Modulorka Core Rules Es
Modulorka Core Rules Es
Modulorka Core Rules Es
LOZ BASIKOZ…………………………………………………….……………………………………………………….…………………3
LOZ CHIKOZ…………………………………….………….………….……………………………………………….………………………4
DA FLOW OF DA GAME…………………………….….…………………………………….………………………5
GETTIN’ READY TA PLAY ……….…….….………………………………….…………………………………..6
SHOOTIN’ ACTIONS……………………………………………………….….…………………………………………10
CLOBBERIN’ ACTIONS………………….…………………………………….……….……………………………11
SPESHUL ATTACKZ……………………….……………………………….………………….…………………………12
STATES & EFFECTS…………………………………………………….…….…………………….……………………13
VEHICLE ROOLZ……..…………………………………………………….…….…….……………………………………15
LAZ FAKZIONEZ……………..……………………………………………………...……….…………………..…………………16
KEYWORD GLOSSARY……………………………………………………….………………………………………17
SOLO PLAY & AI……………….………………………………………………………………….………………..…………19
MODULORKA es un juego de combate de escaramuzas sombrío entre bandas itinerantes de orcos.
MODULORKA pretende ser el juego definitivo de "chikoz". ¿Quieres crear una impresionante tripulación de orcos individuales, cada uno con su propio personaje y
equipamiento, y luego hacer que se enfrenten a otras tripulaciones de orcos igualmente únicos? Entonces, ¡este es el juego para ti!
Las reglas básicas de MODULORKA son muy ligeras, pero eso no significa que el juego sea sencillo. Esas reglas básicas, que establecen un marco de estados y
acciones, son simplemente una base sobre la que se asientan tus personajes, y la complejidad viene de la interacción de las habilidades y armas únicas e
interesantes que concedes a tus CHIKOZ mediante la selección de clases, armas y equipo. Utilizando estos sencillos bloques de construcción, puedes construir
personajes atractivos y distintos con sus propios estilos de juego.
MODULORKA se centra menos en los números y las estadísticas, y más en la acción y la anticipación. El posicionamiento inteligente, la activación táctica y el uso
oportuno de las habilidades son la clave de la victoria. El volumen de cosas que tienes que recordar y tener en cuenta se ha reducido al máximo. Hay suficiente
aleatoriedad para mantener las cosas impredecibles, pero no tanto como para que una o dos malas tiradas de dados echen por tierra la partida.
La mecánica del juego está diseñada para ser ágil, y las partidas están diseñadas para ser rápidas. Los jugadores nunca tienen que esperar demasiado antes de
que les toque actuar, y las cosas que ralentizan el juego, como la tirada de dados, se reducen al mínimo.
Si eres un gamberro beligerante e impaciente, que piensa que la guerra es el mejor deporte, y quieres demostrar que tu peña es la más dura, y tal vez tenga la piel de
un tono verdoso... ¡sigue leyendo y empieza a jugar!
Juego y Miniaturas by MR MODULORK
Mr Modulork es un creador en solitario al que le encantan los orcos y le encanta hacer miniaturas de orcos y juegos de miniaturas.
Instagram - Discord - Patreon - MyMiniFactory - Only Games -
Arte de la
portada por @CrippledGiraffe
Special Thanks
Primogenito_ Prime
MODULORKA es un JUEGO VIVO, con reglas gratuitas para nuevas unidades, armamento y más actualizadas cada mes.
¡Únete al canal MrModulork Discord para conocer lo que se avecina cada mes, y para especular y elaborar
MODULORKA es un juego de guerra de miniaturas sobre orkos. Así que vas a necesitar algunas miniaturas de orkos - y si has descargado este juego entonces casi
seguro que tienes algunas. Eso es genial, ¡Ya que puedes usar los orkos que ya tengas!
Aunque MODULORKA es un juego agnóstico de miniaturas, es en gran medida un juego "TUZ CHIKOZ". Un juego en el que uno de los principales placeres es
montar tu propio elenco de orcos únicos, cada uno con su propio carácter y armamento. Por eso, para disfrutar al máximo de la experiencia, se recomienda
encarecidamente dar rienda suelta a la creatividad montando tus propias tropas personalizadas con la creciente selección de piezas modulares de orcos que
proporciona nada menos que el autor de este juego: MR MODULORK:
Los que quieran recibir nuevos Modelos cada mes y llevar su apoyo al siguiente nivel se animan a
suscribirse a la cuenta de patreon MrModulork
Los que tengan una impresora 3D pueden consultar la enorme biblioteca de STL en MyMiniFactory
Si no tienes una impresora, puedes pedir modelos de resina físicos de impresión por encargo a
través de Only-Games
Los bits de MR MODULORK le permitirá construir su propio equipo, a su manera, y con un perfecto WYSIWYG.
Sin embargo, si ya tienes una colección de muchachos de los mejores proveedores de pieles verdes como Kromlech, Bulwark Gaming, Blue Sky Minis, Mekka
Miniatures, o cualquier otro tercero grande o pequeño, entonces no tendrás problemas para encontrar las clases adecuadas para tus miniaturas y montar una
banda de guerra competitiva de MODULORKA. También encontrarás que el juego es fácil de jugar en plataformas digitales como Tabletop Simulator.
Además de las miniaturas, también necesitarás algunas fichas, algunos dados y algo para medir las distancias. Todo esto es proporcionado gratuitamente aquí..
Por último, necesitarás espacio y terreno. MODULORKA es un juego de escaramuzas y puede jugarse en una mesa de café (de unos 30" cuadrados), pero si
quieres llevar más ladz a la lucha vas a necesitar un espacio ligeramente mayor (50" cuadrados o más). También necesitarás mucho terreno para romper la línea
de visión y hacer una partida táctica más interesante; el terreno diseñado especialmente para el juego se puede encontrar en la MyMiniFactory Store - ¡pero
cualquier terreno a escala de 28mm funcionará!
MODULORKA está diseñado para jugar con miniaturas de 28/32mm. Los tamaños de base recomendados se indican en las fichas de clase. No hay una escala
estándar para las miniaturas, pero debido a que las mecánicas como la cobertura dependen de la visibilidad literal de las miniaturas, se recomienda asegurarse
de que todas las miniaturas en la mesa tengan una escala más o menos consistente.
Las distancias se miden en pulgadas, a partir de ahora denotadas por el carácter (") -. 6" significa 6 pulgadas.
Sólo necesitarás un dado de seis caras para jugar (denominado D6). El juego puede requerir un D3 (un dado de tres caras), en cuyo caso deberás tirar un D6 de
forma normal y reducir el resultado a la mitad, o un D2 (un dado de dos caras), en cuyo caso deberás tirar un D6 de forma normal, dividir el resultado por 3 y
Al tirar:
Dice need to roll across a surface for the result to be valid
Dice should be rolled onto the table, or into a suitable box or dice tray
Any dice that aren't completely flat after rolling are invalid and have to be rolled again
Dice that land off the table or that bounce out of the box are invalid and have to be rolled again
Algunas instrucciones del juego pueden pedir que "tireis los dados", lo que significa que los jugadores deben tirar un dado cada uno. El jugador con la tirada
más alta gana. Si ambos jugadores obtienen el mismo resultado, deben volver a tirar.
Algunas instrucciones del juego pueden requerir un número "natural", por ejemplo un 6 natural o un 1 natural.
Esto significa que debes usar el valor del dado que acabas de tirar, ignorando cualquier modificador que pueda estar en juego - por ejemplo, si estás tirando
para una prueba de puntería y el dado cae con un 6 boca arriba, esa tirada resulta en un 6 independientemente de cualquier modificador de cobertura o de
equipo en efecto.
Este conjunto de reglas está diseñado para ser simple y fácil de digerir y recordar, pero debido a la simplicidad siempre habrá ocasiones en las que una
situación no está cubierta por las reglas, o en las que los jugadores pueden interpretar las reglas de manera diferente.
