10° - 2 Guía 20221
10° - 2 Guía 20221
10° - 2 Guía 20221
FECHAS GUÍA INICIO: 24 de enero ENTREGA:11 febrero
Lengua Inglés Ciencias Economía y Filosofía
Castellana Sociales política
Lengua Castellana
Tema: Técnicas de oratoria.
1. Técnicas para el ejercicio de la oratoria
Durante esta guía de aprendizaje se afianzarán las técnicas y habilidades
para el ejercicio de la oratoria. Este material se encuentra anexo a esta
guía mediante diapositivas, que serán orientadas por el docente del área.
2. Producción de textos para la oratoria
En esta actividad se espera que los estudiantes, de forma individual,
elaboren textos argumentativos sobre temas de tipo cultural, social,
económico o político que les sirvan para el ejercicio de oratoria que se
desarrollará en la siguiente guía.
Durante las clases recibirás los lineamientos para elaborar esta producción
textual (temas, extensión, estructura, estilo...).
Tema: Modal verbs
Modal verbs show possibility, intent, ability, or necessity. Because they’re a type of
auxiliary verb (helper verb), they’re used together with the main verb of the
sentence. Common examples include can, should, and must. Modal verbs can be
tricky, especially when it comes to using them in a sentence. The good news is that
they’re simple once you learn how they work.
Depending on the meaning they express, there are five main types of modal
Strong obligation You must stop when the traffic lights turn red.
logical conclusion / Certainty He must be very tired. He's been working all day long.
lack of necessity/absence of I need not buy tomatoes. There are plenty of tomatoes in
need not obligation the fridge.
Practice: https://www.myenglishpages.com/english/grammar-exercise-modals.php
1. Read and analyze the following text, from which you should take out the unknown vocabulary.
2. Taking into account the expressions and examples, write 2 suggestions (in English) for each of the
proposed situations.
3. Teams of 3 or 4 students make an oral presentation in which you can show your position and how you
would face the situation from your mayor's mandate of the city, offering a possible solution to one of the
topics seen in the reading. (topic will be assigned by the teacher).
4. Choose one of the 4 topics of the reading and make a comic, where you include the expressions that are
used for making suggestions or recommendations in English.
5. Teams 3. prepare a presentation about the simple tenses. follow the teacher’s instructions.
Homelessness is the condition of people without Domestic violence is a pattern
permanent dwelling. Homeless people are often of harmful behaviour by one
unable to get and keep regular, safe, secure and person against another within
good housing. The legal definition the family setting. Domestic
of homeless varies from country to country. The abuse occurs across society,
regardless of age, gender, race,
term homeless may also wealth, and geography. This can take a number of
include people sleep in forms, including physical, verbal, emotional and
a homeless shelter, economic. The figures show that it consists mainly of
a motel, a violence by men against women. In 2012, an Indian
vehicle, cardboard boxes study found that 92 % of women reported having
or a tent city. According experienced some form of violence in public spaces
to the UK Homelessness in their lifetime. Globally, 1 in 3 women experience
Charity Crisis, a home is not just a physical space: physical, verbal or emotional violence by close
it also provides roots, identity, security, and a relatives.
sense of belonging and a place of emotional
Unemployment is the UNESCO defines the 1958
number of people in any illiteracy as the condition of a
country who want to work person who cannot read or
but do not have a job. It is write. Now, the UNESCO
calculated by dividing the definition has become more
number of people who are unemployed by the total complex and relies largely on
work force. The work force is made up of those individual's ability to contribute to the society in
people who want to work; it excludes people who which they live. Today, nearly 17% of the world’s
are retired, disabled, and able to work but not adult population is still not literate; two thirds of
currently looking for a position; for instance, they
them women, making gender equality even harder to
may be taking care of children or going to college.
Unemployment is due to many reasons such as
There are about 67.4 million children out of school
reducing number of employees in a company or
who are likely to experience great difficulties in the
replacing some positions with highly developed
future, as they lack basic education which is the root
of illiteracy.
Ciencias Sociales
Economía y política
Tema: Definición del concepto Economía
1. Definición del concepto economía, utilizando diversos instrumentos de reflexión se identificará los
diversos conceptos que se tienen para definir la economía, para administración de los recursos y las
fuentes alimentadoras de dichos conceptos
2. Identificación del problema general y permanente que posee la economía,
3. Actividad de contextualización de los conceptos encontrados en el proceso de definición y de la
problemática general de la economía.
6. Valoración-Evaluación:
En esta guía se pretende valorar con al menos dos notas las evidencias de las actividades desarrolladas en
cada una de las áreas de Sociales y Humanidades.
● Ministerio de Educación Nacional. (2017). Escribe un manifiesto vanguardista. En Vamos a aprender
lenguaje (226-227). Bogotá: SM.
● Congreso de la República. (2019). De los derechos, las garantías y los deberes. En Constitución Política
de Colombia de 1991(11-34). Bogotá: Atenea.
● www.myenglishpages.com/english/grammar-exercise-modals.php
● www.wordwall.net/es/resource/15847827/modal-verbs
● https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/grammar/english-grammar-reference/modal-verbs