Frases de Cumple
Frases de Cumple
Frases de Cumple
Si, cuidate es TAKE CARE Un Abrazo no es una expresin popular para terminar una conversacin, como en Espaa. Ni siquiera, no dira A HUG, sino HUGS (abrazos). - Rebecca 2. Mensajes para un Feliz Cumpleaos 3. Mensajes de Cumpleaos Reales Frases de Cumpleaos Actuales
4. Es un hermoso dia, un nuevo amanecer, un ano mas de vida. Es tu cumpleanos razon de festejar, mucha alegria y paz en tu alma. Te deseo un super feliz cumple, Muxos exitos i abrazos para ti, Cuidt muxot un beso... Aqu estoy contigo, cantando una cancin para decirte: !FELICIDADES! Mi amigo querido.. te deseo tantas cosas lindas .. pero bueno... primero que Dios te cuide siempre! que sigas siendo tan buen amigo como siempre... todos tus deseos se hagan realidad en la Paz del Senor y en su Misericordia.. que tengas tantos exitos como tu corazon desee.. y que sobre todos vivas en el gozo que solo se conoce con el amor de Dios... besos FELIZ CUMPLEANOS Y MUCHISIMO CARINO SIEMPRE...
5. 6.
DIOS TE BENDIGA... TE QUIERO MUCHO... Amigo son muxas las cozas ke siento por ti.....erez muiiii ezpecial ii haria muxas kozar por tu....ezpero ke te guste la cancion..te kiero amigo de mi (L) Te deseo un feliz happy birthday y quiero que la pases muy bien al lado de tus hijos y flia , y que sigas cumpliendo mucho y muchos mas y que dios te bendiga te desea tu amiga que te recuerda mucho Felicidades, vive hoy un dia muy feliz con los tuyos.
8. 9.
10. Te deseamos, con mucho amor. 11. QUE DIOS TE COLME DE PROSPERIDAD Y TE GUIE EN EL CUMPLIMIENTO DE TUS METAS,TE DESEAMOS ho@ f3liz cumpl3@os te ki3ro mil.......... b3sooossss. 12. ke la pases mas ke suUUUper ,,,,, reEEEEkete bien, jajajajaja!!!! FELIZ CUMPLE 13. Ke la pases estupendo!!! q los cumplas feliz muackkkkkkkk guapa 14. En este da tan importante y especial para todos nosotros, te deseamos muchas felicidades, exitos, oportunidades y logros en tu vida personal y en todo aquellos que te propongas, anheles y desees y que Dios siempre ilumine tu camino.Son nuestros mas sinceros deseos.Feliz Cumpleaos. 15. Divirtete el da de tu cumpleaos, porque nunca volvers a ser tan joven. Pero ten cuidado, porque nunca has sido tan viejo. Feliz Cumpleaos. 16. La iba a cantar yo pero despus de mi canto desafinado de ayer lo pens dos veces
jajaja... cudate y feliz cumpleao. FELIZ CUMPLE CON EL CARIO DE SIEMPRE UN ABRAZO EN TU DIA... 17. Querido, otro cumpleaos lejos de ti, espero pronto poderte ver y darte un gran abrazo de cumpleaos. Que Dios te bendiga en el da de tu cumple y que mi amigo que es una bendicin sea un motivo de celebracin y unin para todos y por siempre. y si, sigue llorando no importa si yo estuviera ah contigo tambin lo hara. te quiero muchsimo.
Feliz Cumpleaos!!! Con mucho cario. TE QUIERO MUCHISIMO!!!! MUCHAS FELICIDADES!!!! TE ENVIO UN GRAN ABRAZO Y UN RICO BESO DE OSO!!! Muchas Felicidades! que tengas un lindo cumple, ya sabes que te quiero mucho y deseo de corazn que contines siendo la excelente persona que eres.
18. FELIZ CUMPLE .... QUE PASES UN DIA HERMOSO Y LA VIDA TE BRINDE LO QUE SIEMPRE SOASTE... CON EL CARIO DE SIEMPRE Que tengas un feliz cumpeaos.te dedico esta cancin exclusivamente hecha para ti. Besos. Gratis-cancin con nombre del cumpleaero Hola q lo cumpla bien y mucha felizidades q y te balla vien mayana. 19. Feliz Cumpleaos! te deseo lo mejor ..! te cuidas besos..! chaoo..! que cumplas mucho ms.. aki pazando a felicitarte adelantado j3j3j3 antez ke ze me olvide j3j3j3 zale noz vemoz biie Felicidades de todo corazon. Que pase un da maravilloso junto con su esposo e hijos. Lo recuerda su amiga. 20. Felicidades. Que Dios te bendiga hoy y siempre. Un abrazo. ESPERO TE GUSTE ESTA CANCIN LA IBA A CANTAR YO. PERO LA VERDAD CREO QUE ES MEJOR ASI TE LO JURO DE LO CONTRARIO LA HUBIERAS MANDADO A LA PAPELERA DE RECICLAJE JAJAJAJA !!! ESO DE LA CANTADA NO SE ME DA JEJEJEJE TE QUIERO MUCHOOOOOO MI PRECIOSOOOOOO UN FUERTE ABRAZO Y UN GRAN BESO ******FELICIDADESSSSSSS****** 21. Felicidades amor x tus 19 aos. Ojala q este ao sea maravilloso, feliz cumple amore mio!!
Que la pases fenomenal.Tu amiga con cario. FELIZ CUMPLEAOS QUE TODOS TUS SUEOS Y ANHELOS SE HAGAN REALIDAD. Te deseo un feliz cumpleaos, te adoro y espero que lo pases genial. Te amo. Qu dicen de nuestra cancin? Muchas Felicidades! que Papa Dios te llene de muchas bendiciones y que te de mucha vida y salud. Que junto a tu familia tengas un da especial y feliz. Se te quiere de corazn. Besos y Feliz Cumpleaos! 26. Me encantan los cumpleaosporque as nos hacemos todos viejos al mismo tiempo. Feliz Cumpleaos! 27. Ya lo sabes, como cada ao yo llevo las chelas. Dnde vamos a festejar? Feliz Cumple! 22. 23. 24. 25.
