CONCEPT MAP - Classical Art PDF

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Teacher: Flor Rodríguez Roller

Student: Arce Meneses Gladys Guadalupe

Greek art


archaic period

Chronology Classical period

Cultural elements Hellenistic Period

marks a benchmark for
Western civilization that will
endure to this day.
Greek art Creomycenic art



12.9 Amazonomachy frieze from the Mausoleion at Halikarnassos, 360-350 bce. 35 in (89 cm). London. British Museum. Photo: © The
Trustees of the British Museum.
Rome develops the art of rome
in three stages republican
Roman art
the art of rome
ARTIST AND history of

art a discipline that has

according to different artists object of study art and its
. development and evolution
Greek thinkers as well as through
Plato and Aristotle throughout the history of
They said that art is a humanity.
willingness to move
man to make a creation
Comparative table
Greek art Roman art
Greek art was influenced by two previous cultures: knowing Etruscan art since they dominated Rome
1. The Minoan or Cretan (2600 BC-1400 BC), until 509 BC Tradition states that they were a people
geographically located on the island of Crete 2. The from Asia Minor who traded with the Greek colonies
Mycenaean (1600 BC - 1200 BC), developed in in the south of the Italian peninsula and also with
continental cities of the Peloponnese, such as the rest of the peoples who lived in the center.
Mycenae and Tiryns.

It is not possible to understand Roman art without

Etruscan Architecture
The Etruscans made important contributions to Western art, such as the architecture use of the arch and the two elements
of Mesopotamian origin that characterized Roman art. vault
They stand
The tombs n the only buildings of which significant remains have remained. Built in stone They formed part
large necropolis Generally excavated in the rock, they are covered by a mound of shape —------------------------------------ ------
medlane the approach of daughters-in-law oe Pieurds. you use oei bow and the ooveoa dernuestrd ei year technical level oei Can eLusCO-

Tomba dei
Capitelli. Banditaccia

Etruscan tombs of the Banditaccia necropolis of Cerveteri

s. VII-IV BC, they could be built or
excavated in the rock
Greek art Roman art
•All Western culture and art are deeply marked by Thus, for example, Roman architecture incorporates the use
the classical legacy (Greece and Rome) of the semicircular arch and the barrel vault (Etruscan
• Greek art has influenced European art throughout contribution), using the traditional Greek orders (Doric, Ionic

its history, and has especially been a model and and Corinthian), to which it adds the Tuscan order, of origin.
reference for Roman Art and the reinterpretation of Etruscan, and the composite order, an original creation of
the Renaissance (15th-16th centuries) and Roman art
Neoclassicism (last third of the 18th century).
• Influenced by Etruscan, Greek and Hellenistic art.
Greek art Roman art
•The Greek philosopher Protagoras stated that "man is
the measure of all things", thus summarizing an important
aspect of Greek culture and art.
•With this new mentality, the architectural and sculptural

manifestations left aside the monumentalism of previous

oriental styles, and sought beauty from harmony and
proportion in relation to the human being.
• In Architecture, it gives more importance to technical
and functional aspects than to aesthetic ones.
• In sculpture, the taste for realism stands out.
The epic poems attributed to Homer.
the dyad and the they reserved
poem the
or Mycenaean. In

(Portrait, everyday scenes, war scenes...) memoryAgamemnon, thoseking of

Mycenae,inappears as War.
the Trojan the leader of theGreek
The future
pantheon begins to be drawn at this time

• The walls and floors of numerous buildings of all types with the Indo-European divinities contributed
by the Greeks: Zeus. Hera. Poseidon..
Around 1200 BC. C., this power declined

are decorated with paintings and mosaics. and finally collapsed after an alleged
invasion by the Dorians.

It is the most characteristic and well-known architectural

execution of Mycenae and was built around 1250 BC. C. It
represents two rampant lions of about 3
meters high. This style was called due to
that the stone blocks used were so enormous that in later
times they were thought to be the work of one-eyed giants
called Cyclopes.
Greek art Roman art
• Human scale buildings, Proportion Urban planning and architecture are the two arts that best
• Search for beauty and harmony express the Roman character, as well as important
• Architraved (or lintelated). instruments of Romanization and homogenization of the
• Predominance of horizontal and vertical lines empire. Architecture. Although the Romans collected
elements from the Greek (sobriety, balance, orders,
pediments...), their contributions gave it an originality and
its own character, a model for later architecture.
Greek art Roman art
Greek architectural styles (Orders) In Greece there were • It is a propaganda art at the service of the government
three orders, which differ fundamentally by the shape of • It is functional and practical
the column, and more specifically by that of its capital; • It is colossal, large constructions Construction
Doric (7th century BC)J Ionic (6th century BC) Corinthian characteristics
(4th century BC), We can differentiate three levels in the • Use of the curve
Greek temple: •Platform (stylobate, stereobate) •Column • semicircular arch
(base, shaft, capital) • The vault and the dome

•Entablature (architrave, frieze, cornice)

General characteristics:
Greek art Roman art
Although Greece flourished in all the Fine Arts, none Made of marble, bronze and stone, Roman statues
distinguishes it as much as sculpture. develop two characteristic genres, such as the portrait and
the historical relief, in which the inheritance received from
Materials: mainly marble and bronze Etruscan art and the influence of Greek art can be clearly
perceived: 1.The portrait, in which must include both the

Types: reliefs and free-standing sculpture Relief Used in bust, the free-standing sculpture and the equestrian
the decoration of the tympanum and friezes of temples sculpture. At first these portraits are more realistic. Later,
in the 1st century AD, the imperial portrait adopted a
certain idealism (like classical Greek sculpture). Gradually,
the forms were simplified, and in the final period of the
empire (12th - 5th century) there was a strong tendency
towards schematization.
Greek art Roman art
Although Greece flourished in all the Fine Arts, none Roman sculpture shows a subordination to architecture,
distinguishes it as much as sculpture. since the majority of works have as their objective the
ornamentation of buildings or monuments. There is also a
Materials: mainly marble and bronze greater taste for realism, standing out over the Greek in
relation to the creation of the portrait.

Types: reliefs and free-standing sculpture Relief Used in

the decoration of the tympanum and friezes of temples
Greek art Roman art
There are few preserved samples of Greek painting. Its
fame and that of its artists is almost entirely due to the
ancient historians since not a single painting of it is
preserved nor is any work known by the famous Zeuxis,
Parrhasius and Apelles. A legend tells us about Zeuxis's
competition with Parrasius: Zeuxis painted bunches of
grapes with such realism that he fooled the birds. Then
Zeuxis asked Parrhasius to remove the curtain and show
his painting, but upon discovering that his rival's painting

was the curtain itself, he recognized that he had surpassed

him, because Zeuxis had deceived the birds, but Parrhasius
had deceived Zeuxis.
Greek art Roman art
Roman painting, like other artistic manifestations, has its
origins in the mixture between the Etruscan tradition and
the influence of Greek painters. Painting is, of all the
expressions of art, the most sensitive to the passage of
time, which is why its remains are very scarce.

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