ASPEN PLUS Simulation of Green Ammonia
ASPEN PLUS Simulation of Green Ammonia
ASPEN PLUS Simulation of Green Ammonia
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
Title: Small-Scale green ammonia production plant: preliminary design and simulation
using ASPEN Plus.
Abstract: The objective of this project is the preliminary design of a plant for the
production (on a small scale) of 25 kg/h of 98% pure ammonia from raw materials and
renewable energies. This plant will allow the supply of ammonia as fuel to cargo ships
from a floating platform in the port of Santander.
Initially, an analysis of alternative fuels is carried out, mainly comparing the use of
hydrogen and ammonia as renewable fuels in maritime transport, and their importance
in the medium- and long-term international panorama for this type of use is studied.
The analysis of the state of the art of small-scale ammonia production plants allows
the Haber-Bosch process to be selected as the most suitable in terms of accessibility
of raw materials, working conditions, efficiency, costs, and LRT, including the obtaining
of hydrogen through seawater electrolysis and nitrogen from air separation.
Through simulation in ASPEN PLUS, a plant is designed for the production of 25.64
kg/h of 99.3% ammonia, obtaining the raw material requirements, the characteristics
of the streams and the working conditions of each piece of equipment. This information
allows the sizing of equipment and the establishment of an overall area for the floating
platform of 300 sqm. Preliminary cost estimation using modular methods allows a
Base Capital Cost of €2.1 MM to be established.
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................... 6
ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................................... 8
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 10
1.3.2 Thyssenkrupp........................................................................................... 30
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3.4 EQUIPMENT................................................................................................... 51
7. BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................................................................... 86
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Figure 1. Renewable fuels in maritime transport ...................................................... 12
Figure 2. Modules of NH3 manufacturing plant ........................................................ 15
Figure 3. Plant location............................................................................................. 16
Figure 4. World ammonia production ....................................................................... 17
Figure 5. World NH3 capacity by region ................................................................... 18
Figure 6. Ammonia applications ............................................................................... 19
Figure 7. Ammonia production routes ...................................................................... 21
Figure 8. Ammonia production steps and uses ........................................................ 27
Figure 9. Proton Ventures NFUEL ........................................................................... 29
Figure 10. NFUEL size options (Proton Ventures, 2021) ......................................... 30
Figure 11. Thyssenkrupp 5MW ................................................................................ 31
Figure 12. Thyssenkrupp 20MW .............................................................................. 31
Figure 13. JGC plant flow diagram ........................................................................... 32
Figure 14. JGC plant ................................................................................................ 33
Figure 15. JGC plant ................................................................................................ 33
Figure 16. Siemens plant scheme ............................................................................ 34
Figure 17. Siemens plant ......................................................................................... 35
Figure 18. Minnesota West Central Research and Outreach Centre ....................... 36
Figure 19. Air separation unit DS ............................................................................. 41
Figure 20. Desalinization and water electrolysis DS................................................. 43
Figure 21. Ammonia synthesis DS ........................................................................... 45
Figure 22. ASU equipment ....................................................................................... 51
Figure 23. Desalinization and PEM equipment ........................................................ 52
Figure 24. Ammonia synthesis unit equipment ......................................................... 53
Figure 25. ASPEN Process flow diagram of ammonia production ........................... 56
Figure 26. Industrial compressor .............................................................................. 68
Figure 27. Industrial valve ........................................................................................ 68
Figure 28. Flash unit................................................................................................. 69
Figure 29. University on Minnesota Ammonia Reactor Skid .................................... 70
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Figure 30. Fluitec multitube heat exchanger with mixing elements .......................... 71
Figure 31. Static mixer ............................................................................................. 73
Figure 32. Air Separation Unit prototype .................................................................. 73
Figure 33. Ariema PEM Electrolyzer ........................................................................ 74
Table 1. Renewable fuels properties ........................................................................ 11
Table 2. Renewable fuels ranking ............................................................................ 11
Table 3. Comparison of Hydrogen and Ammonia .................................................... 13
Table 4. A brief description of various hydrogen production processes (Adapted from
Wijers, 2011; Acar and Dincer, 2018)....................................................................... 22
Table 5. Ammonia production comparison ............................................................... 26
Table 6. Production technologies ranking ................................................................ 26
Table 7. Raw materials and products specifications ................................................ 39
Table 8. Antoine’s equation coefficients ................................................................... 40
Table 9. Feed streams ............................................................................................. 50
Table 10. Design specifications summary ................................................................ 58
Table 11. Breakdown streams summary .................................................................. 58
Table 12. ASU stream results .................................................................................. 59
Table 13. PEM stream results 1 ............................................................................... 60
Table 14. PEM stream results 2 ............................................................................... 61
Table 15. Synthesis stream results .......................................................................... 62
Table 16. Stream results summary .......................................................................... 63
Table 17. Base costs for pressure vessels ............................................................... 66
Table 18. Base costs for process equipment ........................................................... 66
Table 19. Flash unit dimensions ............................................................................... 69
Table 20. Reactor dimensions .................................................................................. 69
Table 21. Heat exchanger dimensions ..................................................................... 70
Table 22. Heaters and cooler dimensions ................................................................ 71
Table 23. Compressors dimensions ......................................................................... 72
Table 24. Mixers and splitter dimensions ................................................................. 72
Table 25. Material and pressure factors for pressure vessels .................................. 77
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Table 26. Material and pressure factors for Heat Exchangers ................................. 77
Table 27. Materials and pressure factors for Direct Fired Heaters ........................... 78
Table 28. Materials and pressure factors for Refrigeration....................................... 78
Table 29. Materials and pressure factors for Compressors ...................................... 79
Table 30. Cost and size parameters summary ......................................................... 82
A, B, C= Antoine coefficients
Ar= Argon
Ca= Calcium
Cl (-) = Chloride
H2= Hydrogen
H2O= water
HB= Haber-Bosch
K= Potassium
Mg= Magnesium
N2= Nitrogen
NH3= Ammonia
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P= pressure
Q= flow rate
T= Temperature
Process units: shall be named with the corresponding initial followed by a number
according to the order of appearance in the flowchart:
• C= Compressor
• DESAL= Desalination Plant
• F= Flash
• HX= Heat Exchanger
• M= Mixer
• P= Pump
• R= Reactor
• SEP= Separator
• SPLIT= Splitter
Streams: the streams will be named according to the equipment from which they
come; they will be named in the following way:
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
It is globally known that emissions of greenhouse gases are increasing every year and
fossil fuels have great impact in this phenomenon. For this reason, many countries
have set out to reduce the emissions of CO2 within the next years by decreasing the
use of conventional fuels, which leave a big carbon footprint in our atmosphere. There
exists also a large list of countries which depend directly on external markets to obtain
products needed in the usage of fossil fuels, such as natural gas or petroleum and this
entails import costs.
