
but this impairment can range from mild to severe. Well, although we do not know the starting
point, that is, of origin, we know that there are diversities in which different types or rather
different forms can be adopted, as we had already said, from mild to severe.
• Autistic disorder.
• Defiance Disorder
• Disintegrative disorder
•Generalized disorder
Quality autism education
Quality autism education handles certain concepts, orientations, pedagogical guidelines and
educational strategies in which teachers are informed about this disease and many more, which
means that our teachers can provide a better environment, a better relationship, and better
learning. a better and the most important thing that is most involved in this issue, which is
all people are characterized by being good at different things, but we all have a strength in which
we excel, the same thing happens in these people, they also have it. great knowledge and can
teach, they are young students, children who are also included in the teacher-student or student-
teacher role. This all means that they have to be informed in order to generate the best education
System composed of several strategies used in children with ASD from an early age to achieve
the establishment of routines and the enhancement of autonomy. Its main objective is to allow
people with ASD to function in the most meaningful, productive and independent way possible,
so that they can function effectively in the community (Montalva, Quintanilla and Del Solar,
2012). It is especially effective for improving social and communication skills, reducing
maladaptive behaviors and stress, and improving quality of life (Mulas et al., 2010). Where it has
two important considerations: increasing the skills of people with ASD and adapting a more
TORCH. From a school setting, these considerations are reduced to a methodological process
called structured teaching, which aims to collect the ways of learning, thinking and observing of
students with this need. We adapt structured teaching in the following points:
• Space structure
• Temporal structure
• Work system
• visual structure
The method of a social story can be implemented where the child expresses through illustrations
Inclusive education as a concept was coined by the Salamanca World Conference on Special
Educational Needs (UNESCO, 1994, cited in Ainscow, 2005). Where he came to a conclusion
that ordinary or public educational institutions constitute “the most effective means to combat
discriminatory attitudes (...), build an inclusive society and achieve education for all” (p.2). which
is based on the universal right to have quality education (Ainscow, 2005). Vitello and Mithaug
(1998), cited in Ainscow (2005). Then, social exclusion produced by certain attitudes and
responses to diversity, both referring to ethnic, social, religious, gender and ability differences.
So, inclusive education will be aimed at all students who belong to the same school, which
implies that all boys and girls who belong to a specific community, including people with special
educational needs. (Stainback, Stainback and Jackson, 1990; cited in Fernández, 2005).
Methodological design
An educational proposal will be proposed, designed for an ordinary classroom of the fifth year
of early childhood education, specifically the fifth year of the San Jerónimo de Emiliani school in
the city of Tunja, in which 1% of its students have special educational needs, characterized by
the difficulties that arise by explaining the topics that are seen during the degree, in the subject of
mathematics, promoting the active participation of the student in the classroom. Hence the
investigation of the different pedagogical practices within the classroom through processes that
involve the collection and analysis of both qualitative and quantitative data.
Approach to the proposal
It is proposed with the intention that it can be applied throughout the entire academic year, as a
transversal characteristic based on the contents of the mathematics subject for grade 5, however,
said planning must be subject to monitoring to adapt them to the needs of each moment. Proposal
that will be carried out through the TEACHH method, where the first guideline is intended to:
study experiences associated with the use of the TEACHH method, conduct a survey of school
educators about their knowledge regarding ASD and educational practices associated with the
disorder. , which includes carrying out its methodology in the proposal that is going to be
proposed, such as the temporal and space structuring, a work system based on activities, a total
communication system that aims to nourish social relationships between students and teachers. ,
and, an exemplification of the practice of the TEACCH method in the ordinary classroom.
they encountered several difficulties in including students with ASD in the classroom, since they
continued to use the same programs or guides that are used for all disabilities without take into
account the differences that characterize them since they are aimed at prioritizing academic
objectives. On the other hand, the teachers were not trained or trained in educational intervention
with students diagnosed with ASD, making it significantly difficult to reinforce the students'
Therefore, the inclusion of these students with ASD is problematic both because of the
peculiarities that distinguish this disorder and because of the conventional tendency in which
pedagogy is handled in the formal classroom. Cáscales and Alcázar (2014) pointed out that, to
achieve the inclusion of people with ASD in the class, it is necessary to train in attention to
diversity and personalization of teaching.
In that sense, several studies were carried out that led to the TEACCH method, precisely a
study carried out in a preschool and primary education center in a Valencian community, where a
case of progressive inclusion was carried out, due to which a series of changes within their
ordinary classrooms that compile the entire fundamental pillar of the TEACCH method, which is
structured teaching.
The inclusive experience carried out at the CEIP, through the adaptation of the TEACCH
methodology to the ordinary classroom, concludes that the use of the method significantly
reinforces in the student with ASD the development of the feeling of belonging to the group, the
motivation for learning and participation in the classroom, in turn an increase in understanding
and attention to the task in a more autonomous way. In this sense, the educational strategies
carried out can facilitate the attention of other needs detected without implying the continuous use
The survey
Knowledge of ASD and the educational practices that associate it will be carried out with the
format of Annex I, which involves the collection of data from a quantitative field, which favors a
deep and qualitative analysis that gives greater validity to the proposal that is made. is going to
The space will be restructured, it will be classified with the following objectives: a visually
favorable wall where, by means of a poster, the information that is interesting for the students will
be placed, where its contents have, the calendar, the activities and tasks to be carried out on the
subject during the session. academic day. An assembly space, to carry out group activities, a
different place will be established where area work will be carried out, a separate area for free
play and relaxation and, if possible, in the classroom, provide a space in which the photo of each
child will be placed. and the name where they should leave their tasks or activities.
