Form 3 Revision Notes Term 3
Form 3 Revision Notes Term 3
Form 3 Revision Notes Term 3
País- country
Sudaamericano- South American
Norteamericano- North American
Ciudad- city
Viajar- to travel
Conectando- connec;ng
Aerolínea- airline
Aeropuerto- airport
Los boletos- ;ckets
Tren- train
Bus- bus
Coche/carro- car
Avión- plane
Asking for assistance
¿Puedes ayudarme? – can you help me?
To say what store you are going to, again we use IR a + infinitve.
Me gusta salir con mis amigos cada semana. I like to go out with my friends
every week.
¿Qué te gustaría ser de mayor? – What would you like to be in the future?
Abogado/a Lawyer
Médico/a doctor
Mecánico/a Mechanic
Actor/actriz Actor/actress
Arquitecto/a Architect
Bomber/a Firefighter
Cocinero/a Cook/chef
futbolista Footballer
Professor(a) Teacher
Peluqureo/a Hairdresser
Jefe/a Boss
ingeniero Engineer
dentista Dentist
Cantante Singer
Diseñador(a) Designer
piloto Pilot
Enfermero/a nurse
Granjero/a Farmer
recepcionista receptionist
Hace buen ;empo- the weather is nice
Hace mal ;empo- the weather is bad
Está nublado- it is cloudy
Está soleado- it is sunny
Está despejado- it is clear
Está ventoso- it is windy
Está tormentoso- it is stormy
Está lloviendo- it is raining
Está nevando- it is snowing
A 4p you can use if you like, as soon as you receive your exam
paper, write your endings for AR verbs, then write your endings for
ER and IR verbs.
The Preterite Tense is used to describe ac;ons or events that have occurred in the past. It is
used to describe ac;ons which have been completed.
Spanish verbs are in three categories ( -ar, -ir, and -er) and conjugate based on who
performed the ac;on and when the ac;on occurred.
To form the Preterite Tense with regular verbs remove the -ar, -ir and -er and add the
appropriate endings.
Regular -AR Verbs
Yo -é
Tú -aste
Nosotros -amos
Vosotros -asteis
For example:
(Caminar- To Walk)
(Comprar- To Buy)
Yo -Ì
Tú -iste
Nosotros -imos
Vosotros -isteis
For example:
(Correr- to run)
(Comer- to eat )
(Vendir- to sell)
(Vivir- to live)
(Aprender- to learn)
Las muchachas aprendieron las palabras. – The girls learned the words.
Nombre- Name (first name) for eg John
Apellido- Surname for eg. Baksh
Calle- Street for eg. Lute
País- country – for eg. Trinidad
Cíudad- city- for eg. San Fernando
País de nacimento- Country of birth- Trinidad
Fecha de Nacimiento- Date of birth- for eg 18-12-2006
Día- day
Mes- Month
Año- Year
Número de teléfono- telephone number for eg. 343-5689
Nacionalidad- Na8onality. For eg Trinitario
Firma- Signature for eg.
Describe a tu pariente favorito/a.- Describe your favourite parent
Uno- 1
Dos- 2
Tres- 3
Cuatro- 4
Cinco- 5
Seis- 6
Siete- 7
Ocho- 8
Nueve- 9
Diez- 10
Once- 11
Doce- 12
NB using adverbs of frequency where appropriate make your responses more interes8ng.
Adverbs of Frequency
Normalmente- normally
Usualmente- usually
Frecuentemente- frequently
A veces- some8mes
Cada día- every day
Here are some Personality Traits you can use to describe someone.
alegre Cheerful
amable Kind
deportista Sporty
egoísta Selfish
generoso/a Generous
gracioso/a Funny
hablador(a) Talkative
inteligente Intelligent
perezoso Lazy
simpático Nice
tímido/a Shy
tonto/a silly
Do you prefer to listen to music or talk on the phone with your friend?
Whenever you are given a choice, always conjugate your regular verb in the first person,
so your verbs will always end in ‘o’ for eg.
Leo libros- I read books
Escucho música- I listen to music
Nado en la piscina- I swim in the pool
Bailo- I dance