2019 Tesis Garlito Molina Borja
2019 Tesis Garlito Molina Borja
2019 Tesis Garlito Molina Borja
Després de quatre anys, ha arribat el moment de posar punt i final a una etapa.
Quatre anys des que iniciàrem, inexperts, un camí ple d’alts i baixos, el de
l’assaig-error i la perseverança. A l’escriure aquestes línies, m’ha sobtat la
facilitat que tenim per a sintetitzar el treball d’un grapat d’anys - segurament
per l’experiència, coneixement i habilitats adquirides - però la dificultat que
suposa condensar en pocs paràgrafs la gratitud cap a totes aquelles persones
que han fet el camí més planer. A totes i cadascuna de vosaltres, vaja per
davant, moltíssimes gràcies!
També voldria agrair al Dr. Joaquín Beltrán, qui fa sis anys va supervisar el
meu treball de final de grau, per posar-me, per primera vegada, en contacte
amb un espectròmetre de masses. Allà va començar tot. I al Dr. Juan V.
Sancho, a qui sempre és un goig escoltar, per l’ajuda rebuda quan els
instruments semblaven estar en contra de la font APCI.
I would like to thank Dr. Hans Mol and Marc Tienstra for allowing me to do
my research stay at RIKILT-Wageningen University and Research and for our
stimulating discussions in front of the QOrbitrap. I would also like to thank
Dr. Marc H.G. Berntssen for his advice in the field of toxicology that,
undoubtedly, has been fundamental in this work.
Amb molta estima, voldria agrair a la resta de professors i a tots els companys
i companyes, que estan o han estat al IUPA, la seua ajuda desinteressada
durant estos últims quatre anys. Feu fàcil allò que pot semblar difícil. Moltes
gràcies a Edu, Rubén i Clara per les partidetes de pàdel i les cervesetes de
després; a David pels debats enriquidors; a Nácher per ensenyar-me que
l’anàlisi de productes d’aqüicultura és cosa d’acostumar la pituïtària; a Carlos
per compartir la desesperació de l’APCI; a María pel comboi d’eixos dinars
tan necessaris a Vilavella; a Mercedes pel seu carisma i la seua energia
infinita; a Jose, perquè si no parlàrem del Castelló al passadís potser viuríem
uns anys menys; i a Montse, Alberto, Leticia, Jorge, Eddie, Robert...pels cafés,
cerveses i tertúlies que hem compartit.
Tampoc m’oblide dels amics i amigues amb qui he crescut i viscut, que sempre
han estat al meu costat recolzant-me cegament tot i no entendre ben bé allò
que feia. Especialmente no me olvido de ti, Alejandro. Tu ausencia es
irremplazable. Com no, a tota la gent que conforma la Conlloga, per ensenyar-
me que el treball cooperatiu i la companyonia inherent a les muixerangues ens
pot fer anar més lluny en qualsevol àmbit de la nostra vida. Milions de gràcies!
Y, por último, a mi familia. A mis padres, a Marcos y a mis abuelos por ser
mis principales referentes, por estar al pié del cañón, confiando y facilitando
mucho las cosas, siempre tendiéndome la mano. I a tu, companya i amiga
Isabel, per recolzar-me, escoltar-me, aconsellar-me i acompanyar-me en els
camins que se’ns presenten. Gracias a todos vosotros!
Due to the stagnation of capture fisheries since the late 1980s, and the growing
demand for fish and fishery products, the aquaculture industry faces a major
sustainability challenge given its economic and ecological dependence on
fishmeals and fish oils. Therefore, in the last decade plant ingredients have
been introduced in the composition of feed, posing a new scenario in the field
of food safety and animal health.
The work presented has been structured in two blocks: a first block focused
on the analysis of organic pollutants, and a second one dedicated to the study
of endogenous compounds.
The first block is formed by three consecutive and related works that address,
from different perspectives, the problems in the field of food safety and animal
health arising in the field of aquaculture. In this block, analytical methods for
the determination of pesticides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in aquaculture ingredients, feed and fish are
developed. In the first work, the potential of liquid chromatography coupled
to hybrid quadrupole-time of flight mass spectrometry (LC-QTOF MS) and
gas chromatography coupled to QTOF MS with APCI ionization source (GC-
Finally, in the third work of this block, an analytical method based on liquid
chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) is
developed for the determination of pirimiphos-methyl, chlorpyrifos-methyl
and their main metabolites in dietary exposure experiments in zebrafish and
salmon. This work arises from the results obtained in the two previous works
and aims to respond, from an analytical application in the field of toxicology,
to the absence of maximum residue limits (MRLs) for the mentioned
pesticides in fish. The results obtained will be essential for developing a
kinetic model of accumulation and elimination of pirimiphos-methyl in
salmon, and will contribute to establish relevant MRLs for fish.
The second block addresses the study of very long chain polyunsaturated fatty
acids (VLC-PUFA) in fish retina. In the fourth paper presented in the Doctoral
Thesis, the potential of the GC-APCI-QTOF MS coupling is studied, as an
alternative to electron ionization, for the reliable identification of the ω3 and
ω6 series of these compounds. To this aim, a statistical model is generated
based on the orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis (OPLS-
DA) that highlights the relative abundance between two ions as the
differentiating variable of both groups. The application of the model to the
analysis of real samples, together with the presence of the protonated molecule
in the mass spectrum, make it possible to differentiate and identify the isomers
of the ω3 and ω6 series.
OBJETIVOS.................................................................................................... 1
OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................. 5
Comprehensive strategy for pesticide residue analysis through the
production cycle of gilthead sea bream and Atlantic salmon
3.4. Referencias ....................................................................................... 207
Identification of very long-chain (>C24) fatty acid methyl esters using gas
chromatography coupled to quadrupole/time-of-flight mass spectrometry
with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization source
2-DAMP 2-(diethylamino)-6-methyl-4-pyrimidinol
AOAC Asociación de Comunidades Analíticas
APCI Ionización química a presión atmosférica
API Ionización a presión atmosférica
ARA Ácido araquidónico
CEN Comité Europeo de Normalización
CI Ionización química
CID Disociación inducida por colisión
DC Corriente continua
DHA Ácido docosohexaenoico
d-SPE Extracción en fase sólida dispersiva
EFSA Autoridad Europea de Seguridad Alimentaria
EI Ionización electrónica
ELOVL4 Elongasa de ácidos grasos de cadena muy larga 4
EPA Ácido eicosapentaenoico
ESI Interfase electrospray
FAME Éster metílico de ácido graso
GAP Buenas prácticas agrícolas
GC Cromatografía de gases
GCB Carbón negro grafitizado
GC-APCI- Cromatografía de gases acoplada a espectrometría de
MS/MS masas en tándem con fuente de ionización química a
presión atmosférica
GC-APCI- Cromatografía de gases acoplada a espectrometría de
QTOF MS masas híbrida cuadrupolo-tiempo de vuelo con fuente
de ionización química a presión atmosférica
GC-MS Cromatografía de gases acoplada a espectrometría de
GC-MS/MS Cromatografía de gases acoplada a espectrometría de
masas en tándem
GPC Cromatografía por permeación en gel
HE Función de alta energía
HPLC Cromatografía de líquidos de alta resolución
HRMS Espectrometría de masas de alta resolución
IP Punto de identificación
IS Patrón interno
LC Cromatografía de líquidos
LC-MS Cromatografía de líquidos acoplada a espectrometría
de masas
LC-MS/MS Cromatografía de líquidos acoplada a espectrometría
de masas en tándem
LC-QTOF MS Cromatografía de líquidos acoplada a espectrometría
de masas híbrida cuadrupolo-tiempo de vuelo
LC-PUFA Ácido graso poliinsaturado de cadena larga
LC-PUFA-ME Éster metílico de ácido graso poliinsaturado de cadena
LE Función de baja energía
m/z Relación masa/carga
M+· Ion molecular
[M+H]+ Molécula protonada
MAE Extracción asistida por microondas
MRL Límites máximos de residuo
MS Espectrometría de masas
MS/MS Espectrometría de masas en tándem
NCI Ionización química negativa
N-Des-PM O-[2-(ethylamino)-6-methylpyrimidin-4-yl]O,O-
OPLS-DA Análisis ortogonal de mínimos cuadrados parciales
PAHs Hidrocarburos policíclicos aromáticos
PBDEs Difeniléteres polibromados
PC Fosfatidilcolina
PCA Análisis de componentes principales
PCBs Bifenilos policlorados
PLE Extracción líquida presurizada
POPs Contaminantes orgánicos persistentes
PRM Monitorización de la reacción paralela
PSA Amina primaria-secundaria
PTV Vaporización con temperatura programada
Q Filtro de masas cuadrupolar
q/Q Ratio iónica
QqQ Analizador de masas de triple cuadrupolo
QTOF Analizador de masas híbrido cuadrupolo-tiempo de
QuEChERS Rápido, fácil, barato, efectivo, robusto, seguro
RF Radiofrecuencia
S/N Relación señal/ruido
SDL Límite de detección de screening
SFE Extracción con fluidos supercríticos
SIL-IS Patrón interno marcado con isótopos estables
SIM Monitorización del ion seleccionado
SOFIA Estado Mundial de la Pesca y la Acuicultura
SPE Extracción en fase sólida
SRM Monitorización de la transición seleccionada
TCP 3,5,6-trichloropyridinol
TOF Analizador de masas de tiempo de vuelo
UE Unión Europea
UHPLC Cromatografía de líquidos de ultra alta resolución
USE Extracción mediante ultrasonidos
VLC-PUFA Ácido graso poliinsaturado de cadena muy larga
VLC-PUFA-ME Éster metílico de ácidos graso poliinsaturado de cadena
muy larga
1.7. Referencias
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
Millones de toneladas
1950 1956 1962 1968 1974 1980 1986 1992 1998 2004 2010 2016
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
De entre todos los factores, uno de los que más interés científico despierta y
que mayor efecto tiene sobre el bienestar animal y la seguridad alimentaria, es
la alimentación de los individuos de cría. Por una parte, según los principios
acordados en la European Convention for the Protection of Animals kept for
Farming Purposes, los animales deben ser provistos de alimentos que sean
adecuados para sus necesidades fisiológicas y etológicas. Con este fin, y en
relación con la problemática en la sostenibilidad de los piensos expuesta en el
primer punto de la introducción, la acuicultura moderna está centrando sus
esfuerzos en ampliar el conocimiento científico. De hecho, la UE ha
financiado proyectos como “AQUAMAX”, “ARRAINA” o “PUFAFEEDS”,
entre otros, dirigidos a esta materia. Por otra parte, dichos alimentos deben
estar exentos de sustancias que puedan causar daños o lesiones innecesarias.
Por ello, la UE ha establecido MRLs para determinadas sustancias tóxicas en
ingredientes y piensos para peces - como PAHs, bifenilos policlorados (PCBs)
o dioxinas [11] - con el objetivo de controlar y reducir los niveles de estas
sustancias así como su seguridad. A pesar de todo, los avances en el campo de
la acuicultura, con el desarrollo de nuevos piensos de composición
principalmente vegetal, han planteado un escenario escasamente contemplado
por la legislación vigente. Pese a la existencia de MRLs de plaguicidas para
gran parte de alimentos de carácter vegetal, los cuales han sido establecidos
en base a buenas prácticas agrícolas (GAP), los cultivos utilizados en la
alimentación animal, piensos y productos de acuicultura no han sido
contemplados. Es por ello que urge una evaluación del efecto de los residuos
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
de los plaguicidas y de los posibles riesgos para la salud del consumidor y del
animal, siendo estos estudios llevados a cabo normalmente por agencias como
la EFSA. A partir de estos se establecerían los MRLs correspondientes.
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
Cromatografía de gases
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
Cromatografía de líquidos
Además del tipo de química de las fases estacionarias hay otros factores que
afectan a la separación, como es el tamaño de partícula que, junto con el flujo
de fase móvil, tiene un efecto directo sobre la eficacia cromatográfica según
la ecuación de Van Deemter. Esta ecuación relaciona la velocidad lineal de la
fase móvil con la eficacia de la columna para un determinado tamaño de
partícula. Con el objetivo de mejorar la eficacia, en los últimos años se han
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
Ionización en GC
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
La ionización química puede dar lugar a una especie positiva y/o negativa, y
ambos procesos pueden ocurrir simultáneamente. En modo positivo, la
ionización suele producirse mediante la transferencia de un protón, aunque
también se producen otras reacciones ion-molécula como la formación de
aductos con los iones reactivos, la extracción de hidruro o la transferencia de
carga. En modo negativo, puede producirse la reacción ion-molécula de
desprotonación, aunque los principales mecanismos son la captura de electrón
por resonancia, la captura de electrón disociativa o la formación de pares
iónicos. Al igual que en EI, la fragmentación de las moléculas dependerá de
la energía involucrada en el proceso de ionización.