Si esto ocurre, aplica el sentido común y las preferencias personales para resolver la situación. Elige la opción más justa y razonable que permita a ambos
jugadores disfrutar del juego.
Si no te pones de acuerdo sobre cómo resolver una situación, no pierdas el tiempo discutiendo largo y tendido. El ganador decidirá, y esa decisión se
mantendrá durante el resto de la partida.
He lanzado este juego de forma gratuita porque el juego al que quería jugar con mis Modelos simplemente no existía. Si eres de los que piensan como yo y lo
juegas y lo disfrutas, ¡entonces esa es toda la gratitud que necesito!
Pero si te sientes inspirado para ayudar al juego, aquí tienes algunas sugerencias:
MODULORKA ie juega en RONDAS, en las que los jugadores realizan TURNOS alternos para ACTIVAR un MODELO y realizar hasta dos ACCIONES, La RONDA
concluye cuando todos los Modelos en la mesa han sido Activados.
Los JUGADORES compiten para completar Misiones, como derrotar unidades, o mantener objetivos. Las Misiones completadas con éxito recompensan al
jugador con Puntos de Victoria (PV), y el jugador con más Puntos de Victoria al final de la partida es el ganador.
Una PARTIDA posee de varias rondas
Rondas consisten en varios turnos alternos
Cada Turno tiene una única Activación
Las Activaciones se componen de varias Acciones
Los jugadores llevan un conjunto completo de Modelos al juego, conocido como PEÑA.
Una vez desplegadas las dos PEÑAS, comienza la primera ronda y el jugador que haya ganado la tirada de iniciativa realizará el primer turno. Utiliza fichas para
saber en qué ronda estáis, entrega la Ficha de Iniciativa al jugador que tiene la Iniciativa para que te ayude a recordar quién la posee
En el Turno de cada jugador, se elige un Modelo a Activar y se le da la vuelta a su Ficha de Activación, pasando de una marca a una cruz para resaltar que ha
sido Activado en esta Ronda. Una vez terminada la ronda, se restablecen todas las fichas de activación en la mesa.
Cada modelo tiene dos acciones por turno. Los tipos de Acciones que pueden realizar son:
Si un modelo realiza la acción DISPARAR o ZURRAR, el turno de ese modelo termino incluso si le quedaban acciones.
Si un Modelo realiza Acciones de Habilidad o de Estado, el turno del Modelo suele terminar una vez finalizada esa Acción - pero hay algunas excepciones, que
se explican con la habilidad/estado.
Algunas Acciones especiales pueden usarse sin gastar una Acción, y algunas habilidades pueden aumentar o reducir el número de Acciones que un Modelo
puede realizar en su turno.
Una vez que un modelo ha realizado sus acciones o ha concluido su turno, el siguiente jugador elige un modelo para activarlo. Los jugadores continúan
activando modelos alternativamente, hasta que todos los modelos del tablero estén activados. Si un jugador no tiene más miniaturas que puedan ser activadas,
espera a que el otro jugador o jugadores activen todas sus unidades restantes.
Una vez que todas las unidades en la mesa han sido Activadas, la ronda concluye. Ambos jugadores revisan entonces las Misiones/Objetivos y asignan las
token de Puntos de Victoria.
Comienza el siguiente turno. Utiliza una ficha para contar qué ronda se está llevando a cabo, y entrega la ficha de iniciativa al siguiente jugador para indicar que
tiene la iniciativa durante esta ronda y, por tanto, puede tomar el primer turno. La siguiente Ronda comienza entonces, y el jugador con la Iniciativa realiza el
primer movimiento.
El juego termina cuando se completa un determinado número de rondas. Cuántas concretamente se indican en la carta de mission en juego
Al final de la partida, se cuenta el número de fichas de puntos de victoria que ha ganado cada jugador.
El jugador con más puntos de victoria es el ganador.
En caso de empate, los jugadores pueden decidir jugar una ronda adicional de desempate de mutuo acuerdo; de lo contrario, el empate se acepta como
resultado de la partida.
Los jugadores primero determinan un Campo de Batalla. Como Moduklorka es un juego de escaramuzas, los campos de juego más pequeños tienden a crear
batallas más dinámicas y viciosas, pero si quieres enfrentar a dos Wargangs muy grandes, o quieres usar algunas unidades más grandes como vehículos,
entonces es recomendable que encuentres un espacio ligeramente más grande para tener un juego realmente estratégico, divertido y justo.
Un pequeño campo de batalla del tamaño de una mesa de café, de 25" cuadradas, con 24 puntos de tropas a cada lado, dará lugar a una brutal refriega que
podrás terminar en la pausa del almuerzo. Un campo de batalla más grande de 44" cuadradas, con 60 puntos en cada lado, te permitirá tener algunas armas
más grandes y un terreno interesante en la mesa, y te llevará más de una hora. El tamaño de la partida depende de ti, pero ten en cuenta que cuanto más
grande sea la partida, más tiempo tardará en concluirse.
Para preparar una partida rápidamente, seleccione una Carta de campo de batalla para elegir un escenario de combate prediseñado. Estos vienen con
recomendaciones sobre el tamaño, la disposición del terreno, el coste en puntos y el alcance de la Misión. Los jugadores pueden ponerse de acuerdo sobre
qué carta quieren jugar, o elegir una al azar.
A continuación, los jugadores seleccionan las Misiones que estarán en juego para la partida eligiendo una carta de miisión. Pueden hacerlo de mutuo acuerdo o
por selección aleatoria.
Las Cartas de Misión indican cómo los jugadores ganan Puntos de Victoria, y cómo termina el juego. Los jugadores deben seleccionar una Misión que servirá
como Misión principal. La Misión Principal determina la duración del juego.
También pueden seleccionar tantas Misiones adicionales como Misiones secundarias - Las Cartas de Campo de Batalla recomiendan un número apropiado
para tomar en relación con el tamaño del espacio de juego.
Una Misión tendrá criterios ligeramente diferentes dependiendo de si es una Misión Primaria o Secundaria, lo que se indicará en la carta de Misión.
Tanto las Misiones Primarias como las Secundarias requerirán a menudo que coloques tokens de Puntos de Victoria junto a las unidades para poder seguirlas,
por lo que se recomienda pintar los tokens de Puntos de Victoria en dos colores diferentes -uno para las Misiones Primarias y otro para las Misiones
Secundarias- para facilitar el seguimiento de qué token se relaciona con qué objetivos.
Battlefield Condition Cards and Event Cards are there to shake up the game.
Battlefield Condition Cards change up the environment - Fog might reduce the range of Weapons, toxic rain might fall from the sky, or a herd of aggressive
beasts might stampede through the battlefield. Battlefield Conditions are revealed at the same time as the mission and in play for the duration of the game.
Event Cards are played mid-game to add some unexpected twists to the game. You might get some reinforcements, another objective might open up, or a
wandering stranger might enter the field. Event Cards are picked randomly without revealing their contents, and not revealed or enacted until the midpoint of
the game.
Players are allocated a budget of points which they can spend to purchase Models and Wargear. Everything has a points cost, and the sum total of all the
Models, Wargear in your Wargang cannot exceed your points budget. You don’t need to use all your points, but it is highly advised.
Each player should build a roster of fighters best suited towards the Mission and Battlefield that you’re playing. When building your Wargang, keep an eye out
for Keywords - which determine the Model’s behavior in game and how they interact with other Models - as well as Abilities, which give those Models unique
skills which can passively and actively enhance their potential in the game.
WEAPONS: Most Models will come with at least one Weapon, even if it’s just their own fists, but to make an impact in the game they will need to buy something
a little stronger. Weapons have their own points costs and must be purchased separately for each Model. Weapons are locked to Models with certain Keywords
- if a Weapon requires ‘Orc’ + ‘Huntaz’, it can only be fielded by a Model with both those Keywords - if a Model requires ‘Orc’ + ‘Huntaz’ / ‘’Horde’, the Model must
have the ‘Orc’ Keyword, then either the ‘Huntaz’ or ‘Horde’ Keyword. Weapons may also grant Passives and/or Abilities.