For these two reasons the world is experiencing a significant increase in research and
development activities related to alternative fuels industry. In this context, emerging
technologies that enable their obtaining and, therefore, increase their technical-
economic feasibility, play an important and active role at industrial level.
At the moment many projects in search of new energy carriers can be find, defined as
substances or phenomenon which contain energy that can be later converted to other
forms such as mechanical work or heat (ISO 13600). A clear example of a
conventional energy carrier is natural gas, which can be easily stored and afterwards
it can be burnt to release energy.
As said, many development projects have settled the goal of substituting fossil fuels
for other clean and renewable energy sources. Some examples of renewable fuels
being investigated are hydrogen, ammonia, methanol, liquid biomethane or synthetic
diesel (Sea of innovation Cantabria Cluster, 2021). Even though these are some of
the most encouraging alternatives to fossil fuels, many materials and processes are
being investigated and all indications are that this activity will continue to increase,
showing results within the next years.
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temperature -253 -33 65 -162 200-385
density 8,5 12,7 15,5 20,3 36
emissions 0 0 36-46 56 17-109
Hydrogen 3
Ammonia 5
Methanol 4
Liquid biomethane 3
Synthetic diesel 4
According to the ranking, ammonia seems to be the best option as a renewable fuel;
in addition, it doesn’t present any problematic property, which makes it an easy
working and transporting component.
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In addition, according to a study made by the Japanese shipping line “NYK Line”, one
of the biggest transport companies in the world, in the short term will be able to use
electric batteries for small boats, hydrogen fuel cells in medium-sized ships sailing in
relatively near-shore waters and ammonia is postulated as the main fuel for
transoceanic vessels such as container ships, RORO vessels (roll on roll off) or
passenger ships, as shown in Figure 1 (Hydrogen solutions for ocean-going vessels,
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The difference in the use of hydrogen and ammonia is mainly reflected in the storage
and transport capacity of both fuels. A comparison between these two energy vectors,
showed in Table 3, summarize the results of NYK Line’s study.
Table 3. Comparison of Hydrogen and Ammonia
Hydrogen Ammonia
✓ Raw material for industry. ✓ Raw material for industry and
fertilizer production.
✓ Fuel for rolling vehicles. ✓ Main fuel for ships in 2050
according to IMO
✓ Electricity is produced by means ✓ Electricity produced by ammonia
of a combustion cell.
stacks or ammonia combustion.
It is a difficult gas to store and ✓ Possibility to convert back to
✓ Easy to store and transport.
In this context, ammonia it is assumed as the near future best option for maritime long-
distance transportation and for that reason, its production way and adaptation to this
specific industry to the new energetic sources is analysed in the present work.
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In the last decade, technology in the floating device sector has grown rapidly. This is
due to the growing energy race in the offshore wind sub-sector, which has been
focusing on the development and installation of floating windmills instead of
conventional windmills, which has led to the improvement of anchoring and flotation
systems that can be used for windmills but also for any type of floating device.
On the one hand, most marine windmills nowadays are attached to the seabed as
these designs have been implemented since the beginnings of the industry as they
use technologies implemented in inland windmills (monopile, gravity base, Jacket or
Tripod). This type of structures has been designed for many years and for that reason
is optimized and has many available data. The disadvantage they present is that they
are limited to depths above 65 meters as its cost rises exponentially for facilities in
deeper areas.
On the other hand, floating devices are an alternative to this problem. Although its
installation cost is still high, the development of this technology will enable windmills
growth as they can be far from the cost where they have plenty of space and do not
disturb the landscape. Some examples of floating devices are SPAR Buoy, Tension
Leg Platform (TLP), Barge Floater and Semi-submergible platforms.
As mentioned before this technology can be used for any floating device such as
platforms, ports, and artificial islands.
Cantabria aims to become one of the main regions in the development of green
ammonia technology and therefore is committed to the innovative project "Bahía H2
offshore", a green ammonia small-scale production plant, encouraging the
involvement of companies from different industrial sectors in the region
The challenge of this project lies not only in designing an energy self-sufficient plant,
but also in being a floating marine device, which increases its design complexity due
to factors such as waves or corrosion inherent to the marine environment. In addition,
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to obtain a completely clean device, a thorough study of the process must be carried
out in order to optimize its ammonia production without gas emissions.
In order to fulfil the objective, the plant shall include the following modules (Figure 2):
H2 N2
H2 N2
storage storage
Figure 2. Modules of NH3 manufacturing plant
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The location selected for the plant is the Port of Santander (Figure 3) because it shows
the following advantages:
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Due to its many uses, ammonia is one of the most highly produced inorganic
chemicals. World demand for ammonia currently exceeds 186 million metric tons per
year (IFA market intelligence, 2021). The largest producer of ammonia is Asia, mainly
China, which currently accounts for 27% of world production, followed by Russia
(10%), the United States (9.3%) and India (8%) (Fig.4) (U.S. Geological Survey, 2021).