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
Ionización en LC
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
Full Scan - - Scan Conocer la ionización de la molécula
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
Análisis pre-target
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
sobre la respuesta de los analitos, éste puede ser notorio en algunos tipos de
muestras. El efecto matriz puede originar errores de cuantificación y
detección, así como afectar la sensibilidad, reproducibilidad y linealidad del
método. Por estos motivos, es necesario evaluar cómo afecta la presencia de
la matriz en los compuestos a determinar para así definir las estrategias que lo
Por un lado, en LC-MS con fuente de ionización ESI, se piensa que el efecto
matriz se produce en la fuente de ionización y se debe probablemente a un
proceso de competición entre los analitos y los componentes de la matriz
coeluídos [34], bien por acceder a la superficie de las pequeñas gotas donde
se produce el paso a fase gas - a mayor fuerzas atractivas para mantener las
gotas, menor eficiencia de ionización [35] -, o bien porque la concentración
de compuestos orgánicos es superior a 10-5 M, fijando esta concentración
como máxima para obtener una ionización eficiente [34, 36]. En este caso es
común observar supresión de señal.
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
bloquear estos puntos activos, reduciendo así las pérdidas de analitos causadas
por la adsorción i/o degradación en éstos y, por tanto, obteniendo una
respuesta mayor (exaltación de señal) en los extractos en comparación con los
estándares de solventes [37–39].
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
Por último, aunque menos utilizadas, las adiciones estándar son una
posibilidad para corregir el efecto matriz. Esta alternativa consiste en añadir
cantidades crecientes de analitos de interés a una cantidad fija de muestra. Esta
aproximación presenta dos limitaciones principales: un aumento considerable
del tiempo de análisis, ya que se necesitarán varias inyecciones por muestra;
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
Por ello, una de las soluciones más sencillas que se adoptan en métodos
multianalito es la dilución de los extractos. Con esta aproximación se
consigue, sin producirse la pérdida de analitos, reducir la carga de matriz
inyectada al sistema cromatográfico. Sin embargo, esta alternativa está muy
condicionada por la sensibilidad del método.
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
1.7. Referencias
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
20. Grob RL, Barry EF (2004) Modern practice of gas chromatography, 4th
ed. Wiley-Interscience
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
Capítulo 1 Introducción general
2.1. Introducción
2.5. Referencias
Capítulo 2 Determinación de compuestos exógenos
2.1. Introducción
Capítulo 2 Determinación de compuestos exógenos
Capítulo 2 Determinación de compuestos exógenos
Capítulo 2 Determinación de compuestos exógenos
Capítulo 2 Determinación de compuestos exógenos
Capítulo 2 Determinación de compuestos exógenos
Research Institute for Pesticides and Water (IUPA), Avda. Sos Baynat, s/n,
University Jaume I, 12071 Castellón, Spain
Institute of Aquaculture of Torre la Sal (IATS, CSIC), 12595 Ribera de
Cabanes, Castellón, Spain
BioMar R&D, Grangemouth, FK3 8UL, UK
BioMar AS, N-7010 Trondheim, Norway
European Fat Processors and Renderers Association (EFPRA), Boulevard
Baudouin, 1518, 4th Floor, BE - 1000, Brussels, Belgium
National Institute of Nutrition and Seafood Research, PO Box 2029
Nordnes, N-5817 Bergen, Norway
Plant ingredients and processed animal proteins are alternative feedstuffs for
fish feeds in aquaculture. However, their use can introduce contaminants like
pesticides that are not previously associated with marine Atlantic salmon and
gilthead sea bream farming. This study covers the screening of around 800
pesticides by gas chromatography (GC) and liquid chromatography (LC)
coupled to high resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry in matrices
throughout the entire marine food production chain. Prior to analysis of real-
world samples, the screening methodology was validated for 252 pesticides to
establish the screening detection limit. This was 0.01 mg·kg-1 for 113
pesticides (45%), 0.05 mg·kg-1 for 73 pesticides (29%) and >0.05 mg·kg-1 for
66 pesticides (26%). After that, a quantitative methodology based on GC
coupled to tandem mass spectrometry with atmospheric pressure chemical
ionization source (GC-APCI-MS/MS) was optimized for the pesticides found
in the screening. Although several polar pesticides, of which pirimiphos
methyl and chlorpyriphos-methyl were most dominant, were found in plant
material and feeds based on these ingredients, none of them were observed in
fillets of Atlantic salmon and gilthead sea bream fed on these feeds.
Graphical abstract
1. Introduction
The availability of wild fishery-derived raw materials is finite and the rapid
and sustained growth rate of global aquaculture have forced the industry to
explore alternative and more sustainable feed ingredients (Tacon and Metian,
2013). Much attention has been paid to plant ingredients and experimental
evidence supports a successful replacement of marine feedstuffs at relatively
high levels in most carnivorous farmed fish, such as Atlantic salmon (Salmo
salar) and gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) (Benedito-Palos et al., 2016;
Ytrestøyl et al., 2015). Processed animal proteins (PAPs) from the rendering
industry, re-authorized for use in aquafeeds in the European Union (EU) in
2013 (EC, 2013a), are another valuable source of feed ingredients for farmed
marine fish (Hatlen et al., 2015).
The use of these alternative feed ingredients can introduce contaminants that
were previously not associated with marine salmon and gilthead sea bream
farming. One example are pesticides that are world-wide pre and post-harvest
used on crops or as anti-parasite agent in farming of terrestrial animals. Well
known organochlorine pesticides (OCP) such as DDT and HCB have been
mostly banned for agricultural use and are associated with fish oil (Berntssen
et al., 2010; Friesen et al., 2008; Nácher-Mestre et al., 2009). These OCP
pesticides have been replaced by less persistent and more water soluble
pesticides (Seiber, 2002). EU Maximum Residue Level (MRL) legislation for
non-OCP pesticides comprises most food commodities (EC, 2005), but for
feed ingredients and fish, specific harmonized EU MRLs are not yet
established (EC, 2013b). This emphasizes the need for data on the occurrence
of pesticides in feed ingredients and the edible part of fish farmed on plant-
based feeds. Extensive EU surveillance programmes exist on pesticide
2.2. Samples
A total of 76 samples were studied in this work as detailed in Table S1. The
list contains ingredients from different origin (plant, terrestrial animals and
marine), and also feeds based on these feed ingredients, as well as fillets of
Atlantic salmon and gilthead seabream reared on these feeds. Atlantic salmon
and gilthead seabream were fed by the produced feeds for 7 and 18 months,
respectively, and fillet samples were taken for analysis at the end of the
exposure trial. The same feeds were provided throughout the feeding trial. The
screening and quantification was performed on feed ingredients, feeds
produced from the same feed ingredients, and fish fillets of fish fed on these
feeds. The feed samples were analyzed at the beginning of the trial and no
stability assessment was made by analyzing the feed during storage.
Plant Plant oil origin (PAP) origin Sea bream Salmon Sea bream Salmon
Pea protein (2) Linseed (1) Poultry blood meal (4) Krill meal (1) Experimental (8) Experimental (4) Experimental fillet after 8 months (4) Experimental fillet (4)
Pea (1) Palm (2) Poultry meal (4) Fish meal (3) Experimental fillet after 18 months (4)
Wheat (3) Rapeseed (5) Feather meal (3) Fish oil (2)
Two injections were performed for sample: the first one promoting the
formation of the molecular ion, and the second one, promoting the formation
of the protonated molecule. Full-spectrum acquisition data generated at low
and high collision energy (MSE) were processed, using the specialized
application manager ChromaLynxXS (within MassLynx).
Heptacosa was used for the daily mass calibration. Continuous internal
calibration was performed using a background ion coming from the GC-
column bleeding as lock mass (m/z 223.0640).
An Acquity UHPLC BEH C18 1.7 µm particle size analytical column 100×2.1
mm (Waters) at a flow rate of 300 µL/min was employed for chromatographic
separation. Mobile phase consisted of water/methanol gradient both with
0.01% HCOOH. The percentage of organic modifier (B) was changed linearly
as follows: 0 min, 10 %; 14 min, 90 %; 16 min, 90 %; 16.01 min, 10 %; 18
min, 10 %. The column temperature was set at 40 ºC. Hybrid TOF MS
resolution was approximately 20,000 at full width half maximum (FWHM),
at m/z 556.2771. MS data were acquired on the m/z range of 50-1000. A
capillary voltage of 0.7 kV in positive mode and 2.5 kV in negative mode were
used with a cone voltage of 25 V. Collision gas was argon 99.995% (Praxair,
Valencia, Spain). The interface temperature was set to 650 ºC and the source
Calibrations were conducted daily from m/z 50 to 1000 with a 1:1 mixture of
0.05M NaOH:5% HCOOH diluted (1:25) with acetonitrile:water (80:20), at a
flow rate of 20 µL/min. For automated accurate mass measurement, the lock-
spray probe was used, using as lock mass a solution of leucine enkephalin (10
mg/L) in acetonitrile:water (50:50) at 0.1% HCOOH pumped at 30 µL/min
through the lock-spray needle. The (de)protonated molecule of leucine
enkephalin at m/z 556.2771 in positive mode and m/z 554.2615 in negative
mode was used for recalibrating the mass axis and ensuring a robust accurate
mass measurement along time.
limit (SDL), which was the lowest concentration for which each pesticide was
detected in 95% of the spiked samples tested (e.g. 19 out of 20 samples)
independently of its recovery and precision. The detection of the compound
was made by using the most abundant ion measured at its accurate mass
(typically the molecular ion or (de)protonated molecule) in the LE function.
This implied that at least one m/z ion was observed at the expected retention
time (Rt) (deviation accepted ± 0.2 min, in comparison with the reference
standard) with mass error below 5 ppm.
pesticides at two concentrations, 0.01 and 0.05 mg·kg-1, and the SDL was
established. The detection was made by using the (de)protonated molecule, so
at least one m/z ion was found at the expected Rt (deviation accepted ± 0.2
min) with mass error below 5 ppm. The LC qualitative screening was widened,
in a second step, with 36 pesticides. Also, 4 additional samples (the same as
in GC-QTOF MS) were spiked with the already validated 125 compounds and
36 more pesticides. This allowed us to confirm the SDLs already established
in the first step and also establish provisional SDLs for the 36 new pesticides.
Additionally, 6 PAPs were also spiked at the concentration levels cited above
and for those samples a criteria of 6 out of 6 was required to establish a
provisional SDL.
All compounds detected (only one ion with accurate mass and Rt agreement)
and/or identified (minimum two accurate-mass ions, with Rt and ion ratio
3.1. Target and suspect screening of feed ingredients, feed and transfer to
farmed fish
Regarding LC-QTOF screening validation, for the first 125 pesticides studied,
SDLs were established as 0.01 mg·kg-1 (49 pesticides), 0.05 mg·kg-1 (31
pesticides) and >0.05 mg·kg-1 (25 pesticides) and 18 improved/lowered this
value (see Table S3). Only two pesticides (chlorpropham and parathion-ethyl)
did not pass the new criteria of 4 out of 4 in the new samples and sacrificed
the SDL from 0.05 to >0.05 mg·kg-1. For the new 36 pesticides studied in four
matrices, a tentative/provisional SDL was established as 0.01 mg·kg-1 for 6
pesticides, 0.05 mg·kg-1 for 24 pesticides and >0.05 mg·kg-1 for 6 pesticides.
SDL obtained for PAPs coincided with those for feed ingredients, feed and
fish in 136 cases (84%) and for the rest showed worst results except for
hexaflumuron, butachlor and omethoate.
In general, the evaluation of the SDL for ethoxyquin (ETQ) was troublesome
due to the presence of the analyte at high concentrations in the samples used
for validation.
It is worth to mention that in some cases the same pesticide was included in
both screening methodologies, LC and GC. In those cases, the most favorable
SDL was selected. In this way, Table 1 summarizes the final SDLs established
for feed ingredient, feed and fish for the 252 pesticides studied (removing
duplicities resulting from LC and GC analysis of the same compound).
