Types of Victimology
Types of Victimology
Types of Victimology
1. General Victimology
General Victimology “is the science that studies victims in general, the causes and effects
of victimization, as well as the response of individuals and the State to this phenomenon.”
There are many situations in which people are damaged in multiple aspects; For example,
after a medical condition, the surviving or recovering subject must receive
psychovictimological treatment, as well as their family members in the event that their
loved ones have recovered, are in process, or have died.
On the other hand, those who after a violation of Human Rights deserve compensation of
any kind, can also be assigned a task of victimological treatment (Human Rights
Victimology). And in the same way those who suffer from losing their assets due to natural
disasters, or other sufferings of all kinds. The clinical study, treatment and rehabilitation
carried out by specialists, of those who suffer from antisocial behavior, not only refers to
the passive subject of the crime, but to all those who are affected by it, such as family
members, also including the victims. of an accident, to the victims of discrimination,
pollution, abuses of power, victims of workplace accidents, victims of natural disasters,
among others.
2. Criminological Victimology
He tries to heal the victims' injuries; restore to them the peace and serenity that they
should never have lost; repair the moral damage to dignity due to the humiliations they
received in their souls; compensate them for the losses suffered on a path that they never
chose as their own, and prevent them from future victimization as a consequence of the
negligence of dehumanized men and legislation incapable of protecting what they destroy.
People destroyed by barbarism will be reconstructed into what they really are: human
beings endowed with reason and conscience.
3. Forensic Victimology
Discipline that assists the judicial body to investigate the way in which crime victims are
related to the development of the crime. If it is considered that the victim often participates
in the process of iter criminis and/or iter victim, it will be important to analyze whether the
victim is provocative, imaginary, among others.
4. Clinical Victimology
Clinical study, treatment and rehabilitation of those who suffer from antisocial behavior, not
only refers to the passive subject of the crime, but to all those who are affected by it, such
as family members. A part of this can be considered as etiological-multifactorial
5. Penitentiary Victimology
Its study subjects are those who are subjected to a prison process for any length of time,
from preventive detention to prolonged stay with or without sentence. It is common to know
that inmates are in turn victimized by mistreatment by prison staff, living conditions, police,
food, lack of exercise, among others. Also the victimization suffered by those who, being
innocent, are subjected to investigation either as a suspect or due to other conditions of
abuse of authority.
6. Victimological Philosophy
Victimological Philosophy is the part of General Philosophy that refers to the process of
thinking about everything related to Victimology, it accumulates all the knowledge useful for
understanding the victim phenomenon. As well as knowing and studying the origin of
Victimology, its history, relationship with other sciences, practical cases, treatment,
scientific evolution, techniques and others.
7. Victimization
Victimization is the action of carrying out an act by which a person becomes a victim and
lastly (but not limited to), the factors referred to are the conditions in the environment or
inside someone that lead or favor to
8. Scientific Victimology
Victimology has grown alongside various sciences: Psychology, Criminology and Criminal
Law. Each one has provided him with useful knowledge and given him the path he should
follow. Psychology provides the diagnostic and therapeutic part, Criminology the etiological
part, and Criminal Law the restorative of their legally protected assets.
On the other hand, without scientific verification, Victimology would remain hollow and
lacking, since it is what gives strength to later pass it to the challenge that it must face in
the face of the indifference of Criminal Law (more specifically in the face of criminal
justice). From 1940, authors such as Von Henting (1941, 1948), Ellenberg (1954),
Mendelsohn (1956) and Wolfgang (1958), among others, became interested in seeing the
victims from a scientific perspective, thus, for the first time, They considered that the history
of the victims could contribute in some way to their own vicrimization, thus abandoning the
passive role they had played throughout history and establishing the foundations of a new
scientific discipline: victimology.
It is well known in the field of Criminology that this is frequently reduced to a “working
hypothesis” because it does not have its own object of study but is indicated by Criminal
Law and is indicated by Criminal Legal Sociology, and without the Criminalistics, it would
be almost impossible to reconstruct the crime, likewise, for Victimology, Hans Goppinger
said that how would this be a science (coming from Criminology) if it is a branch of another
that is not a science either. For this reason, a scientific conflict develops regarding the
autonomy of Victimology, great works dedicated to the affirmation and denial of this are
occupied with scientific methodical knowledge.