28. Hola, como est el Amor de mi vida? Quiero desearte, en este da tan especial todo lo mejor del mundo, ya que te lo mereces por ser como eres. Amor, en este da que cumples aos, quiero que sepas que lo nico que deseo es pasar muchos cumpleaos junto a ti, en este instante estoy pensando en ti, que tu eres lo mas importante en mi vida, y que hoy es un buen motivo para agradecer porque existes, porque naciste, porque te conoc y mi vida, que era triste, se volvi mgica y nica. En cada rincn de mi corazn hay algo dedicado a ti y hoy y siempre quiero regalarte mi corazn por completo. Quiero que siempre sientas que te pertenezco y nunca lo dudes. Espero que los aos que estn por venir sean maravillosos y llenos de felicidad. Espero que cada da lo vivas al mximo y los compartas conmigo. Esta es mi forma ms sincera de decirte que te adoro con todo mi corazn. Feliz cumpleaos mi amor.
29. Mensajes para un Feliz Cumpleaos 30. Toda la raza est invitada No hay boicot, ni marcha. Todos vamos a festejar mi cumpleaos. Felicidades a mi! 31. Haz una tarjeta de cumpleaos con estas frases de cumpleaos 32. Te doy 3 minutos para que me llames y me felicites por mi cumpleaos. 33. S que ests molesta por cumplir aos antes que yo. An as, Muchas Felicidades! 34. Me urge verte porque te quiero dar un gran abrazo por tu cumpleaos. 35. T crees que ahora que somos de la misma edadpodamos celebrar juntos? Feliz Cumpleaos. Gratis-cancin con nombre del cumpleaero 36. Festejemos como se debe maana ya tendrs el pretexto de que ayer eras inmadura. 37. No te ests poniendo viejo, buenosi te ests poniendo viejo. Feliz cumpleaos. Felicidades. 38. Mi deseo es que sigas cumpliendo ms pero que cada vez se vean menos. Feliz Cumpleaos. 39. No fui el primero en felicitarte, pero s que no ser el ltimo en hacerlo. Mil Felicidades! 40. sta sta es sta es la sta es la manera sta es la manera ms sta es la manera ms tonta sta es la manera ms tonta de sta es la manera ms tonta de decirte sta es la manera ms tonta de decirte Feliz Cumpleaos. 41. You Are My Sunshine My only sunshine. You make me happy When skies are grey. You'll never know, dear, How much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away. Muchas Felicidades! conserva la alegra mas sincera....eres la persona mas tierna y dulce...Feliz Cumpleaos! 42. Que Dios te guarde e ilumine tu camino mi Amor...Besos y Feliz Cumpleaos! 43. Muchas Felicidades! Que todo tu futuro este lleno de felicidad y mucho amor.
44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54.
55. Mensajes para un Feliz Cumpleaos 56. Muchas, muchas, muchas, muchas, muchas, muchas, muchas, muchas, muchas, muchas Felicidades. 57. Happy Birthday y Feliz Cumpleaos! 58. Estas son las maanitas que cantaba el rey David a las brujas se las cantamos aqu, sapo verde sapo verde eres tuuuuuuuuuuuuu FELIZ CUMPLEAOS
Feliz Cumpleaos. Dios te bendiga. Muchas Felicidades! Que lo pases muy feliz junto a tus seres queridos Mil Felicidades en tu da..Un Beso... Muchas Felicidades! Quiero desearte un da maravillosamente espectacular por que eres la mejor educadora que he tenido en mi vida... Diosito te cuide mucho... Feliz Cumpleaos! En este da muy especial quiero desearte un Feliz Cumpleaos. Que todas las Bendiciones caigan Sobre ti y que el Dios todopoderoso siempre te acompae. UN AO MAS, UN AO MENOS: LO IMPORTANTE Y LO MS IMPORTANTE ES QUE LO GOZEMOS FELICIDADES Siento haberme olvidado de tu cumpleaos, aunque no lo parezca siempre te tengo presente, eres una persona muy importante en nuestras vidas. Espero que hayas disfrutado al mximo el da de tu cumpleaos. Muchas Felicidades en tu Cumpleaos, que Dios te bendiga hoy y siempre y que todos los anhelos de tu corazn se te hagan realidad. En este da tan especial te deseo toda la felicidad del mundo y que la pases sper rico. Felicitaciones Amiga! Haz una tarjeta de cumpleaos con estas frases de cumpleaos Te amo con todo mi corazn mi Amor y deseo que Dios te bendiga mucho y conceda cada peticin de tu corazn.
59. Que pases un feliz cumpleaos. 60. Hola en tu cumpleaos! Que los cumplas muy feliz y cumplas muchos aos ms. Que la dicha te acompae siempre... 61. La iba a cantar yo pero despus de mi canto desafinado de ayer lo pens dos veces jajaja... cudate y feliz cumpleaos 62. Dios te bendiga y te regale muchos aos ms, adems, que cumplas los deseos de tu corazn. 63. Felicidades un tu da, que el todo poderoso te cubra de bendiciones. 64. Muchas Felicidades! 65. Un amigo es el mejor regalo que se puede hacer uno mismo... Cada vez que cumples me recuerdo que eres mi regalo Gracias por ser as! 66. En este da tan especial solo deseo que Dios te contine bendiciendo y conceda todas las peticiones de tu corazn. 67. Que sigas cumpliendo muchos ms. Cuando tu me des un regalo por mi cumpleaos, recibirs el tuyo. Que pase un feliz cumpleaos, que Diosito la bendiga y la llene de gratos momentos. 68. Hoy es un gran da para celebrar, porque nuestro Dios ha permitido concederte un da mas en tu vida, gracias por tu cario y aprecio, te quiero mucho y que festejes con amor y alegra en compaa de los tuyos este da tan especial. 69. Mensajes para un Feliz Cumpleaos 70. Muchas Felicidades! xitos y muchos triunfos. 71. Muchas Felicidades! que tengas un lindo cumple, ya sabes que te quiero mucho y deseo de corazn que contines siendo la excelente persona que eres. 72. Muchas Felicidades! Dios te bendiga y disfruta mucho en familia. 73. Para que el da de hoy sea involvidable, hemos decidido hacerte pasar un cumpleaos estilo XXX... Para que sea: eXcelente, eXtraordinario y eXitoso. P.D. Si no es exactamente lo que tenas en mente, lo sentimos mucho. 74. Muchas Felicidades! Desde lo ms profundo del corazn te deseo un feliz da, que Dios te guarde por muchos aos ms y que la vida nos siga regalando la oportunidad de vivir de manera plena y en paz con la humanidad. 75. Muchas Felicidades! Esperamos lo disfrutes muchsimo te queremos te adoramos eres lo mximo. 76. Te quiero todo lo mejor para mi ni. 77. Cumple miles de aos ms llenos de bendiciones. 78. Es tu da celbrate! Haz que este da sea el mejor de tu vida. 79. Feliz Cumpleaos. Te deseo hoy y todos los das. 80. Feliz Cumpleaos. En especial hoy y todos los das te deseo lo mejor del mundo. Amigos como tu, muy pocos. Te quiero mucho. 81. Muchas Felicidades! es muy triste para m no poder darte un beso y un abrazo en ste da tan especial para t, sin embargo, deseo que seas muy feliz a lado de nuestro hijo y de toda tu familia 82. Muchas Felicidades! Escucha esta cancin para ti. Feliz Cumpleaos! 83. Muchsimas, pero requetemuchisimas felicidades!! 84. Muchas Felicidades en tu cumpleaos!, te desea tu familia, QUE LOS CUMPLAS FEEELIZ! Gratis-cancin con nombre del cumpleaero 85. Quiero felicitarte por tu cumpleaos y desearte que tus sueos jams desaparezcan y que continen tan vivos y tan lindos como tu eres. Felicidades!. 86. Muchas Felicidades mi amor!!!! Que tengas un feliz cumple.... Te amooooooo 87. Hola, Feliz 15 aos, espero que la pases muy bonito son los deseos de tus Tos 88. Como no puedo cantarte las maanitas personalmente, aqu te mando a alguien que lo haga por m. Felicidades! 89. Recuerda que la vida es bella, y que no interesa cuntos cumplas lo que realmente interesa es el cario y el entusiasmo que colocas a esta fecha tan especial. Feliz Cumpleaos. 90. Tantas velas para ese pastelito? Feliz cumpleaos. 91. Podrs apagar esas velas o debemos llamar a los bomberos? Feliz cumpleaos. 92. Espero que tu cumple sea divertido, fantstico, maravilloso, asombroso, excitante, y muy cool! Feliz cumpleaos.