Overall, SDL values were 0.01 mg·kg-1 for 113 pesticides (45%), 0.05 mg·kg-
for 73 pesticides (29%) and a total of 66 pesticides could not be qualitatively
validated (26%) at these levels. For most of them, surely the method was not
sensitive enough for the analyte/matrix tested, and higher analyte
concentrations (>0.05 mg·kg-1) should be tested. In addition, some pesticides
and sample matrices might require specific sample treatments and/or
Table 1. (continuation)
0.01 mg·kg-1 0.05 mg·kg-1 > 0.05 mg·kg-1
Flutriafol Thiophanate-methyl Terbuthylazine 2-OH
Triadimenol Thiamethoxam
Tridemorph Thiram
0.01 mg·kg-1 0.05 mg·kg-1 > 0.05 mg·kg-1
Azaconazole/Azaconazole Aldicarb Acequinocyl
Bromuconazole Bixafen/Bixafen Benoxacor
Clodinafop-propargyl Carbetamide/Carbetamide Bromoxynyl/Bromoxynil (-)
Cyproconazole/Cyproconazole Carbosulfan/Carbosulfan Iprovalicarb/Iprovalicarb
Dimethachlor Indoxacarb/Indoxacarb Chlordecone
Epoxyconazol Ioxynil (-) Dalapon (-)
Fenpropimorph Ioxynil-Octanoate Flumetrine
Fluquinconazole Difenoconazole Oxydemeton-methyl
Isopyrazam Isoxaben/Isoxaben Spiromesifen
Mepanipyrim Methabenzthiazuron/Methabenzthiazuron Trinexapac acid (-)
Mephosfolan/Mephosfolan Metrafenon/Metrafenone
Metconazole Oxydemeton-methyl
Propazine/Propazine Procloraz/Procloraz
Prosulfocarb Profenofos/Profenofos
Tebuconazole Prothioconazole
were fed on low background levels in the present study. In addition, long term
storage at high temperatures could potentially affect the level of chlorpyrifos-
methyl, but not pirimiphos-methyl residues in corn products (White et al.,
1997). In the present trial, no assessment of the pesticide level during storage
was made, which could have contributed to possible absence of detectable
pesticides in the fish fillets of fish fed on the feeds. Earlier surveillance studies
also identified chlorpyriphos methyl, and to a lesser extend pirimiphos methyl,
as some of the most frequent pesticide residues in terrestrial animal feeds
(Gómez-Pérez et al., 2015; Lovell et al., 1996). In contrast to the present study,
chlorpyriphos-methyl was also detected in fish from Taiwan markets and fish
feeds were suggested to be the main source of this compound in farmed fish
(Sun and Chen, 2008).
Other pesticides like the organochlorine pesticide HCB was found by GC-
(APCI)QTOF MS in one marine origin ingredient, which is a well-known
OCP pesticide that behaves as a POP with elevated levels in fish oil obtained
from pelagic fish species (Berntssen et al., 2010). The none-OCP pesticides,
tebuconazole, azoxystrobin, malathion and boscalid were found by UHPLC-
(ESI) QTOF MS in plant-based ingredients (specially in plant oil ingredients).
In contrast to chlorpyriphos-methyl and pirimiphos-methyl, these pesticides
were not found in feed samples. The absence of these pesticides in feed while
present in the plant-based feed ingredients is likely due to the dilution effect
occurred when plant ingredients are mixed with other ingredients such as fish
oil and meal to produce fish feeds, causing levels below SDL. Then,
flufenoxuron, tebufenozide and teflubenzuron were identified (tebufenozide
only detected) by UHPLC-(ESI)QTOF MS in gilthead sea bream feed samples
(among 13 and 38% of the analyzed samples), but not in the feed ingredients
used in these feeds or fillets of seabream fed on these feeds. Ethoxyquin, which
All cited compounds had been included in the target screening list, as
reference standards were available for them and had been previously included
in the qualitative screening validation protocol. Oppositely, the fungicide
fluazinam, included in the suspect list, was tentatively identified by UHPLC-
(ESI)QTOF MS in two gilthead sea bream feed samples. Fig. 3 illustrates the
detection and tentative identification of this compound in a gilthead sea bream
feed sample by UHPLC-QTOF MS. The deprotonated molecule of fluazinam
was detected in the LE function in ESI negative mode, with a mass error of
1.9 ppm. As the reference standard was not available, chemical structures for
the most abundant fragment ions were suggested based on their accurate
masses, using the Mass-Fragment software (Waters). In the HE function, 2
fragments (m/z 415.9433 and 397.9768) were observed with chromatographic
peaks at the same Rt, and mass errors lower than 1.2 ppm in relation to the
theoretical predicted exact masses. All structures proposed for the fragments
were compatible with the chemical structure of fluazinam and were in
accordance with the isotopic pattern observed for the chlorine atoms present
in the structure, making the identification even more reliable. Moreover, the
tentative identification was supported by the MS/MS product ions reported in
the literature (Pizzutti et al., 2009). After this careful evaluation process, the
reference standard was finally acquired and injected, allowing the ultimate
confirmation of this compound in the sample.
was not suitable as they did not present satisfactory results in most of the
the range of 0.005-0.05 mg·kg-1. ETQ-D was found below 0.005 mg·kg-1
except four plant ingredients in the range of 0.005-0.05 mg·kg-1 and, above
0.005 mg·kg-1 in all marine origin ingredients. Earlier studies also reported the
overall presence of synthetic antioxidants such as ETQ in commercial feed
and ETQ and ETQ-D in farmed fish including Atlantic salmon, halibut, cod,
and rainbow trout, with mean (min.-max.) ETQ feed levels of 10 (1.4-32)
mg·kg-1 and mean (min.-max.) ETQ and ETQ-D levels of 0.06 (0.013-0.17)
and 0.7 (0.29-1.5) mg·kg-1, respectively, analyzed by means of HPLC coupled
to fluorescence detection (Lundebye et al., 2010).
fold higher than levels found in present study. Regarding tebuconazole, it was
found in two rapeseed oil samples at concentration around 0.01 mg·kg-1. As
an illustrative example, Fig. 4 shows the GC-(APCI)MS/MS chromatograms
obtained for the quantification and confirmation of boscalid in one salmon feed
(0.009 mg·kg-1), azoxystrobin in a poultry blood meal (0.008 mg·kg-1) and
chlorpyriphos-methyl in wheat gluten (0.037 mg·kg-1). Also, Fig. S1 (a)
shows the GC-(APCI)MS/MS chromatograms obtained for the quantification
and confirmation of pirimiphos-methyl in wheat gluten at concentration level
of 0.191 mg·kg-1. This ingredient is used to prepare a gilthead sea bream feed
shown at Fig. S1 (b) that contains the pirimiphos-methyl at concentration level
of 0.007 mg·kg-1. This feed represents a total replacement of 80% of fish meal
by plant meal and 84% of the fish oil by alternative plant oils. The gilthead
sea bream fish fillet reared on this feed does not shown any trace of pirimiphos
methyl (Fig. S1(c)).
Feed: sea bream (n=8) Feed: salmon (n=4) Fish: salmon (n=4) Fish: sea bream (n=8)
Capítulo 2
< 0.005 0.005-0.05 0.05-0.5 >0.5 < 0.005 0.005-0.05 0.05-0.5 >0.5 < 0.005 0.005-0.05 0.05-0.5 >0.5 < 0.005 0.005-0.05 0.05-0.5 >0.5
m g/kg m g/kg m g/kg m g/kg m g/kg m g/kg m g/kg m g/kg m g/kg m g/kg m g/kg m g/kg m g/kg m g/kg m g/kg m g/kg
Diphenylamine 8 4 4 8
HCB 8 4 4 8
Ethoxyquin 8 4 4 7 1
Chlorpyriphos-methyl 6 2 3 1 4 8
Pirimiphos-methyl 4 4 4 4 8
Malathion 8 4 4 8
Imazalil 8 4 4 8
T ebuconazole 8 4 4 8
Ethoxyquin dimer 8 4 2 2 4 4
Boscalid 8 3 1 4 8
Azoxystrobin 8 3 1 4 8
Ingredients: animal origin (n=19) Ingredients: marine origin (n=6) Ingredients: plant oil (n=8) Ingredients: plant (n=19)
< 0.005 0.005-0.05 0.05-0.5 >0.5 < 0.005 0.005-0.05 0.05-0.5 >0.5 < 0.005 0.005-0.05 0.05-0.5 >0.5 < 0.005 0.005-0.05 0.05-0.5 >0.5
m g/kg m g/kg m g/kg m g/kg m g/kg m g/kg m g/kg m g/kg m g/kg m g/kg m g/kg m g/kg m g/kg m g/kg m g/kg m g/kg
Diphenylamine 19 6 7 1 17 2
HCB 19 5 1 8 19
Ethoxyquin 18 1 2 4 5 3 1 16 2
Chlorpyriphos-methyl 19 6 8 18 1
Pirimiphos-methyl 19 6 3 5 15 1 3 3
Malathion 19 6 8 19
Imazalil 19 6 8 19
T ebuconazole 19 6 6 2 19
Ethoxyquin dimer 19 2 2 2 6 2 17 2
Boscalid 18 1 6 7 1 19
4. Conclusions
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Graphical abstract
1. Introduction
The development of new sustainable plant based feeds for marine fish farming
introduces new challenges concerning contaminants that were previously not
relevant when using traditional marine feed ingredients. Unrefined plant oils
obtained from oilseeds such as soybeans, rapeseeds, olive seeds, and
sunflower seeds are known to contain elevated levels of polyaromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs) [6–11]. Although fish oil also contains PAHs from
environmental pollution [12], the use of plant oils causes increased PAH levels
in plant-based salmon feeds compared to marine-based feeds [13]. In contrast,
in a study on fish oil replacement in sea bream (Sparus aurata) feeds, plant
oils did not have elevated PAH levels compared to fish oil, and it was
concluded that feed PAH levels did not correlate with the amount of fish or
plant oil used [14]. The genotoxic and carcinogenic “heavy” PAHs (>4–6
rings), such as benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P), benzo[a]anthracene (B[a]A), chrysene
(Chr), benzo[b]fluoranthene (B[b]F), have received special attention with
regards to food safety [15]. Studies related to plant oil PAH contamination,
however, mainly focus on light (2–4 rings) PAHs such as fluoranthene,
naphthalene, anthracene, phenanthrene, as they are most dominantly present
in unrefined plant oils. These light PAHs are also on the US EPA
(Environmental Protection Agency) list for environmental relevant PAHs but
are mostly not carcinogenic and genotoxic [10,16].
The European union has set an upper limit for 4 PAHs (B[a]P + B[a]A + Chr
+ B[b]F) in food products to protect the consumer safety [15]. No upper limits
for PAH in feed ingredients or animal feeds currently exist. The PAH levels
of raw ingredients for feeds for farmed terrestrial animals such as cow,
chicken, and pig have been reported in only few studies [11] and little is
known on PAH levels in feeds for farmed fin fish species [17,18], especially
for feed ingredients used in novel plant based fish feed [13,14,19].
2. Experimental
2.1. Reagents
(100 mg·L−1 for C[c,d]P), PAH MIX 9 containing 16 PAHs (10 mg·L−1 in
cyclohexane) and PCB mix 3 (100 ng·µL−1 in isooctane) were purchased from
Dr. Ehrenstorfer (Augsburg, Germany). Reference standards diphenylamine,
ethoxyquin, p,p′-DDD, p,p′- DDT, tebuconazole, azoxystrobin, fluazinam and
imazalil supplied by Dr. Ehrenstorfer GmbH (Augsburg, Germany); boscalid
and malathion by Riedel-de Haën (Seelze, Germany); ethoxyquin dimer by
Synthetica AS (Oslo, Norway) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB), pirimiphos-
methyl and chlopyrifos-methyl by Sigma-Aldrich (St Louis, MO, USA) with
a purity 97–99.9% were used for standard preparation (see structures for all
the compounds in Table S1). Stock standard solutions (around 500 mg·L−1)
were prepared in acetone. Two mixtures of pesticide standards (individual
concentration of each pesticide around 50 mg·L−1) were prepared by dilution
of stock individual solutions in acetone. Working standard solutions
containing all compounds were prepared by dilution of mixtures with acetone
(for sample fortification in GC) and hexane (GC injection). Stock standard
solutions and working solutions were stored in a freezer at −20 °C.
Stable isotopic labeled internal standards (SIL-IS) PCB 153-13C12 and PAH
surrogate cocktail containing acenaphthylene-D8, B[a]P-D12, B(g,h,i)Pe-D12,
fluoranthene-D10, naphthalene-D8, phenanthrene-D10 and pyrene-D10 were
purchased from Cambridge Isotope Laboratories (Andover, MA, USA).
Hexachlorobenzene-13C6, tebuconazole-D6 and p,p′-DDE-D8 were also
purchased from Dr. Ehrenstorfer.
Naphthalene 5-Methylchrysene
Acenaphthylene Benzo[b]fluoranthene
Acenaphthene Benzo[k]fluoranthene
Fluorene Benzo[j]fluoranthene
Phenanthrene Benzo[a]pyrene
Anthracene Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene
Fluoranthene Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene
Pyrene Benzo[g,h,i]perylene
Benzo[c]fluorene Dibenzo[a,l]pyrene
Benzo[a]anthracene Dibenzo[a,e]pyrene
Cyclopenta[c,d]pyrene Dibenzo[a,i]pyrene
Chrysene Dibenzo[a,h]pyrene
PCB-28 Chlorpyrifos-methyl
PCB-52 Pirimiphos-methyl
PCB-101 Malathion
PCB-118 4,4’-DDE
PCB-153 Imazalil
PCB-138 4,4’-DDD
PCB-180 4,4’-DDT
Diphenylamine Tebuconazole
Ethoxyquin Boscalid
Fluazinam Azoxystrobin
2.2. Samples
The sample material has been described before in detail [31]. A total of 76
samples (from 19 different matrices) were studied in this work. The list
contains ingredients from different origin (plant, terrestrial animals and
marine), and also feeds based on these ingredients (PAPs not included), as
well as fillets of Atlantic salmon and gilthead sea bream reared on these feeds.