Ammonia production
3% 8%
China Russia USA India Indonesia Trinidad and Tobago Saudi Arabia Others
In addition, in the coming years, the emergence of new uses for ammonia and
improved manufacturing technologies are expected to boost ammonia consumption,
which could reach 195 million metric tons per year by 2025 (Fig. 5)
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Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
Most of the ammonia (80%) is used in the manufacture of fertilizers (Figure 6), and its
main applications are (Yapicioglu, et al., 2019):
• Ammonium nitrate
• Ammonium salts
• Urea
• Explosives manufacturing
• Caprolactam, nylon
• Polyurethanes
• Cryogenic gas
• Domestic cleaning products
Ammonia applications
Other Compound; 5%
Bicarbonate; 6%
UAN; 5%
DAP; 2%
MAP; 2%
Urea; 42%
Nitrate; 8%
Sulphate; 3%
nitrate; 3% Non-Fertiliser
Other; 4%
uses; 15%
Direct Application;
Due to the great importance of this product, since the beginning of the 20th century,
improvements have been developed and the efficiency of its production technology
has been increased, mainly the Haber-Bosch process, considered one of the greatest
technological advances of the industrial era. The Haber-Bosch process has become
so important that currently 90% of the ammonia produced globally is obtained in this
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
The process was initially patented by the physic-chemist Fritz Haber. In 1910 Carl
Bosch, working for the chemical company BASF, succeeded in commercializing the
process. Both Haber and Bosch were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1918 and 1931
respectively for overcoming the chemical and engineering problems posed by the use
of large-scale, high-pressure technologies.
We must bear in mind that in today's market ammonia production plants are of
industrial size and seek the highest possible production in order to gain advantage
form the economy of scale, so advances in this technology have not focused on
optimizing the size of the plants. However, process intensification appears last years
as a promising research area that can fulfil the objectives of an offshore ammonia
The main technologies and projects driving the growth of this process, as well as the
introduction of alternative NH3 production technologies, will be briefly described below.
• Reforming: when the raw material is natural gas or naphtha, the way to obtain
ammonia is by reforming the hydrocarbons to extract hydrogen.
• Partial oxidation: the raw material used can be heavy hydrocarbons or coal.
• By product Hydrogen: hydrogen-rich gas, which is a by-product of some other
process, is introduced directly.
• Electrolytic route: hydrogen is obtained by water electrolysis.
• Biological route: ammonia is obtained by conversion of biological products.
The use of natural gas as a power source has been growing over the years, while the
use of naphtha and other petroleum products has been decreasing. (Kirk-Otmer, 2000)
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Different ways of obtaining ammonia are shown in the block diagram below (Figure 7):
Since the beginning of the 20th century, the most industrially used and efficient
practice for obtaining ammonia has been the production of hydrogen by hydrocarbon
While it is true that this process is highly effective and produces large amounts of
hydrogen, natural gas is a fossil fuel whose combustion results in a large amount of
CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.
In addition, since these plants are supplied with natural gas, they are totally dependent
on this resource and its supply, so their installation is limited only to onshore sites with
a natural gas distribution network.
The process itself consists of obtaining ammonia (NH3) from nitrogen (N2) and
hydrogen (H2) both in gaseous state, by means of the following reversible exothermic
In general terms, this reaction is characterized by being very slow, so it is carried out
over a catalyst (commonly iron, Fe3+); it also takes place under conditions of about
300 bar of pressure and a temperature of approximately 400ºC which avoid to reach
a yield of about 20%, being mandatory a recycle loop in order to obtain industrially
feasible global conversions.
Regarding the adaptation of the Haber-Bosch process to the desired size in this
project, it must be initially considered that the design criteria for small plants are very
different from those of large-scale ammonia production plants. For such small plants,
the economic factor is more critical while the technical and operational factor is less
important. This will be reflected in the process design, which will try to minimize the
number of components, apply standardized equipment and design modules that
minimize plant construction work.
In recent years, restrictions on pollutant gas emissions and new environmental policies
have encouraged new ways of obtaining hydrogen in a clean way, based on the use
of renewable resources and the design of process without emissions.
In this way, numerous advances have been made in obtaining hydrogen by alternative
ways. The main options currently available are shown in Table 4, including energy
inputs, technology based a short description and the associate TRL (Sustainable
Ammonia Production, 2021)
Table 4. A brief description of various hydrogen production processes (Adapted from Wijers, 2011; Acar and Dincer,
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
Among the technologies mentioned, the most widely used for sustainable hydrogen
production is water electrolysis, supported by renewable technologies such as solar
or wind energy.
The H+ ions travel through the proton-conducting polymer towards the cathode, where
they take an electron and become neutral H atoms. These combine to make H2 at the
cathode. The electrolyte and two electrodes are sandwiched between two bipolar
plates, which transport water to them, transport product gases away from the cell,
conduct electricity, and circulate a coolant fluid to cool down the process.
Electrochemical processes
This type of processes can be divided into three major groups based on the
temperatures of the electrochemical cells: low temperature (<100°C), medium
temperature (100-400°C) and high temperatures (400-750°C). The advantages of this
type of process with respect to the Haber Bosch process are mainly the next four
This alternative has the advantage of operating at temperatures around 50ºC and
atmospheric pressure conditions. This solves some of the problems posed by HB
since the reduction of these conditions has a direct impact on the cost of energy and
fossil fuels. However, it comprises two challenges yet to be developed (A review on
the non-thermal plasma-assisted ammonia synthesis, 2018).
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• Reverse reactions
On the other hand, peptide functional catalyst has been developed and tested in anion
exchange-based systems. The materials used for such a catalyst show promising
results compared to conventional catalysts.
In accordance with the previous description, different alternatives exist to carry out a
complete and reliable process of ammonia synthesis being necessary to select the
best one in order to suits the proposed project.
First of all, it is necessary to choose the source of the raw materials to convert them
into ammonia. Considering only raw materials obtained in a renewable way and whose
processing does not emit polluting gases, reforming and partial oxidation processes
would be discarded. Although both of them are very efficient ways of NH3 production,
the environmental requirements of the project make them discarded.
The process to be carried out is then selected under qualitative and subjective
comparing different factors that influence production. Based on different articles,
research and reports, using the same weighting technique as in Table 1 and Table 2:
(green=good (2 points), yellow=acceptable (1 point), red=bad (0 points)) results are
obtained in Table 5 and 6:
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
Haber-Bosch 6
Electrochemical processes 5
Non-thermal plasma synthesis 4
Functional catalyst with nitrogenase 4
motivated peptide
At that point, the technology selected for the whole plant in the present project, as it is
specified in the project objective (section 1.4), will be a Haber Bosch process obtaining
H2 from water by electrolysis and N2 from air in an air separation unit (ASU) (Figure
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Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
Manufacturing their own ammonia production plant has many advantages, especially
in this case where it is a research and development project. However, it is important
to know the state of the art of similar technologies, either to take advantage of its
strengths for the actual project benefit or to consider the weakest points of the process
in order to avoid problems or possible mistakes.