93. El nico que se siente viejo eres t... Te quieres sentir joven esta noche? Feliz cumpleaos. 94. Espero que tu da sea simplemente fantstico! 95. Toma mucho tiempo convertirse en alguien tan joven como t. Feliz cumpleaos. 96. Mensajes para un Feliz Cumpleaos - escritos por Don Ernesto 97. Hoy es tu da. Hoy es tu birthday. Ay que alegra. Pasalo bien. Diviertete. 98. Hoy es tu birthday. Goza tu da. 99. Aqu vengo a saludarte y ayudarte a celebrar. El que cumplas otro ao y ojal que cumples ms. Cumple muchos muchos ms. 100. Es tu cumpleaos y te deseo un mundo de felicidad. 101. Te felicito. Ya eres un ao ms viejo. Disfruta tu buena suerte. 102. T no esperas llegar a Diciembre para celebrar un nuevo ao. Va usted muy de prisa. Felicidades. 103. Felicidades y ahorra dinero. No hagas fiesta. Solo le dices se aceptan regalos. 104. Se rumora que piensan declarar el da de tu cumpleaos como da de fiesta nacional. Te deseamos alegra y felicidad. Felicitaciones. 105. Que te diviertas mucho el da que cumples ao y que sigas divirtiendote por el resto de tu vida. 106. Aqu va un fuerte abrazo cumpleaero, deseandote mucha salud y felicidad en tu da. 107. Para decirte feliz cumpleao y que recibas bonitos regalos como en tus tiempos de antao. 108. Te envio mi contribucin de $1 para pagar por tu fiesta de cumpleao. Invita montn de gente para tener suficiente. Felicidades. 109. Mensajes para un Feliz Cumpleaos 110. Pasan buenas cosas cuando te atreves a hacerlas. Feliz cumpleaos. 111. Si los cumpleaos fueran deseos, los tuyos se habran hecho todos realidad, ya que tienes bastantitos. Feliz cumpleaos, una vez ms. 112. Los amigos pueden ir y venir, pero los cumpleaos se acumulan. 113. Feliz cumpleaos, Feliz cumpleaos, Feliz cumpleaos. Lo siento pero es todo lo que pude adquirir. 114. Si soplas la vela como en las olimpiadas, tu ganaras una medalla de oro. 115. La vida es maravillosa a cualquier edad. Disfruta la tuya. Feliz cumpleaos. 116. Pasaba por aqu para desearte un Feliz cumpleaos. 117. Deseo felicidad en tu corazn y que tus sueos se hagan realidad. Feliz cumpleaos. 118. La vida es un largo camino. Disfruta cada milla. Feliz cumpleaos. 119. Las Rosas son rojas, las Violetas son moradas todo lo que quiero decir es Feliz cumpleaos! 120. Cundo deberas dejar de poner una vela ms en tu pastel cada ao? No cuando ya no puedas soplar. Feliz cumpleaos. 121. Haz una pausa y que tu alma se divierta en tu cumpleaos! 122. Te deseo toda la felicidad del mundo. Disfruta tu Cumpleaos. 123. Me parece que acabas de cumplir aos. Claro, llegu tarde verdad? Feliz cumpleaos. 124. Te deseo mucho amor, pero sobretodo mucha felicidad. Feliz cumpleaos. 125. Come y bebe todo lo que quiere porque hoy es tu cumple. Feliz cumpleaos. 126. Quiero desearte un Feliz cumpleaos, de todo corazn. 127. No somos las criaturas que estabas esperando, pero queremos desearte un Feliz cumpleaos. 128. Estoy pensando en ti en tu cumple y te deseo mucha felicidad. Feliz cumpleaos. Con amigos como t, podra festejar todos los das como si fuera tu cumpleaos. Felicidades. 129. Nunca sers tan joven otra vez, as que divirtete. Pero cuidado, nunca has sido tan viejo antes. Feliz cumpleaos. 130. Siempre tienes cumpleaos muy divertidos. Deberas tener uno cada ao. Feliz cumpleaos. 131. No ests envejeciendo, te ests poniendo mejor cada da. Feliz cumpleaos. 132. Eres el mejor regalo que he recibido en mi vida. Feliz cumpleaos. 133. Slo eres joven una vez, pero puedes ser inmaduro siempre. Feliz cumpleaos. 134. Un amigo de verdad siempre recuerda tu cumpleaos, pero no tu edad. Feliz cumpleaos. Hey, as como yo, como todo un hombre, espero que tengas, tu sabes, un cumpleaos espectacular.