CARRY LIMITS: Each Class has a Carry attribute which determines how much they can carry. Each Weapon and Gear item also has a Carry attribute which
determines how hard they are to carry. The sum total of all of the Carry values of all the Wargear a Model carries cannot exceed that Model’s Carry value.
DUAL WIELDING: A Model can take multiples of the same Weapon, though it is often inadvisable as a Model will only be able to Activate a single Weapon each
turn. However, some Weapons may grant bonuses if multiples are equipped, and they may be clever tactical advantages in some instances, for example
equipping multiple Weapons that require ammo will allow the Model to take more shots before a reload.
GEAR: You can also purchase Gear for Models. These also grant Passives and/or Abilities - but do not have offensive capabilities of their own.
Once both players have built their Wargangs, they assemble their Wargang and outline to the other players the class, Weapons, and Wargear of each Model
Once all players have Wargangs they Roll-Off to see who will take the Initiative. The player who wins the Roll-Off gains the Initiative, and so they take the first
Round and make the first Activation that Round (assuming that no Keywords or abilities give an opposing Model priority).
After the first Round, IInitiative moves to the next player and they take the first turn to activate a Model. Use the Initiative token to keep track of which Round is it,
and which player has Initiative that Round,
Una vez que el terreno está colocado y el campo de batalla está completo, los jugadores comprueban sus Cartas de Misión para ver si necesitan colocar algún
elemento de Misión como marcadores de objetivo. Cada Carta de Misión indicará las reglas por las que esos elementos de Misión deben colocarse.
Si las Condiciones del Campo de Batalla también requieren la colocación de otros objetos especiales, esto debe hacerse inmediatamente después de la
colocación de objetivos.
Once Mission items are placed, players take turns to place one Model at a time, with the player who won the Initiative roll placing the first Model.
Players must place their Models inside their deployment zone unless their Model has a Passive or Keyword that allows them to be placed outside - but in all
circumstances Models cannot be placed:
Closer than 6” to an enemy Model
Closer than 3” to an objective
Closer than 3” to the enemy deployment zone
MIssion Cards may also include special rules with respect to deployment.
In the rules of MODULORKA, individual miniatures are referred to as Models. Each Model is assigned a Class which defines a number of core skill stats - for
example, how good they are at Shootin’. Classes and Wargear can also bestow Abilities and Passives:
Abilities are special Actions that the Model may take. Abilities can only be used during that Model’s
Turn and use one Action.
Passives do not require player Action to take effect, and are applied by default or automatically
when certain conditions are met - even if the Model is not Activated or if it is not that player’s Turn
Classes and Wargear have Keywords assigned:
Keywords determine if a Class and Wargear are compatible. For a Model to use an item of Wargear,
it’s Class must match that Weapon’s Keyword requirements - For example, if a Weapon requires
the ‘Huntaz + Orc / Goblin’ Keyword, that Class must also have the ‘Huntaz’ Keyword and either of
the ‘Orc’ or ‘Goblin’ Keywords.
Keywords can bestow Passives, States, or other special rules.
Each Model has a choice of Weapons and Gear, collectively known as Wargear. There are three types of Wargear:
Ranged Weapons are Weapons which can be used at a distance and use Shootin’ Rules to resolve
Melee Weapons are Weapons which are used in close combat and use Clobberin’ Rules to resolve
Gear are items which can expand or modify the capabilities of your Model through things like extra
Abilities, Passives or Keywords
[Pts] (o Puntos) is the price you have to pay to enlist this Model in your Wargang
[Apuntar] is a score which determines how good that class is at hitting the Models they shoot at
[Zurrar] is a score which determines how good that class is at hitting other Models in melee combat
[PS] (o Puntos de salud) is a score which determines the overall health of the Model and how many
hits they can take before they are Downed
[Carga] is a score which determines how much Wargear a Model can carry
[Armadura] is a score which determines how much damage is absorbed by armor when the Model is
successfully attacked
A class may have some Wargear by default, which are listed as Starter Gear. The points cost for this Gear is already included in that Class' points cost The Carry
score of this Gear is already accounted for and that Class’ Carry score can be used to buy extra Wargear in addition to the Starter Gear.
Open terrain should be completely free of obstacles and cover objects. Feel free to place decorative and thematic elements like small hills, vegetation, or
craters, but ensure that they are not large enough to hide Models or block movement.
Scatter terrain pieces are small to medium objects which are used to create areas of light cover. Scatter terrain should be just big enough to create full or partial
cover for one or several Models, but not so big that it blocks mobility, and spaced generously so that squads of Models can move through it, or get stuck in
Barrels, ruined walls, tire piles, barricades, trees & vegetation, and sandbags all make for great Scatter Terrain
Impassable terrain completely blocks movement. Movement through a zone marked as impassible should be extremely difficult if not impossible, with narrow
treacherous paths available at most. Impassable terrain should not be climbed upon and should have uneven surfaces on which Models cannot stand.
Large rock formations, rivers and lakes, closed and unscalable buildings, deep canyons are good examples of Impassable terrain.
Elevated terrain adds verticality to the battlefield - raised positions which add an extra dimension to the battlefield with new vantage points. Elevated terrain
might obstruct the path of Models on the ground, like a building with a walkable roof, or might allow free-movement underneath, like a raised walkway. It might
provide some cover, or it might be completely open.
Whilst elevated terrain might provide excellent and strategically powerful vantage points to be fought over, make sure that no one vantage point has a
complete view of the battlefield.
Good examples of elevated terrain include rooftops, catwalks, platforms, and climbable rock formations
Fortified terrain represents things like outpost walls and other one-sided fortifications.
Fortified terrain should be a scalable raised potion like Elevated terrain, however it should only be easily scalable from one direction, and the other, fortified
direction should be difficult or impossible to scale. Make sure the difficult direction is properly represented on the terrain model by things which would block
climbing, like spikes or barbed wire, or alternatively block the base of the fortified terrain with scatter objects like barricades or tank traps so that Models cannot
engage in a climb Action.
On Battlefield cards, the orientation of Fortified terrain will be shown with an arrow, the direction of the arrow indicating the side which should be fortified.
A Model can take a Movement Action to move up to 6”. It is not necessary to move the full distance for each movement Action. Certain Keywords or Abilities can
modify the limit to which a Model can move to be greater or lower than 6”
This movement need not be in a straight line but when measuring the distance traveled you must include the whole path, not just the direct distance between
the starting and ending position. Visualize it as if the Model is moving in a series of 1” lines which are completely straight. A Model cannot move through terrain
features - it must traverse around them. .
Models may move and turn in any direction regardless of the direction they face.
Models can pass through friendly Models, but cannot pass through enemy Models unless they are stunned.
Models can touch other Models base-to-base, but bases must not overlap.
When measuring the distance a Model can move, you should measure from the front of the base in the starting position to the front of the base in the new
position - no part of a Model’s base should move further than the distance which that Model can move.
Models must be placed on stable ground. If a Model cannot stand on a surface without falling over or wobbling, it cannot be placed there.
Climbing Actions enable Models to scale or descend terrain. Climbing Actions may only be taken by units with the ‘On Foot’ Keyword.
Any terrain less than 1” in height difference from a Model’s current position is treated as level ground and normal movement rules apply. A Model with the ‘On
Foot’ Keyword may ascend steps or sloped ground under 1” or vault over barriers under 1” without needing to take a climb Action.
Terrain with a height difference from the Model of more than 1” requires a climbing Action to ascend or descend. This consumes one Action and covers the
entire distance necessary to place the Model on a stable surface.
A Model may only perform a climb Action if they are in contact with the surface they intend to climb. The Model can only ascend directly vertically,
perpendicular to the floor and the Model cannot climb diagonally.