For this reason, a study of the current market and the development of similar projects
has been carried out, analysing their different characteristics in order to get a global
knowledge of the scope and limitations of this project.
The following are some of the small ammonia plants available on the market as well
as the most promising projects for the future of the sector.
Proton Ventures offers the possibility of manufacturing small scale ammonia plants
with the named NFUEL units (Figure 10). The electricity used for this plant can come
from renewable sources such as solar turbines or photovoltaic panels. This new
concept allows the production of sustainable ammonia for subsequent use as fertilizer,
energy carrier or fuel. (Proton Ventures, 2021).
Currently they have designed NFUEL units to produce 120kg/h NH3 (Solar to
Ammonia – via Proton’s NFuel units, 2014). As can be seen in Figure 10, the unit is
divided into skids that fit into 40-foot containers, which greatly facilitates transportation
and logistics. Each of these skids is fully automated, remotely operated and
guarantees technical integrity.
Figure 9 shows the NFUEL unit next to a wind farm, but it could also be accompanied
by a photovoltaic farm or any type of energy source that allows obtaining hydrogen by
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
• NFUEL units are powered by electricity from renewable energy sources and
are designed to withstand rapid power fluctuations.
• Labour costs are minimal due to remote monitoring and control of the unit via a
secure wireless connection.
• According to the company, NH3 production including compressors and reactors
can operate efficiently for more than 30 years. Electrolyzer and nitrogen
production systems have a lifetime of around 20 years, but this can be extended
by proper operation and maintenance of the system.
• All equipment operating at high pressures in the ammonia synthesis loop is
designed and built to withstand fatigue due to pressurization and
depressurization cycles.
• The interconnection between the different skids is designed on a site-specific
basis and under the required skid layout conditions.
• The N2, H2 and water purification units as well as the main compression system
are equipped with programmable logic controllers.
• It incorporates an emergency shutdown system into the overall control system
design, along with the installation of safety valves, instrumentation and
ammonia, nitrogen and hydrogen and heat detectors located at strategic points
to detect any possible leaks.
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
1.3.2 Thyssenkrupp
All necessary for AWE-based green hydrogen production is energy from renewable
sources and water. In addition, AWE is ideal for use in green ammonia plants, as it
can be started in minutes and follows load variations in seconds (Thyssenkrupp,
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• Capital expenditures.
• Availability and cost of renewable energy.
• Potential transportation constraints.
• The cost of ammonia.
• CO2 emission restrictions and taxes.
The conclusion was that in landlocked locations with low energy costs, the installation
of a green ammonia plant may be an interesting option, especially for the chemical or
fertilizer industry. Not surprisingly, economies of scale favour conventional plants with
higher production capacities. But in addition to its economically viable existence as a
niche product, green ammonia is becoming increasingly interesting for renewable
energy producers as a suitable energy carrier and storage medium.
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
Also, utilizing the catalysts developed by the Japanese National Institute of Advanced
Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), National Institute of Technology Numazu
College and JGC designed and constructed an ammonia synthesis demonstration
plant in FREA, the Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute. From April 2018, the plant
started operation to evaluate the performance of the developed catalysts and acquire
the engineering data for scaling up in the future.
JGC’s plant was constructed according to the flowsheet in Figure 13. Figures 14 and
15 shows the plant working under the specified properties related in (Demonstration
of CO2-Free Ammonia Synthesis Using Renewable Energy-Generated Hydrogen,
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With this project launched in 2018, JGC aims to contribute to decarbonisation and to
improve the energy supply chain.
1.3.4 Siemens
Following the steps of JCG, in June 2018 Siemens launched operations at its Green
Ammonia Demonstrator, at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory outside Oxford in the
UK. Its aim is to provide insights into the business case for ammonia as a market-
flexible energy storage vector (Green ammonia pilot plants now running, in Oxford and
Fukushima, 2018).
The Siemens demonstrator includes not only storage assets but also combustion
assets: an internal combustion engine adapted to generate electricity using ammonia
as a fuel. The main objective of the plant is to evaluate an all-electric synthesis and
energy storage demonstration system based on Green Ammonia.
Figures 16 and 17 show a scheme of the plant itself and its installation site (Hablutzel,
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
When it comes to logistics, Siemens’s plant distribution looks similar to the Proton
Ventures skids and differ from JCG or Thyssenkrupp’s plants which are more compact
and static (Figures 15-16).
According to Siemens, the main components of this plant are the following:
In 2013, a pilot plant was built using electricity from a utility-scale wind turbine to
produce hydrogen by electrolyzing water, nitrogen is separated from air, and then
these gases are combined to produce anhydrous ammonia (Figure 18).
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Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
This project focuses on the green production of ammonia and its use as an alternative
fuel, a field of research that is gaining increasing interest. The aim of this project is to
develop an ammonia production plant that can be installed on a floating platform,
powered by solar panels, which produces ammonia using the Haber-Bosch process
and use this product to power cargo ships in a way that is totally free of polluting
emissions: obtaining hydrogen through the electrolysis of seawater and nitrogen from
the separation of air. In this context, this degree final project consists of the preliminary
design, by means of the process simulation in ASPEN Plus, of the equipment
necessary to obtain ammonia in the aforementioned way.
Specific objectives
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This section shows the design specifications related to the process, energy and raw
materials surplus and characteristics and the final product properties. The different
subsystems or stages of electrolysis, air separation and ammonia synthesis are
showed with a process flow diagram which includes material and main process
conditions as well as relevant process specifications obtained from previous literature.
Air Product
• Raw materials and products: based on conditions of the port of Santander and
product requirements for its future use (Table 7).
