CONCEPT MAP - Classical Art PDF
CONCEPT MAP - Classical Art PDF
CONCEPT MAP - Classical Art PDF
12.9 Amazonomachy frieze from the Mausoleion at Halikarnassos, 360-350 bce. 35 in (89 cm). London. British Museum. Photo: © The
Trustees of the British Museum.
Rome develops the art of rome
in three stages republican
Roman art
the art of rome
ARTIST AND history of
Etruscan Architecture
The Etruscans made important contributions to Western art, such as the architecture use of the arch and the two elements
of Mesopotamian origin that characterized Roman art. vault
They stand
The tombs n the only buildings of which significant remains have remained. Built in stone They formed part
large necropolis Generally excavated in the rock, they are covered by a mound of shape —------------------------------------ ------
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Tomba dei
Capitelli. Banditaccia
its history, and has especially been a model and and Corinthian), to which it adds the Tuscan order, of origin.
reference for Roman Art and the reinterpretation of Etruscan, and the composite order, an original creation of
the Renaissance (15th-16th centuries) and Roman art
Neoclassicism (last third of the 18th century).
• Influenced by Etruscan, Greek and Hellenistic art.
Greek art Roman art
•The Greek philosopher Protagoras stated that "man is
the measure of all things", thus summarizing an important
aspect of Greek culture and art.
•With this new mentality, the architectural and sculptural
• The walls and floors of numerous buildings of all types with the Indo-European divinities contributed
by the Greeks: Zeus. Hera. Poseidon..
Around 1200 BC. C., this power declined
are decorated with paintings and mosaics. and finally collapsed after an alleged
invasion by the Dorians.
Types: reliefs and free-standing sculpture Relief Used in bust, the free-standing sculpture and the equestrian
the decoration of the tympanum and friezes of temples sculpture. At first these portraits are more realistic. Later,
in the 1st century AD, the imperial portrait adopted a
certain idealism (like classical Greek sculpture). Gradually,
the forms were simplified, and in the final period of the
empire (12th - 5th century) there was a strong tendency
towards schematization.
Greek art Roman art
Although Greece flourished in all the Fine Arts, none Roman sculpture shows a subordination to architecture,
distinguishes it as much as sculpture. since the majority of works have as their objective the
ornamentation of buildings or monuments. There is also a
Materials: mainly marble and bronze greater taste for realism, standing out over the Greek in
relation to the creation of the portrait.