The terrain must have a stable surface at the end of the climb on which the Model can stand. A climbable surface must be largely straight and free of
obstructions and overhangs. Empty space cannot be climbed - there must be a climbable surface for the complete climbing path. After the Model has
completed it’s climb it may move an additional 2”
If the model climbs where there is a terrain feature deliberately positioned for climbing, like a ladder, the Climb does not consume an action.
A Model with the ‘On Foot’ Keyword can leap off a surface 5” high or less without needing a climb Action, as part of a normal Movin’ Action. The vertical distance
covered is free - though this must be a completely vertical move with no lateral diagonal movement.
Surfaces higher than 5” must be descended using a Climb Action on a suitable surface.
It is possible for Models to be moved around the battlefield involuntarily thanks to certain Weapons and abilities having the power to push.
If a Model is pushed, draw an imaginary line between the source of the pushing force - which is the center of the Model performing the push unless specified
otherwise - and the Model being pushed. Continue this line behind the Model being pushed, and move that Model in that direction according to the distance
specified in the pushing Ability/Weapon.
When performing a Shootin’ attack, select a target for the Model to fire at, and specify the ranged Weapon or Ability they will use.
The attacking Model must have a line of sight to the target Model. Imagine drawing an imaginary perfectly straight line from the attacking Model’s head to any
part of the target Model, excluding its base - so long as the attacking Model can see at least a part of the target Model the attacking Model can attempt
a Shootin' attack.
A Model has 360 degree line of sight irrespective of the direction it is actually facing.
After the target Model has been nominated, measure the distance between the two Models. The attacking player is not allowed to measure before nominating.
If the distance is within the range of the nominated Weapon, proceed to the next step - else the attack misses and the attacking Action ends unsuccessfully.
When measuring range, you should measure the distance from the closest point on their bases.
Check visibility of the target Model from the attacking Model’s perspective - get your eyeball as close to their head as possible and look from their point of view.
Check to see what extent of the Model is hidden by the terrain. A Model will ignore friendly Models from its own unit when determining cover, but enemy
Models will hide as if they were terrain
If a target Model is completely hidden, that Model cannot be targeted
If a target Model is completely visible, that Model is considered Not in Cover.
If an attacking Model can see over half the Model, that Model is considered in Partial Cover which will add a -1 penalty to the aim roll.
If an attacking Model can see less than half of the Model, that Model is considered in Full Cover which will add a -2 penalty to the aim roll.
From this point of view, Orc A is completely visible and so counts as Not In Cover.
Orc B is obscured but more than half of him can be seen, so counts as being in Partial Cover.
Orc C is heavily obscured, but still visible and so targetable - but because less than half of him can be seen then he counts as being in Full Cover.
The attacking player rolls a D6 to determine if the attack hits. Take the result, add the attacking Model’s Aim score, and apply any modifiers from Cover,
Wargear, States or similar.
If the total is a 6 or greater, the shot hits. If not, the attack misses and fails. However, a natural roll of 6 will always count as a hit and a natural roll of will 1 always
count as a fail,
If the hit is successful you move to the next step to resolve damage and effects. If the attack fails, the Shootin Action is concluded.
1 5+ 6 6
2 4+ 5+ 6
3 3+ 4+ 5+
4 2+ 3+ 4+
5 2+ 2+ 3+
6 2+ 2+ 2+
On a successful aim test, apply any effects from Abilities, Wargear or similar.
Check the attacking Weapon’s Power score. If the target has Armor, subtract the Armor score from this value - though the result of this cannot go lower than 0.
Subtract this value from the target Model’s HP. Mark the Model’s current HP with counter tokens. If the final value is 0 or less, the Model has the ‘Downed’ state
Cuando un modelo ZURRA, se escoge un modelo objetivo al que atacar y se especifica con qué arma y habilidad se le va a zurrar
El Modelo objetivo debe ser al menos parcialmente accesible y estar en la línea de visión del Modelo atacante.
Most melee Weapons have a range of 0 which means that the two Models must be in base to base contact for a Clobba attack to be successful. Some Weapons
allow for ranged Clobba attacks - in this case the attacking Model must have a completely unobstructed line of sight to the target.
If the melee Weapon has range, after the target Model has been nominated, measure the distance between the two Models. The attacking player is not allowed
to measure before nominating. If the distance is within the range of the nominated Weapon, proceed to the next step - else the attack misses and the Clobba
attack ends unsuccessfully.
El jugador atacante tira un D6 para determinar si el ataque impacta.
Resta la puntuación de ZURRAR del objetivo de la puntuación de ZURRAR del atacante, y añade esto a la puntuación del D6 junto con cualquier otro
modificador. Si el resultado es 3 o más, el ataque tiene éxito - sin embargo, una tirada natural de 6 siempre contará como un éxito y una tirada natural de 1
siempre contará como un fallo,
Si la tirada de PALIZA tiene éxito, se pasa al siguiente paso para resolver el daño y los efectos. Si el ataque falla, la acción de PALIZA concluye.
Defenso Defenso Defend Defend Defenso Defenso
r r er er r r
Zurra 1 Zurra 2 Zurra 3 Zurra 4 Zurra 5 Zurra 6
Zurra 1 3+ 4+ 5+ 6 6 6
Zurra 2 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6 6
Zurra 3 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6
Zurra 4 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+
Zurra 5 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+
Zurra 6 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+
Next, If the target Model has already been Activated this round, apply the ‘Pinned’ State to the target model and move to the next step.
If the target Model has not been Activated, the opposing player can attempt to Counter - at the cost of immediately activating the target Model and ending it’s
turn for that round after the Counter.
If they choose to do so, the defending Model then performs a Clobba attack on the attacking Model. Perform steps 2, 3 and 4 and resolve the Clobba attack. If
the defending player chooses not to Counter, or if the Model is unable to, then apply the ‘Pinned’ state to the defending Model and to the next step.
If a Counter attack is successful, the Model defending the Counter attack has the ‘Pinned’ State applied and its turn is immediately concluded. The Model which
successfully Parried may then Dodge. If the Counter fails, the Model which attempted the Counter has the Pinned effect applied, and the attacking model may
After Parries have been resolved, the successful Model may perform a 2” move, provided that the Model has no States applied which would prevent it from
Area of Effect (AoE) attacks are used to represent Weapons such as explosives that deal splash damage around the area of impact. If a Weapon has an Area of
Effect, its Datacard will outline its radius (i.e. the distance from the center of the Model under attack to the outer edge). A Model or its base need only be partially
contained within the area of effect to be affected by the attack. Both friendly and enemy Models are affected.
When using an Area of Effect attack, designate a target as usual and roll an Aim/Clobba test. If the initial hit is successful,resolve damage as usual and then
perform additional Aim/Clobba Tests on all other Models in the area of effect. Resolve their attacks individually one at a time, starting with the Model closest to
the center of the Area of effect and working outward.
Terrain will modify Area of Effect and provide cover - for each model within the Area of Effect, observe the Model from the center of the Area of Effect. If there is
no line of sight, the Model is not included in the attack. If the Model is partially obscured, check what proportion of it is obscured and apply cover modifiers as
When performing a Clobba Area of Effect attack, if the attacking Model should be Parried, Stunned, Pushed out of range, or otherwise incapcitated before all
targets are resolved, then the attack ends and no further targets should be resolved.
A is the original target and this first attack must hit for the Area of Effect to be applied. The Area of
Effect radiates out from the center of A’s base
B should be the second target to be resolved as it is the closest to the center of the Area of Effect.
Even though it is a friendly Model, it is still affected. The attacking player must roll to hit Model B.
C is the second closest and so should be the third target to be resolved after B. Even though it is only partially covered by the Area of
Effect, it is still included. The attacking player must roll to hit Model C.
D is the furthest away from the center of the Area of Effect and so is the final target to be resolved.
The attacking player must roll to hit Model D, but as It is in Partial Cover from the perspective of the
center of the Area of Effect the roll has a -1 penalty to hit.