Table 7. Raw materials and products specifications
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
Nitrogen 14.93 588.72 -6.60
Hydrogen 13.63 164.90 3.19
Argon 15.23 700.51 -5.84
Ammonia 16.95 2132.50 -32.98
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• Air separators
Pressure= 7 bar
Temperature= -177ºC
Nitrogen from air: 98%
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• Electrolyzer:
𝐻2𝑂 + ∆𝐻 → 𝐻2 + 𝑂2
∆𝐻𝑅 = ∆𝐺𝑅 + 𝑇∆𝑆R
Standard conditions: ∆G˚R = 237 kJ mol-1
Vrev = Where z is the number of electrons transferred per
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• Converter R2:
0.5𝑁2 + 1.5𝐻2 ↔ 𝑁𝐻3
The ammonia production reaction has a conversion rate of 𝓇 = 0.3
P=138 bar
[inert components] <12% to avoid problems in the reactor as they can
affect temperatures and conversion.
• Flash F3:
Pin= 138 bar
Pout=17 bar
• Separator SPLIT3:
ε purge= 0.1
[Inert components] <12%
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Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
A breakthrough stream converges when the following expression is true for all
convergence variables of the breakthrough streams:
(𝑋𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 − 𝑋𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑)
−𝑡𝑜𝑙 ≤ ≤ 𝑡𝑜𝑙
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The default convergence variables are: total molar flux, individual molar fluxes,
pressure and enthalpy.
The complexity of the simulation for the case of an ammonia production plant lies in
the existence of several recycle streams, purge, different design specifications,
specific thermodynamics, and high working pressures.
The simulation of the ammonia production process is then carried out with the Aspen
Plus commercial simulator. As this is a complex process due to the high pressures
and the need for recycling, its simulation will also be complex.
When starting the simulation, it is necessary to specify the units you are going to work
with. In this case the following units were chosen due to the ease of adapting the
information obtained from literature and research:
• Pressure: bar
• Temperature: degrees Celsius
Subsequently, all the components involved in the process are selected from the Aspen
Plus library. The following elements were selected for this process, which are the ones
that interact in the plant:
1. Hydrogen: H2
2. Nitrogen: N2
3. Water: H2O
4. Ammonia: NH3
5. Chlorine: CL-
6. Sodium: Na+
7. Sulphate: SO4
8. Magnesium: MG
9. Calcium: CA
10. Potassium: K
11. Oxygen: O2
12. Argon: AR
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• Feed streams
Table 9 shows the main feed streams: seawater and air, which are defined by their
molar composition, pressure, and temperature.
T(ºC) 13.5 16.5
P(bar) 1 1
NITROGEN 28.45 0
OXYGEN 8.71 0
ARGON 0.48 0
WATER 0 127.69
SODIUM 0 0.5
CALCIUM 0 0.02
TOTAL 37.65 129.1
• Product streams
In the air separation unit, the SEP2-2 stream, which is an oxygen-rich stream
is obtained after air fractionation. The desalination unit and the PEM
electrolyzer are the equipment that has the most output streams; here there are
the next streams i) the DESAL-2 stream, that contains all the unwanted
impurities in the water since the electrolyzer requires a stream of water with a
high purity, ii) F2-1, which is a mixture of oxygen and water, and iii) SEP4-2,
which contains water mixed with hydrogen and oxygen.
The ammonia synthesis process only has one product stream apart from the
final product, this stream is SEP5-1, and it is one of the most important steps
of the process as it is the purge necessary to ensure that the percentage of
inert components entering the reactor is lower than 12%.
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
Finally, before proceeding to build the process flow diagram of the plant itself, the
"Peng-Robinson" thermodynamic package is selected as the most suitable for the
process to be studied and the most used in ammonia synthesis by the Haber-Bosch
The equipment involved in the simulation of the ammonia production process are
shown in this section following the three subsystems or units of the global process
(ASU unit, Desalination & PEM electrolysis unit and Ammonia synthesis unit).
In the nitrogen production stage by air separation, only an air stream directly from the
plant's environment is introduced as shown in Figure 22.
• C1: compressor
• HX1: air feed preheater
• The core of air separation equipment is an important system for low
temperature separation. High and low pressure two – stage rectification is
usually adopted. In this case it’s simulated with equipment SEP1 (RadFrac*)
and SEP2
• M1: mixer
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
*The RadFrac model is the main separation block in Aspen Plus. The block can
perform simulation, sizing, and rating of tray and packed columns. The model
specification, done in the Setup form, requires complete specifications of column
configuration, specifications, feed(s), product(s), and any side streams (Hussain,
Like the previous stage, this one has only one incoming stream, the seawater, that
must be further purified and from which the feedstock of hydrogen to the ammonia
process is obtained (Fig. 23).
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
• SEP3: oxygen phase separator. Separates gaseous oxygen from water exiting
the cell stack (ASA, 2022)
• SPLIT1, SPLIT2: splitters
• M3, M4: mixers used to combine the streams coming from the splitters.
• F1: flash unit to separate water from the hydrogen-rich stream.
• F2: flash unit to separate water from the non-hydrogen-rich stream.
• SEP4: Hydrogen phase separator. Separates gaseous hydrogen from water
exiting the cell stack (ASA, 2022)
The output streams from the electrolysis and air separation modules are mixed and
subsequently the main recycle stream is added. At this stage, ammonia synthesis
takes place in the R2 converter (Fig. 24).
C2: compressor of the inlet streams to achieve a similar pressure to recycle stream.
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HX5: shell and tubes heat exchanger that heats the inlet stream by using the reactor’s
hot outlet stream.
HX7: cooler.
F3: flash separator in charge of obtaining the ammonia final product with the desired
purity and separating it from hydrogen and oxygen that haven’t reacted.
SPLIT3: the gas outlet of F3 stream is recycled and purged through this equipment in
the appropriate amount to maintain the inert components in the reactor inlet less than
To set up the process, two specifications are implemented: N2/H2 ratio and reactor
inlet inert components concentration.
The electrolyzer has a water inlet, as a source of hydrogen, whose flow rate will be
affected by a design specification which must be such that the reactor inlet stream has
the correct nitrogen: hydrogen ratio (1:3), given by the ammonia reaction
For this purpose, a design specification is created which acts by varying the flow rate
of feed water entering the electrolyzer, depending on the composition of the reactor
inlet stream.