Fish individuals were fed for, respectively, 7 and 18 months, and fillet samples
were taken for analysis at the end of the exposure trial and, additionally, for
sea bream at 8 months (commercial size). The same feed compositions were
provided throughout the feeding trial. The quantification was performed on
feed ingredients, feeds produced from the same feed ingredients, and fish
fillets of fish fed on these feeds. The feed samples were analyzed at the
beginning of the trial (additionally after 8 months for sea bream) and no
stability assessment was made by analyzing the feed during storage (below
7°C for salmon and sea bream feeds).
2.4. Instrumentation
2.4.1. GC-APCI-MS/MS
Data were acquired using a GC system (Agilent 7890A, Palo Alto, CA, USA)
equipped with an autosampler (Agilent 7693) and coupled to a triple
quadrupole (QqQ) mass spectrometer (Xevo TQ-S, Waters Corporation,
Manchester, UK), operating in positive APCI mode. The GC separation was
performed using a fused silica DB-17MS (50% phenyl-methylpolysiloxane)
Nine out of nineteen different matrices (fish fillets, feed and PAPs) were
selected for the study of matrix effects and different dilution factors were
tested (crude extract, 5-fold, 10-fold and 20-fold dilution). To this aim, matrix-
matched calibrations were prepared for each sample matrix by taking between
25 and 500 µL of the “blank” sample extract (for crude extract, 500 µL were
Eleven SIL-IS were added at the initial stage of the procedure as quality
control (surrogates) in order to correct for possible losses during the overall
procedure and instrumental deviations. Linearity of relative response of
analytes was established by analyzing standard solutions injected in triplicate
in the range of 0.01–25 ng·mL−1 for all compounds except for C[c,d]P (0.005–
12.5 ng·mL−1). Linearity was assumed when the correlation coefficient (R2)
was higher than 0.99 with residuals lower than 30%.
A full validation of the method was carried out for two sample matrices,
salmon and sea bream fillets. Accuracy (estimated by means of recovery
experiments) was evaluated by analyzing six replicates spiked at 2 ng·g−1 (1
ng·g−1 for C[c,d]P) and 50 ng·g−1 (25 ng·g−1 for C[c,d]P) for the two matrices
tested. Precision was expressed as repeatability in terms of relative standard
deviation (RSD, %) (n=6) calculated for each fortification level. The limit of
quantification (LOQ) objective, for salmon and sea bream fillets, was defined
as the lowest concentration level validated following SANTE/11945/2015
guide criteria [33] (recovery 70–120% and RSDs below 20%). For those
compounds that could not be validated due to the high concentration in the
“blank” sample a statistically calculated LOQ was estimated as the analyte
concentration that produced a peak signal of ten times the background noise
in the chromatogram at the lowest fortification level tested for each compound.
The limit of detection (LOD) was estimated for all compounds considering a
signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio of three.
The qi/Q ratio, defined as the ratio between the intensity of the confirmation
ion (qi) and the quantification ion (Q), was used to confirm peak identity in
real and spiked samples. The experimental qi/ Q value for each compound was
calculated as the mean value obtained from three standard solutions injected
In this work, the ionization behavior of the APCI interface was tested using
PAH standards in solvent. Two mechanisms of ionization were
simultaneously observed: i) charge transfer in which the nitrogen plasma
created by the corona discharge needle promotes the formation of M+•, and ii)
proton transfer, where the presence of water vapor traces in the source favors
the formation of the [M+H]+ ion.
The PAHs studied showed a mixture of two ions, M+• and [M+H]+, as base
peak of the spectrum. In the case of acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene,
anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, B[c]F and C[c,d]P, the [M+H]+ intensity
was slightly higher than M+• (among 1.2 and 1.5 times higher). In contrast, the
intensity of M+• was around 1.1 and 1.2 times higher than [M+H]+ for
naphthalene, I[1,2,3-cd]P, B[g,h,i]Pe, D[a,h]A, D[a,h]P, D[a,e]P, D[a,i]P and
D[a,l]P. For the rest of PAHs, the abundance of M+• and [M+H]+ was similar.
Fig. 1 (up) shows the APCI spectrum of D[a,l]P where M+• and [M+H]+ can
be observed as base peak of the spectrum. After that, the fragmentation of the
PAHs in the collision cell was studied. M+• and [M+H]+ were selected as
precursor ions for all PAHs. Fragmentation was performed at collision
energies between 10–60 eV. The losses of H• and H2 from both M+• and
[M+H]+ were the most abundant and common to all PAHs studied. Losses as
CH3• or C2H2 among others were also commonly observed. The use of water
as modifier favored the formation of the [M+H]+ and the M+• decreased in all
cases (see Fig. 1, down). However, M+• still appeared in the spectra in a
percentage among 35–80%, depending on the PAH.
Fig. 1. APCI mass spectra of D[a, l]P under charge transfer conditions (up)
and under proton transfer conditions with water as modifier (down).
Once the SRM transitions were optimized, the sensitivity and repeatability of
the GC-MS/MS signals were evaluated for all the transitions selected (those
coming from M+• as well as from [M+H]+). As explained above, both [M+H]+
and M+• were observed in the APCI spectra of all PAHs even under “dry”
conditions. Thus, we investigated the effect of different modifiers in order to
promote the formation of the protonated molecules and to increase the
sensitivity of SRM transitions coming from [M+H]+. Water, 0.5% formic acid,
methanol and isopropanol were added separately in an uncapped vial, which
was located within a specially designed holder placed in the source door. The
sensitivity and repeatability of the GC-MS/MS signals for PAHs were
evaluated under the different conditions (with and without the use of
As can be seen in Fig. 2 (up), under charge transfer conditions (without adding
a modifier), SRM transitions coming from M+• were more sensitive than those
coming from [M+H]+ for acenaphthene, fluorene, B(c)F, C[c,d]P, chrysene,
5-MC, B(b)F and B(j)F (among 2 and 4 times higher). In contrast, the
sensitivity of SRM transitions coming from [M+H]+ was higher than M+•
(among 3 and 14 times) for naphthalene, acenaphthylene, phenanthrene,
anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene and B[g,h,i]Pe. For the rest of PAHs, they
were mostly similar. When adding water as modifier, the sensitivity of
transitions coming from the M+• decreased between 1.5 and 3 times for all
compounds, except for D[a,h]A which was rather similar; and consequently,
the intensity for [M+H]+ transitions improved 1.5–2 times for high molecular
weight PAHs (HMW-PAHs, with four or more aromatic rings).
isopropanol, its use was not beneficial because sensitivity extremely decreased
for most of the compounds. Thus, the modifiers MeOH and isopropanol were
discarded for further optimization.
Fig. 2. Absolute sensitivity of SRM transitions coming from M+· and [M+H]+
for PAHs under charge transfer and proton transfer (with water) ionization
conditions (up); absolute sensitivity of SRM transitions coming from [M+H]+
under proton transfer conditions using different modifiers (bottom).
Once these modifiers were discarded, the repeatability of the response (n=10
at 10 ng·mL−1) was also evaluated under the remaining working conditions
(without water, with water and with HCOOH 0.5%) (Fig. S1). Our data
showed a slightly poorer repeatability for M+• and [M+H]+ transitions working
under dry conditions (relative standard deviations, RSD, between 20–30% for
most compounds) being a bit better (RSD 10–17%) for fluoranthene, pyrene
and low molecular weight PAHs (LMW-PAHs, 2–3 aromatic rings). This
parameter was improved under wet conditions using water as modifier for M+•
(RSD 7–20%) and specially for [M+H]+ transitions (RSD 2–8%), but
dramatically get worst when adding HCOOH 0.5%, especially for M+·
transitions (RSD 14–39%).
Overall, the use of water as modifier was selected for further experiments,
selecting the transitions from [M+H]+ for most of PAHs. In some particular
cases, the most sensitive transitions using M+• as precursor ion were used for
confirmation purposes (except for b[j]F which was used for quantification)
(Table 1).
In a later stage, the optimum conditions selected for PAHs were tested for the
PCBs and pesticides in order to widen the applicability of the methodology to
other relevant pollutants included in the method. In previous works, it was
reported that sensitivity for halogenated hydrocarbons without any other
heteroatoms, e.g. PCBs and many organochlorine pesticides (such as
hexachlorobutadiene, pentachlorobenzene, hexachlorobenzene, HCHs,
DDTs, trans-chlordane, mirex) was negatively affected by the introduction of
water in the source [34,35]. Despite this fact, the sensitivity and repeatability
of PCBs, p,p′-DDT, p,p′-DDD, p,p′-DDE and HCB was still enough to reach
the maximum residue level regulated. Regarding the other pesticides included
in the method, ionization efficiency was favored under proton-transfer
conditions, i.e. selecting [M+H]+ as precursor ion, except for ethoxyquin and
ethoxyquin dimer that were scarcely affected.
Table 1 (continuation)
Rt (min) Compound Internal Standard Precursor ion Product ion CE (EV) q/Q ratio
10.25 Chlorpyrifos-methyl Tebuconazole-D6 322 290 10 0.161
212 30 0.065
177 40 0.021
125 20 Q
10.39 PCB 52 4-4’-DDE D8 290 220 30 Q
292 257 20 0.605
220 30 0.689
150 50 0.334
10.41 Pirimiphos-methyl Tebuconazole-D6 306 164 20 Q
108 40 0.505
125 30 0.269
95 20 0.145
10.71 Malathion Tebuconazole-D6 331 211 10 0.026
143 30 0.017
125 30 Q
117 20 0.047
99 10 0.732
11.69 PCB 101 4-4’-DDE D8 324 254 40 Q
326 291 20 0.938
256 40 0.936
184 50 0.081
12.17 Fluoranthene-D10 212.2 210.3 30 Q
12.22 Fluoranthene Fluoranthene-D10 203 202.1 30 Q
200 40 0.069
175.9 50 0.007
152 50 0.014
202 200.8 30 0.053
12.30 4,4'-DDE-D8 324 254 40 Q
12.34 4,4'-DDE 4-4’-DDE D8 316 246.1 30 Q
210 40 0.083
281 20 0.162
176 50 0.483
12.51 Imazalil Tebuconazole-D6 297 254.8 10 0.031
201.1 10 0.050
176.3 20 0.334
159 20 Q
109 20 0.259
12.93 Pyrene-D10 212.2 210.3 30 Q
12.97 Pyrene Pyrene-D10 203 202.2 30 Q
200.8 40 0.067
200 50 0.041
176.1 50 0.003
202 200.8 30 0.039
13.03 PCB 118 4-4’-DDE D8 326 291 20 0.107
256 40 Q
184 50 0.470
324 254 40 0.968
13.28 PCB 153 C12-PCB 153 360 325 20 0.478
290 40 Q
218 60 0.551
358 253 50 0.151
13.27 PCB 153-13C12 376 306 40 Q
13.65 4,4'-DDD Tebuconazole-D6 235 165 20 Q
115 50 0.028
99 40 0.029
Table 1 (continuation)
Rt Compound Internal Precursor Product CE q/Q
(min) Standard Ion Ion (eV) ratio
13.98 B[c]F Pyrene-D10 217 215.9 20 0.129
215 30 0.370
202 30 Q
200.1 40 0.048
216 215 30 0.393
14.27 PCB 138 C12-PCB 153 360 325 20 0.683
290 40 Q
218 60 0.559
358 253 50 0.150
14.31 4,4'-DDT 4-4’-DDE D8 235 165 20 Q
115 50 0.026
99 40 0.023
14.64 Tebuconazole-D6 314 296 10 Q
14.70 Tebuconazole Tebuconazole-D6 308 290 10 Q
165 20 0.430
151 20 0.246
125 40 0.865
15.67 PCB 180 C12-PCB 153 392 322 40 0.557
394 324 30 Q
396 361 20 0.454
254 60 0.448
16.80 B[a]A Pyrene-D10 229 228 40 Q
226.9 30 0.262
226 40 0.629
202.2 30 0.148
228 226 40 0.568
17.07 C[c,d]P Pyrene-D10 227 226 30 Q
225 40 0.076
200.8 40 0.002
226 224.9 40 0.039
17.11 Chrysene Pyrene-D10 229 227.9 40 Q
227 30 0.440
226 40 0.842
202.1 30 0.219
228 226 40 0.579
18.75 5-MC Pyrene-D10 243 242 30 0.043
228 30 Q
226.1 40 0.261
202.1 40 0.066
242 241.1 20 0.227
19.96 Ethoxyquin dimer Tebuconazole-D6 433 418 10 0.076
216 20 Q
188 30 0.744
432 417 20 0.307
173 50 0.354
21.06 B[b]F B[a]P-D12 253 251.9 30 Q
250.8 40 0.064
250.1 50 0.349
226 50 0.051
252 250 40 0.188
21.16 B[k]F B[a]P-D12 253 251.9 30 Q
250.8 40 0.046
250.1 50 0.174
226 50 0.011
252 250 40 0.165
Table 1 (continuation)
Rt Compound Internal Precursor Product CE q/Q
(min) Standard Ion Ion (eV) ratio
22.28 B[j]F B[a]P-D12 253 251.9 30 0.899
248.6 60 0.020
226 50 0.269
224.1 60 0.120
252 250 40 Q
21.97 Boscalid Tebuconazole-D6 343 307 20 0.336
140 20 Q
112 40 0.413
342 140 20 0.039
22.75 B[a]P-D12 264.3 262.3 30 Q
22.66 B[a]P B[a]P-D12 253 252.1 30 Q
250.7 40 0.023
250.2 50 0.201
226 50 0.037
252 250 40 0.146
24.97 Azoxystrobin Tebuconazole-D6 404 372 10
344 20 0.243
329 30 0.414
172 50 0.212
156 50 0.211
25.19 I[1,2,3-cd]P B[g,h,i]Pe -D12 277 276.1 30 Q
275.4 50 0.123
274.3 50 0.192
25.22 D[a,h]A B[a]P-D12 279 278.1 30 Q
276.8 40 0.161
275.9 40 0.333
263.3 30 0.267
25.87 B[g,h,i]Pe -D12 288.2 286.3 30 Q
25.93 B[g,h,i]Pe B[g,h,i]Pe -D12 277 276.2 40 Q
275.1 50 0.153
274 50 0.154
272.7 60 0.005
276 275.1 50 0.053
28.86 D[a,l]P B[g,h,i]Pe -D12 303 302.1 30 Q
300.8 30 0.067
300 50 0.455
276 40 0.057
302 300 50 0.288
29.92 D[a,e]P B[g,h,i]Pe -D12 303 302.1 30 Q
300.1 50 0.341
298.6 60 0.008
297.9 60 0.022
302 300 50 0.183
30.59 D[a,i]P B[g,h,i]Pe -D12 303 302.1 30 Q
300.1 50 0.245
297.9 60 0.019
276 50 0.033
302 300 50 0.178
31.00 D[a,h]P B[g,h,i]Pe -D12 303 302.1 30 Q
300.1 50 0.274
297.9 60 0.019
276 50 0.033
302 300 50 0.219
analyte concentration in these samples was typically higher than the spiking
levels assayed.