Slo sers joven una vez, si me dices realmente cuntos aos cumples! Feliz cumpleaos. 135. Te deseo un da tan especial como t. Feliz cumpleaos. 136. Tienes que envejecer, pero no tienes que crecer. Feliz cumpleaos. 137. Eres como un buen vino, te mantienes mejor con la edad. Feliz cumpleaos. 138. Eres tan vejo como te ves Toma, aqu estn tus anteojos. Feliz cumpleaos. 139. Fue muy difcil saber qu comprarte, as que no te traje nada. Feliz cumpleaos. Tu ests celebrando tu cumpleaos, pero todos nosotros celebramos el da que llegaste a este mundo a hacerlo mejor y un lugar ms feliz. Feliz cumpleaos. Sabes lo que la gente en China hace en su cumple? Tambin envejecen. Feliz cumpleaos. Espero que tu cumpleaos sea tan feliz como un chimpanc sin pantalones! Feliz cumpleaos. Deseo que te diviertas ms que un chango en un rbol lleno de frutas. Ser posible ser ms feliz que eso? Feliz cumpleaos. 140. Eres tan viejo como te sientes, as que tmame del brazo. Feliz cumpleaos. Espero que tengas un maravillosos cumpleaos lleno de felicidad, emocin y alegra. Feliz cumpleaos. 141. De todos los buenos, los malos y los feos, tu eres el que cumple aos. Feliz cumpleaos. Mis mejores deseo para un da lleno de amor y risas. Feliz cumpleaos. Celebremos la edad, aunque no te comportes como si realmente la tuvieras. Feliz cumpleaos. Qu tan viejo seras si no supieras lo viejo que eres? Feliz cumpleaos. Toma mucho tiempo convertirse en alguien tan joven como t. Feliz cumpleaos. 142. Quiero desearte felicidad para hoy y todos los das de tu vida. Feliz cumpleaos. 143. Celebra tu cumple, divirtete como nio, todo deberamos hacerlo as no crees? Feliz cumpleaos. 144. Le deseo a una persona muy especial, un da igual de especial. Feliz cumpleaos. 145. Quin va a celebrar su cumpleaos? T lo vas a celebrar. Quin va a apagar las velas? T vas a apagar las velas. Quin se va a divertir? T te vas a divertir. Feliz cumpleaos. 146. Come, bebe y s feliz. Es tu cumpleaos. 147. Que todos tus deseos se hagan realidad, hoy y siempre. Feliz cumpleaos. Ha pasado otro ao, pero prefiero eso a contarlos; djame decirte que de verdad cuentas conmigo. Feliz cumpleaos. No hay palabras para expresar cunta felicidad te deseo. Feliz cumpleaos. El cumpleaos de hoy es algo que importa: Si no te importa tu edad, no importa. Feliz cumpleaos. Fue muy difcil saber qu comprarte, as que no te traje nada. Feliz cumpleaos. Tu ests celebrando tu cumpleaos, pero todos nosotros celebramos el da que llegaste a este mundo a hacerlo mejor y un lugar ms feliz. Feliz cumpleaos. Sabes lo que la gente en China hace en su cumple? Tambin envejecen. Feliz cumpleaos. Espero que tu cumpleaos sea tan feliz como un chimpanc sin pantalones! Feliz cumpleaos. 148. De todos los buenos, los malos y los feos, tu eres el que cumple aos. Feliz cumpleaos. 149. Mis mejores deseo para un da lleno de amor y risas. Feliz cumpleaos. 150. Celebremos la edad, aunque no te comportes como si realmente la tuvieras. Feliz cumpleaos. 151. Mensajes para un Feliz Cumpleaos
152. Deseo que te diviertas ms que un chango en un rbol lleno de frutas. Ser posible ser ms feliz que eso? Feliz cumpleaos. 153. Que cumplas muchos pero muchos aos mas, y no te preocupes que la antigedades tienen mas valor. 154. Dame un abrazo ahora mismo, antes de que te des cuenta que no hay ningn regalo. Feliz cumpleaos! 155. No te preocupes! La vejez es como una segunda infancia sin pelo y sin dientes 156. Lo mejor para ti en tu dia :) te mereces toda la felicidad del mundo porque eres maravillosa :) sigue adelantee! 157. UUOO!! ya tienes una aruga ms!!! jeje FELIZ CUMPLEAOS!! 158. ESPERO QUE EN TU DIA LO PASES EXCELENTE JUNTO A TODAS LAS PERSONAS QUE TE AMAN...TU FLIA., AMIGOS, Etc. QUE SE TE CUMPLAN TODOS TUS DESEOS Y QUE A PARTIR DE HOY DIOS ILUMINE Y BENDIGA CADA UNO DE TUS DIAS... 159. MUCHAS FELICIDADES!! PASATELO EN GRANDE Y QUE TENGAS UN ESTUPENDO AO 160. Feliz Cumpleaos bella, que DIos te colme de bendiciones en este dia, aada muchos aos mas, un abrazo. 161. Espero que este sea el mejor da que hayas tenido. Feliz cumpleaos. 162. Felicidades por haber adquirido ms experiencia. No s lo que hayas aprendido este ao, pero espero que te hayas divertido. Feliz cumple. 163. Es tiempo de celebrar. Ya viajaste alrededor del sol una vez ms. Feliz cumpleaos. 164. Espero que el sol te haga brillar, que dejes atrs al viento, que tu comida sea deliciosa, que escuches risas y carcajadas todos los das y no slo en tu cumpleaos. 165. Cumpleaos vienen y van, pero este da se quedar para siempre. Feliz cumpleaos. 166. FELIZ CUMPLEAOS, QUE LA PASES FENOMENAL AL LADO DE TUS SERES QUERIDOS. TE DESEO LO MEJOR DEL MUNDO, LO MERECES, CUIDATE MUCHO Y BESOS. 167. MUCHAS GRACIAS POR EXISTIR EN MI VIDA. SIN TI NO PODRIA SEGUIR ADELANTE. CON TU PRESCENCIA ME MOTIVAS A SER MEJOR, AGRADEZCO MUCHO A DIOS POR TRAERTE A ESTE MUNDO Y QUE MAS EN EL MIO :) SIEMPRE ME HAS APOYADO PERO... AHORA ME TOCA FELICITARTE Y AGRADECER TODO PERO TODO LO QUE HAS HECHO X MI "FELIZ CUMPLEAOS. 168. LA VIDA NO ES ESPERAR A QUE LA TORMENTA PASE, NI ABRIR EL PARAGUAS PARA QUE TODO RESBALEE, ES APRENDER A BAILAR BAJO LA LLUVIA. 169. !!!!!Anoche pens en ti, pens tanto que sent ganas de darte un regalo... !!!!!!Despus pens, que no sea uno, que sean varios...Pens que tenan que ser cosas que a ti te gustaran y adems, que fueran tiles...Fue as, que hoy me levant ms temprano y fui a buscar todo lo que imagin. Compr SOL , LLUVIA , VIENTO , ROCO.. y tan solo 5 gramos de LGRIMAS...Compr un paquete de RAZN para que lo mezcles con otro de SENTIMIENTOS. Compr SINCERIDAD para que la uses siempre. En la tienda haba un frasco enorme de COMPRESIN, como el vendedor dijo que era poco vendida, entonces decid comprrtela toda. Compr ROMANTICISMO Y GENTILEZA para que los puedas usar con las personas queridas. En el almacn haba un frasco grande de ORGULLO , pero no te lo compr, porque pienso que no te ser til. Compr cajas de AMOR y de PAZ , as como de ESPERANZA para que las utilices cuando todo parezca perdido. Sabes? en la tienda vi algo muy triste...Vi muchas personas comprando SOLEDAD...tal era la venta de este producto, que se agot. Pero yo, en vez de eso, te compr dos grandes paquetes de AMISTAD y de COMPAERISMO. Finalmente, te compr un gran CORAZN, para que puedas guardar todos estos regalos! Feliz cumple.