Variables H20 and N20 are created as the mole fraction of the M6-1 hydrogen and
nitrogen stream respectively. It is necessary to relate them by means of a Fortran
sentence forcing to fix this relation in 3.0, the variable that remains free is the flow of
water of entrance, since it was the hydrogen contribution to the process.
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In the conversion stage, the percentage of inert components entering the reactor must
be less than 12%, therefore a purge is introduced in the recirculation stream. The
purge rate of which will be indicated by a design specification.
The molar flow rate of argon in the M6-1-1 inlet stream to the converter is defined, by
means of a Fortran sentence this variable is related to another variable also defined
by the user called "TOT" which is the total molar flow rate of the reactor inlet so that
the percentage of inerts can be calculated and given a value. The variable to be left
free is the fraction purged on SPLIT3.
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
Figure 25 represents the process flow diagram of the complete process evaluated in Aspen Plus. Appendix 1 shows the ammonia synthesis process ASPEN simulation INPUT.
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Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
The resolution of the simulation has been carried out with four "solvers" or
convergence blocks, the following shows the equipment involved in them and the order
carried out to calculate the flow diagram, with the breakdown streams chosen by the
Table 10 shows the convergence blocks of the different design specifications, the
status, the error, the tolerance, the relationship between both and the value of the
manipulated variable.
Table 10. Design specifications summary
Table 11 shows the convergence status of the breakdown streams and the variable
checked for convergence with the highest error.
Table 11. Breakdown streams summary
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
Table 12 shows the results of the streams taking part in the ASU stage:
Table 12. ASU stream results
In this stage, air stream is fed to obtain nitrogen by separating it into its different
components. The M1-1 outlet has a nitrogen molar flow rate of 27.77 kg/hr.
The results of the different streams of the PEM electrolyzer simulation are shown
below in Table 13 and Table 14.
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
Units H20FEED DESAL-1 DESAL-2 M2-1 P1-1 HX3-1 R1-1 SEP3-1 SEP3-2
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
Units SPLIT1-1 SPLIT1-2 SPLIT2-1 SPLIT2-2 M3-1 M4-1 F1-1 F1-2 F2-1 F2-2 SEP4- SEP4-
1 2
Vapor Vapor Mixed Mixed Mixe Mixe Vapor Liquid Vapor Liquid Vapor Mixed
Phase d d
ºC 80 80 80 80 54.65 76.16 54 54 77 77 54 54
Bar 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Molar kJ/kmol 1592 1592 -15e4 -15e4 -54e3 -14e4 -20e3 -28e4 -60e3 -28e4 177 -64e3
Kg/hr 6.92 1.73 36.93 147.75 43.86 149.48 31.77 12.09 95.92 53.56 6.37 25.39
Mass Flows
O2 Kg/hr 0 0 17.17 68.68 17.17 68.68 17.17 1.9e-5 68.68 4.7e-4 0.34 16.83
H2 Kg/hr 6.92 1.73 0.43 1.73 7.36 3.46 7.36 6.6e-7 3.46 2.36e-6 5.88 1.47
H2O Kg/hr 0 0 19.33 77.33 19.33 77.33 7.24 12.09 23.77 53.56 0.14 7.1
Cl- Kg/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Na+ Kg/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SO4-- Kg/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mg Kg/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ca Kg/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
K Kg/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
The results of the core part of the process, the ammonia synthesis, are shown in Table 15:
Units M5-1 HX4-1 C2-1 M6-1 C3-1 C4-1 HX5-1 HX6-1 R2-1 HX5-2 HX7-1 F3-1 F3-2 SPLIT3-1 SPLIT3-2
Mixed Vapor Vapor Vapor Vapor Vapor Vapor Vapor Vapor Vapor Mixed Vapor Liquid Vapor Vapor
ºC -28.3 13.11 151.5 33.98 214.9 389.2 428 438 498 458.05 -26 -26 -26 -26 -26
Bar 6 6 17 17 60 138 138 138 138 138 138 17 17 17 17
Molar kJ/kmol -2130 -842 3197 -2.6e6 -2.7e6 8.2e6 9.4e6 9.7e6 4.8e6 3.4e6 -1.4e7 -5.7e6 -7.2e7 -5.7e6 -5.7e6
Kg/hr 34.14 34.14 34.14 109.77 109.7 109.7 109.77 109.77 109.7 109.77 109.77 84.02 25.74 8.4 75.62
7 7 7
Mass Flows
Kg/hr 27.26 27.26 27.26 73.72 73.72 73.72 73.73 73.73 51.62 51.62 51.62 51.61 0.006 5.16 46.45
Kg/hr 0.78 0.78 0.78 7.66 7.66 7.66 7.66 7.66 7.65 7.65 7.65 7.64 0.015 0.76 6.88
Kg/hr 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.67 0.003 0.07 0.61
Kg/hr 5.88 5.88 5.88 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9 11.13 11.13 11.13 11.13 0.001 1.11 10.02
Kg/hr 0 0 0 11.66 11.66 11.66 11.66 11.66 38.53 38.53 38.53 12.96 25.57 1.29 11.66
Kg/hr 0.14 1.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 3.3e-6 0.14 3e-7 3e-6
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
Table 16 shows the temperature, pressure and mass flowrate to the input and the final
product streams.
Table 16. Stream results summary
A flow rate of 25.64 kg/h is obtained with an ammonia richness of 99.3%.The target
was 25kg/hr with a richness higher than 98%, so with the simulation this result can be
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
Since this is a process that works under high pressure and temperature conditions,
the cost estimation methods based on modular factor, show lower accuracy than when
applied to estimations under mild conditions. Moreover, as the ammonia converter is
a very special reactor (reactor-exchanger), commonly under proprietary information,
its cost estimation will again be very approximate within this preliminary design.
The equipment to be considered will be, on the one hand, the ASU and the PEM
electrolyze which are sized and estimated their cost specifically as a whole. On the
other hand, the individual components of the synthesis stage, which are the following:
Flash, reactor, shell and tube exchanger, heaters and cooler, three compressors, the
mixer and the splitter.
The Guthrie modular method to estimate equipment cost is based on the Williams law,
which depend on the specific equipment capacity to estimate the Base Cost (C or BC)
using the equations showed below and the specific parameters of each unit showed
in Tables 17 and 18. Therefore, the first step would be the equipment sizing, obtaining
the specific capacity that is directly related to the cost.
