Global Studies USAL

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Global Studies
El Grado en Global Studies se imparte en inglés en su totalidad
y ofrece una formación académica multidisciplinar
que permite a sus estudiantes adquirir los conocimientos necesarios
para entender los grandes desafíos del mundo actual.


impartido en inglés


4 50
cursos alumnos
académicos por curso


Diversidad temática en las asignaturas

Promoción académica internacional
Convenios para prácticas voluntarias
Una carrera profesional internacional

Organizaciones internacionales, instituciones gubernamentales,
centros de investigación, ONGs y empresas multinacionales.

Facultad de Campus Miguel de Unamuno (+34) 923 294 400 | Ext. 1604 / 1605 / 6900
DERECHO Avda. Francisco Tomás y Valiente, s/n. 37007, Salamanca [email protected] DERECHO.USAL.ES


[email protected] | ACCESO: [email protected] |
Distribuido en créditos ECTS por tipo de materia
Tipo de materia Créditos

Formación básica [B] 60

Obligatorias [O] 120

Optativas [Op] 54

Trabajo de Fin de Grado [TFG] 6

CUARTO CURSO | 60 créditos
TOTAL 240 Asignatura Semestre Créditos

Decision Making[O] 7 6
Global Trade Law [O] 7 6
PRIMER CURSO | 60 créditos Optativas [Op] 7 18
Asignatura Semestre Créditos Optativas [Op] 8 24
Global Society [B] 1 6 Trabajo de Fin de Grado [TFG] 8 6
Modern International History I [B] 1 6
International Political Economy [B] 1 6
International Relations [B] 1 6
Optativas a elegir
Political Science [B] 1 6 Cursar 54 ECTS optativos:
Democracy and Democratic Theory [B] 2 6 12 ECTS en el sexto semestre (3º curso)
18ECTS en el séptimo semestre (4º curso)
Methods and Techniques [B] 2 6 24 ECTS en el octavo semestre (4º curso)

Poverty and Inequality [B] 2 6 Asignatura Semestre Créditos

Public International Law [B] 2 6 Minorities and Global Politics: Ethnicity,
Race and Religion [Op]
7 6
Public Opinion [B] 2 6
Global Environmental Challenges [Op] 7 3
Education for International Development [Op] 7 6
Criminal Policy [Op] 7 6
SEGUNDO CURSO | 60 créditos
Global Energy [Op] 7 6
Asignatura Semestre Créditos
Basic Arabic Language [Op] 7 6
Academic Writing and Critical Thinking [O] 3 6 The European Union as a Global Actor [Op] 7 6
Advanced Methods and Techniques [O] 3 6 European and International Human
7 6
Development Policy [O] 3 6 Rights Protection [Op]
Comparative Constitutionalism
International Organizations [O] 3 6 7 3
in Global Perspective [Op]
Legitimacy, Political Institutions and Actors [O] 3 6 Elementary Chinese [Op] 7 6
Modern International History II [O] 4 6 Basic Russian [Op] 7 6
European Union Law [O] 4 6 Intercultural Communication, Negotiation
7 6
Global Justice and Human Rights [O] 4 6 and Conflict [Op]
Big Data and Knowledge Society [Op] 6/8 6
Media and International Politics [O] 4 6
Social and Political Movements Corruption and Politics [Op] 6/8 6
4 6
in a Globalizing World [O] Gender, Politics and Society [Op] 6/8 3
Economics of the Global South [Op] 6/8 3
Terrorism, Insurgency and Political Violence [Op] 6/8 6
TERCER CURSO | 60 créditos Transitional Justice and Democratization [Op] 6/8 6
Asignatura Semestre Créditos Global Development Indicators [Op] 6/8 6
Diplomacy and Foreign Policy [O] 5 6 Science and Technology [Op] 6/8 6
Welfare State Politics [O] 5 6 Global Communication [Op] 6/8 6
Global Migrations, Human Trafficking War, Protracted Conflitcs and International
5 6 6/8 3
and Refugees [O] Disputes in Contemponary World [Op]
International Conflict, Conflict Resolution Environmental and Climate Justice [Op] 6/8 3
5 6
and Peacemaking [O]
International Consumer Protection [Op] 6/8 3
International Security [O] 5 6
EU Climate Policy [Op] 6/8 3
Oral Skills [O] 6 6
The Psychology of Emotions and Identities
Public Health and Medical Innovation [O] 6 6 6/8 3
in Global Politics [Op]
Politics of the Global South [O] 6 6 Bioethics [Op] 6/8 6
Optativas [Op] 6 12 Visualizing Global Politics [Op] 6/8 6

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