Fig. 3. Matrix effect study for PAHs in sea bream fillet. Relative error between the slopes of calibration in
solvent and matrix-matched calibration at different dilution factors.
Validation of the analytical procedure was carried out in salmon and sea bream
fillets considering the parameters of linearity, accuracy, precision, LODs and
LOQs. Relative responses to the selected SIL-IS were used (see Table 1).
The study of the linearity revealed that correlation coefficients (R2) were
higher than 0.99, with residuals lower than 30% for most compounds in the
range 0.01–25 ng·mL−1. Some exceptions were: 0.0125–12.5 ng·mL−1
(C[c,d]P); 0.025–25 ng·mL−1 (naphthalene, acenaphthylene, acenaphthene,
anthracene, B[c]F, B[a]A, chrysene, B[b]F, B[k]F, B[j]F, D[a,h]A, PCB 153
and 180, diphenylamine, tebuconazole, ethoxyquin dimer, boscalid and
azoxystrobin); 0.1–25 ng·mL−1 (D[a,l] P and D[a,e]P, HCB and p,p′-DDE);
0.5–25 ng·mL−1 (D[a,i]P, D[a,h]P, ethoxyquin, fluazinam, imazalil, p,p′-DDD
and p,p′-DDT).
Trueness and precision data for salmon and sea bream fillets are shown in
Table 2 which shows satisfactory recoveries and precision for the wide
majority of compounds at the two concentrations studied, 2 and 50 ng·g−1. A
LOQ objective of 2 ng·g−1 was empirically demonstrated for most compounds
in both matrices, using samples spiked at this level and subjected to the overall
analytical procedure. A statistical LOQ of 5 ng·g−1 (S/N=10) was estimated
for naphthalene, fluorene, fluoranthene and pyrene, as the high concentrations
present in the “blank” samples did not allow the calculation of recoveries and
precision below that concentration. Dibenzopyrenes have poor response, and
therefore the LOQ was established in 50 ng·g−1. The same occurred for HCB,
fluazinam, imazalil, p,p′-DDE, p,p′-DDD and p,p′- DDT which could not be
detected at the low level of 2 ng·g−1 being 50 ng·g−1 still the normally applied
MRL for these compounds (as commented above, these compounds were
negatively affected by the introduction of water as modifier in the source).
Similarly to some light PAHs, ETQ and ETQ-D were found at quite high
concentrations in the samples impeding validation at 2 ng·g−1 level. Thus,
LOQs were statistically calculated for S/N=10. LODs were found to be
between 0.5–2 ng·g−1 for 80% of the PAHs, all the PCBs and 50% of the
Table 2: Mean recoveries (%) and precision (RSD, %) for PAHs, PCBs and
pesticides after application of overall analytical procedure to salmon fillet and
gilthead fillet (n =6), LOQs objective of the method.
Compounds Salmon fillet Sea bream fillet
Spiking levels Spiking levels
objective objective
(ng·g-1) (ng·g-1)
(ng·g-1) (ng·g-1)
2 50 2 50
Naphthalene 98 (18) 5b a 98 (17) 5b
Acenaphthylene 119 (11) 101 (7) 2 106 (8) 103 (2) 2
Acenaphthene 74 (19) 72 (6) 2 93 (12) 73 (3) 2
Fluorene 95 (11) 5b a 108 (6) 5b
Phenanthrene 116 (9) 2b a 113 (9) 2b
Anthracene 91 (8) 104 (5) 2 101 (8) 107 (6) 2
Fluoranthene 103 (7) 5b a 96 (11) 5b
Pyrene 106 (7) 5b a 99 (14) 5b
B(c)F 98 (11) 94 (8) 2 90 (3) 90 (2) 2
B(a)A 114 (5) 101 (5) 2 113 (9) 73 (2) 2
C(c,d)P c 108 (7) 115 (4) 1 112 (19) 112 (7) 1
Chrysene 107 (12) 101 (4) 2 116 (8) 76 (6) 2
5-MC 117 (5) 102 (5) 2 108 (7) 75 (3) 2
B(b)F 80 (13) 104 (7) 2 106 (20) 96 (4) 2
B(k)F 71 (8) 103 (6) 2 78 (7) 86 (4) 2
B(j)F 104 (17) 76 (4) 2 115 (18) 102 (5) 2
B(a)P 104 (3) 88 (7) 2 113 (14) 86 (5) 2
I(1,2,3,cd)P 83 (12) 104 (5) 2 112 (9) 102 (3) 2
D(a,h)A 113 (11) 100 (5) 2 109 (11) 81 (6) 2
B(g,h,i)Pe 84 (8) 101 (4) 2 98 (20) 101 (3) 2
D(a,l)P – 97 (4) 50 – 77 (6) 50
D(a,e)P – 95 (8) 50 – 72 (9) 50
D(a,i)P – 86 (13) 50 – 95 (13) 50
D(a,h)P – 81 (10) 50 – 73 (6) 50
Diphenylamine 119 (20) 100 (17) 2 – 98 (17) 50
HCB – 112 (11) 50 – 116 (17) 50
a a
Ethoxyquin 15b a a 75b
Fluazinam – 76 (4) 50 – 107 (15) 50
77 (10) 100 (6) 2 113 (13) 80 (7) 2
Pirimiphos-methyl 92 (12) 82 (4) 2 115 (13) 110 (9) 2
Malathion 95 (20) 94 (13) 2 90 (11) 104 (10) 2
4,4′-DDE – 95 (19) 50 – 76 (19) 50
Imazalil – 87 (8) 50 – 112 (14) 50
4,4′-DDD – 112 (9) 50 – 114 (18) 50
4,4′-DDT – 109 (9) 50 – 115 (11) 50
Tebuconazole 103 (19) 109 (11) 2 99 (16) 113 (12) 2
a a
Ethoxyquin dimer 5b a a 15b
Boscalid 115 (7) 103 (17) 2 103 (4) 106 (11) 2
Azoxystrobin 95 (16) 102 (14) 2 119 (10) 109 (9) 2
Table 2 (continuation)
Compounds Salmon fillet Sea bream fillet
Spiking levels Spiking levels
objective objective
(ng·g-1) (ng·g-1)
(ng ·g-1) (ng·g-1)
2 50 2 50
PCB-28 106 (13) 117 (7) 2 110 (11) 120 (8) 2
PCB-52 107 (19) 100 (12) 2 98 (20) 97 (12) 2
PCB-101 106 (17) 120 (3) 2 109 (15) 118 (3) 2
PCB-118 110 (21) 105 (3) 2 98 (19) 121 (3) 2
PCB-153 95 (20) 120 (14) 2 87 (15) 115 (16) 2
PCB-138 115 (6) 118 (13) 2 117 (8) 116 (13) 2
PCB-180 105 (11) 111 (13) 2 81 (18) 108 (3) 2
Recoveries could not be calculated due to the high concentration in the blank
LOQ was estimated as the analyte concentration that produced a peak signal
of ten times the background noise in the chromatogram at the lowest
fortification level studied for each compound.
C[c,d]P spiked at 1 ng·g-1 and 25 ng·g-1.
Fig. 4. Box plots that shows the recoveries of the 48 QCs (corresponding to
17 different matrices) spiked at 5 (up) and 50 ng·g−1 (down).
detected in the novel plant ingredients and not in marine feed ingredients such
as fish oil and meal [25]. Malathion, imazalil and tebuconazole were only
found in some ingredients while boscalid and azoxystrobin were indeed found
in feed. It is worth to mention that studied PCBs, DDTs and pesticides were
not found in fillets from salmon and sea bream. The anti-oxidant ethoxyquin
and its main metabolite ethoxyquin dimer are deposited to marine feed
ingredients such as fish meal to prevent lipid oxidation and spontaneous
combustion during overseas transport and storage (Lundebye et al., 2010). The
ethoxyquin levels were highest in fish meal and krill (32,462 and 40,076
ng·g−1, respectively), but surprisingly high levels were also found in fish oil
(37,137 ng·g−1) where normally other antioxidant such as BHT and BHA are
used [37]. All other feed ingredients, including terrestrial and plant, also
contained ethoxyquin, albeit at l00-150 fold lower levels than the marine
ingredients (Table S2). PCB congeners were not detected in any sample.
Table S2. Analysis of samples. Concentrations found in ingredients, feed and fish.
Marine ingredients (ng/g) Plant oil ingredients (ng/g) Plant meal ingredients (ng/g)
Krill Rapeseed Palm Palm Linseed Soya Corn Wheat Pea Rapeseed Sunflower
PAHs Fish meal Fish Oil Wheat Peas
meal oil Olein oil oil protein gluten gluten protein cake Meal
Naphthalene 57.9-69.4 67.3-70.7 84.6 93.9-135.1 130.4 106.5 77.8 55.1-62.0 49.9-72.2 59.2-73.4 51.8-72.1 60.9-88.6 57.7 70.7 45.1
Acenaphthylene ND ND-9.6 d d-41.0 d d d ND-d ND-d ND-d d ND-d ND d ND
Acenaphthene d-5.2 5.6-10.8 8.0 6.3-15.6 6.9 7.6 11.5 d-7.9 d-6.7 d-6.0 d-7.2 d-8.4 d 5.9 6.4
Fluorene 9.5-15.9 20.3-54.2 18.7 19.3-46.6 14.1 19.9 29.6 6.4-17.7 6.7-16.7 8.7-14.1 d-18.7 8.0-13.6 12.9 10.3 13.7
Phenanthrene 24.2-46.4 56.0-129.0 56.6 34.7-186.9 38.9 78.6 116.1 21.8-52.8 11.9-63.4 17.9-51.4 20.1-56.6 29.9-43.5 19.2 43.0 60.3
Fluoranthene 6.0-10.3 18.3-27.9 12.8 11.4-50.2 16.0 18.0 27.3 6.0-9.5 4.8-11.1 8.3-12.2 5.2-11.6 5.6-10.0 7.8 11.5 8.3
Pyrene 25.5-38.9 81.8-85.6 49.5 47.3-125.1 67.5 69.8 99.1 25.8-33.8 13.9-28.9 33.8-44.8 27.8-35.9 23.9-32.3 31.4 41.5 34.5
Chrysene ND-2 ND ND ND-8.0 ND ND ND ND ND ND-3.1 ND ND ND ND ND
Ethoxyquin* 476-32462 441-37137 40076 57.4-12117 740 239 339 187-599 174-506 165-411 221-431 42.6-148 439 306 212
Chlorpiriphos-methyl ND ND ND ND-d ND ND ND ND ND ND-36.9 ND ND ND ND ND
Pirimiphos-methyl ND ND ND 6.0-40.6 ND ND d ND-d ND-44.4 ND-191 ND-64.2 d ND ND ND
Tebuconazole ND-16.3 ND ND ND-10.4 ND ND ND ND ND ND-d ND ND-d ND ND ND
Ethoxyquin dimer 25.9-35071 8.7-263 152 ND-38.7 ND d ND ND-12.3 ND ND ND ND 22.9 ND ND
Boscalid ND-d ND ND d–7.2 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND-d ND ND ND ND
*Included as preservative
Sea bream Sea bream Salmon Sea bream Sea bream Salmon Poultry Poultry Feather Pork blood Pork Pork
feeda feedb feed filleta filletb fillet blood meal meal meal meal meal greaves
Naphtalene 53.9-69.1 49.8-64.1 75.7-126.6 67.2-70.9 52.8-77.1 60.9-72.0 8.7-68.0 54.5-177.5 62.7-82.4 57.3-66.3 66.7-81.6 70.6-75.9
Acenaphthylene ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND
Acenaphthene d d d-6.9 d d d d-8.0 6.4-14.6 7.0-10.0 d-6.8 6.9-9.2 6.3-9
Fluorene 8.9-13 7.9-18.5 11.1-21.9 10.8-13.3 11.7-17.8 8-14.4 d-14.1 11.1-20.2 11.2-26.4 5.1-10.8 10.7-13.1 13.3-13.4
Phenanthrene 17-38.7 21.3-43.4 26-38.9 29.5-36.3 30.7-67 17.5-34.8 6.3-39.3 34.8-48.3 26.7-40.4 13.3-33.2 16.9-41.8 26.8-27.8
Fluoranthene 7-11.2 6.3-9.2 8.8-11.5 5.7-9.5 5.4-9.3 d-6.1 d-10.2 7.2-9.1 11.2-14.4 d-6.4 5.7-8.8 ND-9.8
Pyrene 30.1-44.4 39.4-45 36.8-56.9 29.5-42.5 24.8-36.2 20.2-33.3 22.5-37.3 32.8-49.9 40.8-57.2 20.1-28 19.9-28.7 35.5-47.7
Chrysene ND ND-2 ND-4.7 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND-d ND ND
Ethoxyquin* 6385-9314 6578-8169 5450-6437 375-512 349-463 126-418 256-375 187-692 316-351 369-477 256-317 379-441
Chlorpiriphos-methyl d-7.0 ND ND-8.8 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND
Pirimiphos-methyl 15.7-28.5 ND-d 5.8-49.0 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND
6881- 11697-
Ethoxyquin dimer 1318-1429 261-480 635-782 29.1-158 ND ND ND-d ND ND ND
17529 16535
Boscalid ND ND-d d-8.6 ND ND ND ND-6.7 ND ND ND ND ND
Azoxystrobin ND ND d-9.0 ND ND ND ND-7.5 ND ND ND ND ND
*Included as preservative
aFeed (1.5-4.5 mm) used and fish harvested after the first 8 months of the production cycle
bFeed (6-9 mm) used and fish harvested after the 18th month of the production cycle
Determinación de compuestos exógenos
Capítulo 2 Determinación de compuestos exógenos
Figure S4. Positive finding of 5-MC in fish meal (<5 ng·g-1) determined and
identified by applying GC-APCI-MS/MS in SRM mode. Q: Quantification
ion; qi: confirmation ion. , q/Q ratio within tolerance limits; ×, q/Q ratio out
of tolerance limits.