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Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
• Pressure vessels
Flash equipment, separators, condensers, and some single reactors are sized as
pressure vessels, being the volume of the vessel the fundamental variable for their
design. To calculate the vessel’s volume, the following expression is applied:
𝐹𝐿 ∙ 𝜏
𝑉 =2∙
𝜏= residence time [hr] (usually taken 5 minutes if we don’t have the information)
For the calculation of the dimensions of the vessel, a cylindrical vessel shape is
assumed and a ratio between the diameter of the tank and its length of L=4D, obtaining
that the diameter of the equipment are:
𝑉 3
𝐷=( )
If the diameter is less than 1.2 meters, the optimum orientation for the vessel will be
vertical, thus optimizing space occupation and clamping requirements. Minimum
diameter is 1 foot.
• Heat exchangers
To size heat exchangers, the following equation is applied, from which it is possible to
obtain the required heat exchange area:
𝑄 = 𝑈 ∙ 𝐴 ∙ 𝐿𝑀𝑇𝐷
Once the exchange area is found, is necessary to calculate the number of tubes of a
given dimension that together add up to that area. Normalized tube dimensions are
taken. We will also decide the distribution of these tubes and the number of passages
through the casing.
Note that if the area needed is over 1000 m3, several heat exchangers will be used,
obtaining the total area as A=A1+A2+…+An.
• Compressors
For compressors (Fig. 26) all we need is the power needed for their use and compare
it with the market’s specifications of power and sizing, as they are very common
products used in various industries. In the present project, this power is given by the
Aspen Plus simulation, so no additional calculations are needed.
• Valves
Both the mixer and the splitter are preliminary designed as special valves (Fig. 27)
that, like the equipment mentioned above, they can be easily found on the market or
can be manufactured by a specialized company.
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
• Flash unit
Table 19. Flash unit dimensions
As its diameter is less than 1.2 m, its orientation will be vertical. Vertical construction
includes shell and two heads, the skirt, base rings and lugs, and possible tray supports,
occupying a space of approximately 1 sqm and with a height of around 2.5 m.
• Reactor
Table 20. Reactor dimensions
In this case, the reactor has been modelled as a pressure vessel, but as indicated
above, it is a catalytic bed reactor with heat exchange, so its sizing will depend on
reaction kinetic, mass and energy transfer. To stimate its real dimensions and
specifications, a complete study by a specialized company in this type of reactors
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
would be needed. One example of a similar reactor is the one used in the University
of Minnesota’s pilot plant (described in section 1.3.5) and shown in Figure 28.
Considering the design of this prototype, it is assumed that the dimensions of the
reactor can be around 5 sqm with a height of 2 m.
• Heat exchanger
Table 21. Heat exchanger dimensions
HX5 498 458.05 389.18 428 69.44 850 0.065 3.85 55.46
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
𝐴 𝑇𝑢𝑏𝑒𝑠=𝜋∙𝐷∙𝐿
• Heaters/Cooler
Both equipment, heaters and the cooler must be electric, in line with the policy of
avoiding direct emissions. They are defined by their operating temperatures and
pressures as well as the inlet flow and the power required which characteristics are
shown in Table 22.
Name Pin (bar) Pout (bar) Tin (ºC) Tout (ºC) F (kg/hr) W (kW)
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
According to the market, this equipment with the aforementioned characteristics may
have dimensions of around 1sqm and 1.5 m height.
• Compressors
This equipment is defined mainly by its power, although its size and cost also vary
depending on the working pressures and the materials used to withstand high
Name Pin (bar) Pout (bar) Tin (ºC) Tout (ºC) F (kg/hr) W (kW)
C2 6 17 13.11 151.46 34.14 4.41
C3 17 60 33.99 214.9 109.78 17
C4 60 138 214.9 389.18 109.78 17
In this case the power of the compressors C3 and C4 is very high (Table 23), reason
way the simulation is carried out by a compressors train, composed by more
compressors with less power.
As a guideline, the size of the three compressors will be around 3 sqm and 1 meter
• Mixers/Splitter
The mixers will be static mixers without moving components, as the one shown in
Figure 30 and will have the following requirements shown in Table 24:
Table 24. Mixers and splitter dimensions
M5 34.14 6 -28.3
M6 109.78 17 33.99
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
The size will depend on the desired flow, but all these devices are about 0.5 square
meters in size.
For the requirements of the present project (25 kg/h and a purity of 98.5 % N2) the size
of one of this units designed for other projects are usually around 4 sqm like the one
showed in Figure 31.
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• PEM Electrolyzer
This equipment consists of a stack of cells assembled under pressure that support the
high pressures generated inside and that, by means of collectors, collect gas prodcuts
in the anode (water and oxygen) and cathode (water and hydrogen) which are later
processed according to the final application of these gases (in this case to obtain
Some specialized companies such as ARIEMA S.L. offer different variants depending
on the real needs of their customers: from large industrial electrolysis plants to medium
or small plants adapted to the needs of each case, as is the designed ammonia plant
in the present project.
According to the previously observed in other similar plants and projects, as well as in
small hydrogen production plants, it has been shown that the size of this equipment
for the specifications desired in the process (6.3 kg/h and a purity of 99.1 %H2) is
around 4 sqm. Figure 33 shows an example of this type of equipment.
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
• Storage tanks
Additionally, different storage tanks must be included, each one with its own design
requirements depending on its content and the amount stored. The tanks to be placed
in the plant are the following:
Initially in this previous design, all storage tanks will be assumed to have dimensions
of 9 sqm.
As a summary, the estimated total area of the plant has been calculated as the sum
of the area of all its equipment obtaining a value of 60 sqm to which should add space
for pipes, pumps, valves, control and safety systems and space between equipment
in case access to them is necessary. Thus, being conservative it would be possible to
install the plant on a platform with a surface of around 300 sqm.
APPENDIX 2: AUTOCAD PLANE shows a plan drawn in the AutoCAD program and
represents what could be the floor plan layout of the designed equipment. For
convenience, when making repairs it has been decided to place all similar equipment
in the same area, so that compressors, tanks, and separators are grouped into
separated areas.