It is well known by more flexible methodologists that scientific evolution itself will lead to the
discovery of errors and that it will cause modifications and changes in discoveries prior to
the new birth of some theory or science. Marquez Piñero (1990) indicates that a science
must have the following: object of study, set of knowledge, method and results, thus
currently there is no doubt that Victimology has the victim as its object (or subject) of study,
it has its set of knowledge related to this in its causes, interventions and possible remedies,
it has them in an orderly and systematic way, it uses the method that all sciences use, the
scientific, the general method and from the previous steps it reaches conclusions.
On the other hand, Orellana Wiarco (2007) points out that there are stages in research that
give rise to taking previously developed studies and giving new results from this new
approach. Therefore, without following a strict regime regarding the methodology or
philosophy of science, it is ensured that Victimology is the new science that has gained
strength and has given rise to the creation of specialized areas on the subject. Just as the
disease is a perpetrator, its patients are the victims, and these are studied by doctors along
with their cause (the perpetrator).
In the same way, Criminology must provide data about the offender and his range of
behaviors, Criminalistics his act as a consequence, and Victimology must take the data
provided by them to make a reconstruction of events that also help to reconstruct the
fracture caused in the victim.
9. Victimology Policy
There are many victims who are related to the perpetrator, the case may be limited to
crimes committed at home, where the husband or spouse commonly abuses his partner
and children. In other types of crimes; For example, terrorism, it will be difficult to determine
the connection with the victim, since many times people unrelated to the crime suffer.
Contrary to this, in cases of revenge, the aspect related to the relationship is unnecessary,
since the relationship is maintained either with organized crime, with the police, with the
president, with the president, with the person in charge of a certain area.
Other types of crimes are those in which the victim is unrelated to the perpetrator. It usually
happens that the perpetrator previously analyzed his victim, but there is no direct
relationship. The important thing is to know the relationship as a means of future
prevention, knowing the criminal's ways, his way of operating and his catalog of victims, it
will be possible to reduce the rate. When referring to the catalog of victims, it means that
each type of crime or specialized criminal derives a type of victim.
Possibly and without denying the possibility of error, the rapist maintains closeness with the
victim, without doubting that there are those who, without knowing her, take the initiative.
The drug trafficker has the strong victims, police officers, administrative officials of the
public service and also the weak ones such as minor distributors. There are various forms
of robbery, each specialist will have his victim, the one who robs jewelry stores or the
pickpocket, from houses, among others.
And so to every criminal comes his victim. From this relationship, preventive plans can be
built; it will be difficult to achieve those who have already suffered an event, but the
experiences can be used for future events and those of other people. The clinical and/or
forensic victimological study will yield many results of both personalities, with Criminology
providing the data about the offender and Victimology complementing its analysis with
each particular case. In order to carry out prevention, the concept of prevention must be
defined; it is to imagine a criminal act in advance and prepare the necessary means to
prevent it.
In prevention, other terms are used as synonyms such as: control, intimidation and
prediction. The Criminological Policy can be understood as the implementation of the set of
preventive measures and post-criminal action, it must include everything that is available to
treat and reduce crime. And on the other hand, the Victimological Policy refers to:
victimological preventive work; That is to say, preventive work with the victim and not with
the criminal is a tool that aims to close the doors to crime by teaching or educating the
common citizen to generate in them an equally preventive consciousness, which allows
them to escape the much feared victimization.
With the above, we would be preventing crime in a comprehensive way but with special
attention to victimological preventive education, that is, we would be doing crime
prevention but from a Victimological perspective. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the
victims when carrying out anti-crime strategies, coordinating and engaging in the
necessary actions so that the timely information reaches them to avoid the already
mentioned victimization process.
And what is pursued when carrying out anti-crime strategies from a victimological
perspective? In technical terms we would be doing the following: preventing iter criminis
and iter victimae from meeting, we would be reducing victim risk, we would be doing victim
prevention and/or prophylaxis, We would be reducing the factors that favor victimogenesis
and with this, we would be strengthening the capacity of our population to preventively
defend themselves against crime and with this, closing the path to criminals, preventing
them from committing crimes and thus reducing crime.