4. Conclusions
The use of APCI has been evaluated for GC-MS/MS analysis of PAHs. The
high sensitivity of this technique allowed the simultaneous quantification of
19 different complex matrices (from aquaculture field) using solvent
calibration. The key aspect for this aim was the elimination of matrix effect,
without the need of time-consuming purification steps, only by a 20-fold
dilution factor of the final QuEChERs extract, being this aspect a great
contribution of the present work. Despite this, LOQs of the developed method
were 2 ng·g−1 for most analytes, in the same order or better than those reported
in previously published methods for similar matrices [21,22] showing higher
efficiency [19]. Also, the use of both M+• or [M+H]+ gave an additional value
to the selectivity in the determination/identification capabilities.
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[7] M.J. Dennis, R.C. Massey, G. Cripps, I. Venn, N. Howarth, G. Lee, Factors
affecting the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon content of cereals, fats and
other food products, Food Addit. Contam. 8 (1991) 517–530.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/ 02652039109374004.
[12] E.A. Pena, L.M. Ridley, W.R. Murphy, J.R. Sowa, C.S. Bentivegna,
Detection of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in raw menhaden fish
oil using fluorescence spectroscopy: method development, Environ. Toxicol.
Chem. 34 (2015) 1946–1958. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/etc.3015.
[29] T. Portolés, L.E. Rosales, J.V. Sancho, F.J. Santos, E. Moyano, Gas
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http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chro- ma.2015.08.016.
Capítulo 2 Determinación de compuestos exógenos
Capítulo 2 Determinación de compuestos exógenos
La variabilidad de la q/Q ratio no solo se ve afectada por la relación S/N de los picos en
los XICs, sino que también puede verse afectada por la forma en que se generan los iones
fragmento y por la matriz. Debido al valor añadido de la HRMS, las q/Q ratio son menos
Capítulo 2 Determinación de compuestos exógenos
Capítulo 2 Determinación de compuestos exógenos
Capítulo 2 Determinación de compuestos exógenos
Capítulo 2 Determinación de compuestos exógenos
Capítulo 2 Determinación de compuestos exógenos
Capítulo 2 Determinación de compuestos exógenos
Capítulo 2 Determinación de compuestos exógenos
2.5. Referencias
Capítulo 2 Determinación de compuestos exógenos
8. Moreno JLF, Frenich AG, Bolaños PP, Vidal JLM (2008) Multiresidue
method for the analysis of more than 140 pesticide residues in fruits
and vegetables by gas chromatography coupled to triple quadrupole
mass spectrometry. J Mass Spectrom. doi: 10.1002/jms.1400
Capítulo 2 Determinación de compuestos exógenos
Capítulo 2 Determinación de compuestos exógenos
Capítulo 3 Transferencia de contaminantes a través de la dieta
3.1. Introducción
3.4. Referencias
Capítulo 3 Transferencia de contaminantes a través de la dieta
3.1. Introducción
Capítulo 3 Transferencia de contaminantes a través de la dieta
Capítulo 3 Transferencia de contaminantes a través de la dieta
Research Institute for Pesticides and Water (IUPA), Avda. Sos Baynat, s/n,
University Jaume I, 12071 Castellón, Spain
Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Anker Engelunds Vej 1, 2800
Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
National Institute of Nutrition and Seafood Research, PO Box 2029
Nordnes, N-5817 Bergen, Norway
The composition of Atlantic salmon feed has changed considerably over the
last two decades from being marine-based (fishmeal and fish oil) to mainly
containing plant ingredients. Consequently, concern related to traditional
persistent contaminants typically associated with fish-based feed has been
replaced by other potential contaminants not previously associated with
salmon farming. This is the case for many pesticides, which are used
worldwide to increase food production, and may be present in plant
ingredients. Earlier studies have identified two organophosphorus pesticides,
1. Introduction
Plant ingredients are the main substitutes for fish oil and fishmeal and
currently typically constitute about 70% of the ingredients in commercial
salmon feed in Norway (1,2). The use of plant ingredients, together with
commercial decontamination techniques, decreases the content of persistent
organic pollutants (POPs) traditionally associated with fish oil and other
marine ingredients (3,4). However, plant ingredients may introduce novel
contaminants not previously associated with salmon farming (4). Among
them, pesticides are the group of major concern (5). Earlier studies in the EU
projects “AQUAMAX” and “ARRAINA” identified novel feed contaminants,
such as polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), mycotoxins and none
organochlorine pesticides (OCP) in plant ingredients and fish feed with low
or non-detectable transfer of the parent compounds to the edible part of the
fish (4,5).
Our previous work indicated that from all new compounds screened,
pesticides were the major contaminants present in novel fish feed (11). Among
more than 400 pesticides investigated, chlorpyrifos-methyl and pirimiphos-
methyl were found in several vegetable feed ingredients as well as in salmon
feed. Further surveillance of commercially produced Norwegian salmon feed
and feed ingredients showed that 55% of the analyzed rapeseed oils contained
pirimiphos-methyl. For most food products, maximum residue levels (MRLs)
for none OCP pesticides have been established in the EU; however, no specific
MRLs have been defined yet for fish or seafood and default precautionary
MRLs are currently applied. Knowledge on the effect of dietary plant-derived
pesticides and their metabolites in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is needed to
set appropriate limits for pesticides to ensure good fish health and food safety.
HPLC-grade water was obtained from water passed through a Milli-Q water
purification system (Millipore LTD, Bedford, MA, USA). LC-MS grade
acetonitrile (ACN) and methanol (MeOH), residue analysis grade acetone,
extra pure anhydrous magnesium sulphate (MgSO4), sodium hydroxyde and
LC-MS grade formic acid (FA) were obtained from Scharlau (Barcelona,
Spain). MgSO4 was dried overnight at 300ºC before its use. Leucine
enkephaline was provided by Sigma-Aldrich.
2.2. Instrumentation
peak. Source temperature was set to 150 ºC. Drying and nebulising gas was
nitrogen (Praxair, Valencia, Spain). Desolvation gas flow was set to 1200 L·h-
and the cone gas to 250 L·h-1. For operating in MS/MS mode, argon
(99.995%; Praxair, Valencia, Spain) was used as collision gas at 0.25 mL·min-
Capillary voltage and desolvation gas temperature were set at 3.2 kV (1.9
kV in ESI- mode) and 650ºC respectively. TargetLynx (MassLynx v. 4.1,
Waters, Manchester, UK) software was used to process the quantitative data.
2.3. Samples
Muscle, liver, kidney, bile and fat tissue samples were obtained from seawater
adapted Atlantic salmon, that was fed with pirimiphos-methyl spiked diets to
a level of 15.2 mg·kg-1 for 81 days. The pirimiphos-methyl was vacuum top
coated to commercially produced (Skretting ARC, Stavanger, Norway)
salmon feed pellets with 2% fish oil at an ambient temperature of 15ºC. No
pirimiphos-methyl was detected in the unspiked feed pellets. Post-smolt
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) of both genders (SalmoBreed strain) were
distributed among fifteen flow-through fiberglass tanks (100L; 0.80m x 0.95m
x 0.5m). Initial weight and length (fork-tail) were respectively 132 ± 25 g and
18 ± 2 cm (mean ± standard deviation; n = 375). The experiment complied
with the guidelines of the Norwegian Regulation on Animal Experimentation
and EC Directive 86/609/EEC. The experiment was ethically approved by the
Norwegian Animal Research Authority (now the Norwegian Food Safety
Authority; approval number 12091) and performed according to national and
international ethical standards.
For each matrix, a control sample (not exposed to contaminants) and the most
exposed one to contaminated diets were subjected to a screening analysis, in
order to identify potential metabolites of the pesticides under study To this
aim, 1 g of muscle (0.5 g for liver and kidney) was accurately weighed into a
15 mL Falcon tube and 2 mL of ACN:acetone (80:20) with 1% HCOOH (1
mL in the case of liver and kidney) was added, and the tube was vigorously
shaken by Vortex for 1 min. After that, 0.5 g of MgSO4 per gram of sample
were added and the tube was immediately shaken for 1 min. Subsequently, the
tube was centrifuged at 6,000 rcf for 5 min, and 200 L of the supernatant
were evaporated to dryness at 30ºC under a gentle stream of nitrogen. The
residue was dissolved in 200 L of water and filtered through 0.45 m nylon
filters (Phenomenex, Torrance, CA, USA). Finally, 20 L of the extract was
injected into the LC-QTOF MS system.
The procedure for feed samples was as follows: 1 g of feed was accurately
weighed into a 15 mL Falcon tube. Then, 10 mL of ACN:acetone (80:20) with
1% HCOOH were added and the tube was vigorously shaken by Vortex for 1
min. After that, 0.5 g of MgSO4 was added and the tube was immediately
shaken for 1 min. Subsequently, the tube was centrifuged at 6000 rcf for 5
min. 20 L of the supernatant were diluted with 880 L of water and 100 L
of 25 ng·mL-1 SIL-IS solution. Finally, the diluted extracts were filtered
through 0.45 m nylon filters and 2 L were injected into the LC-MS/MS
thermal stability experiment for CLP-M and PM in feed
Transferencia de contaminantes a través de la dieta
Capítulo 3 Transferencia de contaminantes a través de la dieta
Table S1. List of the main pirimiphos-methyl metabolites and their related
structural formula.
IUPAC name Abbreviation Structural formula
R46382 2-DAMP
2-(ethylamino)-6-methyl pyrimidin-4-
R35510 2-EAMP
R36341 N-Des-PM
4- yl] O,O-dimethyl phosphorothioate
1,14 TCP 13C Q 196 196 5 10
0.25 - 25
q1 198 197.9 5 0.86
q2 200 199.8 5 0.26
2,82 CLP-M Q 322 290 15 30
q1 125.1 20 2.6
0.25 - 25
q2 79.1 30 0.62
q3 109.1 20 0.38
q4 212 30 0.21
Sample treatment for solid matrices was optimized in order to get the
maximum recovery with the simplest method possible. Different extraction
The following solvents were firstly tested: ACN, ACN:acetone (80:20) and
ACN:acetone (80:20) containing 1% FA using mechanical agitator for 1 hour.