E is outside of the Area of Effect, and so is not included in the attack
Perform an aim test to determine if the attack is successful - if successful, place a marker to indicate that the Dangerzone attack is ongoing
and highlight its center - the Dangerzone will radidate from this center. The Dangerzone remains in play until the attacking Model’s next activation, or until it is
removed from play, successfully attacked or moved, or otherwise disabled - such as being Stunned.
Whilst the Dangerzone is in play, any Models which move into it, or through it must take an aim test as soon as the movement action is finished - if hit, resolve
damage and effects normally.
To determine if a model is affected by a Dangerzone use the same procedure as for Area of Effect attacks - the Datacard will specify a Radius, any friendly or
enemy models covered or partially covered are affected, and terrain can obscure the attack and apply a cover modifier.
Models which are already inside the Dangerzone when the player first makes the attack are not affected - though if they are moved whilst it is in play they are
affected as normal.
Volumetric Attacks attacks are used to represent Weapons like flamethrowers, which emit a plume of dangerous material which harms everything it touches..
A Volumetric attack must start by selecting an enemy Model to be targeted. Draw a line from the edge of the attacking Model’s base through the center of the
target Model’s base. The length of this line is determined by the Weapons range, though if the Weapon intersects terrain too high to be traversed it terminates at
that point. The width of the volume is outlined on the Weapon’s datacard.
All Models which are inside this volume are hit automatically, even if friendly. A Model or its base need only be partially contained within the volume to be hit. If a
Model is hit, resolve damage and effects normally.
To draw the volume, the line is drawn from the Base of A, the attacking Model, through B the target
Model. The volume has a thickness of 1” as indicated by that Weapon’s datacard
C is hit, even though it is only partially covered by the volume and even though it is a friendly Model.
Because the Weapon has a range of 8, the volume extends past the target - however the terrain behind B blocks the volume, which
means the D is not affected by the attack
When a Model reaches zero HP it is automatically Downed. Downed Models are still in play, but have been disabled. Place a Model on its side to indicate it is
Downed Models can take only a single Action, and that Action can only be a Movin’ Action of up to 3”.
Enemy Models can attack any downed Model with Clobba attacks, Shootin attacks, or Abilities provided they are in range and line of sight. These attacks auto-
succeed, after which the downed Model is then Out and removed from play.
Downed Models can be Rallied by Models with the ‘Leader’ Keyword. A Leader can take a Rally Action, which will clear the Downed state from all friendly
Downed Models in a 3” radius. Downed Models return to play with 2 HP, or that model’s maximum health - whichever is smallest. Models can be
repeatedly Downed and Rallied without limitation. Rally Actions end the Leader’s turn.
When a Model is Downed or Rallied, its activation status does not change.Any state effects such as ‘Pinned’ or ‘Burning’ are paused whilst the Model is downed,
but are restored if the downed state is removed.
Downed Models do not interact with Mission Items, or count for Mission purposes and will drop any Mission items they have picked up.
If a Model is Stunned, mark the Model with a Stunned token.
A Stunned Model cannot take any Actions, save for a De-Stun Action. A Stunned Model may take a De-Stun Action to remove the Stunned state, which ends
that Model’s turn.
Stunned Models do not interact with Mission Items, or count for Mission purposes and will drop any Mission items they have picked up.
The Stunned state overrides the Pinned state, and a Model cannot be Stunned and Pinned at the same time
If a Model is Pinned, mark the Model with a Pinned token.
A Pinned Model cannot take any Movin’ Actions, but is otherwise unaffected. Pinned characters are still affected by involuntary moves like Pushes.
A Pinned Model may take an Un-Pin Action to remove the Pinned state, which does not end that Model’s turn.
Pinned Models do not interact with Mission Items, or count for Mission purposes and will drop any Mission items they have picked up.
SI un modelo está Ardiendo, añade al modelo un token de KEMADURA.
Si un modelo está ardiendo al comienzo de su siguiente activación, Pierde un PS, ignorando Armadura.
Si un modelo está Ardiendo y ZURRA con éxito a otro modelo, el modelo atacado también obtiene el estado Ardiendo.
Un modelo que esté Ardiendo puede realizar una acción de Extinción para apagar el fuego, lo que hace que el estado Ardiendo desaparezca al final del turno
de dicho modelo
Si un modelo está Huyendo, añade al modelo un token de HUIDA.
Un Modelo que HUYE , al activarse, utilizará todas las Acciones restantes para moverse a la zona de despliegue amiga más cercana lo más rápido posible.
Si la zona de despliegue limita con el borde del campo de batalla, el Modelo intentará alcanzar el borde más cercano. Al llegar a ese borde, queda Fuera y se
retira del juego.
Si no hay borde, el Modelo se escudará detrás de una cobertura, luego permanecerá inmóvil y terminará los futuros turnos sin realizar ninguna Acción.
Si el Modelo que HUYE está a menos de 2" de un Modelo amigo con la Palabra Clave de Líder en cualquier momento de su movimiento, se detiene
inmediatamente, se elimina el estado de huida y concluye su turno.
Los modelos que HUYEN, NO interactúan con o cuentan para propósitos relacionados con la misión y tirarán cualquier objeto de misión que hayan recogido
Si un modelo está KABREADO añade al modelo un token de KABREADO.
Los Modelos que estén en el estado KABREADO obtienen +1 en su habilidad para ZURRAR hasta un máximo de 6 puntos,
Cuando un modelo KABREADO es activado debe:
1. Zurrar al modelo enemigo más cercano en rango.
2. De no existir, el modelo tendrá que moverse al enemigo más cercano usando la ruta más directa posible.
3. Si el modelo no se puede mover a causa de los efectos bajo los que se encuentre, realizará las acciones necesarias para quitárselos.
Si un modelo está en el estado BEZTIA, añade el token BEZTIA.
El estado BEZTIA es idéntico al estado KABREADO con la diferencia que no se puede quitar bajo ninguna condición durante toda la partida.
Los modelos BEZTIAZ, NO interactúan con o cuentan para propósitos relacionados con la misión y tirarán cualquier objeto de misión que hayan recogido .
Si un modelo es una MAZKOTA, añade el token MAZKOTA.
‘ Los modelos MAZKOTA NO interactúan con o cuentan para propósitos relacionados con la misión y tirarán cualquier objeto de misión que hayan recogido
This Model cannot be deployed independently - another Model, which must have the ‘Hero’ or ‘Leader’ Keyword, must be designated as this Model’s master.
Each Model may only be the Master of a single Pet.
This Model automatically moves with the Master Model for no Action cost, maintaining its relative position. Though this Model can be Activated and take Actions
independently, if it moves more than 1” away from it’s Master this Model immediately enters a permanent ‘Bestial’ state and the ‘Pet’ state is permanently
removed (e.g if the Model takes a Movin’ Action away from it’s Master, it’s second Action is under the ‘Bestial’ state). This applies if the move is involuntary, or if
the Master is Downed or removed from play.
If a Model is in Overwatch, mark the Model with an Overwatch token. This lets them attempt to make a reaction shot at any time until their next activation,
including an enemy player’s turn, if they see an enemy Model move.
A Model in the ‘Overwatch’ state automatically makes a Shootin attack on an enemy Model outside of its turn, if that enemy Model moves within its line of sight.
The enemy Model must be both within Weapon range, out of cover and in the Overwatch Model’s line of sight at any point in its movement. The Shootin attack is
rolled immediately after the enemy Model has concluded the Movin’ Action in question and before any other Actions it takes. When this attack is concluded, the
Overwatch state is removed.
If a Model in the Overwatch state is successfully attacked or hit with an enemy Ability, the Overwatch state is removed
If multiple Models in Overwatch see an enemy Model move, all must take a Shootin Action on that Model in sequence starting with the closest model. If the
enemy is Out before all Models can take a Shootin Action, they are still considered to have shot, and their Overwatch state is removed.
