Regina Rojas - Trabajo de Investigación - Bachiller - 2016
Regina Rojas - Trabajo de Investigación - Bachiller - 2016
Regina Rojas - Trabajo de Investigación - Bachiller - 2016
Presentado por:
Lima - Perú
limitaciones para con los individuos, esto generalmente es producido por varios
factores ya que la misma sociedad ejerce presión, por ello debemos enfrentar a
En este caso veremos aspectos sobre el estrés laboral, así como también
disponibles para de esta forma adaptarse y resolver muy objetivamente todos los
internos, por tanto se verán diversos factores que influyen en nuestra realidad
laboral, por ello veremos algunos factores que estén acuñados a la realidad de la
Por ello finalmente podremos concluir que los aspectos laborales se pueden ir
manejando para mejorar una mayor producción en su ambiente laboral, y con ello
Today, stress has increased over the years, which is why we can say that stress is
produced by several factors since the same society exerts pressure, Therefore we
In this case we will see different aspects about the work stress, as well as we will
see some possibilities to prevent stress and what aspects can adopt, it is very
important to prepare, to train and thus to face the great labor demands that exist in
the market and all Resources available in order to adapt and solve very objectively
We know that not only external factors influence the stress but also internal factors,
so you will see various factors that influence our work reality, so we will see some
factors that are coined to the reality of the financial institution that we are
For this reason we can finally conclude that the labor aspects can be managed to
improve a greater production in its work environment, and with that, to improve its