It was found that CLP-M-oxon was rapidly converted to TCP after spiking the
sample, causing the overestimation of TCP. This instability indicated that
CLP-M-oxon should not be present in the samples, and therefore it was
removed from the analytical method. Using ACN the less polar compounds
(PM and CLP-M) showed low recoveries (68 and 56 %, respectively), which
improved using ACN:acetone (80:20). The addition of 1% FA to the later
solvent mixture improved extraction efficiency (83-103% recoveries) with a
maximum RSD of 11% (see Figure 3.A). Thus, ACN:acetone (80:20) 1% FA
was chosen as the extractant solution in further studies.
Once the extractant was selected, different extraction times and techniques
were evaluated. For this purpose, mechanical agitator (1 hour), vortex (1 min
+ 1 min after adding MgSO4) and ultrasonic assisted extraction (US, 15 min)
were tested, selecting finally 2 min Vortex, as the most suitable and simplest
system (see Figure 3.B). In order to ensure its extraction efficiency, an extra
experiment consisting on the analysis of three spiked samples aged for 2 days
at 7ºC was performed, obtaining recoveries between 83 and 93%, with
Several clean-up treatments were also evaluated: Z-Sep, Z-Sep+, freezing and
10-fold dilution. As can be seen in Figure 3.C, 10-fold dilution showed
excellent recoveries (72-108%), with RSD <6%, and was selected for the
analysis of samples.
Bile showed strong matrix effects for 2-DAMP and N-Des-PM (77 and 41%
signal suppression, respectively), whereas the rest of the compounds were not
substantially affected (suppression of 7-21%). Despite the notable ionization
suppression observed, the required concentrations were still reached due to the
high sensitivity of the method. In order to compensate matrix effects, the
accurate quantification in bile samples was ensured by using matrix-matched
calibration (with relative responses to SIL-IS only for PM, CLP and TCP).
Regarding salmon fillet and liver, matrix effect ranged 4-28% signal
suppression for 2-DAMP, N-Des-PM, PM and TCP. CLP-M signal was 46
and 50% suppressed in salmon and liver, respectively. Quantification using
calibration in solvent with relative responses to the selected SIL-IS (see Table
1) provided satisfactory results in salmon fillet, liver, fat, kidney and feed.
Validation of the method was carried out with zebrafish, salmon tissues (fillet,
liver, kidney, bile and fat), and salmon feed. The study of linearity in solvent
revealed that correlation coefficients (R2) were higher than 0.99 with residuals
lower than 20% for 2-DAMP, N-Des-PM and PM in the range 0.025-25
ng·mL-1 and 0.25-25 ng·mL-1 for CLP-M and TCP. Matrix matched
calibration for bile analysis also showed correlation coefficients (R2) higher
than 0.99 with residuals lower than 20% for PM and its TPs in the range 0.025-
25 ng·mL-1, and 0.25-25 ng·mL-1 for CLP-M and TCP.
Blank samples were pre-analyzed (except salmon kidney and salmon fat
which were not available) in order to ensure the absence of interfering peaks
at the retention time of the analytes of study. The method was found to be
highly specific as no relevant signals were observed.
Trueness and precision data are shown in Table 2. For zebrafish, salmon
muscle, liver and bile, recoveries ranged from 72 to 106%, with RSD ≤ 16%,
for PM and its metabolites; and from 71 to 112%, with RSD ≤ 12%, for CLP-
M and TCP. CLP-M and TCP could only be validated at 10 and 100 g·kg-1
(ng·mL-1) spiking levels. Although no EU regulations exist for marine
products, the concentrations tested were lower than the precautional maximum
residue limits (MRLs). Thus, LOQs were established at 1 g·kg-1 (ng·mL-1 in
bile) for PM and its metabolites, and 10 g·kg-1 for CLP-M and TCP. For
these matrices, LODs were in the range 0.1 – 0.6 g·kg-1 (ng·mL-1 in bile) and
2.5 – 8,0 g·kg-1 (ng·mL-1 in bile), respectively.
Blank samples were not available for kidney and fat tissue. Consequently,
analyzed samples with the lowest contamination levels were subsequently
spiked for validation experiments, at a level at least three times the
concentration present. Recoveries were then calculated by subtracting “blank”
concentration. In kidney, the spiking levels were 10 and 100 g·kg-1 as the
concentrations of PM and 2-DAMP in the “blank” sample were 2.4 and 2.9
g·kg-1, respectively. Trueness and precision were estimated in sextuplicates,
obtaining recoveries between 70 – 82% (RSD < 9%) for PM and its
metabolites, and 72 - 87% (RSD < 15%) for CLP-M and TCP. LODs were
calculated from the “blank” samples used. Fat could be validated by a single
QC spiked at 500 and 5000 g·kg-1 due to the low amount of sample available.
The spiking levels were selected based on the concentrations found in the
“blank” samples (666, 56.5 and 102 g·kg-1 for PM, 2-DAMP and N-Des-PM,
respectively). Recoveries ranged 71 to 105%.
Salmon feed was validated at 500 and 5000 µg·kg-1 as the experimental design
of the study established 3000 µg·kg-1 as the approximated concentration of
PM and CLP for feeding trials. Recoveries ranged 74 – 84% with RSD<6%
for parent compounds. N-Des-PM and TCP were not evaluated as they were
not of interest in the analysis.
Table 2. Validation of the analytical method. Mean recoveries (%) and RSD
(%, in brackets) of the overall procedure (n=6). Estimated limits of detection
% recovery Trial
% degradation = 100 − × 100
% recovery QC
As shown in Table S2, CLP and PM did not show relevant degradation at the
production temperature conditions, with partial degradation of 15 and 17%,
respectively. It was found that PM was degraded to 2-DAMP, generating a
considerable background in the final diets (see Table 3).
Table S2. Thermal stability results. Numbers in bold are the mean values of
% degradation for PM and CLP with their RSD (in brackets).
Pirimiphos-methyl Chlorpyrifos-methyl
Recovery Degradation Recovery Degradation
mg·kg-1 mg·kg-1
(%) (%) (%) (%)
QC 2.27 75.6 2.47 82.3
Feed 1 1.85 61.6 18 2.07 69.2 16
Feed 2 1.90 63.3 16 2.09 69.6 15
Feed 3 1.88 62.8 17 2.13 71.1 14
17 (6) 15 (8)
The developed method was applied for the analysis of zebrafish samples,
salmon fillet, salmon liver, salmon kidney, salmon bile and diets. A reagent
blank, a reagent blank spiked with SIL-IS (to evaluate SIL-IS stability), a
blank (non-spiked) sample and 9 spiked samples (3 at each validation level)
were included in each batch. Each matrix was analyzed in different batches.
The results summarized in Table 3 corresponding to the analysis of solid fish
tissues are expressed in a wet weight basis, whereas those which correspond
to bile analysis, are expressed in ng·mL-1. The qi/Q ratios obtained for all
positive samples were in agreement with those of the reference standards with
deviations lower than the maximum tolerance accepted (30%). This data
confirmed the identity of the compounds in samples according to the
SANTE/11813/2017 guideline (17).
In whole zebrafish fed with CLP-M, TCP was the main metabolite and was
present in higher concentrations (approximately two fold higher) than the
parent compound. For PM, both 2-DAMP and N-Des-PM metabolites were
identified in whole zebrafish, but at lower levels than the parent compound
(see Figure 4). As for zebrafish, also for Atlantic salmon the main PM
metabolites were 2-DAMP and N-Des-PM. The distribution of the PM
metabolites showed highest concentrations for 2-DAMP, higher than the
parent compound, in the liver which is likely the main organ of metabolisation.
This is confirmed by the higher concentrations of 2-DAMP in the bile. The
second metabolite, N-Des-PM, was found in all tissues (muscle, liver, kidney)
at concentrations in the same range (3-6 µg·kg-1). The parent compound, PM,
had highest levels in the fat tissue. Similarly, EFSA concludes that PM in
commodities of animal origin is fat soluble and, in goat, parent pirimiphos-
methyl was the main compound, accounting for 55 % of the total radioactive
residue (16).
4. Conclusions
A fast, simple and sensitive method for the determination of PM, CLP-M and
their main metabolites in different fish tissues has been developed. Previous
LC-(Q)TOF screening demonstrated that cold-blooded fish show a different
metabolism of PM than in warm-blooded animals, with 2-DAMP and N-Des-
PM being the most abundant metabolites in salmon. This was supported by
analysis performed in the present work. The application of this method to
zebrafish fed with CLP-M also allowed the identification of TCP as the most
abundant metabolite. This work has generated analytical information essential
for developing a kinetic model of accumulation and elimination of PM in
salmon, and will contribute to establish relevant MRLs for fish.
The present work was financed by the Norwegian Research Council (NFR)
project “AQUASAFE” (254807). The authors wish to thank the staff at the
Skretting ARC, Lerang Research Station for their excellent help with
sampling and conducting the feeding trial. Tania Portolés acknowledges
Ramon y Cajal Program from Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
(RYC-2017-22525) for funding her research.
Conflict of interest: The authors state that there is no conflict of financial and
non-financial interest.
1. Shepherd CJ, Jackson AJ. Global fishmeal and fish-oil supply: Inputs,
outputs and marketsa. J Fish Biol. 2013;83(4):1046–66.
12. VKM. Benefit-risk assessment of fish and fish products in the Norwegian
diet – an update. Scientific Opinion of the Scientific Steering Committee.
VKM Report 15 [293 pp] 2014. Available online: www.vkm.no (accessed on
10th September 2019)
13. Rao JV, Rani CHS, Kavitha P, Rao RN, Madhavendra SS. Toxicity of
chlorpyrifos to the fish Oreochromis mossambicus. Bull Environ Contam
Toxicol. 2003;70(5):985–92.
14. European Food Safety Authority. Modification of the existing MRLs for
chlorpyrifos-methyl in various crops. EFSA J 2011;9(6):2219.
doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2011.2219. Available online: www.efsa.europa.eu/
efsajournal (accessed on 10th September 2019)
16. EFSA (European Food Safety Authority). Reasoned opinion on the review
of the existing maximum residue levels (MRLs) for pirimiphos-methyl
according to Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005. EFSA J
2015;13(1):3974. Available from: http://doi.wiley.com/10.2903/j.efsa.2015.
3983 (accessed on 10th September 2019)
Capítulo 3 Transferencia de contaminantes a través de la dieta
Capítulo 3 Transferencia de contaminantes a través de la dieta
Capítulo 3 Transferencia de contaminantes a través de la dieta
3.4. Referencias
Capítulo 3 Transferencia de contaminantes a través de la dieta
Capítulo 4 Determinación de compuestos endógenos
4.1. Introducción
“Identification of very long-chain (>C24) fatty acid methyl esters using gas
chromatography coupled to quadrupole/time-of-flight mass spectrometry with
atmospheric pressure chemical ionization source”
4.4. Referencias
Capítulo 4 Determinación de compuestos endógenos
4.1. Introducción
A pesar de la enorme atención recibida por los LC-PUFA, como los ácidos
eicosapentaenoico (20:5ω3, EPA), docosahexaenoico (22:6ω3, DHA) y
araquidónico (20:4ω6, ARA); otros ácidos grasos poliinsaturados
denominados de cadena muy larga (C > 24) (very long-chain polyunsaturated
fatty acids, VLC-PUFA) han sido prácticamente inexplorados en peces, lo
cual es particularmente sorprendente si se tiene en cuenta que, como
postularon Agbaga et al. [3], la síntesis de VLC-PUFA en mamíferos se
produce por elongaciones sucesivas de LC-PUFA como el ácido
docosatetraenoico (22:4ω6) y DHA en las que la elongasa de ácidos grasos de
cadena muy larga 4 (ELOVL4) tiene un papel determinante. Además, varios
estudios llevados a cabo en mamíferos, han demostrado la presencia de VLC-
PUFA en células fotorreceptoras de la retina [4–6], cerebro [7, 8] y testículos
[9, 10], y se cree que estos compuestos están asociados a procesos vitales
clave. De hecho, se ha demostrado que mutaciones genéticas en el gen
Capítulo 4 Determinación de compuestos endógenos
Capítulo 4 Determinación de compuestos endógenos
Capítulo 4 Determinación de compuestos endógenos
Research Institute for Pesticides and Water (IUPA), Avda. Sos Baynat, s/n,
University Jaume I, 12071 Castellón, Spain
Hyphen MassSpec, Margrietstraat 34, 2215 HJ, Voorhout, the Netherlands
Instituto de Acuicultura Torre de La Sal (IATS-CSIC), Ribera de Cabanes,
S/N, 12595, Cabanes, Castellón, Spain
Associated Unit of Marine Ecotoxicology (IATS-IUPA), Ribera de
Cabanes, S/N, 12595, Cabanes, Castellón, Spain
Institute of Aquaculture, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Stirling,
Stirling, FK9 4LA, Scotland, UK
Graphical abstract
Fatty acids (FAs), besides being a source of energy, are essential compounds
involved in different physiological and metabolic processes, like cell
membrane formation or signal transduction, that ensure the correct cellular
functioning [1]. Among FAs, certain long-chain (C18-24) polyunsaturated fatty
acids (LC-PUFAs) including arachidonic acid (20:4ω6), eicosapentaenoic
acid (20:5ω3) and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6ω3) play pivotal roles in
inflammatory response and function and in development of the central nervous
system [2]. Several studies have demonstrated the influence of LC-PUFAs in
neural development, neurodegenerative diseases, and visual system in
mammals [3,4].