When this Model is next Activated, the Overwatch states is removed
If a Model is Concealed, mark the Model with a Concealed token.
Models in the ‘Concealed’ state cannot be targeted by abilities or attacks when in partial or full cover. Unless an enemy model has completely unobscured line-
of-sight of a target model in the Concealed state, they may not attack.
If a Model in the ‘Concealed’ state is hit by an attack or Ability, makes an offensive Action such as Clobberin’ or Shootin’ attack, or uses an Ability, the Concealed
state is immediately removed.
Models with the ‘On Foot’ Keyword may Embark Models with the ‘Transport’ Keyword by using an Embark Action, provided that the Transport Model has
available capacity. Units must be in contact with the Transport in order to take an Embark Action, and the Embark Action ends the Embarking Model’s turn.
Embarked Models move with the Transport Model and by default may not use ranged attacks and abilities whilst embarked. By default Embarked Models
cannot be individually targeted by attacks or abilities. Models which are embarked may not interact with Mission Items.
Embarked Models can disembark with a free Action which does not end the Model’s turn. Place Disembarking models outside but in contact with the Transport
Model. If a Transport is destroyed with Models Embarked, each Embarked Model must immediately Disembark.
By default, a Model cannot start the game with Models Embarked.
The ‘Vehicle’ Keyword is used to represent large heavy vehicles and provide special rules to better simulate their behavior
Light vehicles like Bikes or Mounted units do not have the ‘Vehicle’ Keyword and do not use these special rules.
Models with the ‘Vehicle’ Keywords cannot use Mission Actions, and thus cannot interact with Mission Items. They do not count for objective or terrain holding.
They can be assigned Victory Point Tokens in Missions such as ‘Ave A Scrap’ or ‘Assasinashun’
Models with the ‘Vehicle’ Keyword cannot be Pinned, Stunned or Concealed
Models with the ‘Vehicle’ Keyword are never downed - if they reach zero HP they are immediately out. Their Model remains on table, and their wreckage
becomes a Terrain object.
Models with the ‘Vehicle’ Keyword can only turn a maximum of 90 degrees per Movin’ Action. They cannot Climb or Fall. They cannot vault over low obstacles.
Models with the ‘Vehicle’ Keyword can never attack other Models with Clobberin’ - however other Models can Clobba attack Models with the ‘Vehicle’ Keyword.
Models with the ‘Vehicle’ Keyword cannot Counter/Dodge.
Whilst Vehicles cannot make Clobba attacks normally, they can run other and ram Models when taking Movin’ Actions.
Vehicles can move through other Models, forcing them to dodge out of the way and take a ram test. Vehicles cannot however, move through any Models which
have the ‘Steadfast’ or ‘Stationary’ Keywords and must stop before where they intersect - though that Model will still take a Ram test. On colliding with a Model
with the ‘Steadfast’ or ‘Stationary’ Keywords, a Vehicle must come to a stop and take no further Movin’ Actions that round.
To determine which Models are affected, each Vehicle has an Attack Cross-section marked on their Datacard which outlines how wide the area affected by their
ram will be. This can be wider or shorter than the actual physical Model. The width of the Cross-section is then extruded along the path of the Vehicle to create a
volume, and any Models in that volume are affected by the Ram attack. This includes Models only partially contained in the volume, as well as friendly Models.
For any affected Models, the player who controls them must move them 2” perpendicular to the center of the Vehicle’s path in either direction..
Next, for every affected Model, the player controlling the Vehicle must roll a D6 to determine if that model takes damage. If the result is higher than the affected
Model’s Clobba score, that Model is hit and takes damage - otherwise it is unaffected.
Identify which melee Weapon equipped by the Vehicle has the highest power. Subtract this value from the target Model’s HP. If the target has armor, subtract
the armor score from this value - though the result of this cannot go lower than 0.
Mark the Model’s current HP with counter tokens. Apply any effects from this Weapon to the affected Model.
Truck A moves to ram Truck E, driving through Orcs C & B. It has a Cross-section of 2”, even though
the Model is a little bigger, and this is extruded along its path to determine which Models are affected
Orc B is enclosed by the volume created by the extruded Cross-section, and so the player
controlling Orc B must move it 2” perpendicular to the path Truck A takes. The player controlling
Truck A then performs a hit test to check if Orc B takes damage.
Orc C is also affected despite being both a friendly Model and only partially contained within the volume. The player controlling Orc C.
must move it 2” perpendicular to the path Truck A takes. The player controlling Truck A then performs a hit test to check if Orc C takes damage.
Orc D is completely unaffected - even though the physical Model for Truck A would be wide enough
to physically hit it when moving on this path.
Truck E has the ‘Steadfast’ Keyword and so doesn’t move, and Truck A must come to a stop and take
no further Movin’ Actions that round. The player controlling Truck A then rolls a D6 to check if Truck E
takes damage.
For reasons they don’t fully understand, Orcs have certain ‘persuasions’ towards a specific kind of fightin’. Some Orcs love getting in close and fierce, others
might be drawn to tech and ‘splions, or speedin’ around on sooped-up vehicles. Other Orcs instinctually recognise these incilinations, and group Orcs of similar
persuasions into sub-cultures known as Factions. Whilst their Faction might be core to their identity, most Orcs don’t have a strong preference about forming up
with other ladz of the same Faction, and will gang up with any Orc they consider tough enough.
Inside the game, Orcs of each Faction lean towards a specific playstyle and players can tailor their strategy towards specific playstyles through the composition
of their Wargang.
A los chikoz de La Horda no les gusta pensar demasiado las cosas - sólo quieren buena chatarra. miran con perplejidad las obsesiones de las otras
facciones. Mantener las kosaz zimplez es lo mejor.
A las tropas de La Horda les encanta el combate simple y directo, pero ellos pelean para ganar. Si es necesario, se esforzarán, pero tienen la suficiente
inteligencia y paciencia para aplicar un poco de aztucia y ceñirse a la misión en lugar de buscar una pelea épica con otro orco.
La Horda es la facción más flexible y versatil - carecen de las obsesiones de las otras facciones, lo que significa que en el campo de batalla no sobresalgan en
ningún área, pero tampoco tienen ninguna debilidad evidente. Tienen un poco debilidad por liarse a tiros, pero son adaptables y menos encasillados en un estilo
Da Huntaz feel a compulsive need to prove themselves - each of them wants to prove that they’re the hardest, toughest orc of all. And in their eyes, the best
way to do that is combat- if ya kill da biggest tuffest monsta on da battlefield, then that makes you da biggest tuffest monsta on da battlefield. When they’re not
fighting other orcs they spend their time hunting beasts and monstas, occasionally taming those that win their respect to use as mounts and beasts of burden.
Huntaz want to get in close and look their prey in the eye. They prefer sloggin it out with clobberin’ or close range Weapons. They’re not adverse to using
technology but they are a bit skeptical - and whilst they’ll be happy to equip a more killy axe or replace a lost limb with a Meka-Klaw, much more than that is
On the battlefield Huntaz specialize in defeating other Models in close combat. They excel at clobberin’ and they can rush into the thick of the fight quickly and
Rokkaz wanna rock. To them war has a rhythm of its own, and they’re compelled to play to its beat. Muzik getz da blood pumpin!
Their powerful, aggressive (and obnoxious) music acts as a compulsive force in other orcs - amping up allies, whilst confusing and terrifying foes. Rokkaz might
not be great at dealing damage, but they can control the battlefield with the power of rock. And years of blasting their eardrums with epic noise has desensitized
Rokkaz to, well…..anything, so they tend to shrug off states that might knock another orc out of the fight.
Rokkas aren’t the hardest or most dangerous forces on the battlefield, but what they lack in lethality they make up for in control and effect. They can control the
battlefield, distracting dangerous enemies, blasting their opponents off objectives, and buffing friendly forces. And what’s more, they’re resistant to hostile
attempts to do the same to them.