171. 172. Envanos ms saludos de cumpleaos y mensajes de cumpleaos para compartir a [email protected] 173. Tambien tenemos mensajes en ingls
175. So many candles for so little cake? Happy Birthday. 176. Can you blow those candles out or should we call the fire department? Happy Birthday. 177. Happy Birthday!!! I hope this is the begining of the greatest year ever so far for you!
Hope your birthday is cool, fun, fantastic, wonderful, exciting, awesome, rocking
and HAPPY. Happy Birthday. 179. Hope you love your new age. It looks good on you. Happy Birthday. 180. I've been that age. I've done that age. It is fun. Enjoy! 181. You are a gift to the world. How is that for a reverse birthday wish. Happy Birthday. 182. It is your birthday so I'll make the toasts and you make the boasts. Happy Birthday. 183. Celebrate your birthday today. Celebrate being Happy every day. 184. Happy Birthday. Just one more year and you will be perfect. Yes, I did say that last year. 185. You have a birthday twinkle in your eye so have fun and know we love you fairy much. Happy Birthday. 186. Things I like about you: humor, looks, everything. Happy Birthday. 187. Watch out world. You are old enough to know what to do and how to do it. Happy Birthday. 188. I love celebrating with you. Thanks for having a birthday and giving us a reason. 189. You are only as old as you feel... Want to feel young tonight? Happy Birthday. 190. Hope your day is simply terrific! 191. Wishing you a beautiful birthday. 192. Wishing you tons of happiness on your birthday. Enjoy it. 193. Seems like you just had a birthday yesterday. Oh yeah, sorry I am late. Happy Birthday. 194. K-kinda busy K-kinda busy K-kinda busy K-kinda busy - That's how you should celebrate your bday. 195. Wishing you love and happiness on your birthday. Happy Birthday
196. 197. Eat, drink and make merry because it is your birthday. Happy Birthday. 198. I want to wish you a Happy Birthday, from the bottom of my heart. 199. We are not the droids you are looking for, but we do want to say Happy Birthday. 200. Thinking about you on your birthday and wishing you much happiness. Happy Birthday. 201. A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are - even if you are getting older. Happy Birthday. 202. With friends like you, I could party every day as if it were your birthday. Happy Birthday. 203. Free Personalized Birthday Song - Find your name
204. 205. You will never be as young again as you are today, so have fun. But be careful, because you have never been this old before. Happy Birthday. 206. You always have such fun birthdays. You should have one every year! Happy Birthday. 207. You aren't getting older, you are getting better. Happy Birthday. 208. You have been the greatest gift I could ever have received. Happy Birthday.
210. 211.
You are only young once, but you can be immature forever. Happy Birthday. A true friend remembers your birthday but not your age. Happy Birthday.
212. 213.
Dude, like, I, like totally man, hope that you have, you know, a sweet birthday.
You are only young once - if you tell the truth about your age! Happy Birthday. Wishing you a day that is as special in every way as you are. Happy Birthday. You have to get older, but you don't have to grow up. You are like a fine wine, you keep getting better with age. Happy Birthday. You are only as old as you look - Here, use these glasses. Happy Birthday. You are only as old as you feel, so grab me. Happy Birthday.
220. 221. Hope you have wonderful birthday filled with fun, excitement and joy. Happy Birthday. 222. I want to wish you happiness for your birthday and every day. Happy Birthday. 223. The candles on your cake won't start a fire if you don't light them, but that isn't what candles are for. Keep lighting up the world on your birthday. 224. Celebrate your birthday, go have lots of fun, everybody should enjoy it and have tons of fun. Happy Birthday
225. 226. Wishing a very special person a very special day. Happy Birthday. 227. Who's going to celebrate a birthday? You're gonna celebrate. Who's going to blow out the candles? You're going to blow out the candles. Who's going to have fun? You're going to have fun. Happy Birthday.
228. Eat, drink and make merry. It's your birthday. 229. May all of your wishes come true - today and always. Happy Birthday. 230. Another year has passed but rather than count the years, let me just say how much we count on you. Happy Birthday. 231. Words can't say how much happiness we wish for you. Happy Birthday.
More birthday greetings Late Birthday messages for late birthday greetings Today's birthday is one of mind over matter: If you don't mind your age, it matter. Happy Birthday. You are a hard person to shop for, so I didn't get you anything. Happy Birthday.
237. 238. You are celebrating your birthday but the rest of us are celebrating the anniversary of you arriving in the world and making it a better, happier place for us. Happy Birthday. 239. Do you know what people in China do on their birthday? They get older too. Happy Birthday. 240. I hope that your birthday is as happy as a chimpanzee without pants! Happy Birthday. 241. Best birthday wishes ever, yeah that is my birthday wish for you. 242. Wishing you more fun than a monkey in a tree full of fruit - like it is really possible to be happier than that lucky guy. Happy Birthday. 243. Of all of the good, the bad and the ugly people, you are the one with the birthday. Happy Birthday. 244. Best wishes for a happy day filled with love and laughter. Happy Birthday. 245. Let's celebrate the age you act not the age that you are. Happy Birthday. 246. How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? Happy Birthday. 247. It takes a long time to become as young as you are. Happy Birthday.