Liquid and gas chromatography (LC and GC) coupled to mass spectrometry
(MS) have been the techniques chosen to carry out both quantitative and
qualitative analysis. On the one hand, LC-MS techniques based on
electrospray ionization (ESI) or atmospheric pressure chemical ionization
(APCI) have been commonly applied for the analysis of lipid species
containing VLC PUFAs [8]. To achieve this, LC in normal and reversed phase
are used but long chromatographic runs are required to achieve good
chromatographic separation between polar species [12,13]. In order to
facilitate the quantitative analysis of total VLC-PUFAs, hydrolysis must be
performed leading to LC-ESI-MS in negative-ion mode the required
technique. However, the drawbacks of low specificity in the negative-ion MS
detection mode and requirement of the post-column addition of a cationizating
agent after acidic chromatographic separation have hindered a simple way of
FA analysis. Thus, derivatization of FA must be finally applied to facilitate
their analysis by LC-ESI-MS in positive-ion mode [14].
On the other hand, while a derivatization step is also required, GC is the most
frequently used technique in this field. To improve the separation
performance, comprehensive two dimensional gas chromatography (GC×GC)
has also been applied to clarify the identity of fatty acid isomers [15].
Although selective GC stationary phases like polyethylene glycols or
cyanopropyl silicones (medium-high polarity) are widely applied for the
analysis of FAMEs (C < 24), for the study of VLC-PUFA 5%-(phenyl)-
methylpolysiloxane columns are more convenient as the applicable upper
temperature limit (350ºC) is higher than the selective ones (260ºC). Under
these conditions, VLC-PUFA (C > 24) can be analyzed avoiding column
degradation. GC-MS with electron ionization (EI) is frequently applied for the
analysis of VLC-PUFAs [16] since it provides complete information about the
fragmentation patterns of FA derivatives. Among others, methyl esters
Since their detection in bovine retinas by Aveldaño et al. in 1987 [27], the
study of VLC-PUFAs has been mainly focused on mammals [9,11,12,28,29].
However, the detection and characterization of these compounds in fish has
been scantily studied despite being the main source of ω3 LC-PUFAs in
human’s diet [30]. Studies in fish have focused on elucidating the molecular
mechanisms underlying the biosynthesis of VLC-PUFAs, particularly the
roles that elongase enzymes such as Elovl4 play in these metabolic pathways
Stock solutions (around 500 g·mL-1 and 1 g·mL-1 for 24:0-ME and 26:0-
ME) were prepared by dissolving solid reference standards in hexane or by
diluting reference standard solutions in hexane and subsequently stored in a
freezer at -20 ºC under a N2 atmosphere. Working solutions were prepared by
diluting stock solutions in hexane.
2.2 Samples
Fish eyes
Twelve eyes from adult specimens of fish species including the European
seabass (2), gilthead seabream (1), Atlantic salmon (1) and Senegalese sole
(8) were dissected and cleaned from other tissues. Next, the crystalline lens
was removed and stored at -20 ºC for further treatment.
Total lipids were extracted according to the method of Folch et al. [34].
Briefly, samples (fish eyes and yeast) were homogenized in CHCl3:MeOH
(2:1, v/v) with BHT (0.01%, w/v). After addition of 0.25 % (v:v) aqueous
solution of KCl (0.88%, w/v), the lower organic phase was filtered (70 m
Whatman filter paper), evaporated to dryness under a stream of nitrogen and
kept in desiccator overnight. The extracts were then weighed to determine the
total amount of lipids, redissolved in CHCl3:MeOH (2:1) (10 mg/mL) and
stored at -20 °C.
2.4 Instrumental
An Agilent 7890 N gas chromatograph (Palo Alto, CA, USA) equipped with
an Agilent 7683 autosampler was coupled to a quadrupole orthogonal
acceleration time-of-flight mass spectrometer, Xevo G2 QTOF (Waters
Corporation, Manchester, UK), operated in APCI mode. A fused silica HP-
5MS capillary column with a length of 30 m × 0.25 mm i.d. and a film
thickness of 0.25 µm with a 1 m × 0.25 mm i.d. deactivated post-column (J&W
Scientific, Folson, CA, USA) was used for GC separation. The oven
temperature was programmed as follows: 60 ºC (1 min); 40 ºC/min to 180ºC;
10 ºC/min to 320 ºC (4 min). Pulsed splitless (30 psi) injections of 1 L were
carried out at 280 ºC with a splitless time of 1 min. Helium 99.999% (Praxair,
Spain) was used as carrier gas at a flow of 2 mL·min-1.
The interface and ionization source temperatures were set to 320 ºC and 150
ºC, respectively. N2 was used as auxiliary gas at 175 L·h-1, as cone gas at 25
L·h-1 and as make-up gas at 300 mL·min-1. The APCI corona discharge pin
was operated at 1.2 A and the cone voltage was set to 20 V.
The QTOF was operated at 2.5 spectra·s-1 acquiring the mass range m/z 50–
650. The TOF MS resolution was approximately 15,000 (FWHM) at m/z 264.
Acquisition was done in MSE mode in which two alternating acquisition
functions with different collision energies were generated: the low-energy
(LE) function, selecting a collision energy of 4 eV to avoid or minimize
fragmentation, and the high-energy (HE) function, with a collision energy
ramp ranging from 25 to 40 eV to obtain a greater range of fragment ions.
Perfluorotributylamine (Sigma Aldrich, Madrid, Spain) was used for the daily
mass calibration. Internal calibration was performed using a background ion
from the GC-column bleed as lock mass (protonated molecule of
hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane, m/z 223.0642).
The ionization behavior was tested using all commercially available FAME
Despite no protic modifier was initially added into the source, the protonated
molecule [M+H]+ was the base peak in the spectrum for all analytes. For
saturated FAMEs, the molecular ion M+• was also formed from 39 to 86%,
showing a higher tendency of protonation when the number of carbon atoms
decreased (see Figure 1a up). In the case of ω3 and ω6 FAMEs, M+• was
generated from 40 to 75% and 23 to 71%, respectively, showing a higher
tendency of protonation when the number of carbon atoms decreased and the
unsaturation degree increased (see Figure 1b-c up)
As a consequence of the soft ionization character of the APCI source, low in-
source fragmentation of FAMEs was observed if compared with their
corresponding EI spectra taken from NIST library. As it has been reported in
other studies, EI spectra of saturated FAMEs are dominated by the ion with
m/z 74 [CH2C(OH)OCH3]+• resulting from a McLafferty rearrangement
(Figure 2a), whereas the ion with m/z 79 [C6H7]+ is usually the base peak in
mass spectra of FAMEs with three or more methylene-interrupted double
bonds (Figure 2c) [17]. Exploring the APCI spectra of saturated FAMEs, no
in-source fragment ions were observed. Thus, [M+H]+ is completely
preserved (Figure 2b). Regarding polyunsaturated ω6 and ω3 FAMEs, all of
them exhibited [M+H-CH3OH]+ in-source fragments with relative abundances
between 4-11% and 2-6%, respectively. In addition, less abundant [M+H-
CH3OH-H2O]+ fragments were also found for all polyunsaturated FAMEs
(Figure 2d).
FAMEs share a common methyl ester group. The oxygen atoms are the only
structural features with lone electron pairs, thus being the most feasible sites
for protonation. Taking into account the proton affinity of the carbonyl and
methyl ether groups, the expected protonation site would be the oxygen atom
of the carbonyl function. However, the degree of unsaturation plays an
important role in ionization/fragmentation behavior, as is described below.
All saturated FAMEs showed [M+H]+ as the base peak of the spectrum at LE
due to the protonation of the carbonyl function. At HE conditions, the spectra
are characterized by the presence of the ion with m/z 103.0759 (C5H11O2+) as
the base peak, with a subsequent neutral loss of HCOOH producing the
fragment ion with m/z 57.0704 (C4H9+). For this class of compounds, although
being unusual, apparently charge-remote fragmentation occurs and series of
The system (GCAPCI-QTOF MS in MSE mode) was used for the eye
extracts analysis. Data were processed using ChromaLynx XS software in
Table 1 summarizes the positive findings of FAMEs detected in the fish eye
samples analyzed from the different species. Detection was initially based on
the presence of [M+H]+ in the LE function. Further investigation of fragment
ions from the HE function together with the application of the ion-ratio
procedure developed allowed their tentative identification. As an example,
Figure 4 illustrates the detection and tentative identification of 32:63-ME in
a gilthead sea bream eyes sample by GCAPCI-QTOF MS. The protonated
molecule of 32:6-ME with m/z 483.4197 (C33H55O2+) was detected in the LE
function with a mass error of 1.0 ppm. As the reference standard was not
available, chemical structures for the most abundant fragment ions were
suggested based on their accurate masses, using the Mass-Fragment software.
All structures proposed for the fragments were compatible with the chemical
structure of 32:6-ME making the identification even more reliable. At this
point, the ion-ratio procedure developed was applied in order to decide
whether it was 3 or 6. The ratio of m/z 121 and m/z 163 was calculated to
Determinación de compuestos endógenos
the compound eluting at 18.6 min. Proposed elemental composition for fragment ions.
Capítulo 4 Determinación de compuestos endógenos
Table 1. List of PUFAs identified in the fish eye samples analyzed from the
different species
The use of an APCI interface in GC–QTOF has been employed for the first
time to study the ionization and fragmentation behavior of FAMEs. The
addition of water in the source as modifier promoted the proton transfer
reaction producing mainly [M+H]+ species. In contrast to EI, low in-source
fragmentation occurred in APCI. This fact together with the preservation of
the protonated molecule measured at accurate mass has given an additional
value to the reliable identification of VLC-PUFAs in real samples. The ratio
between the ions with m/z 121 and m/z 163 has been used for differentiation
of 3 and 6 congeners. In addition, the heterologous expression experiments
have enabled expanding our VLC-PUFA spectral library, and also establishing
retention times for non-commercially available standards, thus improving
characterization, identification and confirmation purposes. Results obtained in
this paper will help to advance into the knowledge of the metabolism of these
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En primer lugar, dada la novedad del uso de la fuente APCI en esta aplicación,
ha sido necesaria la creación de una base de datos experimental y teórica que
contenga información espectral y/o cromatográfica. La base de datos teórica
se basa en listados de VLC-PUFA reportados en la literatura para los cuales
no hay patrones analíticos disponibles. Esta base de datos teórica incluye la
fórmula molecular de cada compuesto y la masa exacta de M+· y [M+H]+. Para
crear la base de datos experimental, se llevó a cabo el estudio de la ionización
y fragmentación de quince ésteres metílicos de ácidos grasos (FAMEs) –
saturados e insaturados ω3 y ω6 - disponibles comercialmente poniendo
especial énfasis en sus diferencias estructurales. La adquisición en modo MSE
permitió obtener en una misma inyección los espectros completos de LE y HE
con elevada exactitud de masa.
Capítulo 4 Determinación de compuestos endógenos
Capítulo 4 Determinación de compuestos endógenos
Capítulo 4 Determinación de compuestos endógenos
Capítulo 4 Determinación de compuestos endógenos
4.4. Referencias
Capítulo 4 Determinación de compuestos endógenos
9. Aveldaño MI, Robinson BS, Johnson DW, Poulos A (1993) Long and
very long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids of the n-6 series in rat
seminiferous tubules. J Biol Chem
10. Furland NE, Maldonado EN, Aveldaño MI (2003) Very Long Chain
Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Murine Testicular Tri-glycerides and
Cholesterol Esters. 1666:
Capítulo 4 Determinación de compuestos endógenos
Capítulo 5 Conclusiones
Capítulo 5 Conclusiones
Chapter 5 Conclusions
The general conclusion of this Doctoral Thesis is that the potential of the
currently available instrumental techniques, together with the reliability of the
analytical methods developed, make analytical chemistry an essential
discipline in environmental sciences, proving to be a very useful tool to
address and solve food safety and environmental problems, among others.
3) The comprehensive strategy for the analysis of pesticides, PAHs and PCBs
in aquaculture samples is a reliable tool for risk assessment during the
aquaculture production cycle.
4) The LC-MS/MS coupling is a powerful, fast and reliable technique for the
determination of pesticides and their metabolites in complex matrices due to
its high sensitivity and selectivity.
Chapter 5 Conclusions
6) The use of the APCI ionization source represents an advance in the research
of VLC-PUFA, increasing the reliability in the process of identification of the
Sugerencias para futuros trabajos
Sugerencias para futuros trabajos
Suggestions for future works
The work performed in this Doctoral Thesis has been developed according to
the instruments available at the Research Institute for Pesticides and Water for
a period of three years. However, the methodology presented could be
enriched, reevaluated or improved thanks, in part, to the availability of new
instrumental systems.
On the other hand, some of the methods require an extension of the study, such
as that presented in the scientific article IV in which, despite having
Suggestions for future works
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