A loz Kacharreroz les encanta la tecnología. Concretamente la que hace que las cosas exploten. De una manera espectacular.
“Por ké golpear a un chiko en la cara cuando ze la puedez hacer estallar?”
Cuando no están haciendo manipulando sus sobredimensionadas armas u otras monstruosidades mecánicas, las están probando en el campo, y aunque sus
juguetes los hacen muy poderosos, también son pesados y poco manejables, lo que hace que los Kacharreroz sean lentos e inflexibles
Los Kacharreroz son superpoderosos en el campo de batalla, pero todo ese equipo chulo tiene un coste y tienden a ser caros de reclutar y armar. Aunque
pueden ser difíciles de matar y buenos para reventar cosas, su falta de agilidad hace que les resulte difícil entrar en el meollo de la batalla y perseguir las
A loz orkos del Kulto a la velozidad les apasiona ir rápido, quizá un poco más que luchar, pero ir rápido mientras se lucha es lo mejor.
Se sienten atraídos por los vehículos más rápidos y más trucados. Los desmontan hasta la médula y les sacan todo el jugo posible... Esto los hace extremadamente
ágiles, pero no muy resistentes y sus construcciones tuneadas son propensas a explotar estrepitosamente tras un par de afortunados impactos. Esto les viene muy
bien, ya que favorecen los ataques de tipo golpear y correr. Entran rápido, hacen mucho ruido y fuego, y luego se largan antes de que nadie les devuelva los
En el campo de batalla, loz orkos del Kulto a la velozidad son excelentes para acosar a los objetivos enemigos. Su agilidad les permite entrar y salir rápidamente
de donde tienen que estar, pero su falta de resistencia hace que no tengan mucha capacidad de aguante y puedan desmoronarse rápidamente bajo un ataque
Most orcs prefer to stab their opponents in the front, but for da Pyratz, if you’re not stabbin’ dem in da back, it's not worth doing.
Whilst they share the same compulsion to fight and win with other orcs, if there’s not a little treachery, deceit or betrayal - then it just doesn’t feel satisfying.
Pyratz aren’t the toughest, or killyest, but what they specialize in is unpredictability- their cunning and duplicity can help to turn the tide when things feel lost, or
pull a trap out of no-where. This has the side benefit of making them extremely annoying, which means that they’re great at drawing enemy fire.
Pyratz are great at throwing a wrench in your opponent's plans. The unpredictability of their abilities and Gear are great at throwing curveballs at their enemies,
but unfortunately, to the player who controls them as well.
This Model must only equip the Gear marked as ‘Starter Gear’ on its class card. This Gear is already included in the points cost of the Model. Models with the
‘Mercenary’ Keyword will use an AI Archetype even if they are in a player controlled Wargang
This Model is a rank & file trooper
This Model is a specialist who stands out from the rank & file
This Model is a machine
This Model uses the Vehicle Roolz
This Model has mental powers
This Model is good at bossing around Goblins
This Model is super sneaky
This Model may start the game with Models embarked inside.
This Model takes up 2 spaces when embarked.
All Models with the ‘Cautious’ Keyword must Activate last, and cannot be Activated until all players have activated all Models without the ‘Cautious’ Keyword in
this round.
This Model may be deployed anywhere on the battlefield provided it is more than 4” from objectives and/or the enemy deployment zone, and 6” from enemy
If this Model reaches 0 HP, it explodes and performs a ranged area attack radiating from the center of the model, with a radius and power defined by that
Model’s datacard, and which automatically hits all models in the radius. All embarked Models are also automatically hit. This attack affects all Models including
friendly Models. This Model is then Out.
This Model has +2” movement per Action.
This Model can traverse over all terrain including impassable terrain - though it still cannot end its turn on unstable ground. The Model must use one Movin’
Action per turn, and its final position cannot be within 4” of starting position.
When this Model reaches 0 HP, roll a D6 to test if this Model is Downed or Out. On a 4+ this Model is Downed, else this Model is ‘Out’ and removed from the
Models with the ‘Leader’ Keyword can take a Rally Action, which will clear the Downed state from all friendly Downed Models in a 3” radius. Downed Models
return to play with 2 HP. Rally Actions end the Leader’s turn. Models can be repeatedly Downed and Rallied without limit.
If this Model’s HP reaches zero, then its mount is killed and the rider is dismounted. Place the Model indicated on the Class card in the same position as the
original Model, with same Gear/Weapons and 1 HP. Any Gear/Weapons which cannot legally be equipped by the new Model are discarded.
The original Model does not count as being Downed/Out for objective purposes and the new Model acts as a continuation of the original Model, and state
effects and activation status should be carried over.
Models which are Embarked on this Model may attack using Shootin’ attacks and Abilities whilst remaining Embarked. Models which are embarked on this
Model can be individually targeted by Abilities and Shootin’ attacks. Embarked Models are considered to have Partial Cover.
This Model can use the ‘Climb’ Action, and can embark onto Models with the ‘Transport’ Keyword.
This Model starts the game in the ‘Pet’ state. This Model cannot be deployed independently - another Model, which must have the ‘Hero’ or ‘Leader’ Keyword,
must be designated as this Model’s master. Each Model may only be the Master of a single Pet.
All Models with the ‘Rash’ Keyword must Activate first in each round, and Models without this Keyword can only Activate when all players have activated all their
models with the ‘Rash’ Keyword. Once all Models with the ‘Rash’ Keyword are Activated, the player with the Initiative takes the next Activation.
This Model does not need to be deployed pre-game, and may be deployed and Activated in any round, when it is the controlling player’s turn. When deploying
using the Raidaz ability, this Model may be deployed anywhere on the battlefield provided it is more than 4” from objectives and/or the enemy deployment
zone, and 8” from enemy Models.
Each player may only use the Raidaz ability only once per round, regardless of how many Models have this Keyword/ability or remain undeployed.
If a Model has the ‘Transport’ Keyword, Models which are Embarked remain Embarked and deploy with that Model provided they also have the ‘Raidaz’
You may only take one of this Model/Wargear in your Wargang.
This Model has -2” movement per Action.
This Model takes up only 0.5 spaces when embarked.
Models with this Keyword cannot take movement actions, or be pushed or otherwise moved involuntarily.
Models with this Keyword cannot be pushed or otherwise moved involuntarily.
If this Model ends the round 3” or more away from a Model with the Leader Keyword, then this Model is stunned. This Keyword voids the ‘Leader’ Keyword if it is
applied to this Model.
Models with the ‘On Foot’ Keyword may Embark inside this Model provided that the Transport Model has available capacity - total capacity is specified on the
Transport Model’s datacard. Models which are Embarked have the Embarked state and all corresponding rules applied. By default, a Transport Model may start
the game with Models embarked.
AI in MODULORKA uses the most advanced computing device known to man - the human brain.
There are no prescriptive flow charts, or contextual logic - rather there are a series of AI Archetypes which describe certain personalities and preferences. Whilst
clear guidance is given on how that should broadly be interpreted at a high level, it is up to the player to lend their intelligence to and determine what the best
and most reasonable course of Action would be to help that Model achieve its objectives according to its constraints and preferences.
A reference chart is provided to guide guidance on what an Archetype should do in a given situation - but this is just guidance - not a mandate. Any Action is
appropriate as long as it's consistent with the short description of each Archetype on this page.
Foe warbands are deployed in squads. Prebuilt Foe Wargangs will outline squads, but for custom Foe Wargangs reasonably divide the Models into 3-4 groups.
Divide the deployment zone according to the number of squads, and deploy the squads in loose formation approximately 2” apart. As when fighting human
opponents, Models are placed one at a time with the player and Foe Wargangs alternating.
Deploy individual Models according to the preferences of their archetypes, for example deploy Infiltrators completely hidden from the enemy, or Cautious Foes
somewhere they have a great vantage point. Place an alphabetical token (e.g. A for Aggressive) next to each Foe Model to remind you of their Archetype.