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
The cost estimation method of Guthrie is used to estimate the updated base module
cost of each equipment. This is a “Preliminary” category of cost estimation, which
could have errors higher than 50%.
The Base Cost of equipment is obtained through the Williams law expression to
pressure vessels, C = BC =Co (L/Lo) (D/Do), or C = BC =Co (S/So) to the rest of
the equipment (Biegler et al., 1997) (Biegler, et al., 1997); Values of base cost and
size as well as exponents are shown in Tables 17 and 18. Purchase costs of other
industrial processing equipment are shown in Process Design bibliography (Seider, et
al., 2017); (Douglas, 1988); (Sinnot, y otros, 2020); (Martín, 2016); (Viguri, et al.,
2017).To update cost from mid-1968 (Co and So), an Update Factor UF, to account
for inflation, is applied.
UF: (Present Cost Index / Base Cost index) = (CI actual) / (CI base), with CI 2021 = 708
and CI Base = 115. 𝑈𝐹 = 115 = 6.16
MF is the Module Factor, affected by BC, taking into account labor, piping
instruments and accessories among others and are MF 2; MF 4; MF 6; MF 8; MF 10
from Tables 17 and 18. The MPF factor is the Materials and Pressure correction
Factors F (Fd, Fm, Fp, Fo, Ft) which are empirical factors that modified BC and
evaluate particular instances of equipment beyond a basic configuration. This
correlation factors are shown in the Tables 25-29. (Viguri, et al., 2017)
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Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
Table 27. Materials and pressure factors for Direct Fired Heaters
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
All the calculations were made using American units as shown in Table 17 and Table
18. The main equivalences we will need are the following: 1m=3.28ft; 1sqm=10.76sqft;
• Pressure vessels
For this cost’s estimation, the flash unit and reactor will be considered as
pressure vessels to simplify calculations, but we must take in account that the
real price will increase when talking about the real equipment.
o Flash unit F3 (Vertical):
5.35 0.81 1.35 1.05
𝐵𝐶 = 1000 ( ) ( ) = 547.23$
4 3
o Reactor R2 (Vertical):
8.5 0.81 2.13 1.05
𝐵𝐶 = 1000 ( ) ( ) = 1285.23$
4 3
From Table 25 the MPF:
Tmax=928.4F so the material used will be Carbon Steel. Fm=1
P=1986.82psig so Fp=2.5
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
o HX6:
3.39 0.77
𝐵𝐶 = 20 · 103 ( ) = 14827.81$
From Table 27 the MPF:
The heater is cylindrical so Fd=1
P=1986.83psig so Fp=0.2
Radiant tube material is made of Carbon Steel so Fm=0
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
• Refrigeration. HX7
195.25 0.7
𝐵𝐶 = 60 · 10 ( ) = 58998.91$
From Table 28 the MPF:
Evaporator temperature is -26ºC so MPF=Ft=2.25
• Compressors
o C2:
15.03 0.77
𝐵𝐶 = 23 · 103 ( ) = 5345.47$
From Table 29 the MPF:
This first compressor will be a reciprocating- single stage so
according to the Table: MPF=Fd=1.07
o C3:
59.18 0.77
𝐵𝐶 = 23 · 10 ( ) = 15356.86$
From Table 29 the MPF:
This compressor will be a reciprocating- multistage so according
to the Table: MPF=Fd=1.29
o C4:
59.15 0.77
𝐵𝐶 = 23 · 10 ( ) = 15350.87$
From Table 29 the MPF:
This compressor will be a reciprocating- multistage so according
to the Table: MPF=Fd=1.29
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
Table 30 summarize the sizing parameters related to the cost as well as the estimated
cost of the equipment list of the ammonia plant.
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Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
En el presente proyecto se ha evaluado y diseñado una planta de producción de
amoniaco (a pequeña escala) de 25 kg/h y 98% de pureza a partir de materias primas
y energías renovables. Dicha planta se diseña con el objetivo de suministrar amoniaco
como combustible a buques de carga desde una plataforma flotante situada en el
puerto de Santander.
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
This project has evaluated and designed an ammonia production plant (small scale)
of 25 kg/h and 98% purity from raw materials and renewable energies. This plant is
designed with the aim of supplying ammonia as fuel to cargo ships from a floating
platform located in the port of Santander.
1. An analysis has been carried out on the production of different alternative fuels
and their use in cargo ships, selecting ammonia as the main candidate under a
sustainable manufacturing approach using renewable energy and raw
2. After analysing different small size ammonia manufacturing alternatives, the
Haber-Bosch process, with renewable raw material sources as seawater and
air, was considered the most suitable option in terms of accessible resources,
efficiency, cost, pressure, and temperature conditions as well as TRL.
3. A preliminary design and simulation of an ammonia production plant using the
Haber-Bosch process on a small-scale basis have been made. This simulation
has been carried out by the ASPEN Plus modelling tool, obtaining the following
specific results: product flowrate of 25.64 kg/hr with an ammonia richness of
4. The product ammonia is obtained totally free of polluting emissions due to the
use of renewable energy through solar panels and obtaining hydrogen through
the electrolysis of seawater and nitrogen from the separation of air.
5. Based on the previous results, a preliminary study of the area need to allocate
the equipment that make up the plant is done. Being conservative, it would be
possible to install the plant on a platform with a surface of around 300 sqm.
Therefore, it is verified that it is enough small to be installed in a reduced area
such as a floating platform.
6. Under the same conceptual approach, short-cut methods to sizing the main
equipment and modular methods to the preliminary cost estimation have been
applied to the ammonia plant, obtaining a Base Module Cost of €2.1 MM.
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
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Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
N2 N2 /
O2 O2 /
HYDRO-01 H2 /
AMMON-01 H3N /
H2O H2O /
CL- CL- /
NA+ NA+ /
SO4-- SO4-2 /
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
POTAS-01 0.0004
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Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
0. 0. 0.
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Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
P-SPEC 1 6.
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
SB-TOL=0.0001 MAXIT=100
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
TOL-SPEC "0.12"
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
TOL-SPEC "0.01"
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022
Juan Lainz Arrarte May 2022