Cuadro PNI
Cuadro PNI
Cuadro PNI
Ciencia y Tecnología
Andrés Alvarado
Mary Carmen Oliveros
Assertiveness and Happiness
Licenciatura en Ing. Industrial con énfasis en Calidad y
Cuadro PNI Y Glosario
Cuadro PNI asertivo
positivo negativo interesante
Construcción de la Puede crear Nos permite
identidad personal y complejo de comprender y
amor propio superioridad frente a conocer quiénes
otras personas somos
La coherencia nos la falta de nos invita a ser fieles
permite sentir, coherencia causa con nosotros
pensar hablar y que las personas se mismos, ser
actuar desde nuestra sientan perdidos ya auténticamente
conexión interior que no saben la honestos con lo que
diferencia entre lo queremos y expresar
que quieren y lo que al mundo de manera
hacen asertiva: sin
agresividad, pero con
Una persona buscar y realizar El entusiasta no
entusiasta tiene la todo con cuidado, acepta la zona de
base para lograr atención confort y no puede
varios objetivos, son pretendiendo permanecer mucho
más positivas siempre la tiempo en una
perfección situación que es
molestas o dañina.
• Assertiveness: the ability that allows people to express in the appropriate way,
without hostility or aggressiveness, their emotions in front of another person.
• Aggression: it is an emotional state that consists of feelings of hate and desires to
harm another person, animal or object, pretending to hurt someone physically
and/or psychologically.
• Communication: is the process by which information is transmitted from one entity
to another. It is the exchange of feelings, opinions or any other type of information
through speech, writing or other signals.
• Criticism – Constructive – Focuses on providing constructive feedback, supported
by specific examples, to help you improve in some area. Constructive criticism
should be offered respectfully and with good intentions.
• Moral: Pertaining or related to the actions of people, from the point of view of their
actions in relation to good or evil and depending on their individual and, above all,
collective life.
• Freedom: Natural power that man has to act in one way or another, and not to
act, so he is responsible for his actions.
• Autonomy: Autonomy refers to the regulation of behavior by norms that arise from
the individual himself. Autonomous is anyone who consciously decides what rules
are going to guide their behavior. Having autonomy means being able to do what
one believes should be done, but not only that.
• Self-esteem: is the positive or negative evaluation, perception or judgment that a
person makes of himself based on the evaluation of his thoughts, feelings and