Models with the ‘Mercenary’ Keyword are independent agents with a loose affiliation with whomever hires them and so use an AI Archetype even if they are in a
player controlled Wargang. The exact archetype they should follow is outlined on their Class Card.
The activation order of Mercenaries is at that player’s discretion.
Aggressive foes love fighting and it’s all they want to do. They will close in towards the nearest enemies and engage recklessly
Bodyguards closely escort a single Model and dedicate themselves to their survival
Cautious foes love defeating enemies, but prefer to do so from a position of safety. They will try to find a good vantage point far from danger and pick off
Defenders focus on stopping the enemy from achieving their Missions and acquiring VP. They will keep close to objectives and single mindedly stop any
enemies who might attempt to score VP by any means possible.
Enthusiastic foes want to win the battle at all costs. They fearlessly pursue Missions and Victory Points with complete disregard for their own safety
Followers are not particularly brave or clever and just want to be one of the gang. They will seek to blend in with a small group of friendlies and just do whatever
they do.
Glory Seekers want to make a name for themselves by taking out the biggest baddest foes. They will identify the most dangerous enemy on the table, focus on
taking them down, and if successful will find the next most dangerous enemy and repeat endlessly.
Helpers are there to support the gang, primarily through smart and tactical use of their abilities. They will go out of their way to buff, heal or otherwise support
other friendlies. A Helper may be assigned to focus on a specific Model, or to help the whole gang
Infiltrators are sneaky and patient foes who will try to flank their enemies and attack from behind, when the enemy is exposed and vulnerable
Jaded foes are just kinda bored and lazy. They will hang back in their deployment zone and only move if in immediate danger, and only target enemies if they
wander in their attack range and line of sight
Kunnin foes want to complete Missions and score VP, but have the brains and patience to do so with a careful, tactical approach. They will focus on completing
Missions, but with a healthy sense of self preservation.
Will try to
stealthily get
behind the
Will group
enemy to get
Sneak up Only after flanking. with other
ideal attack Only by Will Rally if downed
and flank Prioritizes enemies At distance, will Infiltrators,
Infiltrator 4th exposed
who are most
avoid enemies but avoid
friendlies are in
Indirect and enemies range
enemies exposed other
careful. Always
uses cover, tries
to hide from
Line of SIght
Camps on
objectives /
Guard &
enemy Mission
items &
enemies Only to prevent them Whatever’s ideal Will Rally if downed
Defender 5th from
Direct but
from pursuing No for their best Doesn’t care friendlies are in
pursuing Missions Weapon range
careful, Will stay
Missions and
in cover
getting VP
7th Carefully
Will try to find a Yes, unless there is an
good vantage immediate threat to
Only by
At distance Prefers to be Will Rally if downed
solo friendlies are in
enemies point of the their safety enemies range. Will move
Direct but towards downed
careful, Will stay friendlies if there are
in cover no enemies in
whenever combat range
Will move
towards Wants to be
Help and Will Rally if downed
friendlies to in a group of
buff other Only if there is an Only if they friendlies are in
offer support. Whatever’s ideal 2-3 Models.
friendlies, or immediate threat to cannot take range. Will move
Helper 8th a specific
Direct but
their safety, or if they act to
for their best Will prioritize
towards downed
careful, Will stay Weapon this above all
friendly act to support support friendlies as their
in cover other
Model first priority
whenever Actions.
‘In Draggotz ‘ed, he’s da boss of bosses. The tuffest der eva wos. But as all da ladz knowz,
he’s just anova noisy git’
40 32 24
Name Class Archetype Weapons Gear
Armab Meka-Fist, Pistol, Boss
‘Da oss
Grenade Banna
Dugzod Ladz Pistol, Bludga, Grenade 4
Moggrub Ladz Cautious Rifle 4
Archet Poi
Name Class Weapons e
ype nts
Hrukt Pistol, Blud
Ladz Kunnin 4
ak ga
Hrobz Pistol, Blud
Ladz Kunnin 4
og ga
Gob- Follow Pistol, Blud
Hopp 2
Ladz er ga
Archet Poi
Name Class Weapons e
ype nts
Wurto Pistol, Blud
Ladz Kunnin 4
k ga
Wrakk Pistol, Blud
Ladz Kunnin 4
a ga
Wugw Gob- Follow Pistol, Blud
ug Ladz er ga
Deez guys just luv shootin’. If only they luved aimin’ ‘alf as
40 32 24
Archet Poi
Name as Weapons Gear
ype nts
Dakkbra La Cautiou Machine Boss
kka dz s Gun Banna
La Cautiou Grenade-
Druzzark 6
dz s Rifle
Archet Poi
Name as Weapons Gear
ype nts
Boomz La Cautiou Machine Boss
og dz s Gun Banna
Broggr La Cautiou Rokkit-
ub dz s Rifle
Archet Weap Poi
Name Class Gear
ype ons nts
Gob- Boss
‘Da Gob- Ladz
Kunnin Rifle
Drub Kunnin Rifle 2
Krub Kunnin Rifle 2
Grub Kunnin Rifle 2
Deez two arr sum of the ‘hardest lot about. Muscles mada steel. Dey’ll rip yer apart
and feed yer to dere houndz
40 32 24
Archety Poi
Name Class Weapons Gear
pe nts
Klawme Arrma- Enthusia Meka-Klaw Boss
ka Boss stic x2 Banna
Meatshe Gob- rd
Rifle 2
eld Ladz (Grugme
Sparepar Gob- rd
Rifle 2
tz Ladz (Grugme
Monsta- rd
Bonez 2
Hound (Grugme
Archety Poi
Name Class Weapons Gear
pe nts
Arrma- Enthusia Boss
Sawmeka Meka- 14
Boss stic Banna
Bullitspo Gob- rd
Rifle 2
nge Ladz (Grugme
Gob- rd
Dekoy Rifle 2
Ladz (Grugme
Monsta- rd
Bitey 2
Hound (Grugme
Dis lot alwayz gotta ‘ave the biggest ‘n best
40 32 24
Archety Poi
Name Class Weapons Gear
pe nts
Geargo Gearbo Enthusia Dynamo
Mega-Spanna 14
rtz ss stic Meka-
Gearhe rd
Grench Blowtorch Oila 4
dz (Geargor
Gearhe rd Plazma-
Gutsug 4
dz (Geargor Pistol,Grindasaw
Na Archet Poi
Class Weapons Gear
me ype nts
Zap Gearhed Portal
Helper Fists 4
pa z Kannon
Zoo Hunta- Follow Pistol, Buzz-
t Gob er axe
Hunta- Follow Pistol, Buzz-
Zug 2
Gob er axe
Zig Hunta- Follow Pistol, Buzz-
gz Gob er axe
Archety Poi
Name Class Weapons e
pe nts
Gearhe Enthusia Plazma Bla
Nutz 4
dz stic sta
Gearhe Enthusia Plazma Bla
Boltz 4
dz stic sta
Sque Geargo Enthusia Oi
Blowtorch 2
aka b stic la
If ya hear da stompin’ and ya feel da ground rumblin’ - ya betta get out der way before
ya get trampled
40 32 24
Nam Archetyp Poi
Class Weapons Gear
e e nts
Drod Glory Megablud Monsta
on 14
an Seeker ga Armor
Nam Archety Poi
Class Weapons e
e pe nts
Krog Hunta Enthusia Rokkit-
ar Cavalry stic spear
Drag Hunta Enthusia Rokkit- 7
ok Cavalry stic spear
Grag Hunta Enthusia Rokkit-
or Cavalry stic spear
Na Archety Poi
Class Weapons e
me pe nts
Gru Hunta- Enthusia Pistol, Buzz-
g Gob stic axe
Kro Hunta- Enthusia Pistol, Buzz-
b Gob stic axe
Nor Hunta- Enthusia Pistol, Buzz-
g Gob stic axe