Birthday. 249. If birthdays were wishes, yours would have all have come true - since you have had so many. Happy Birthday one more time. 250. Free Personalized Birthday Song - Find your name 251. Best wishes for a happy day filled with love and laughter. Happy Birthday. 252. Friends may come and go, but birthdays accumulate. 253. Birthday greeting, birthday greeting, generic birthday greeting. Sorry but that was all I could afford. 254. If candle blowing were an olympic sport, you would win a gold medal. 255. Life is great at any age. Enjoy yours. Happy Birthday. 256. Wishing you happiness to your heart's content and may your dreams all come true. Happy Birthday.
Birthday messages
258. Life is a journey. Enjoy every mile. Happy Birthday. 259. Roses are red, Violets are blue, All I want to say is Happy Birthday to You! 260. I decided not to celebrate your birthday again until I see you. You have not gotten any older in my mind despite the number of birthdays that you have had and that seems odd. You of course may make your own decision. 261. When should you stop putting a candle on your cake for every year old you are? Not when you can no longer blo...w them out but when it is no longer fun to try to blow them out! Blow baby blow. Happy Birthday. 262. Pause and make your soul glad on your birthday! 263. Have a peaceful and relaxing birthday:) 264. It's your day, celebrate you! Make this the best day of the rest of your life. 265. Free Personalized Birthday Song - Find your name 266. Birthday greetings to you fellow Earthling. This birthday message comes from your spacey friend. I hope that your birthday is out of this world. 267. Hoping this will be your best year ever. Happy Birthday. 268. Congratultions on being even more experienced. I'm not sur what you learned this year but I hope that you had fun. Happy Bday.
269. 270. Time to celebrate. You made the trip around the sun one more time. It's a birthday revolution. 271. Hope the sun shines on you, the wind is at your back, your food tastes good, you see smiles and hear laughter every day and not just on your birthday. 272. Birthdays come and go, so you need to Go Go Go. Happy Birthday. 273. I hope that you "Rock the Casbah" on your birthday. 274. H. Ha. Hap. Happ. Happy. Happy Birthday. 275. Original Birthday Wishes 276. Time waits for no one but that doesn't matter if you don't wait for it! Happy Birthday.
May you stay Forever Young. Wow, only yesterday you were a year younger. Time flies. Enjoy it fast. I am celebrating your birthday. You should too.
281. You are not getting older, you are....well, you are getting older. Happy Birthday. 282. More birthday greetings 283. Late Birthday messages for late birthday greetings 284. It was great day when you were born, but it is a great day to be alive. So live. Happy Birthday. 285. Wishing you the happiness on your birthday that you deserve every day. Happy Birthday. 286. Another year older. Well at least we are growing up to be what we should be - the two hottest babes around. Happy Birthday Gorgeous. 287. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. A candle a day creates a large fire on your cake. Happy Birthday. 288. They say that you can count your true friends on one hand. I'll bet that you can't count your birthdays on the other. Happy Birthday. 289. Wishing you a peaceful and relaxing birthday. 290. Free Personalized Birthday Song - Find your name 291. Live today like it is a special gift, because it is the best birthday gift. Happy Birthday. 292. The whole world might want to send you a special birthday greeting, but for the time being, you can make do with mine. Happy Birthday. 293. When time gets the jump on you, it won't matter any more. Until then, party like it is your birthday. 294. Hope your birthday includes singing and cake and people and happiness. Happy Birthday.
295. 296. May you have the wisdom to act your age and the age to ignore wisdom. Happy Birthday. 297. Whole lot of things I've never done, never had too much birthday fun. Happy Birthday. 298. Age hasn't spoiled you. Happy Birthday. 299. Today is not the end of another year, but the start of a new one. Happy Birthday. 300. Being young is a privilege. Being attractive a genetic gift. Being cool, that is all you. Happy Birthday. 301. A cheerful friend like you is like a sunny day. Happy Birthday. 302. I wish you the happiest birthday ever and i hope you spend it with your family and friends! :) 303. Have a peaceful and relaxing birthday:) 304. Some people look old and feel young. Some people look young and feel old. Some people like us look young and feel young. Feels good to party on your birthday doesn't it? 305. Happy Birthday!!! I hope this is the begining of the greatest year ever so far for you!
306. 307. The happiest person is the person who thinks the most interesting thoughts and we grow happier as we grow older. Happy Birthday. 308. Happiness for you is not a reward, it is a consequence. Happy Birthday.
309. 310.
As King David said, May you prosper wherever you go and in whatever you do. Happy Birthday. 311. When you get the chance, I hope that you will take it. Happy Birthday. 312. You are an original. There is a special magic that makes you who you are. Happy Birthday. 313. Free Personalized Birthday Song - Find your name 314. Wishing you the best on your birthday. May every day and year be filled with love, health, happiness and friendship. Happy Birthday. 315. The years come and go, but they do accumulate. Happy Birthday.
316. 317. Hope you dance the night away or at least watch people dancing late into the night, or stay awake or whatever. Happy Birthday. 318. Don't hide on your bday. I would gladly have this birthday, open the presents, eat cake and ice cream and do all those things that come with it. 319. Party early and often. Remember that it only counts as one year no matter how many times you celebrate. Happy Birthday. 320. It's your birthday. That's awesome baby. (Did you get my Dick Vitale imitation? hard to do in writing.) 321. I love you like I love cake at a birthday party. Don't forget to invite me. Happy Birthday. 322. Birthday wishes and Happy Birthday messages 323. The good old days are here again. Enjoy them. Happy Birthday. 324. Don't just stand there, let's celebrate your birthday. Let's do stuff. 325. Free Personalized Birthday Song - Find your name 326. Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin right after your birthday party. 327. Like the song says: "Live your life with arms wide open, Today is where your book begins, The rest is still unwritten." Happy Birthday. 328. Get up. Stand up. Stand up for your birthday fun. 329. Just wanted to say that I really do wish you a very Happy Birthday from the bottom of my heart. 330. If it takes more than one match to light your candles, it takes more than one breath to blow them out. Happy Birthday. 331. Happy Happy Birthday ! Enjoy your wonderful day and celebrate it . Please stay healthy and get all that you want. 332. I hope you "more fun than a frog in a glass of milk" though I have no idea what that means. Happy Birthday. 333. On your birthday, you can party till the cows come home. Just be careful where you step. Happy Birthday! 334. If you can stay young while all those around you are getting older, you have become a pretty good liar. Happy Birthday. 335. Since it is your birthday, stay alert. The world needs more lerts. Happy Birthday. 336. Twenty-five is the new black. Wishing you a dark (but not stormy) birthday.