Regarding the temporal structuring, a calendar will be assigned where your functions as a
student are defined, and you can anticipate the delivery of your activities. At the same time, keep
in mind that one routine will be carried out per day regarding your school day.
The TEACCH method training system is aimed at being carried out in groups, that is, it can be
applied to all students, including the student(s) with ASD. Where students not diagnosed with
The visual information given by the structuring of the space facilitates the orientation of
students, developing a better understanding of the space and the thematic contents. On the other
hand, during social communication, whether in the explanation of the themes, activities or
readings, the teacher must take into account the most significant terminology of his students, the
terminology that is most repeated in the explanations and the ones they use. frequently.
From the above, the practices that are directed as guidelines to teachers for their teaching work
within the structure of teaching the TEACCH method were proposed, where an example of a
schedule of activities will be given according to the mathematics class schedule to the fifth grade
students of the San Jerónimo de Emiliani school, where the sessions will be held regarding the
Morning routine
The teacher in charge of the group will tell the students the sequence to follow, the students
must leave their belongings at the station, they will proceed to take out their school supplies and
while classes begin, a reading will be shared with the group in the assembly corner, if the students
At some point they lose the instructions, they can consult it in the space where the posters or
billboards are showing the activities to do. Once the routine has started, the person in charge of
the day will take the attendance list, meanwhile the teacher in charge of the course will explain
the points and topics that will be seen during the day, he will do so with signed words. Finally
they will sing a song with signed words and start the class.
In the area of mathematics, the programmatic contents for fifth grade are classified into three
stages. In Annex II, you can see the map of relationships with respect to the curricular framework.
These stages are: numerical and variational thinking, metric and spatial thinking, and random
and statistical thinking. For this exemplification of the practice we go to the topic: Location in
bulletin board corner, will indicate what will be done and what resource they will work with,
where each student will bring from home a didactic game assigned by the teacher and will share
The first step, the teacher will explain the use of the didactic object to be used, in this case the
geoboard (annex III) with the help of the billboards will be supported to provide a visual and
linguistic effect during the explanation, from there carry out two proposed activities. for her and
After breaking the circle in which they shared the teaching material and its use, the student
will write in their agenda what was done during the assembly moment. In that sense, they go to
the work corner so that the teacher can explain the topic with signed words and with the support
of the billboards. They will take a prudent time according to the time of the rest session and return
to the assembly space to associate the theory with the practice of the didactic object and will give
the benefit of the doubt to the students so that they create new activities, depending on the theme
and the object. If the topic takes more than one session, for a second session it will be intended to
implement didactic games regarding the topic location in space and trajectory traveled, so that
geospatial thinking will be enhanced and to end each of the sessions a adequate time for the
relaxation space and release overloads or disturbances towards the students and the session ends.
From the above, it can be considered that the time and dedication that the teacher uses to plan
his classes and the strategies he is going to use are important, taking into account the principles of
The moment of proposing the proposal We noticed that due to issues of time and the
pandemic that affects at the moment, which is developing, we could not conclude something with
certainty given that surveys and a little field research could not be done. in which it is developed,
but if you can give an idea of what you want to achieve after developing the proposal, it is
A) Ensure that the student has a better interaction with teachers, classmates and other
C) Ensure that the student, through this method, can generate more autonomous and
individual work, thus ensuring that they can perform in the different activities.
D) Ensure that institutions take more into account students who have these difficulties.
the time of teaching, the student better understands each term that is taught.
By carrying out the work we observed that the implementation of training on ASD is very
Currently, schools, schools and different identities are trained to provide better education for
In relation to the above, we can conclude that people with ASD think, wish and feel only that
they manage and show their emotions in a different way to which they were taught to us.
Bibliographic references
Ainscow, M. (2005). Developing inclusive education systems: What are the levers for change?
Alcantud F., Rico D. and Lozano L. (2012). Autism Spectrum Disorders: Guide for parents and
Primerenca, University of Valencia. Arce, E. (2013). The school inclusion of students with
autism spectrum disorder: analysis of the educational response to students with ASD. ACLPP
Andrea Maso Sasierra (2017) Educational proposal for the inclusion of students with ASD in
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders
Castilla, T. (2010). Students with autism spectrum disorders: a challenge for educational
Crisol, E., Martínez, J. and El Homrani, M. (2015). Inclusive education. Didactic and
organizational conditions. National and international journal of inclusive education, 8(3), 254-
De Alba, C. (2015). Communication skills and promotion of adapted behaviors in people with
Annex I.
Survey format.
ASD (autism spectrum disorder) and the educational practices associated with it.
Subject in charge:
Yeah__ No________
2 .) If you have knowledge regarding ASD, give a brief description of its concept, if you mark
3 .) At some point in your professional career you have had the opportunity to work with
4 .) Would you like at some point in your professional work to work with students with special
Yeah___ No______
7 .) What pedagogical practices would you use in your teaching work for students with ASD?
8 .) Learn about educational practices that can be implemented in the classroom if there are
students with ASD.
Annex II.
Puig Adam (Cascallana, 1988). It consists of a generally square board, in which nails have been
inserted at the vertices of different patterns, so that they protrude from the surface. By resting
Annex IV.
Social history, it can be used in the use of billboards for the child to orient himself or it can be
Source: Arasaac.
Annex V
Green: workspace
Annex VI
Social communication: some images are shown with the most relevant and well-
known signs.