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Application Sheet 6

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Study Program/Program Humanistic Training Session No. 6

Curricular Experience: Constitution and Human Rights Semester 2022-2
Thematic content: Right to Education and Health

Teacher: Teaching team

Type of Informative Material Application sheet

A. Based on the readings and videos in practical guide 6, write and complete the following table:

The quality of education in Peru is worrying. The health system is divided and fragmented,
The authorities are looking for those there is a large population that does not have
responsible for the poor academic any type of health coverage, social security
performance of students; however, they are does not cover the entire population, the
not looking for solutions or improvements health system has insufficient and limited
that help change our current reality and health insurance. It is evident that health
transform the foundations of our society. must be priorities of the State to guide the
Students from lower-income socioeconomic development of the country.
sectors are those who receive a much lower We can say and assure that our current
quality education, which prevents them from health system is one of the worst in Latin
developing freely. America and therefore it has been a constant
The biggest problem is the low quality of for many years and that with the arrival of the
education. Other problems are the low pandemic it has further exposed the
pedagogical level as a consequence of deficiencies of the very poor system that we
limited teacher training, school dropouts and have in our country. country.
the lack of work from and through art, which
is relegated in primary education.

B. Relate the cases to the articles of the CPP:

a) Read the news from the following link https://www.ucv.edu.pe/noticias/juana-cruz-la-falta-


Which article of the CPP is violated:

Explain why?
“The lack of connectivity is a violation of the right to education”; Article 14.-Education for life
and work. Social media Education promotes knowledge, learning and practice of the humanities,
science, technology, arts, physical education and sports. Prepares for life and work and
encourages solidarity. It is the duty of the State to promote the scientific and technological
development of the country; This article is being violated because there are many students at
both the initial, primary, secondary and higher levels have dropped out due to lack of internet
connectivity to be able to take their virtual classes and the state did not provide the facilities to
provide a correct education.
b) Read the news from the following link https://andina.pe/agencia/noticia-congreso-aprob-ley-

Which CPP article does it relate to:

Explain why?
Congress approves law for parents to participate in the development of educational materials
In this news it is reflected in art 13 of the Political Constitution of Peru “Purpose of Education
The purpose of education is the integral development of the human person. The state recognizes
and guarantees freedom of education. Parents have the duty to educate their children and the
right to choose educational centers and to participate in the educational process.
Likewise, if we want to get out of underdevelopment and have a new, structured, modern
country, it is necessary to understand that education is the main basic pillar to move forward and
this implies that parents contribute in some way to forge a society with an education. different.

c) Read the news from the following link https://es.euronews.com/2021/01/28/los-medicos-

peruanos-protestan-por-la-falta-de-recursos-de-cara-a-la-segunda- wave

Which article of the CPP is violated:

Explain why?
According to the news from the link, we can say that article 7 of our political constitution of
Peru is being violated, which stipulates that everyone has the right to the protection of their
health, that of the family environment and that of the community, as well as the duty to
contribute to its promotion and defense. According to this article, health is an elementary right
that all people have because it is, in reality, equivalent to the right to life itself. The right to
health belongs to the category of human rights as they were understood at the end of the 17th
century, and as they are understood to this day in terms of civil and political rights.

d) Read the news from the following link https://andina.pe/agencia/noticia-cuarta-dosis-


Which CPP article does it relate to:

Explain why?
Fourth dose: know why it is necessary to receive it if you have already turned 30 years old
With reference to our news, it is similar to article 7 HEALTH PROTECTION, FAMILY
“Everyone has the right to the protection of their health, that of their family environment and that
of their community, as well as the duty to contribute to its promotion and defense.” As we well
know, we are living in a crucial moment not only for Peru but also for the entire world. Many of
us witnessed the death of our loved ones. Now, with the arrival of the vaccine, many life
expectancies arrived for all of us and this was reflected thanks to The arrival of vaccines through
the state to Peru is so we have received the 1st, 2nd. 3rd and fourth dose.


A. First of all, we suggest you watch the following video:

ComputerHoy.com (February 17, 2018). What is Podcast? [video file]. From

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwtdyuzaqTY (1:45 min.)
B. As a team, write the script for the recording of a Podcast about a proposal to improve the
health or education system in Peru. Keep in mind the following format:

Podcast title : Full name of the audiovisual file with which it will be identified in the podcast repository.

Production date: DD/MM/YY

Author(s): Name of the author(s) responsible for the script or planning of the recording.

Curricular Program/Experience: Name of the agency, faculty, department, academic program or seedbed
responsible for creating the podcast.

Central Theme: Description of the central theme or topic on which the content will be developed.

Synapse: Brief description of the content, which will be part of the metadata corresponding to it within the

Objective: Purpose that the realization of the resource fulfills.

II. Requirements

Cover image: Description or url of the own or free image referring to what is going to be

Approximate duration

___Short (time (5-10) min). ______Intermediate (time (15-30) min)

____(t>=45 min) Interviews in expanded form on a topic:

Audio format: specify the format in which it will be recorded. Example mp3

No. of speakers_____ No. of guests_____

Indicate the number of people involved in the recording and their roles within the recording of the podcast.

III. Content development

In this session, the texts corresponding to the contents to be developed are

transcribed, placing the participation or orientation of each of the Speakers.


THEME (type text or describe the sound to use)
No. of Add a row if you need to add text or sounds.
elements Use one row for text and another row for sound START END

Presentation or intro: Presentation of the title of the

1 podcast.

Sound: Description of the sound or effect that opens the


Introduction to the topic: Sequence of the text or speech

3 corresponding to the welcome and introduction to the topic

Sound: Description of the sound or effect that will be used

4 with the introduction.

Development of the topic to be explored in depth or

guiding questions in the case of an interview.
Sequence of the text or locution necessary for the
development of the content.
3 Announcer (1):

Guest (2):

Sound: Description of the sound or effect that will be used

4 with the development of the theme.

Conclusions and closure

Sequence of the text or speech and/or sound effects

corresponding to the closing of the topic.
Sound: Description of the sound or effect that will be used in
4 the conclusion or closing.

Adapted: Department of Pedagogy of the Simón Bolívar University.

C. When preparing the Podcast Proposal for improvement in education or health, take into
account the following criteria:

● Script: The script must be complete, with clear information and message, the time is
suggested to be short.
● Group Work: Each one contributed to their group, helping their colleagues at all times,
both in the creation of the script.
● Creativity: The work demonstrates imagination, distinction and originality expressed in the
● Sound: The sound is high fidelity and can be heard correctly.

● Tone of voice: voice modulation is appropriate.

● Proceed to recording.

ComputerHoy.com (February 17, 2018). What is Podcast? [video file]. From
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwtdyuzaqTY (1:45 min.)
Department of Pedagogy of the Simón Bolívar University

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