337. 338. You have reached the age that all compliments will be followed by "for your age." Happy Birthday. 339. Wishing you good health and weath on your birthday. You already have the good looks. Happy Birthday. 340. The gifts you receive today don't compare to what you give to others every day. Happy Birthday. 341. On your birthday, may you never forget what is worth remembering or remember what is best forgotten. 342. Hope you use your birthday to make some stories that you can't tell. I look forward to hearing about them. Happy Birthday. 343. These are the best years of our lives. Let's take advantage to the max. Happy Birthday. 344. One day they will put you on a list of famous people born on your birthday. For the time being, be happy being on my list of favorite people. Happy Birthday.
345. Don't grow up, don't wear a tie. Let's fly away today and celebrate your Happy Birthday. 346. Find your happy place on your birthday. 347. I hope that this year will be full of all that makes you happy. Happy Birthday. 348. I am sending you warm and fuzzy birthday wishes. Happy Birthday. 349. More birthday greetings 350. Late Birthday messages for late birthday greetings 351. You deserve the best today and always. Happy Birthday. 352. You are not getting older. You are a flower just beginning to bloom. Happy Birthday. 353. In a perfect world, there would be ________ and _____________ and more people like you. (Peace and happiness, Chocolate and sunny skies, no fattening foods and only cute guys, Write your own.) 354. I hope that your special day is full of fun and happiness and everything that you enjoy. Happy Birthday! 355. You're strange. Don't change. Happy Birthday! 356. Wow, I am glad that you are not getting old as fast as time is passing. Happy Birthday! 357. Young, rich and sexy? Well two out of three isn't bad. Happy Birthday! 358. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. You need to be sharp on your birthday. Happy Birthday. 359. If they say "The more the merrier", maybe at your age I should wish you "Merry Birthday" instead of "Happy Birthday." 360. Though I want be there for your birthday, I hope that it is full of fun and doing stuff that you like. Happy Birthday!
361. 362. Thinking of you and wishing you all the best on your birthday. Happy Birthday! 363. I hope that you dance and others sing as you celebrate with joy your birthday. Happy Birthday! 364. It looks like a "Happy Birthday" greeting is in order for you as well as a "Yee hi" "Yahoo" and "wowsers." 365. Support wildlife, Have a wild birthday party! 366. Today is a big day so try to have a big time. Happy Birthday! 367. May all your wishes come true but one, so you always have something to strive for. Happy Birthday! 368. May you live to be a hundred years, with one extra year to repent. Happy Birthday! 369. I hope that your birthday is as much fun as you are, but that sets a very high standard. Happy Birthday! 370. Free Personalized Birthday Song - Find your name 371. A great friend and a happy birthday, that is what you are and what I wish for you. 372. I hope that your big birthday involves a cool day and a hot night. Happy Birthday! 373. I wish you the happiest birthday ever and i hope you spend it with your family and friends! :) 374. Even though you are another year older, you can still wait on switching to that "Age before Beauty" thing because you are still good-looking. Happy Birthday. 375. There is a word for people like us.. fun, cool, sexy, talented, attractive, you choose, They all apply! Happy Birthday. 376. Happy Birthday to a person that is charming, talented and witty and reminds me a lot of myself. 377. Yo there, how about a birthday shoutout for my favorite peep. Happy bday. 378. Have fun but go easy on your birthday and tomorrow you will remember how you got that tattoo and where that confetti came from. 379. Birthday messages 380. Happy birthday! i hope you have an awesome birthday. 381. Hope you are having the best birthday yet. I hope that you get everything you wish for and that you choose the perfect wish. Dont forget you only get one chance a year! 382. I hope you have a great day to spend with your family and have a day just for yourself because you deserve it ! You're a very special person - and don't let anyone tell you you're not 383. Voila, Je te souhaite un joyeux anniversaire de France ou malheureusement je ne pou pas pouvoir venir vous voir. Alors voila: JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE!!! Gros Bisous. 384. Take care always and keep on rocking. Happy Birthday!
385. Just live it out to the fullest and have fun! Happy Birthday! 386. You deserve everything and more on your birthday and I hope that is exactly what you receive. Happy Birthday! 387. ITS YO BIRTHDAY WE'RE GUNNA PARTY LIKE ITS YO BIRTHDAY WE'RE GUNNA HAVE FUN LIKE ITS YO BIRTHDAY!! 388. Free Personalized Birthday Song - Find your name 389. More birthday greetings 390. Late Birthday messages for late birthday greetings 391. Last year to be this young! Live it up, enjoy, and let it be. Best Birthday Wishes to ya! 392. Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday. Hope your day is filled with lots of love, joy, and happiness. Remember to have tons of fun. Love you forever !! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!!!!! 393. Celbratin ya birthdizzle! How old? wowza! youse getting to be an oooold man. anyways just want to wish marvelous wishes to the dude we will always love. I'm out peeeeeace... 394. HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!! I WISH YOU PEACE , LOVE AND MUSIC !!! AND HAPPYNESS FOREVER !!! I do LOVE YOU !!! YOU ARE EVERYTHING FOR ME MMMANY KISSES !! 395. I hope you get whatever you wish for when you blow out the candles! I can only wish for you what I wish every year- may you enjoy the good things in life. HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! 396. I hope you know that we all think you are amazing, and we support anything you do 100%. I hope you have the most amazing day! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! 397. Let's hoist our lighters to set the candles ablaze on the birthday cake of a great person. HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! 398. YOU sure dont look YOUR age!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! 399. Here's to another year of success, health and happiness... HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! 400. You are the best and I just wish you greatness this next year. Of course, you know about that. HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! 401. I hope and pray this is the best birthday yet:) May you have many,many,many more successful years to come. Add a huge dose of happiness to., it HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! 402. Happy happy birthday!..hope you have a great day!.. I wish you more blessings in the year ahead.. and may you continue to grow each new day 403. Wish you the best on your day and the next year love u. HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! 404. A very very happy b'day 2 u...after all d issues u fought against,my gut tells me dat dis is gonna b d yr 4u.. 405. hope u have a delicious b-day cake!! :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! 406. Hope your day is monsterously fab and problem free! After all, it's YOUR day! Cheers HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! 407. You are always yourself no matter what, you don't let others get you down. You deserve the best birthday ever! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! 408. Bonne anniversaire. Les annes passent et tu es toujours dans les toiles. Bonne continuation. 409. HAPPY B-DAY!!! Have a lot of fun today with your family and your friends! Enjoy your Birthdaycake :) 410. happy birthday!!! wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart. 411. Happy birthday!! Wishing you a wonderful year ahead.Your birthday deserves to be a national holiday,because you are a special treasure. 412. I wish you the happiest of birthdays,and many, many more,so that others have time to appreciate you as much as I do. 413. Birthday messages 414. YOU ARE MY ONE AND ONLY. HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! 415. Happy Birthday Wish U All the Best And More Blessing's To Come! Happy Birthday I 416. Wishing a super awesome birthday to the most beautiful, strong and inspiring person. 417. HAPPPPPPYY BIRTHDAY! I hope this is one of many amazing birthday plus many many more to come! i hope all your wishes come true!! 418. More birthday greetings 419. Late Birthday messages for late birthday greetings 420. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ??**..**?? HAPPY BIRTHDAY T ??**. .**?? HAPPY BIRTHDAY??**..**?? 421. May you be blessed with total freedom, peace, success and security this year! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! 422. Love you!!! Have an absolutely amazing day all about you!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! 423. Happy Birthday!! Even Though Technically Heroes Never Age.
424. May you never stray from the true path as you continue your amazing journey. HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! 425. I'm so glad you were born!! If not how could I wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! 426. It has been fun so far but the best is still to come. HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! 427. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have a magical day full of love and happiness!!!! 428. Let this new year of your life be special, full of precious moments, bright emotions, full of happiness and joy! Let Love follow your footsteps evrywhere you go!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! 429. May this new year bring you joy, peace, and much more blessings! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! 430. I wish you love and happiness on this wonderful day! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! 431. Live it up and don't worry about being good!! You get to do whatever you want, its your day!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! 432. Happy Birthday! Hope you enjoy it and do something fun, you deserve it :) 433. More birthday greetings 434. Late Birthday messages for late birthday greetings
436. Looks attracts first, quality qualifies later. You're good in the short term and great in the long term. Happy Birthday. 437. When you are discussing about elephant don't talk about yam matters? It's your birthday. Forget your worries for a day. 438. May you live a thousand years and may each year have a fifty thousand days. Happy Birthday. 439. Money is the root cause of unhappiness and I really want you to have a Happy Birthday, so I didn't get you a present. 440. What does a monkey know of the taste of ginger? Enjoy your birthday knowing that wisdom has come with your age. 441. They say that you feel it when you have it. I guess you are feeling good. Happy Birthday. 442. The string used to tie the flowers also reached heaven. We all benefit by knowing you. 443. If you are born, you are to die, you can't be immortal. But you can and do make a difference to all that know you. May you live long and be blessed. 444. Free Personalized Birthday Song - Find your name 445. Whatever you want to do tomorrow, do it today. And whatever you desire to do today, do it now because nobody knows in this uncertain world what will happen in a moment. Celebrate life as you celebrate your birthday. 446. May the kindness you always give come back to you doubled. Happy Birthday. 447. Be truly happy today and leave being rich for another day. Happy Birthday. 448. You offer too much too early rather than make a friend wait. Thank you my friend. Happy Birthday. 449. You are the jasmine that grows in the front yard, the beauty that is visible, Happy Birthday. 450. Remember that it is friends and not worldly things that bring you peace. Happy Birthday. 451. When you were born you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a way that when you die, the world will cry and you will rejoice. (Kabir Das) 452. When you remember the best days of your life, it will be days when you gave rather than days you received. Happy Birthday. 453. To the world you may be one person, to one person you may be the world. The world celebrates you today. Happy Birthday. 454. May a happy star always light your path. best wishes for a Happy Birthday. 455. You rock my world. Happy Birthday. 456. Free Personalized Birthday Song - Find your name 457. May you always have enough happiness to keep you sweet, enough trials to keep you strong, enough success to keep you trying, enough faith to give you courage and enough determination to make each day a good day. Happy Birthday. 458. May you find good times and friends on whichever path you choose. Happy Birthday. 459. You are unique. There is a spirit within you that is your own. Happy Birthday. 460. Happy birthday! It's gonna be fantastic just like you:) 461. Happy Birthday! Just want to say thank you for always just being you 462. You are the SEXIEST, FUNNIEST, most INFLUENTIAL, POWERFUL, and INSPIRING person on this planet - after me of course. HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! 463. I wish you lots of love, happiness and many beautiful moments surrounded by all your friends and family! Cheers to you! Kisses! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!
464. I hope this next year of life brings wonderful people and memories for you! Wishing you many many more healthy and happy years to come! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! 465. Happy Birthday! Hope you have an amazing day and may this be the start of a year filled with love, joy and happiness. Stay strong, stay positive and may all your dreams continue to come true. Best Wishes Always :) 466. Happy Birthday !! :D I have a feeling this year's gonna be your best yet. 467. The world is a better place with you in it. Much weirder but totally better. Happy Birthday. 468. We live on borrowed time. You have so much I wish that you would lend me some. Happy Birthday. 469. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HAVE THE BEST DAY EVER!!!! 470. You are the best .... nobody is like you !!! happy b day !!! 471. WISHING YOU THE VERY BEST AND I HOPE THIS YEAR IS ONE OF THE BEST. HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! 472. Happy Birthday!! I love you so freakin' much, hope you have an awesome birthday! 473. Happy Birthday! You are such a beautiful person. 474. Birthday Greetings Inspired by Movies 475. You are still young enough to believe everything you see, everything you hear and everything you read. Stay young. Happy Birthday. 476. You are now the age that age that all comments about how good you are at something end with "for your age". So be good on your birthday, for your age. 477. Take advantage of being young and knowing everything, before you get older and realize that you don't. Happy Birthday. 478. May the wind blow much happiness into your life on your birthday and also help you blow out all those candles. 479. Blowing out another candle should mean that you have enjoyed another year and made the world a better place than when you blew out fewer candles. Make every day and every candle count. Happy Birthday. 480. Some things are good immediately and others improve with time. You started great and soar even higher. Happy Birthday. 481. Don't wait to be old and wise. Know everything now and stop getting older. 482. May you have a great birthday, but may next year's be twice as good. 483. Some say that a birthday is a great time to look back at the past year. Others say a birthday is a good time to think about what lies ahead. I say "cut the cake" and let's eat. 484. Many people say that the best way to remember a special friend's birthday is to forget it once. I think that Google calendar works better.
485. 486. Send us more birthday greetings and birthday messages to share at [email protected]